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A-optimal and mv optimal repeated measurments designs for comparing serveral test treatments with a control are considered. the models considered are basically of two types: without preperides and the cirular model. It is shown known that some known strongly balanced uniform repeated measurements designs can be modified to obtain optimal designs for this problem. Some other methods of finding optimal designs are also given.  相似文献   

The concept of a circular design is defined and when proper balance for various effects is assumed, its universal optimality is proved over the class of all designs with the same set of parameters, Such designs are shown to minimize the variance of the best linear unbiased estimators of contrasts of residual and direct effects over the class of equireplicated designs. All models assume first order residual effects and are of a circular nature. The proofs are presented in a unified manner for several models at a time. They are based on certain matrix domination which occurs when parameters are eliminated from a linear modelj this latter fact is proved for a general linear model.  相似文献   

Summary This paper is concerned with the designs in which each experimental unit is assigned more than once to a treatment, either different or identical. An easy method of constructing balanced minimal repeated measurements designs with unequal period sizes is presented whenever the number of periods is less than the number of treatments. Strongly balanced minimal repeated measurements designs with unequal period sizes are also constructed whenever the number of periods is less than the number of treatments.  相似文献   

Competition or interference occurs when the responses to treatments in experimental units are affected by the treatments in neighbouring units. This may contribute to variability in experimental results and lead to substantial losses in efficiency. The study of a competing situation needs designs in which the competing units appear in a predetermined pattern. This paper deals with optimality aspects of circular block designs for studying the competition among treatments applied to neighbouring experimental units. The model considered is a four-way classified model consisting of direct effect of the treatment applied to a particular plot, the effect of those treatments applied to the immediate left and right neighbouring units and the block effect. Conditions have been obtained for the block design to be universally optimal for estimating direct and neighbour effects. Some classes of balanced and strongly balanced complete block designs have been identified to be universally optimal for the estimation of direct, left and right neighbour effects and a list of universally optimal designs for v<20 and r<100 has been prepared.  相似文献   

In this paper a new discrepancy measure of uniformity for uniform designs (UDs) in a unit cube is presented. Alternative measures of uniformity based on distance criteria which can be applied to higher dimensions are also discussed. The good lattice point (glp) method was used to construct the uniform designs. Two approaches (generator equivalence and projection) of reducing the computational cost of the glp method are proposed and discussed. Two examples are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Repeated measurements designs (RMD) are widely used in medicine, pharmacology, animal sciences, and psychology. If there is a restriction on the total number of treatments, some experimental units can receive on the total length of time while some experimental units can remain in the trial, then RMD in periods of unequal sizes should be used. In this article, some infinite series are developed to generate the minimal circular strongly balanced RMD in periods of three different sizes p1, p2, and p3, where 2 ≤ p3 < p2 ≤ 10.  相似文献   


This paper describes some methods of constructing circular neighbor balanced and circular partially neighbor balanced block designs for estimation of direct and neighbor effects of the treatments. A class of circular neighbor balanced block designs with unequal block sizes is also proposed.  相似文献   


Repeated Measurements Designs have been widely used in agriculture, animal husbandry, education, biology, botany and engineering. Balanced or strongly balanced repeated measurements designs are useful to balance out the residual effects. In this article, some new generators and construction procedures are proposed to obtain circular strongly balanced repeated measurements designs in periods of (a) equal sizes, (b) two different sizes, and (c) three different sizes.  相似文献   


Mixture experiments have attracted increasingly attention due to their great practical value in production and living, while uniform designs over irregular experimental regions have become a hot topic in the area of experimental designs in the past two decades. Noting that the experimental region of a mixture experiment with q components under some constraints is in fact a (q ? 1)-dimensional geometry, this article proposes a new method for searching nearly uniform designs for mixture experiments with any complex constraints. Two examples with some tables and figures are given to illustrate this method.  相似文献   

The augmentation of an existing multidimensional design is discussed from the point of view of estimability of certain two-factor interactions which are nonestimable from the original design. A general procedure is proposed which achieves this with a minimal number of additional assemblies and which is optimal in a certain sense. The individual steps in this procedure are described in detail and illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

In this article, the optimal design problem in a fixed effects interference model with left-neighbor effects is studied. It is known (Druilhet, 1999 Druilhet , P. ( 1999 ). Optimality of circular neighbor balanced designs . J. Statist. Plann. Infer. 81 : 141152 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) that circular neighbor balanced designs (CNBDs) are universally optimal in such a model. We prove the universal optimality of circular weakly neighbor balanced designs (CWNBDs), which require a smaller number of blocks than CNBDs. CWNBDs with the number of blocks smaller than the number of treatments belong to the class of partially neighbor balanced designs (PNBDs) defined by Wilkinson et al. (1983 Wilkinson , G. N. , Eckert , R. , Hancock , T. W. , Mayo , O. ( 1983 ). Nearest neighbour (NN) analysis of field experiments . J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 45 : 151210 . [Google Scholar]). We give a construction method for some CWNBDs, with examples.  相似文献   

For a wide variety of applications, experiments are based on units ordered over time or space. Models for these experiments generally may include one or more of: correlations, systematic trends, carryover effects and interference effects. Since the standard optimal block designs may not be efficient in these situations, orthogonal arrays of type I and type II, which were introduced in 1961 by C.R. Rao [Combinatorial arrangements analogous to orthogonal arrays, Sankhya A 23 (1961) 283–286], have been recently used to construct optimal and efficient designs for many of these experiments. Results in this area are unified and the salient features are outlined.  相似文献   

The authors propose nonparametric tests for the hypothesis of no direct treatment effects, as well as for the hypothesis of no carryover effects, for balanced crossover designs in which the number of treatments equals the number of periods p, where p ≥ 3. They suppose that the design consists of n replications of balanced crossover designs, each formed by m Latin squares of order p. Their tests are permutation tests which are based on the n vectors of least squares estimators of the parameters of interest obtained from the n replications of the experiment. They obtain both the exact and limiting distribution of the test statistics, and they show that the tests have, asymptotically, the same power as the F‐ratio test.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider proper block designs and derive an upper bound for the number of blocks which can have a fixed number of symbols common with a given block of the design. To arrive at the desired bound, a generalization of an integer programming theorem due to Bush (1976) is first obtained. The integer programming theorem is then used to derive the main result of this paper. The bound given here is then compared with a similar bound obtained by Kageyama and Tsuji (1977).  相似文献   

This note presents an extension of Q-method of analysis for binary designs given by Rao (1956) to n-ary balanced and partially balanced block designs. Here a linked n-ary block (LNB) design is defined as the dual of balanced n-ary (BN) design. Having a note on Yates’ (1939, 1940) method of P-analysis, we further extend the expressions for binary linked block (LB) designs given by Rao (1956) to linked n-ary block (LNB) designs which admit easy estimation of parameters for these type of all n-ary designs.  相似文献   

Judges rank k out of t objects according to m replic ations of abasic balanced incomplete block design with bblocks. In Alvo and Cabilio(1991),it is shown that the Durbin test, which is the usual test in this situation, can be written in terms of Spearman correlations between the blocks, and using a Kendall correlation, they generated a new statistic for this situation.This Kendall tau based statistic has a richer support than the Durbin statistic, and is at least as efficient.In the present paper,exact and simulation based tables are generated for both statistics, and various approximations to these null distributions are considered and compared.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with E(fNOD)-optimal multi-level supersaturated designs. We present a new technique for the construction of supplementary difference sets. Based on the new supplementary difference sets, we also provide E(fNOD)-optimal multi-level supersaturated designs with a large number of columns when compared with other designs. Moreover, these designs retain the equal occurrence property.  相似文献   

Results in five areas of survey sampling dealing with the choice of the sampling design are reviewed. In Section 2, the results and discussions surrounding the purposive selection methods suggested by linear regression superpopulation models are reviewed. In Section 3, similar models to those in the previous section are considered; however, random sampling designs are considered and attention is focused on the optimal choice of πj. Then in Section 4, systematic sampling methods obtained under autocorrelated superpopulation models are reviewed. The next section examines minimax sampling designs. The work in the final section is based solely on the randomization. In Section 6 methods of sample selection which yield inclusion probabilities πj = n/N and πij = n(n - 1)/N(N - 1), but for which there are fewer than NCn possible samples, are mentioned briefly.  相似文献   

The minimum aberration criterion has been advocated for ranking foldovers of 2k−p2kp fractional factorial designs (Li and Lin, 2003); however, a minimum aberration design may not maximize the number of clear low-order effects. We propose using foldover plans that sequentially maximize the number of clear low-order effects in the combined (initial plus foldover) design and investigate the extent to which these foldover plans differ from those that are optimal under the minimum aberration criterion. A small catalog is provided to summarize the results.  相似文献   

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