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This paper deals with the estimation of R = P(Y < X) when Y and X are two independent but not identically distributed Burr-type X random variables. Maximum likelihood, Bayes and empirical Bayes techniques are used for this purpose. Monte-Carlo simulation is carried out to compare the three methods of estimation. Also, two characterizations of the Burr-type X distribution are presented. The first characterization is based on the recurrence relationships between two successively conditional moments of a certain function of the random variable, whereas the second one is given by the conditional variance of that function.  相似文献   

The Probability generating function of a random variable which has Generalized Polya Eggenberger Distribution of the second kind (GPED 2) is obtained. The probability density function of the range R, in random sampling from a uniform distribution on (k, l) and exponential distribution with parameter λ is obtained, when the sample size is a random variable from GPED 2. The results of Bazargan-Lari (2004) follow as special cases.  相似文献   

We consider a fixed number of arbitrarily dependent random variables with a common symmetric marginal distribution. For each order statistic based on the variables, we determine a common optimal bound, dependent in a simple way on the sample size and number of order statistics, for various measures of dispersion of the order statistics, expressed in terms of the same dispersion measure of the single original variable. The dispersion measures are connected with the notion of M-functional of a random variable location with respect to a symmetric and convex loss function. The measure is defined as the expected loss paid for the discrepancy between the M-functional and the variable. The most popular examples are the median absolute deviation and variance.  相似文献   

New measures of skewness for real-valued random variables are proposed. The measures are based on a functional representation of real-valued random variables. Specifically, the expected value of the transformed random variable can be used to characterize the distribution of the original variable. Firstly, estimators of the proposed skewness measures are analyzed. Secondly, asymptotic tests for symmetry are developed. The tests are consistent for both discrete and continuous distributions. Bootstrap versions improving the empirical results for moderated and small samples are provided. Some simulations illustrate the performance of the tests in comparison to other methods. The results show that our procedures are competitive and have some practical advantages.  相似文献   

Over the years many researchers have dealt with testing the hypotheses of symmetry in univariate and multivariate distributions in the parametric and nonparametric setup. In a multivariate setup, there are several formulations of symmetry, for example, symmetry about an axis, joint symmetry, marginal symmetry, radial symmetry, symmetry about a known point, spherical symmetry, and elliptical symmetry among others. In this paper, for the bivariate case, we formulate a concept of symmetry about a straight line passing through the origin in a plane and accordingly develop a simple nonparametric test for testing the hypothesis of symmetry about a straight line. The proposed test is based on a measure of deviance between observed counts of bivariate samples in suitably defined pairs of sets. The exact null distribution and non-null distribution, for specified classes of alternatives, of the test statistics are obtained. The null distribution is tabulated for sample size from n=5 up to n=30. The null mean, null variance and the asymptotic null distributions of the proposed test statistics are also obtained. The empirical power of the proposed test is evaluated by simulating samples from the suitable class of bivariate distributions. The empirical findings suggest that the test performs reasonably well against various classes of asymmetric bivariate distributions. Further, it is advocated that the basic idea developed in this work can be easily adopted to test the hypotheses of exchangeability of bivariate random variables and also bivariate symmetry about a given axis which have been considered by several authors in the past.  相似文献   

The probability density function of the range R, in random sampling from a uniform distribution on (k, l) and exponential distribution with parameter λ is obtained, when the sample size is a random variable having the Generalized Polya Eggenberger Distribution of the first kind (GPED 1). The results of Raghunandanan and Patil (1972) and Bazargan-lari (1999) follow as special cases. The p.d.f of rangeR is obtained, when the distribution of the sample sizeN belongs to Katz family of distributions, as a special case. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

In the literature, assuming independence of random variables X and Y, statistical estimation of the stress–strength parameter R = P(X > Y) is intensively investigated. However, in some real applications, the strength variable X could be highly dependent on the stress variable Y. In this paper, unlike the common practice in the literature, we discuss on estimation of the parameter R where more realistically X and Y are dependent random variables distributed as bivariate Rayleigh model. We derive the Bayes estimates and highest posterior density credible intervals of the parameters using suitable priors on the parameters. Because there are not closed forms for the Bayes estimates, we will use an approximation based on Laplace method and a Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique to obtain the Bayes estimate of R and unknown parameters. Finally, simulation studies are conducted in order to evaluate the performances of the proposed estimators and analysis of two data sets are provided.  相似文献   

This article deals with the estimation of R = P{X < Y}, where X and Y are independent random variables from geometric and exponential distribution, respectively. For complete samples, the MLE of R, its asymptotic distribution, and confidence interval based on it are obtained. The procedure for deriving bootstrap-p confidence interval is presented. The UMVUE of R and UMVUE of its variance are derived. The Bayes estimator of R is investigated and its Lindley's approximation is obtained. A simulation study is performed in order to compare these estimators. Finally, all point estimators for right censored sample from the exponential distribution, are obtained.  相似文献   

In this paper D- and V-optimal population designs for the quadratic regression model with a random intercept term and with values of the explanatory variable taken from a set of equally spaced, non-repeated time points are considered. D-optimal population designs based on single-point individual designs were readily found but the derivation of explicit expressions for designs based on two-point individual designs was not straightforward and was complicated by the fact that the designs now depend on ratio of the variance components. Further algebraic results pertaining to d-point D-optimal population designs where d≥3 and to V-optimal population designs proved elusive. The requisite designs can be calculated by careful programming and this is illustrated by means of a simple example.  相似文献   

The q-Bernstein basis, used in the definition of the q-Bernstein polynomials, is shown to be the probability mass function of a q-binomial distribution. This distribution is defined on a sequence of zero–one Bernoulli trials with probability of failure at any trial increasing geometrically with the number of previous failures. A modification of this model, with the probability of failure at any trial decreasing geometrically with the number of previous failures, leads to a second q-binomial distribution that is also connected to the q-Bernstein polynomials. The q-factorial moments as well as the usual factorial moments of these distributions are derived. Further, the q-Bernstein polynomial Bn(f(t),q;x) is expressed as the expected value of the function f([Xn]q/[n]q) of the random variable Xn obeying the q-binomial distribution. Also, using the expression of the q-moments of Xn, an explicit expression of the q-Bernstein polynomial Bn(fr(t),q;x), for fr(t) a polynomial, is obtained.  相似文献   

A technique of systematically allocating a sample to the strata formed by double stratification is presented. The method can proportionally allocate the sample along each variable of stratification. If there are R strata and C strata for the first and second variable of stratification respectively, the technique requires that the total sample size be at least as large as max(R, C). An unbiased estimator of the population mean is given and its variance is obtained. The technique is compared with a random allocation procedure given by Bryant, Hartley, and Jessen (1960). Numerical examples are given suggesting when one technique is superior to the other.  相似文献   

For constructing a confidence interval for the mean of a random variable with a known variance, one may prefer the sample mean standardized by the true standard deviation to the Student's t-statistic since the information of knowing the variance is used in the former way. In this paper, by comparing the leading error term in the expansion of the coverage probability, we show that the above statement is not true when the third moment is infinite. Our theory prefers the Student's t-statistic either when one-sided confidence intervals are considered for a heavier tail distribution or when two-sided confidence intervals are considered. Unlike other existing expansions for the Student's t-statistic, the derived explicit expansion for the case of infinite third moment can be used to estimate the coverage error so that bias correction becomes possible.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the heteroscedastic regression model defined by the structural relation Y = r(V, β) + s(W)ε, where V is a p-dimensional random vector, W is a q-dimensional random vector, β is an unknown vector in some open subset B of Rm, r is a known function from Rp × B into R, s is an unknown function on Rq, and ε is an unobservable random variable that is independent of the pair (V, W). We construct asymptotically efficient estimates of the regression parameter β under mild assumptions on the functions r and s and on the distributions of ε and (V, W).  相似文献   

Many experiments in the physical and engineering sciences study complex processes in which bias due to model inadequacy dominates random error. A noteworthy example of this situation is the use of computer experiments, in which scientists simulate the phenomenon being studied by a computer code. Computer experiments are deterministic: replicate observations from running the code with the same inputs will be identical. Such high-bias settings demand different techniques for design and prediction. This paper will focus on the experimental design problem introducing a new class of designs called rotation designs. Rotation designs are found by taking an orthogonal starting design D and rotating it to obtain a new design matrix DR=DR, where R is any orthonormal matrix. The new design is still orthogonal for a first-order model. In this paper, we study some of the properties of rotation designs and we present a method to generate rotation designs that have some appealing symmetry properties.  相似文献   

In this paper, we will investigate the nonparametric estimation of the distribution function F of an absolutely continuous random variable. Two methods are analyzed: the first one based on the empirical distribution function, expressed in terms of i.i.d. lattice random variables and, secondly, the kernel method, which involves nonlattice random vectors dependent on the sample size n; this latter procedure produces a smooth distribution estimator that will be explicitly corrected to reduce the effect of bias or variance. For both methods, the non-Studentized and Studentized statistics are considered as well as their bootstrap counterparts and asymptotic expansions are constructed to approximate their distribution functions via the Edgeworth expansion techniques. On this basis, we will obtain confidence intervals for F(x) and state the coverage error order achieved in each case.  相似文献   

The Langevin (or von Mises-Fisher) distribution of random vector x on the unit sphere ωq in Rq has a density proportional to exp κμ'x where μ'x is the scalar product of x with the unit modal vector μ and κ?0 is a concentration parameter. This paper studies estimation and tests for a wide variety of situations when the sample sizes are large. Geometrically simple test statistics are given for many sample problems even when the populations may have unequal concentration parameters.  相似文献   

This article investigates some properties of the mean residual life function of (nk+1)-out-of-n systems, when the lifetimes of the system components are independent random variables but not necessarily identically distributed and when the joint distribution of the component lifetimes is exchangeable, extending the results of Asadi and Goliforushani (2008) [On the mean residual life function of coherent systems. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 57 (4) 574-580] for the case of independent and identically distributed components. The extension to a coherent system with exchangeable components is also given.  相似文献   

The object of the paper is to provide recipes for various fiducial inferences on a parameter under nonparametric situations. First, the fiducial empirical distribution of a random variable was introduced under nonparametric situations. And its almost sure behavior was established. Then based on it, fiducial model and hence fiducial distribution of a parameter are obtained. Further fiducial intervals of parameters as functionals of the population were constructed. Some of their frequentist properties were investigated under some mild conditions. Besides, p-values of some test hypotheses and their asymptotical properties were also given. Three applications of above results and further results were provided. For the mean, simulations on its interval estimator and hypothesis testing were conducted and their results suggest that the fiducial method performs better than others considered here.  相似文献   

We address the problem of robust inference about the stress–strength reliability parameter R = P(X < Y), where X and Y are taken to be independent random variables. Indeed, although classical likelihood based procedures for inference on R are available, it is well-known that they can be badly affected by mild departures from model assumptions, regarding both stress and strength data. The proposed robust method relies on the theory of bounded influence M-estimators. We obtain large-sample test statistics with the standard asymptotic distribution by means of delta-method asymptotics. The finite sample behavior of these tests is investigated by some numerical studies, when both X and Y are independent exponential or normal random variables. An illustrative application in a regression setting is also discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, by considering a 2n-dimensional elliptically contoured random vector (XT,YT)T=(X1,…,Xn,Y1,…,Yn)T, we derive the exact joint distribution of linear combinations of concomitants of order statistics arising from X. Specifically, we establish a mixture representation for the distribution of the rth concomitant order statistic, and also for the joint distribution of the rth order statistic and its concomitant. We show that these distributions are indeed mixtures of multivariate unified skew-elliptical distributions. The two most important special cases of multivariate normal and multivariate t distributions are then discussed in detail. Finally, an application of the established results in an inferential problem is outlined.  相似文献   

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