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Based on a compound Poisson distribution, new bivariate regression models are introduced and studied. The parameters of the bivariate regression models are estimated by using the maximum likelihood method. Two applications on real datasets are presented to illustrate the models. The results show that these models are compatible to other bivariate Poisson models.  相似文献   

Homogeneity of dispersion parameters and zero-inflation parameters is a standard assumption in zero-inflated generalized Poisson regression (ZIGPR) models. However, this assumption may be not appropriate in some situations. This work develops a score test for varying dispersion and/or zero-inflation parameter in the ZIGPR models, and corresponding test statistics are obtained. Two numerical examples are given to illustrate our methodology, and the properties of score test statistics are investigated through Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Longitudinal count data with excessive zeros frequently occur in social, biological, medical, and health research. To model such data, zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) models are commonly used, after separating zero and positive responses. As longitudinal count responses are likely to be serially correlated, such separation may destroy the underlying serial correlation structure. To overcome this problem recently observation- and parameter-driven modelling approaches have been proposed. In the observation-driven model, the response at a specific time point is modelled through the responses at previous time points after incorporating serial correlation. One limitation of the observation-driven model is that it fails to accommodate the presence of any possible over-dispersion, which frequently occurs in the count responses. This limitation is overcome in a parameter-driven model, where the serial correlation is captured through the latent process using random effects. We compare the results obtained by the two models. A quasi-likelihood approach has been developed to estimate the model parameters. The methodology is illustrated with analysis of two real life datasets. To examine model performance the models are also compared through a simulation study.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop diagnostic methods for generalized Poisson regression (GPR) models with errors in variables based on the corrected likelihood. The one-step approximations of the estimates in the case-deletion model are given and case-deletion and local influence measures are presented. Meanwhile, based on a corrected score function, the testing statistics for the significance of dispersion parameters in GPR models with measurement errors are investigated. Finally, illustration of our methodology is given through numerical examples.  相似文献   

In many financial applications, Poisson mixture regression models are commonly used to analyze heterogeneous count data. When fitting these models, the observed counts are supposed to come from two or more subpopulations and parameter estimation is typically performed by means of maximum likelihood via the Expectation–Maximization algorithm. In this study, we discuss briefly the procedure for fitting Poisson mixture regression models by means of maximum likelihood, the model selection and goodness-of-fit tests. These models are applied to a real data set for credit-scoring purposes. We aim to reveal the impact of demographic and financial variables in creating different groups of clients and to predict the group to which each client belongs, as well as his expected number of defaulted payments. The model's conclusions are very interesting, revealing that the population consists of three groups, contrasting with the traditional good versus bad categorization approach of the credit-scoring systems.  相似文献   

A supra-Bayesian (SB) wants to combine the information from a group of k experts to produce her distribution of a probability θ. Each expert gives his counts of what he thinks are the numbers of successes and failures in a sequence of independent trials, each with probability θ of success. These counts, used as a surrogate for each expert's own individual probability assessment (together with his associated level of confidence in his estimate), allow the SB to build various plausible conjugate models. Such models reflect her beliefs about the reliability of different experts and take account of different possible patterns of overlap of information between them. Corresponding combination rules are then obtained and compared with other more established rules and their properties examined.  相似文献   

The directional dependence between variables using asymmetric copula regression has drawn much attention in recent years. There are, however, some critical issues which have not been properly addressed in regards to the statistical inference of the directional dependence. For example, the previous use of asymmetric copulas failed to fully capture the dependence patterns between variables, and the method used for the parameter estimation was not optimal. In addition, no method was considered for selecting a suitable asymmetric copula or for computing the general measurements of the directional dependence when there are no closed-form expressions. In this paper, we propose a generalized multiple-step procedure for the full inference of the directional dependence in joint behaviour based on the asymmetric copula regression. The proposed procedure utilizes several novel methodologies that have not been considered in the literature of the analysis of directional dependence. The performance and advantages of the proposed procedure are illustrated using two real data examples, one from biological research on histone genes, and the other from developmental research on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.  相似文献   

Markov random field models incorporate terms representing local statistical dependence among variables in a discrete-index random field. Traditional parameterizations for models based on one-parameter exponential family conditional distributions contain components that would appear to reflect large-scale and small-scale model behaviors, and it is natural to attempt to match these structures with large-scale and small-scale patterns in a set of data. Traditional manners of parameterizing Markov random field models do not allow such correspondence, however. We propose an alternative centered parameterization that, while not leading to different models, allows a correspondence between model structures and data structures to be successfully accomplished. The ability to make these connections is important when incorporating covariate information into a model or if a sequence of models is fit over time to investigate and interpret possible changes in data structure. We demonstrate the improved interpretation that results from use of centered parameterizations. Centered parameterizations also lend themselves to computation of an interpretable decomposition of mean squared error, and this is demonstrated both analytically and through a simulated example. A breakdown in model behavior occurs even with centered parameterizations if dependence parameters in Markov random field models are allowed to become too large. This phenomenon is discussed and illustrated using an auto-logistic model.  相似文献   

Received: July 21, 2000; revised version: April 24, 2001  相似文献   

Negative binomial regression (NBR) and Poisson regression (PR) applications have become very popular in the analysis of count data in recent years. However, if there is a high degree of relationship between the independent variables, the problem of multicollinearity arises in these models. We introduce new two-parameter estimators (TPEs) for the NBR and the PR models by unifying the two-parameter estimator (TPE) of Özkale and Kaç?ranlar [The restricted and unrestricted two-parameter estimators. Commun Stat Theory Methods. 2007;36:2707–2725]. These new estimators are general estimators which include maximum likelihood (ML) estimator, ridge estimator (RE), Liu estimator (LE) and contraction estimator (CE) as special cases. Furthermore, biasing parameters of these estimators are given and a Monte Carlo simulation is done to evaluate the performance of these estimators using mean square error (MSE) criterion. The benefits of the new TPEs are also illustrated in an empirical application. The results show that the new proposed TPEs for the NBR and the PR models are better than the ML estimator, the RE and the LE.  相似文献   

A Poisson regression model with an offset assumes a constant baseline rate after accounting for measured covariates, which may lead to biased estimates of coefficients in an inhomogeneous Poisson process. To correctly estimate the effect of time-dependent covariates, we propose a Poisson change-point regression model with an offset that allows a time-varying baseline rate. When the non-constant pattern of a log baseline rate is modeled with a non-parametric step function, the resulting semi-parametric model involves a model component of varying dimensions and thus requires a sophisticated varying-dimensional inference to obtain the correct estimates of model parameters of a fixed dimension. To fit the proposed varying-dimensional model, we devise a state-of-the-art Markov chain Monte Carlo-type algorithm based on partial collapse. The proposed model and methods are used to investigate the association between the daily homicide rates in Cali, Colombia, and the policies that restrict the hours during which the legal sale of alcoholic beverages is permitted. While simultaneously identifying the latent changes in the baseline homicide rate which correspond to the incidence of sociopolitical events, we explore the effect of policies governing the sale of alcohol on homicide rates and seek a policy that balances the economic and cultural dependencies on alcohol sales to the health of the public.  相似文献   

Frailty models can be fit as mixed-effects Poisson models after transforming time-to-event data to the Poisson model framework. We assess, through simulations, the robustness of Poisson likelihood estimation for Cox proportional hazards models with log-normal frailties under misspecified frailty distribution. The log-gamma and Laplace distributions were used as true distributions for frailties on a natural log scale. Factors such as the magnitude of heterogeneity, censoring rate, number and sizes of groups were explored. In the simulations, the Poisson modeling approach that assumes log-normally distributed frailties provided accurate estimates of within- and between-group fixed effects even under a misspecified frailty distribution. Non-robust estimation of variance components was observed in the situations of substantial heterogeneity, large event rates, or high data dimensions.  相似文献   

This study treats an asymptotic distribution for measures of predictive power for generalized linear models (GLMs). We focus on the regression correlation coefficient (RCC) that is one of the measures of predictive power. The RCC, proposed by Zheng and Agresti is a population value and a generalization of the population value for the coefficient of determination. Therefore, the RCC is easy to interpret and familiar. Recently, Takahashi and Kurosawa provided an explicit form of the RCC and proposed a new RCC estimator for a Poisson regression model. They also showed the validity of the new estimator compared with other estimators. This study discusses the new statistical properties of the RCC for the Poisson regression model. Furthermore, we show an asymptotic normality of the RCC estimator.  相似文献   

In this paper we extend the Poisson regression model to deal with the situation in which the event count is observed le in “grouped” form, By this we mean that for some observations, all that is known about the count is that it falls within a certain range of integers, and the actual value is unknown, A typical likelihood contribution for this extended model is the sum of a set of consecutive Poisson probabilities, The log-likelihood function is derived for a general grouping rule, using a logarithmic link for the Poisson mean, This log-likelihood function is shown to be globally concave. The model is applied to grouped count data on the frequency of trips to pubs made over a one-week period by a sample of Norfolk young persons.  相似文献   

Count data consists of discrete non-negative integer values. Poisson regression model is one of the most popular model used to model count data. This model assumes that response variable has Poisson distribution. The purpose of this article is to assess distributional assumption of this model by using some goodness of fit tests. These tests are compared in respect to type I error and power rates of tests with different samples, parameters and sample sizes. Simulation study suggests that the most powerful tests are generally Dean–Lawless and Cameron–Trivedi score tests.  相似文献   


We study the asymptotic properties of the least-squares estimator for the trend function of a particular class of locally stationary models, which are defined by considering a smooth variation of the trend function. Additionally, errors are assumed to be realizations from a long-range dependent stationary Gaussian process. Our findings are then illustrated through Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Frailty models are often used to model heterogeneity in survival analysis. The distribution of the frailty is generally assumed to be continuous. In some circumstances, it is appropriate to consider discrete frailty distributions. Having zero frailty can be interpreted as being immune, and population heterogeneity may be analysed using discrete frailty models. In this paper, survival functions are derived for the frailty models based on the discrete compound Poisson process. Maximum likelihood estimation procedures for the parameters are studied. We examine the fit of the models to earthquake and the traffic accidents’ data sets from Turkey.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose two novel diagnostic measures for the deletion of influential observations for regression parameters in the setting of generalized linear models. The proposed diagnostic methods are capable for detecting the influential observations under model misspecification, as long as the true underlying distributions have finite second moments.More specifically, it is demonstrated that the Poisson likelihood function can be properly adjusted to become asymptotically valid for practically all underlying discrete distributions. The adjusted Poisson regression model that achieves the robustness property is presented. Simulation studies and an illustration are performed to demonstrate the efficacy of the two novel diagnostic procedures.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of convex hull constraint in conventional empirical likelihood. Specifically, in the framework of regression, a balanced augmented empirical likelihood (BAEL) procedure through adding two synthetic data points is proposed. It can be used to resolve the under-coverage issue, especially in small-sample or high-dimension setting. Furthermore, some asymptotic properties for proposed BAEL ratio statistic are established under mild conditions. The proposed approach performs robust to different random errors by choosing a robust loss function. Extensive simulation studies and a real example are carried out to support our results.  相似文献   

Estimating the parameters of multivariate mixed Poisson models is an important problem in image processing applications, especially for active imaging or astronomy. The classical maximum likelihood approach cannot be used for these models since the corresponding masses cannot be expressed in a simple closed form. This paper studies a maximum pairwise likelihood approach to estimate the parameters of multivariate mixed Poisson models when the mixing distribution is a multivariate Gamma distribution. The consistency and asymptotic normality of this estimator are derived. Simulations conducted on synthetic data illustrate these results and show that the proposed estimator outperforms classical estimators based on the method of moments. An application to change detection in low-flux images is also investigated.  相似文献   

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