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Orthogonal arrays of strength 3 permit estimation of all the main effects of the experimental factors free from confounding or contamination with 2-factor interactions. We introduce methods of using arithmetic formulations and Latin squares to construct mixed orthogonal arrays of strength 3. Although the methods could be well extended to computing larger arrays, we confine computing to at most 100 run orthogonal arrays for practical uses. We find new arrays with run sizes 80 and 96, each has many distinct factor levels.  相似文献   

By using exact integer programming (IP) (integer programming in infinite precision) bounds on the word-length patterns (WLPs) and generalized word-length patterns (GWPs) for fractional factorial designs are improved. In the literature, bounds on WLPs are formulated as linear programming (LP) problems. Although the solutions to such problems must be integral, the optimization is performed without the integrality constraints. Two examples of this approach are bounds on the number of words of length four for resolution IV regular designs, and a lower bound for the GWP of two-level orthogonal arrays. We reformulate these optimization problems as IP problems with additional valid constraints in the literature and improve the bounds in many cases. We compare the improved bound to the enumeration results in the literature to find many cases for which our bounds are achieved. By using the constraints in our integer programs we prove that f(16λ,2,4)?9f(16λ,2,4)?9 if λλ is odd where f(2tλ,2,t)f(2tλ,2,t) is the maximum n   for which an OA(N,n,2,t)OA(N,n,2,t) exists. We also present a theorem for constructing GMA OA(N,N/2-u,2,3)OA(N,N/2-u,2,3) for u=1,…,5u=1,,5.  相似文献   

Two series of three symbol balanced arrays of strength two are constructed. Using special classes of BIB designs, two classes of two symbol orthogonal arrays of strength three are constructed.  相似文献   

Recently, many researchers have devoted themselves to the investigation on the number of replicates needed for experiments in blocks of size two. In practice, experiments in blocks of size four might be more useful than those in blocks of size two. To estimate the main effects and two-factor interactions from a two-level factorial experiment in blocks, we might need many replicates. This article investigates designs with the least number of replicates for factorial experiments in blocks of size four. The methods to obtain such designs are presented.  相似文献   

Use of the (M,S) criterion to select and classify factorial designs is proposed and studied. The criterion is easy to deal with computationally and it is independent of the choice of treatment contrasts. It can be applied to two-level designs as well as multi-level symmetrical and asymmetrical designs. An important connection between the (M,S) and minimum aberration criteria is derived for regular fractional factorial designs. Relations between the (M,S) criterion and generalized minimum aberration criteria on nonregular designs are also discussed. The (M,S) criterion is then applied to study the projective properties of some nonregular designs.  相似文献   

The construction given in Kreher, J Combin Des 4 (1996) 67 is extended to obtain new infinite families of orthogonal arrays of strength 3. Regular 3-wise balanced designs play a central role in this construction.  相似文献   

Response surface methodology is widely used for developing, improving, and optimizing processes in various fields. In this article, we present a method for constructing three-level designs in order to explore and optimize response surfaces combining orthogonal arrays and covering arrays in a particular manner. The produced designs achieve the properties of rotatability, predictive performance and efficiency for the estimation of a second-order model.  相似文献   

When orthogonal arrays are used in practical applications, it is often difficult to perform all the designed runs of the experiment under homogeneous conditions. The arrangement of factorial runs into blocks is usually an action taken to overcome such obstacles. However, an arbitrary configuration might lead to spurious analysis results. In this work, the nice properties of two-level orthogonal arrays are taken into consideration and an effective method for arranging experimental runs into two and four blocks of the same size is proposed. This method is based on the so-called J-characteristics of the corresponding array. General theoretical results are given for studying up to four experimental factors in two blocks, as well as for studying up to three experimental factors in four blocks. Finally, we provide best blocking arrangements when the number of the factors of interest is larger, by exploiting the known lists of non-isomorphic orthogonal arrays with two levels and various run sizes.  相似文献   

A new method of construction of orthogonal resolution IV designs for symmetrical and asymmetrical factorials has been presented. Many new series of orthogonal factorial designs of resolution IV can be obtained by the above general method.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new lower bound to A2-optimality measure is derived and is applied to multi-level and mixed-level column balanced designs. A2-optimal multi-level and mixed-level designs are obtained by the application of the new lower bound.  相似文献   

We give new constructions for DCEs in which all attributes have the same number of levels. These constructions use several combinatorial structures, such as orthogonal arrays, balanced incomplete block designs and Hadamard matrices. If we assume that only the main effects of the attributes are to be used to explain the results and that all attribute level combinations are equally attractive, we show that the constructed DCEs are D-optimal.  相似文献   

Standard central composite designs for fitting second-order models usually have a large number of design points, especially when the number of factors under consideration is large. In this paper we propose small, balanced and near rotatable central composite designs reducing the design's size and maintaining the ability to estimate all the model parameters. We list the best designs we identified to accommodate 4?k?94?k?9 experimental factors. A detailed comparison between our findings and already known second-order designs has also been made.  相似文献   

Locating the optimal operating conditions of the process parameters is critical in a lifetime improvement experiment. For log-normal lifetime distribution with compound error structure (i.e., symmetry, inter-class and intra-class correlation error structures), we have developed methods for construction of D-optimal robust first order designs. It is shown that D-optimal robust first order designs are always robust first order rotatable but the converse is not always true.  相似文献   

For a wide variety of applications, experiments are based on units ordered over time or space. Models for these experiments generally may include one or more of: correlations, systematic trends, carryover effects and interference effects. Since the standard optimal block designs may not be efficient in these situations, orthogonal arrays of type I and type II, which were introduced in 1961 by C.R. Rao [Combinatorial arrangements analogous to orthogonal arrays, Sankhya A 23 (1961) 283–286], have been recently used to construct optimal and efficient designs for many of these experiments. Results in this area are unified and the salient features are outlined.  相似文献   

In this paper D- and V-optimal population designs for the quadratic regression model with a random intercept term and with values of the explanatory variable taken from a set of equally spaced, non-repeated time points are considered. D-optimal population designs based on single-point individual designs were readily found but the derivation of explicit expressions for designs based on two-point individual designs was not straightforward and was complicated by the fact that the designs now depend on ratio of the variance components. Further algebraic results pertaining to d-point D-optimal population designs where d≥3 and to V-optimal population designs proved elusive. The requisite designs can be calculated by careful programming and this is illustrated by means of a simple example.  相似文献   

Optimal designs are required to make efficient statistical experiments. By using canonical moments, in 1980, Studden found Ds-optimal designs for polynomial regression models. On the other hand, integrable systems are dynamical systems whose solutions can be written down concretely. In this paper, polynomial regression models through a fixed point are discussed. In order to calculate D-optimal designs for these models, a useful relationship between canonical moments and discrete integrable systems is introduced. By using canonical moments and discrete integrable systems, a new algorithm for calculating D-optimal designs for these models is proposed.  相似文献   

Consider the D-optimal designs for a combined polynomial and trigonometric regression on a partial circle. It is shown that the optimal design is equally supported and the structure of the optimal design depends only on the length of the design interval and the support points are analytic functions of this parameter. Moreover, the Taylor expansion of the optimal support points can be determined efficiently by a recursive procedure. Examples are presented to illustrate the procedures for computing the optimal designs.  相似文献   

Das and Park (2006) introduced slope-rotatable designs overall directions for correlated observations which is known as A-optimal robust slope-rotatable designs. This article focuses D-optimal slope-rotatable designs for second-order response surface model with correlated observations. It has been established that robust second-order rotatable designs are also D-optimal robust slope-rotatable designs. A class of D-optimal robust second-order slope-rotatable designs has been derived for special correlation structures of errors.  相似文献   

Most growth curves can only be used to model the tumor growth under no intervention. To model the growth curves for treated tumor, both the growth delay due to the treatment and the regrowth of the tumor after the treatment need to be taken into account. In this paper, we consider two tumor regrowth models and determine the locally D- and c-optimal designs for these models. We then show that the locally D- and c-optimal designs are minimally supported. We also consider two equally spaced designs as alternative designs and evaluate their efficiencies.  相似文献   

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