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Linear mixed models were developed to handle clustered data and have been a topic of increasing interest in statistics for the past 50 years. Generally, the normality (or symmetry) of the random effects is a common assumption in linear mixed models but it may, sometimes, be unrealistic, obscuring important features of among-subjects variation. In this article, we utilize skew-normal/independent distributions as a tool for robust modeling of linear mixed models under a Bayesian paradigm. The skew-normal/independent distributions is an attractive class of asymmetric heavy-tailed distributions that includes the skew-normal distribution, skew-t, skew-slash and the skew-contaminated normal distributions as special cases, providing an appealing robust alternative to the routine use of symmetric distributions in this type of models. The methods developed are illustrated using a real data set from Framingham cholesterol study.  相似文献   

Cluster analysis is the automated search for groups of homogeneous observations in a data set. A popular modeling approach for clustering is based on finite normal mixture models, which assume that each cluster is modeled as a multivariate normal distribution. However, the normality assumption that each component is symmetric is often unrealistic. Furthermore, normal mixture models are not robust against outliers; they often require extra components for modeling outliers and/or give a poor representation of the data. To address these issues, we propose a new class of distributions, multivariate t distributions with the Box-Cox transformation, for mixture modeling. This class of distributions generalizes the normal distribution with the more heavy-tailed t distribution, and introduces skewness via the Box-Cox transformation. As a result, this provides a unified framework to simultaneously handle outlier identification and data transformation, two interrelated issues. We describe an Expectation-Maximization algorithm for parameter estimation along with transformation selection. We demonstrate the proposed methodology with three real data sets and simulation studies. Compared with a wealth of approaches including the skew-t mixture model, the proposed t mixture model with the Box-Cox transformation performs favorably in terms of accuracy in the assignment of observations, robustness against model misspecification, and selection of the number of components.  相似文献   

In this article we introduce a new generalization of skew-t distributions, which contains the standard skew-t distribution, as a special case. This new class of distributions is an adequate model for modeling some dataset rather than the standard skew-t distributions. This kind of distributions can be represented as a scale-shape mixture of the extended skew-normal distributions. The main properties of this family of distributions are studied and a recurrence relation for the cumulative distribution functions (cdf) of them is presented. We derive the distribution of the order statistics from the trivariate exchangeable t-distribution in terms of our distribution and then an exact expression for the cdf of order statistics is derived. Likelihood inference for this distribution is also examined. The method is illustrated with a numerical example via a simulation study.  相似文献   

This paper presents a robust probabilistic mixture model based on the multivariate skew-t-normal distribution, a skew extension of the multivariate Student’s t distribution with more powerful abilities in modelling data whose distribution seriously deviates from normality. The proposed model includes mixtures of normal, t and skew-normal distributions as special cases and provides a flexible alternative to recently proposed skew t mixtures. We develop two analytically tractable EM-type algorithms for computing maximum likelihood estimates of model parameters in which the skewness parameters and degrees of freedom are asymptotically uncorrelated. Standard errors for the parameter estimates can be obtained via a general information-based method. We also present a procedure of merging mixture components to automatically identify the number of clusters by fitting piecewise linear regression to the rescaled entropy plot. The effectiveness and performance of the proposed methodology are illustrated by two real-life examples.  相似文献   

The skew-normal and the skew-t distributions are parametric families which are currently under intense investigation since they provide a more flexible formulation compared to the classical normal and t distributions by introducing a parameter which regulates their skewness. While these families enjoy attractive formal properties from the probability viewpoint, a practical problem with their usage in applications is the possibility that the maximum likelihood estimate of the parameter which regulates skewness diverges. This situation has vanishing probability for increasing sample size, but for finite samples it occurs with non-negligible probability, and its occurrence has unpleasant effects on the inferential process. Methods for overcoming this problem have been put forward both in the classical and in the Bayesian formulation, but their applicability is restricted to simple situations. We formulate a proposal based on the idea of penalized likelihood, which has connections with some of the existing methods, but it applies more generally, including the multivariate case.  相似文献   

Skew normal distribution is an alternative distribution to the normal distribution to accommodate asymmetry. Since then extensive studies have been done on applying Azzalini’s skewness mechanism to other well-known distributions, such as skew-t distribution, which is more flexible and can better accommodate long tailed data than the skew normal one. The Kumaraswamy generalized distribution (Kw ? F) is another new class of distribution which is capable of fitting skewed data that can not be fitted well by existing distributions. Such a distribution has been widely studied and various versions of generalization of this distribution family have been introduced. In this article, we introduce a new generalization of the skew-t distribution based on the Kumaraswamy generalized distribution. The new class of distribution, which we call the Kumaraswamy skew-t (KwST) has the ability of fitting skewed, long, and heavy-tailed data and is more flexible than the skew-t distribution as it contains the skew-t distribution as a special case. Related properties of this distribution family such as mathematical properties, moments, and order statistics are discussed. The proposed distribution is applied to a real dataset to illustrate the estimation procedure.  相似文献   

As is the case of many studies, the data collected are limited and an exact value is recorded only if it falls within an interval range. Hence, the responses can be either left, interval or right censored. Linear (and nonlinear) regression models are routinely used to analyze these types of data and are based on normality assumptions for the errors terms. However, those analyzes might not provide robust inference when the normality assumptions are questionable. In this article, we develop a Bayesian framework for censored linear regression models by replacing the Gaussian assumptions for the random errors with scale mixtures of normal (SMN) distributions. The SMN is an attractive class of symmetric heavy-tailed densities that includes the normal, Student-t, Pearson type VII, slash and the contaminated normal distributions, as special cases. Using a Bayesian paradigm, an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is introduced to carry out posterior inference. A new hierarchical prior distribution is suggested for the degrees of freedom parameter in the Student-t distribution. The likelihood function is utilized to compute not only some Bayesian model selection measures but also to develop Bayesian case-deletion influence diagnostics based on the q-divergence measure. The proposed Bayesian methods are implemented in the R package BayesCR. The newly developed procedures are illustrated with applications using real and simulated data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study inference in a heteroscedastic measurement error model with known error variances. Instead of the normal distribution for the random components, we develop a model that assumes a skew-t distribution for the true covariate and a centred Student's t distribution for the error terms. The proposed model enables to accommodate skewness and heavy-tailedness in the data, while the degrees of freedom of the distributions can be different. Maximum likelihood estimates are computed via an EM-type algorithm. The behaviour of the estimators is also assessed in a simulation study. Finally, the approach is illustrated with a real data set from a methods comparison study in Analytical Chemistry.  相似文献   

On some study of skew-t distributions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In this note, through ratio of independent random variables, new families of univariate and bivariate skew-t distributions are introduced. Probability density function for each skew-t distribution will be given. We also derive explicit forms of moments of the univariate skew-t distribution and recurrence relations for its cumulative distribution function. Finally we illustrate the flexibility of this class of distributions with applications to a simulated data and the volcanos heights data.  相似文献   

The skew t-distribution includes both the skew normal and the normal distributions as special cases. Inference for the skew t-model becomes problematic in these cases because the expected information matrix is singular and the parameter corresponding to the degrees of freedom takes a value at the boundary of its parameter space. In particular, the distributions of the likelihood ratio statistics for testing the null hypotheses of skew normality and normality are not asymptotically \(\chi ^2\). The asymptotic distributions of the likelihood ratio statistics are considered by applying the results of Self and Liang (J Am Stat Assoc 82:605–610, 1987) for boundary-parameter inference in terms of reparameterizations designed to remove the singularity of the information matrix. The Self–Liang asymptotic distributions are mixtures, and it is shown that their accuracy can be improved substantially by correcting the mixing probabilities. Furthermore, although the asymptotic distributions are non-standard, versions of Bartlett correction are developed that afford additional accuracy. Bootstrap procedures for estimating the mixing probabilities and the Bartlett adjustment factors are shown to produce excellent approximations, even for small sample sizes.  相似文献   

We consider a general class of asymmetric univariate distributions depending on a real-valued parameter α, which includes the entire family of univariate symmetric distributions as a special case. We discuss the connections between our proposal and other families of skew distributions that have been studied in the statistical literature. A key element in the construction of such families of distributions is that they can be stochastically represented as the product of two independent random variables. From this representation we can readily derive theoretical properties, easy-to-implement simulation schemes as well as extensions to the multivariate case. We also study statistical inference for this class based on the method of moments and maximum likelihood. We give special attention to the skew-power exponential distribution, but other cases like the skew-t distribution are also considered. Finally, the statistical methods are illustrated with 3 examples based on real datasets.  相似文献   

We consider here a generalization of the skew-normal distribution, GSN(λ1,λ2,ρ), defined through a standard bivariate normal distribution with correlation ρ, which is a special case of the unified multivariate skew-normal distribution studied recently by Arellano-Valle and Azzalini [2006. On the unification of families of skew-normal distributions. Scand. J. Statist. 33, 561–574]. We then present some simple and useful properties of this distribution and also derive its moment generating function in an explicit form. Next, we show that distributions of order statistics from the trivariate normal distribution are mixtures of these generalized skew-normal distributions; thence, using the established properties of the generalized skew-normal distribution, we derive the moment generating functions of order statistics, and also present expressions for means and variances of these order statistics.Next, we introduce a generalized skew-tν distribution, which is a special case of the unified multivariate skew-elliptical distribution presented by Arellano-Valle and Azzalini [2006. On the unification of families of skew-normal distributions. Scand. J. Statist. 33, 561–574] and is in fact a three-parameter generalization of Azzalini and Capitanio's [2003. Distributions generated by perturbation of symmetry with emphasis on a multivariate skew t distribution. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 65, 367–389] univariate skew-tν form. We then use the relationship between the generalized skew-normal and skew-tν distributions to discuss some properties of generalized skew-tν as well as distributions of order statistics from bivariate and trivariate tν distributions. We show that these distributions of order statistics are indeed mixtures of generalized skew-tν distributions, and then use this property to derive explicit expressions for means and variances of these order statistics.  相似文献   

Skew-normal/independent distributions are a class of asymmetric thick-tailed distributions that include the skew-normal distribution as a special case. In this paper, we explore the use of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to develop a Bayesian analysis in multivariate measurement errors models. We propose the use of skew-normal/independent distributions to model the unobserved value of the covariates (latent variable) and symmetric normal/independent distributions for the random errors term, providing an appealing robust alternative to the usual symmetric process in multivariate measurement errors models. Among the distributions that belong to this class of distributions, we examine univariate and multivariate versions of the skew-normal, skew-t, skew-slash and skew-contaminated normal distributions. The results and methods are applied to a real data set.  相似文献   

Linear mixed models (LMM) are frequently used to analyze repeated measures data, because they are more flexible to modelling the correlation within-subject, often present in this type of data. The most popular LMM for continuous responses assumes that both the random effects and the within-subjects errors are normally distributed, which can be an unrealistic assumption, obscuring important features of the variations present within and among the units (or groups). This work presents skew-normal liner mixed models (SNLMM) that relax the normality assumption by using a multivariate skew-normal distribution, which includes the normal ones as a special case and provides robust estimation in mixed models. The MCMC scheme is derived and the results of a simulation study are provided demonstrating that standard information criteria may be used to detect departures from normality. The procedures are illustrated using a real data set from a cholesterol study.  相似文献   

In the analysis of correlated ordered data, mixed-effect models are frequently used to control the subject heterogeneity effects. A common assumption in fitting these models is the normality of random effects. In many cases, this is unrealistic, making the estimation results unreliable. This paper considers several flexible models for random effects and investigates their properties in the model fitting. We adopt a proportional odds logistic regression model and incorporate the skewed version of the normal, Student's t and slash distributions for the effects. Stochastic representations for various flexible distributions are proposed afterwards based on the mixing strategy approach. This reduces the computational burden being performed by the McMC technique. Furthermore, this paper addresses the identifiability restrictions and suggests a procedure to handle this issue. We analyze a real data set taken from an ophthalmic clinical trial. Model selection is performed by suitable Bayesian model selection criteria.  相似文献   

The multivariate Student-t copula family is used in statistical finance and other areas when there is tail dependence in the data. It often is a good-fitting copula but can be improved on when there is tail asymmetry. Multivariate skew-t copula families can be considered when there is tail dependence and tail asymmetry, and we show how a fast numerical implementation for maximum likelihood estimation is possible. For the copula implicit in a multivariate skew-t distribution, the fast implementation makes use of (i) monotone interpolation of the univariate marginal quantile function and (ii) a re-parametrization of the correlation matrix. Our numerical approach is tested with simulated data with data-driven parameters. A real data example involves the daily returns of three stock indices: the Nikkei225, S&P500 and DAX. With both unfiltered returns and GARCH/EGARCH filtered returns, we compare the fits of the Azzalini–Capitanio skew-t, generalized hyperbolic skew-t, Student-t, skew-Normal and Normal copulas.  相似文献   

We present a Bayesian analysis of variance component models via simulation. In particular, we study the 2-component hierarchical design model under balanced and unbalanced experiments. Also, we consider 2-factor additive random effect models and mixed models in a cross-classified design. We assess the sensitivity of inference to the choice of prior by a sampling/resampling technique. Finally, attention is given to non-normal error distributions such as the heavy-tailed t distribution.  相似文献   

In this article, we study the asymptotic behaviors of the extreme of mixed skew-t distribution. We consider limits on distribution and density of maximum of mixed skew-t distribution under linear and power normalizations, and further derive their higher-order expansions, respectively. Examples are given to support our findings.  相似文献   


In many real life problems one assumes a normal model because the sample histogram looks unimodal, symmetric, and/or the standard tests like the Shapiro-Wilk test favor such a model. However, in reality, the assumption of normality may be misplaced since the normality tests often fail to detect departure from normality (especially for small sample sizes) when the data actually comes from slightly heavier tail symmetric unimodal distributions. For this reason it is important to see how the existing normal variance estimators perform when the actual distribution is a t-distribution with k degrees of freedom (d.f.) (t k -distribution). This note deals with the performance of standard normal variance estimators under the t k -distributions. It is shown that the relative ordering of the estimators is preserved for both the quadratic loss as well as the entropy loss irrespective of the d.f. and the sample size (provided the risks exist).  相似文献   

Linear mixed models have been widely used to analyze repeated measures data which arise in many studies. In most applications, it is assumed that both the random effects and the within-subjects errors are normally distributed. This can be extremely restrictive, obscuring important features of within-and among-subject variations. Here, quantile regression in the Bayesian framework for the linear mixed models is described to carry out the robust inferences. We also relax the normality assumption for the random effects by using a multivariate skew-normal distribution, which includes the normal ones as a special case and provides robust estimation in the linear mixed models. For posterior inference, we propose a Gibbs sampling algorithm based on a mixture representation of the asymmetric Laplace distribution and multivariate skew-normal distribution. The procedures are demonstrated by both simulated and real data examples.  相似文献   

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