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基层是社会治理的重点和关键,是国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要组成部分。本文总结了淄博市基层社会治理创新的主要做法,打造共建共治共享的基层社会治理格局,构建三治融合的治理体系,提高基层社会治理精细化水平。进入新时代,要积极探索基层社会治理新模式,构建新型基层社会治理体系,开创基层社会治理的新局面。  相似文献   

街道作为城市基层政府及行政管理的末端,街道体制改革实质是我国城市基层治理结构和治理能力建设问题。本文在梳理学界关于街道体制的争论及其有待澄清的地方的基础上,以湖北省黄石市街道体制的改革为例,讨论改革的源起与作为,发现其改革的效果并不乐观,但在后续的改革政策中,也在逐步调整。对街道体制改革进行思考,撤销街道办的改革应坚持推进大部门体制改革,逐步规范社区组织架构,完善社区治理结构等等。在城市基层治理体制改革的实践中,对于是否撤销街道办事处,更要探索适合本地实际的改革方法,真正做到因地渐进改革。  相似文献   

刘双良  邰雪荣 《城市》2021,(3):58-70
基于天津市北辰区的调查数据,运用Logistic回归分析模型,从参与认知、参与能力、参与方式和参与支持四个方面对当代青年基层社会治理参与意愿的影响因素进行实证分析.回归结果表明,在控制个体特征情况下,参与认知和参与方式正向影响参与意愿,参与能力负向影响参与意愿,参与支持兼具正向影响和负向影响.由此,笔者建议从提高青年参...  相似文献   

在当前中国现代化进程中,城市基层治理被赋予促进政治现代化、推动城市发展、实现社会整合等多重目标。城市基层治理中的目标超负荷和目标冲突、历史沿革形成的单中心弱治理格局、治理手段的匮乏和非正规化、内生性公共议题的相对缺失等,共同导致了城市基层治理体系能力不足、管理和服务不到位、治理失败甚或腐败等一系列问题。要有效应对城市基层治理提出的挑战,必须统筹安排,采取顶层制度设计与自下而上的探索创新相结合的对策组合,最终的目标是城市基层治理回归相对单纯的区域性公共事务治理和公共服务供给。  相似文献   

基层治理结构转型是中国目前非常注重的一个时代命题,中国乡村众多,农村人口基数庞大,仅靠过去的乡村治理手段很难解决生活中出现的各种纠纷。笔者以丰县梁寨治理模式为例,调查新时代背景下乡村治理的现状以及乡贤群体对基层治理起到的巨大作用,探索乡村治理模式与法律制度的结合道路。只有符合乡村发展现状的治理制度才能有效解决纠纷,促进乡村良性用法,维护社会主义法治。  相似文献   

The Decision of the CPC(Communist Party of China)Central Committee on Major Issues Concerning Upholding and Improving the System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Advancing the Modernization of China's System and Capacity for Governance was adopted during the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee.That session was convened last October in Beijing.  相似文献   

我国的公共政策在执行过程中普遍存在着波动性,这其中包含着消极执行和运动执行。本文中将通过对于政策在执行中的实例进行分析,来阐述政策在执行过程中所体现的能够影响其波动性的因素。通过分析环境因素与执行压力来说明这种波动性给基层治理带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

民族地区独特的经济条件、政策与制度条件和社会结构条件决定了其社会治理相对于我国其他地区而言具有复杂性、不平衡性、独特的民族宗教因素、文化多样性等特征,因此,民族地区基层社会治理必须从上述特征出发,寻求有效的治理之道。  相似文献   

邹鹏 《科学发展》2024,(1):87-96
“靠谱解纷中心”是上海市普陀区基层治理领域重要的机制创新。通过街镇层面实体化纠纷化解平台全覆盖,将多元矛盾纠纷化解力量下沉一线,有力地协同联动条块力量,畅通和规范群众诉求表达、利益协调、权益保障通道,实现“群众少跑路、政府多跑腿”,及时把矛盾纠纷化解在基层第一线,是对新时代“枫桥经验”的积极探索。  相似文献   

In a multilevel and multicentric governance arena, pathways and mechanisms of influence are several and non-state capacities for technical leadership and norm entrepreneurship prove more significant than is the case within a strictly multilateral framework. Among actors with such capacities are municipalities, which multiply their influence through horizontal and vertical relationships. Transnational municipal networks present opportunities for both intermunicipal dialogue and the pooling of global influence, highlighting the presence and influence of the city in the world. This paper examines the collective response of some cities to climate change, exploring the place of cities in global environmental politics through analysis of two transnational municipal networks: the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives' Cities for Climate Protection and the International Solar Cities Initiative. The article addresses the following questions: How might municipal efforts toward a climate-stable future be significant to the larger issue of ecological justice in global environmental politics? Might cities be able to redefine the rules of the game and take a stand on ‘inefficient’ norms? After briefly accounting for the relationship between cities and the world, the article characterizes technical leadership as a legitimizing force of and in global environmental governance and norm entrepreneurship as a potential source of contestation and subversion in global environmental politics. The paper describes what cities are globalizing, in terms of pollution, environmental degradation, and risk, and in terms of management and politics. Finally, the article explores the possibility that emerging horizontal and vertical relationships, intermunicipal relationships, and relationships between cities or networks of cities and other scales of governance potentiate legitimizing roles for cities in climate governance and subversive roles in climate politics.  相似文献   

This paper takes a workplace perspective to explore the ways in which institutional arrangements influence the doing of gender and the practising of politics. It compares the workplace culture of the National Assembly for Wales (NAfW) with that of local government in Wales, showing that the culture of the NAfW is experienced as less masculinized than local government and that women, and men, are less constrained to perform an aggressive, confrontational masculinity. This suggests that, in new political institutions, practising politics may be less closely tied to a particular way of doing gender and as a result may challenge the gendering of politics. Theoretically the paper engages with debates about doing, redoing and undoing gender, arguing that in order to understand how change can be brought about, attention needs to be paid to the structural context within which gender is done as well as the interactional level of doing gender.  相似文献   

This article analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the developmental‐state approach as compared with a broader and more flexible developmental‐governance approach – in relation to economic transformation in a single case country, Taiwan. It argues that both approaches have strong and weak points, and comes down in favour of the view that it is only through a ‘thick’ study of political forces, processes and circumstances that the reasoning behind developmental policies and institutions can be understood and the processes of economic transformation explained.  相似文献   

This article provides an alternative approach to the argumentsof "critical mass," whose tenets assume that policies fosteringwomen’s rights would arise from an increase in women’spolitical representation. Instead, the article argues that thecultural repertoires that are used to justify women’shigher numerical presence also matter. Indeed, different repertoires—suchas claiming women’s inclusion into politics in the nameof women’s interests or in the name of their difference—havedifferent political outcomes. This case study of the Frenchsex-parity laws, which ensures a 50-percent quota of women inpolitics, explores the connection between the rationales tolegitimize the laws and their implementation at the local level.This provides for, first, an investigation of how the requirementto make the parity claim compatible with French cultural repertoireson citizenship and sovereignty has led parity advocates to definesexual difference as universal. Then, drawing on interviewswith local politicians, it shows how this rationale underliningsexual difference has failed to define gender relationshipsas political and, thus, to promote gender equality in localpublic policies.  相似文献   

大城市住宅房地产发展与管治研究——以上海为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对上海房地产的发展态势、存在问题以及住宅房地产的发展对经济社会的影响分析基础上,本文剖析了世界主要国家的住宅房地产政策,并提出了中国大城市住宅房地产治理的一些对策建议。  相似文献   

Has local governance in Norway escaped the forces of globalization? In grappling with this question, and using the case of Trondheim Municipality, I argue that local government reform in Norway is predicated on the dominant paradigm of public sector reform in the age of globalization, namely, new public management (NPM). This has had corrosive effects on the capacity of the local states in Norway to provide basic services to their citizens. Consequently, the Norwegian welfare regime is being undermined by the new reform agenda. However, while local governance in Norway is predicated within the dominant global paradigm, it deviates from the global trend as there is increasing centralization as opposed to decentralization as the national government uses various mechanisms to regulate and control municipalities.

¿Ha podido el gobierno local en Noruega escaparse de las fuerzas de la globalización? Lidiando con esta pregunta y tomando el caso de la municipalidad de Trondheim, yo sostengo que la reforma del gobierno local en Noruega se basa en el paradigma dominante de la reforma del sector público en la era de la globalización, es decir la Nueva Administración Pública (NPM, por sus siglas en inglés). Esto ha tenido efectos corrosivos en la capacidad de los estados en Noruega, de proveer servicios básicos a sus ciudadanos. Consecuentemente, la asistencia pública del régimen noruego se ha minado gracias al nuevo plan de reforma. Sin embargo, mientras que el gobierno local se establece dentro del paradigma global dominante, éste se desvía de la tendencia global ya que existe un aumento en la centralización, al contrario de la descentralización, dado que el gobierno nacional usa varios mecanismos para regular y controlar las municipalidades.


20世纪90年代以来,中国基层社会管理体制开始了重大的变革,单位制解体,社区制逐渐建立,社区公共物品的供给机制也随之发生了重大变化。"陌生人社会"使得自主治理的集体行动难以产生,这是中国新型基层社会治理面临的现实困境。与此同时,中国的城市社区参与在某种意义上仍然呈现出一种国家治理需要的自上而下的制度安排,居民的行动逻辑与行动策略以及政府与居民的互动过程呈现出不同的特点,如何借力创新社会治理激发基层活力的时代背景,通过构织基层组织网络的框架扩散将宏大的基层社会治理与普通居民的日常草根实践加以勾连?基于上海的一项社区治理案例分析试图展示这一基层社会治理的框架整合模型及其草根行动的内在逻辑。  相似文献   

As participatory governance approaches to local development get adopted also in transition countries, one of the key questions is how participation actually impacts local governance outcomes. This study examines the link between non-electoral participation and different public goods outcomes in rural Ukraine along with identifying the role of community-based organizations (CBOs). Using a unique survey data from Ukraine, I approach these questions empirically explicitly distinguishing between different public goods outcomes. I find that participation appears to be positively associated with local school and water supply outcomes. In addition, CBOs are found to be associated with better quality of water supply systems motivating a discussion about establishment of service cooperatives for water supply as a functional local governance arrangement.  相似文献   

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