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We formulate closed-form Bayesian estimators for two complementary Poisson rate parameters using double sampling with data subject to misclassification and error free data. We also derive closed-form Bayesian estimators for two misclassification parameters in the modified Poisson model we assume. We use our results to determine credible sets for the rate and misclassification parameters. Additionally, we use MCMC methods to determine Bayesian estimators for three or more rate parameters and the misclassification parameters. We also perform a limited Monte Carlo simulation to examine the characteristics of these estimators. We demonstrate the efficacy of the new Bayesian estimators and highest posterior density regions with examples using two real data sets.  相似文献   

Sugden and Smith [2002. Exact linear unbiased estimation in survey sampling. J. Stat. Plann. Inf. 102, 25–38] and Rao [2002. Discussion of “Exact linear unbiased estimation in survey sampling”. J. Stat. Plann. Inf. 102, 39–40] suggested some useful techniques of deriving a linear unbiased estimator of a finite population total by modifying a given linear estimator. In this paper we suggest various generalizations of their results. In particular, we search for estimators satisfying the calibration property with respect to a related auxiliary variable and obtain some new calibrated unbiased ratio-type estimators for arbitrary sampling designs. We also explore a few properties of one of the estimators suggested in Sugden and Smith [2002. Exact linear unbiased estimation in survey sampling. J. Stat. Plann. Inf. 102, 25–38].  相似文献   

In this note we propose a new and novel kernel density estimator for directly estimating the probability and cumulative distribution function of an L-estimate from a single population based on utilizing the theory in Knight (1985) in conjunction with classic inversion theory. This idea is further developed for a kernel density estimator for the difference of L-estimates from two independent populations. The methodology is developed via a “plug-in” approach, but it is distinct from the classic bootstrap methodology in that it is analytically and computationally feasible to provide an exact estimate of the distribution function and thus eliminates the resampling related error. The asymptotic and finite sample properties of our estimators are examined. The procedure is illustrated via generating the kernel density estimate for the Tukey's trimean from a small data set.  相似文献   

The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve is the most commonly used summary measure of diagnostic accuracy for a continuous-scale diagnostic test. In this paper, we develop methods to estimate the area under the curve (AUC) with censored data. Based on two different integration representations of this parameter, two nonparametric estimators are defined by the “plug in” method. Both the proposed estimators are shown to be asymptotically normal based on counting process and martingale theory. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate the performances of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

The cube method proposed by Deville and Tillé (2004) enables the selection of balanced samples: that is, samples such that the Horvitz-Thompson estimators of auxiliary variables match the known totals of those variables. As an exact balanced sampling design often does not exist, the cube method generally proceeds in two steps: a “flight phase” in which exact balance is maintained, and a “landing phase” in which the final sample is selected while respecting the balance conditions as closely as possible. Deville and Tillé (2005) derive a variance approximation for balanced sampling that takes account of the flight phase only, whereas the landing phase can prove to add non-negligible variance. This paper uses a martingale difference representation of the cube method to construct an efficient simulation-based method for calculating approximate second-order inclusion probabilities. The approximation enables nearly unbiased variance estimation, where the bias is primarily due to the limited number of simulations. In a Monte Carlo study, the proposed method has significantly less bias than the standard variance estimator, leading to improved confidence interval coverage.  相似文献   

In this paper, we are interested in the study of beta kernel density estimators from an asymptotic minimax point of view. These estimators allows to estimate density functions with support in [0,1]. It is well-known that beta kernel estimators are - on the contrary of classical kernel estimators - “free of boundary effect” and thus are very useful in practice. The goal of this paper is to prove that there is a price to pay: for very regular density functions or for certain losses, these estimators are not minimax. Nevertheless they are minimax for classical regularities such as regularity of order two or less than two, supposed commonly in the practice and for some classical losses.  相似文献   

For truncated data the existence of “holes” resp. inner risk sets may cause some problems when analyzing or applying the Lynden-Bell estimator. In this paper we derive sharp finite sample upper and lower bounds for the “probability of holes” and show that it goes to zero as sample size tends to infinity. In some selected cases also the rate of convergence is studied.  相似文献   

Class specific stratified posterior probability estimators of misclassification probabilities in discriminant analysis simulations are introduced. These estimators afford a significant variance reduction over the usual count estimators. Sufficient conditions for a variance reduction are given. The stratified posterior probability estimator is generalized to other class specific expectations.  相似文献   

The paper presents the essentials of the SURE model and the estimation of its parameters β and ω. Two alternative compact representations of the model are being used. The parameter β is estimated by least squares (LS), generalized least squares (GLS) and maximum likelihood (ML) (under normality). For ω two estimators are being considered, viz an LS-related estimator and a maximum likelihood estimator (under normality). Attention is being given to the study of asymptotic properties of all estimators examined. It turns out that the LS-related and ML estimators of ω follow the same asymptotic (normal) distribution. Efficiency comparisons for the various estimators of β conclude the paper.  相似文献   

We discuss here an alternative approach for decreasing the bias of the closed-form estimators for the gamma distribution recently proposed by Ye and Chen in 2017. We show that, the new estimator has also closed-form expression, is positive, and can be computed for n?>?2. Moreover, the corrective approach returns better estimates when compared with the former ones.  相似文献   

Whereas large-sample properties of the estimators of survival distributions using censored data have been studied by many authors, exact results for small samples have been difficult to obtain. In this paper we obtain the exact expression for the ath moment (a > 0) of the Bayes estimator of survival distribution using the censored data under proportional hazard model. Using the exact expression we compute the exact mean, variance and MSE of the Bayes estimator. Also two estimators ofthe mean survival time based on the Kaplan-Meier estimator and the Bayes estimator are compared for small samples under proportional hazards.  相似文献   

In the present article, we have studied the estimation of entropy, that is, a function of scale parameter lnσ of an exponential distribution based on doubly censored sample when the location parameter is restricted to positive real line. The estimation problem is studied under a general class of bowl-shaped non monotone location invariant loss functions. It is established that the best affine equivariant estimator (BAEE) is inadmissible by deriving an improved estimator. This estimator is non-smooth. Further, we have obtained a smooth improved estimator. A class of estimators is considered and sufficient conditions are derived under which these estimators improve upon the BAEE. In particular, using these results we have obtained the improved estimators for the squared error and the linex loss functions. Finally, we have compared the risk performance of the proposed estimators numerically. One data analysis has been performed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

The paper considers simultaneous estimation of finite population means for several strata. A model-based approach is taken, where the covariates in the super-population model are subject to measurement errors. Empirical Bayes (EB) estimators of the strata means are developed and an asymptotic expression for the MSE of the EB estimators is provided. It is shown that the proposed EB estimators are “first order optimal” in the sense of Robbins [1956. An empirical Bayes approach to statistics. In: Proceedings of the Third Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, vol. 1, University of California Press, Berkeley, pp. 157–164], while the regular EB estimators which ignore the measurement error are not.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel way of differentiating a unit root from stationary alternatives using so-called “Bridge” estimators; this estimation procedure can potentially generate exact zero estimates of parameters. We exploit this property and treat this as a model selection problem. We show that Bridge estimators can select the correct model with probability tending to 1. They estimate “zero” parameter on the lagged dependent variable as zero (nonstationarity), if this is nonzero (stationary), estimate the coefficient with standard normal limit. In this sense, we extend the statistics literature as well, since that literature only deals with model selection among only stationary variables.  相似文献   

When some explanatory variables in a regression are correlated with the disturbance term, instrumental variable methods are typically employed to make reliable inferences. Furthermore, to avoid difficulties associated with weak instruments, identification-robust methods are often proposed. However, it is hard to assess whether an instrumental variable is valid in practice because instrument validity is based on the questionable assumption that some of them are exogenous. In this paper, we focus on structural models and analyze the effects of instrument endogeneity on two identification-robust procedures, the Anderson–Rubin (1949, AR) and the Kleibergen (2002, K) tests, with or without weak instruments. Two main setups are considered: (1) the level of “instrument” endogeneity is fixed (does not depend on the sample size) and (2) the instruments are locally exogenous, i.e. the parameter which controls instrument endogeneity approaches zero as the sample size increases. In the first setup, we show that both test procedures are in general consistent against the presence of invalid instruments (hence asymptotically invalid for the hypothesis of interest), whether the instruments are “strong” or “weak”. We also describe cases where test consistency may not hold, but the asymptotic distribution is modified in a way that would lead to size distortions in large samples. These include, in particular, cases where the 2SLS estimator remains consistent, but the AR and K tests are asymptotically invalid. In the second setup, we find (non-degenerate) asymptotic non-central chi-square distributions in all cases, and describe cases where the non-centrality parameter is zero and the asymptotic distribution remains the same as in the case of valid instruments (despite the presence of invalid instruments). Overall, our results underscore the importance of checking for the presence of possibly invalid instruments when applying “identification-robust” tests.  相似文献   

A leading multivariate extension of the univariate quantiles is the so-called “spatial” or “geometric” notion, for which sample versions are highly robust and conveniently satisfy a Bahadur–Kiefer representation. Another extension of univariate quantiles has been to univariate U-quantiles, on the basis of which, for example, the well-known Hodges–Lehmann location estimator has a natural formulation. Generalizing both extensions, we introduce multivariate spatial U-quantiles and develop a corresponding Bahadur–Kiefer representation. New statistics based on spatial U-quantiles are presented for nonparametric estimation of multiple regression coefficients, extending the classical Theil–Sen nonparametric simple linear regression slope estimator, and for robust estimation of multivariate dispersion. Some other applications are mentioned as well.  相似文献   

We consider the estimation of a multiple regression model in which the coefficients change slowly in “time”, with “time” being an additional covariate. Under reasonable smoothness conditions, we prove the usual expected mean square error bounds for the smoothing spline estimators of the coefficient functions.  相似文献   

A significant problem in the collection of responses to potentially sensitive questions, such as relating to illegal, immoral or embarrassing activities, is non-sampling error due to refusal to respond or false responses. Eichhorn & Hayre (1983) suggested the use of scrambled responses to reduce this form of bias. This paper considers a linear regression model in which the dependent variable is unobserved but for which the sum or product with a scrambling random variable of known distribution, is known. The performance of two likelihood-based estimators is investigated, namely of a Bayesian estimator achieved through a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling scheme, and a classical maximum-likelihood estimator. These two estimators and an estimator suggested by Singh, Joarder & King (1996) are compared. Monte Carlo results show that the Bayesian estimator out-performs the classical estimators in all cases, and the relative performance of the Bayesian estimator improves as the responses become more scrambled.  相似文献   

In the presence of multicollinearity, the rk class estimator is proposed as an alternative to the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator which is a general estimator including the ordinary ridge regression (ORR), the principal components regression (PCR) and the OLS estimators. Comparison of competing estimators of a parameter in the sense of mean square error (MSE) criterion is of central interest. An alternative criterion to the MSE criterion is the Pitman’s (1937) closeness (PC) criterion. In this paper, we compare the rk class estimator to the OLS estimator in terms of PC criterion so that we can get the comparison of the ORR estimator to the OLS estimator under the PC criterion which was done by Mason et al. (1990) and also the comparison of the PCR estimator to the OLS estimator by means of the PC criterion which was done by Lin and Wei (2002).  相似文献   

Conditional logistic regression is a popular method for estimating a treatment effect while eliminating cluster-specific nuisance parameters when they are not of interest. Under a cluster-specific 1: m matched treatment–control study design, we present a new closed-form relationship between the conditional logistic regression estimator and the ordinary logistic regression estimator. In addition, we prove an equivalence between the ordinary logistic regression and the conditional logistic regression estimators, when the clusters are replicated infinitely often, which indicates that potential bias concerns when applying conditional logistic regression to complex survey samples.  相似文献   

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