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In this article we consider estimating the bivariate survival function observations where one of the components is subject to left truncation and right censoring and the other is subject to right censoring only. Two types of nonparametric estimators are proposed. One is in the form of inverse-probability-weighted average (Satten and Datta, 2001 Satten , G. A. , Datta , S. ( 2001 ). The Kaplan–Meier estimator as an inverse-probability-of-censoring weighted average . Amer. Statist. 55 : 207210 . [CROSSREF] [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and the other is a generalization of Dabrowska's 1988 Dabrowska , D. M. ( 1988 ). Kaplan–Meier estimate on the plane . Ann. Statist. 18 : 308325 . [Google Scholar] estimator. The two are then compared based on their empirical performances.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new estimator for bivariate distribution functions under random truncation and random censoring. The new method is based on a polar coordinate transformation, which enables us to transform a bivariate survival function to a univariate survival function. A consistent estimator for the transformed univariate function is proposed. Then the univariate estimator is transformed back to a bivariate estimator. The estimator converges weakly to a zero-mean Gaussian process with an easily estimated covariance function. Consistent truncation probability estimate is also provided. Numerical studies show that the distribution estimator and truncation probability estimator perform remarkably well.  相似文献   

In Survival Analysis and related fields of research right-censored and left-truncated data often appear. Usually, it is assumed that the right-censoring variable is independent of the lifetime of ultimate interest. However, in particular applications dependent censoring may be present; this is the case, for example, when there exist several competing risks acting on the same individual. In this paper we propose a copula-graphic estimator for such a situation. The estimator is based on a known Archimedean copula function which properly represents the dependence structure between the lifetime and the censoring time. Therefore, the current work extends the copula-graphic estimator in de Uña-Álvarez and Veraverbeke [Generalized copula-graphic estimator. Test. 2013;22:343–360] in the presence of left-truncation. An asymptotic representation of the estimator is derived. The performance of the estimator is investigated in an intensive Monte Carlo simulation study. An application to unemployment duration is included for illustration purposes.  相似文献   

Pao-sheng Shen 《Statistics》2013,47(2):315-326
In this article, we consider nonparametric estimation of the survival function when the data are subject to left-truncation and right-censoring and the sample size before truncation is known. We propose two estimators. The first estimator is derived based on a self-consistent estimating equation. The second estimator is obtained by using the constrained expectation-maximization algorithm. Simulation results indicate that both estimators are more efficient than the product-limit estimator. When there is no censoring, the performance of the proposed estimators is compared with that of the estimator proposed by Li and Qin [Semiparametric likelihood-based inference for biased and truncated data when total sample size is known, J. R. Stat. Soc. B 60 (1998), pp. 243–254] via simulation study.  相似文献   

In this article, the estimation of the bivariate survival function for one modified form of current-status data is considered. Two types of estimators, which are generalizations of the estimators by Campbell and Földes [G. Campbell and A. Földes, Large sample properties of nonparametric statistical inference, in Nonparametric Statistical Inference, B.V. Gnredenko, M.L. Puri, and I. Vineze, eds., North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1982, pp. 103–122] and Dabrowska [D.M. Dabrowska, Kaplan-Meier estimate on the plane, Ann. Stat. 18 (1988), pp. 1475–1489; D.M. Dabrowska, Kaplan-Meier estimate on the plane: weak convergence, LIL, and the bootstrap, J. Multivariate Anal. 29 (1989), pp. 308–325], are proposed. The consistency of the proposed estimators is established. A simulation study is conducted to investigate the performance of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the estimation of percentile residual life function with left-truncated and right-censored data. Asymptotic normality and a pointwise confidence interval that does not require estimating the unknown underlying distribution function of the proposed empirical estimator are obtained. Some simulation studies and a real data example are used to illustrate our results.  相似文献   

We investigate the problem of estimating the association between two related survival variables when they follow a copula model and bivariate left-truncated and right-censored data are available. By expressing truncation probability as the functional of marginal survival functions, we propose a two-stage estimation procedure for estimating the parameters of Archimedean copulas. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are established. Simulation studies are conducted to investigate the finite sample properties of the proposed estimators. The proposed method is applied to a bivariate RNA data.  相似文献   

In the presence of univariate censoring, a class of nonparametric estimators is proposed for linear functionals of a bivariate distribution of paired failure times. The estimators are shown to be root-n consistent and asymptotically normal. An adjusted empirical log-likelihood ratio statistic is developed and proved to follow a chi-square distribution asymptotically. Two types of confidence intervals, based on the normal approximation method and the empirical likelihood method, respectively, are constructed to make inference about the linear functionals. Their performance is evaluated in several simulation studies and a real example.  相似文献   


ROC curve is a fundamental evaluation tool in medical researches and survival analysis. The estimation of ROC curve has been studied extensively with complete data and right-censored survival data. However, these methods are not suitable to analyze the length-biased and right-censored data. Since this kind of data includes the auxiliary information that truncation time and residual time share the same distribution, the two new estimators for the ROC curve are proposed by taking into account this auxiliary information to improve estimation efficiency. Numerical simulation studies with different assumed cases and real data analysis are conducted.  相似文献   

Left-truncated and right-censored (LTRC) data are encountered frequently due to a prevalent cohort sampling in follow-up studies. Because of the skewness of the distribution of survival time, quantile regression is a useful alternative to the Cox's proportional hazards model and the accelerated failure time model for survival analysis. In this paper, we apply the quantile regression model to LTRC data and develops an unbiased estimating equation for regression coefficients. The proposed estimation methods use the inverse probabilities of truncation and censoring weighting technique. The resulting estimator is uniformly consistent and asymptotically normal. The finite-sample performance of the proposed estimation methods is also evaluated using extensive simulation studies. Finally, analysis of real data is presented to illustrate our proposed estimation methods.  相似文献   

In transplant studies, the patients must survive long enough to receive a transplant, which induces left-truncation. The assumption of independence between failure and truncation times may not hold since a longer transplant waiting time can be associated with a worse survivorship. To take dependence into consideration, we utilize a semiparametric transformation model, where the truncation time is both a truncated variable and a predictor of the time to failure. Using the inverse-probability-weighted (IPW) approach, we propose an IPW estimator of the marginal distribution of waiting time. Simulation studies are conducted to investigate finite sample performance of the proposed estimator. We also apply our methods to bone marrow and heart transplant data.  相似文献   

The logrank test procedure for testing bivariate symmetry against asymmetry in matched-pair data is proposed. The presented test statistic is based on Mantel-Haenszel type statistics evaluated at diagonal grid points on the plane obtained from distinct uncensored failure times. The asymptotic results of the proposed test are derived and an example is shown to illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   

Two nonparametric estimators o f the survival distributionare discussed. The estimators were proposed by Kaplan and Meier (1958) and Breslow (1972) and are applicable when dealing with censored data. It is known that they are asymptotically unbiased and uniformly strongly consistent, and when properly normalized that they converge weakly to the same Gaussian process. In this paper, the properties of the estimators are carefully inspected in small or moderate samples. The Breslow estimator, a shrinkage version of the Kaplan-Meier, nearly always has the smaller mean square error (MSE) whenever the truesurvival probabilityis at least 0.20, but has considerably larger MSE than the Kaplan-Meier estimator when the survivalprobability is near zero.  相似文献   


In survival or reliability studies, the mean residual life (MRL) function is an important characteristic in understanding the survival or ageing process. In this article, we consider the problem of nonparametric MRL function estimation with length-biased right-censored data. Two nonparametric estimators of the MRL are proposed and their weak convergence is presented. In order to evaluate the performance of these estimators, small Monte Carlo simulations are carried out. Results show that the proposed estimators work well especially when the sample size is small and their calculations are simple. Finally, a real data example is provided.  相似文献   

Quantile regression methods have been used to estimate upper and lower quantile reference curves as the function of several covariates. In this article, it is demonstrated that the estimating equation of Zhou [A weighted quantile regression for randomly truncated data, Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 55 (2011), pp. 554–566.] can be extended to analyse left-truncated and right-censored data. We evaluate the finite sample performance of the proposed estimators through simulation studies. The proposed estimator β?(q) is applied to the Veteran's Administration lung cancer data reported by Prentice [Exponential survival with censoring and explanatory variables, Biometrika 60 (1973), pp. 279–288].  相似文献   

Summary. Consider a pair of random variables, both subject to random right censoring. New estimators for the bivariate and marginal distributions of these variables are proposed. The estimators of the marginal distributions are not the marginals of the corresponding estimator of the bivariate distribution. Both estimators require estimation of the conditional distribution when the conditioning variable is subject to censoring. Such a method of estimation is proposed. The weak convergence of the estimators proposed is obtained. A small simulation study suggests that the estimators of the marginal and bivariate distributions perform well relatively to respectively the Kaplan–Meier estimator for the marginal distribution and the estimators of Pruitt and van der Laan for the bivariate distribution. The use of the estimators in practice is illustrated by the analysis of a data set.  相似文献   

This paper considers two-sample nonparametric comparison of survival function when data are subject to left truncation and interval censoring. We propose a class of rank-based tests, which are generalization of weighted log-rank tests for right-censored data. Simulation studies indicate that the proposed tests are appropriate for practical use.  相似文献   

Right, left or interval censored multivariate data can be represented by an intersection graph. Focussing on the bivariate case, the authors relate the structure of such an intersection graph to the support of the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimate (NPMLE) of the cumulative distribution function (CDF) for such data. They distinguish two types of non‐uniqueness of the NPMLE: representational, arising when the likelihood is unaffected by the distribution of the estimated probability mass within regions, and mixture, arising when the masses themselves are not unique. The authors provide a brief overview of estimation techniques and examine three data sets.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a class of nonparametric estimators for the bivariate survival function estimation under both random truncation and random censoring. In practice, the pair of random variables under consideration may have certain parametric relationship. The proposed class of nonparametric estimators uses such parametric information via a data transformation approach and thus provides more accurate estimates than existing methods without using such information. The large sample properties of the new class of estimators and a general guidance of how to find a good data transformation are given. The proposed method is also justified via a simulation study and an application on an economic data set.  相似文献   

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