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人类对于人口问题的关注,从根本上说是来自于对人口与经济关系的关心。在这个问题上的论述之多、争论之烈,可以追溯到数千年前。从古典西方经济学到现代西方经济学,许多经济学家和人口学家从不同的角度出发,论证了人口与经济的关系。但最早对人口与经济之间的关系进行比较全面系统的研究,还是人们熟知的马尔萨斯的人口经济模型。因此,本文拟从马尔萨斯时期开始,介绍国外不同时期各流派关于人口与经济关系的观点。需要说明的是,我们这里考察的只是宏观的人口与经济关系,而没有具体探讨诸如出生、死亡、迁移  相似文献   

关于人口对环境作用机制的理论思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
人口与环境之间存在着复杂的内在关系,也是学术界的一个重要话题。然而在这个问题的研究中,还有很多的概念和理解误区。本文从一些基本概念出发,对人口与环境的相互作用方式和影响的机制进行了分析,认为人口对环境的影响体现在人口的动态变化中,而这种变化的后果将通过社会经济的中间媒介对环境表现为两个基本作用———倍乘作用和激发作用,最后给出了作者关于人口与环境的相互关系框架。  相似文献   

国外开展人口国际迁移研究,通常包括如下几个方面:迁移原因、迁移流、移迁过程,移民在输入国与输出国的情况,以及对输入国与输出国的影响,和迁移对输入国和输出国之间的关系影响等等。一、迁移原因,或者说迁移起因。对这方面的研究很多,理论流派也较多。国外有几个理论:最初提出“推因”(Push),是指国内因天灾人祸、饥荒、战争……把人“推”出去了,但这种理论不能解释迁移者为什么迁入这个国家而不是哪个国家?因此,有  相似文献   

首都人口与环境关系--理论与实证研究童玉芬等著中国劳动社会保障出版社2012年8月出版北京市作为中国的首都和国内人口规模第二的特大城市,近年来人口的变化和资源环境的关系引起了国家政府和学术界乃至大众的高度关注。本书是作者多年来对北京市人口与环境资源领域里的系统研究的一个总结和整理。以北京市的人口与环境资源关系为主线,采用理论与实证分析相结合、定性与定量相结合的方法,全面系统地对首都北京的人口与资源和环境的关系进行了分析。  相似文献   

社会性别,是近年来从国外引入的一个新概念(英文为Gender),它区别于生理性别或自然性别(一般简称性别,英文为Sex),反映着人们对男女两性在社会的政治、经济、文化等领域的角色、关系、地位和行为模式的认同与规范,对提高妇女地位、促进妇女发展具有直接的影响,对两性和谐与人口发展也具有重要影响作用。人口发展,是一个内涵非常丰富、涉及领域极其广泛的概念,它不是人口增长的代名词,而是反映着人口在数量、素质、结构等方面的进步状态,以及人口与经济和社会发展、与资源和环境关系的良性循环。制约人口发展的因素很多,学者们在这方面已经…  相似文献   

南北关系中的人口与可持续发展问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从全球政治经济关系角度论述了人口与可持续发展之间的关系 ,指出尽管我国十分重视人口与可持续发展之间的联系 ,但国际社会对这个问题重视不够。第一 ,在联合国有关环境的会议及《2 1世纪议程》等环境或可持续发展多边协议中 ,人口问题没有得到适当的重视 ;第二 ,联合国有关人口的会议也没有认真讨论和对待人口与可持续发展之间的关系 ,目前的国际人口政策也不可能有效地解决全球人口与可持续发展之间的矛盾 ;第三 ,对人口与可持续发展问题的忽视与南北国家围绕人口与环境问题之间的斗争、以及国际学术界对人口增长与可持续发展关系理论认识分歧有关。  相似文献   

人口与环境的关系,是一个国际上处于前沿的研究领域和重大课题,其关系的协调直接关系到可持续发展的实现。童玉芬教授以全新的视角,从定性与定量、静态与动态、理论与实际的多重角度,以新疆维吾尔自治区这样一个典型的干旱区为研究靶区,对人口与环境这样一个重大的研究课题进行  相似文献   

人口生存在一定环境中,又通过自己的活动积极影响和改造环境。人口与环境的关系有时候协调,有时候失调。当人口与环境的关系协调时,人口对环境起着净化和美化的作用,而环境则对人口的生存和发展提供优越的条件;当人口与环境的关系失调时,人口对环境起着破坏和污染的作用,而环境则反过来威胁人口的生存和发展,甚至会造  相似文献   

20世纪是有史以来人类物质文明最发达的时期,同时也是地球生态环境和自然资源遭到破坏最为严重的时期。全球性的人口、资源、环境等一系列问题困扰并威胁着人类的生存与发展。1987年世界环境与发展委员会发表了著名的《我们共同的未来》一书,提出了可持续发展战略。此后,有关人口、资源和环境的研究逐渐成为全球性的热点。中国对这方面的研究也蓬勃开展,1989年,中国人民大学人口研究所召开了首届全国人口、资源、环境学术讨论会,在全国范围内开创了一个崭新的研究领域,10年来,这个领域的研究不断深入,取得了丰硕的成果…  相似文献   

1997年国务院学位委员会重新修订了研究生专业目录,新增了人口、资源与环境经济学专业。这既反映了社会主义现代化建设的实际需要,又反映了经济学界对人口、资源、环境三者之间关系进行深刻思考所得出的结论。人口、资源与环境经济学的性质可概括为三点:综合性,理论性,以研究解决经济问题为主。人口、资源与环境经济学将成为21世纪经济学领域一个新的学术增长点。  相似文献   

李禄胜 《西北人口》2009,30(5):114-119,123
宁夏是少数民族地区,较为宽松的生育政策。导致人口快速增殖。由于宁夏所处的地理位置和历史遗留的生态债务使得境内生态环境十分脆弱。尤其是人口过度增殖已超出了刚性土地资源的有效容纳力。这不仅给环境造成了巨大压力,也进一步加剧了生态环境的恶化。本文通过大量统计数据和实地调研。分析了近年来宁夏人口与生态环境之间存在的亟待解决的矛盾和问题。分析表明,当前宁夏尤其是宁南山区人口数量与人口素质、人口数量与生态存量和生态消费之间表现出了明显的此长彼消的关系。在分析的基础上.提出了人口与生态环境建设方面的政策建议。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵沟壑区生态环境脆弱,随着社会、经济的不断发展,人地关系之间的矛盾日益突出。本文以甘肃省定西市为例,通过研究历年人口、耕地、粮食动态变化情况,对定西市未来14年人口规模、粮食产量进行预测,进而分析计算未来当地耕地资源的人口承载力,并提出相应的措施来减轻耕地压力,缓解人地矛盾,保证粮食安全生产。  相似文献   

Two hundred sixty-one research participants completed a questionnaire designed to measure concern for the environment and concern for population growth. The introduction to the questionnaire focused on either threat to society, personal threat, or no threat. Contrary to some previous research findings, a positive correlation between concern for the environment and concern for population growth was found. This finding is explained by the simultaneity of measurement of the two constructs, item phrasing, and the possibility that previous research findings lacked transhistorical reliability. The threat manipulation was found to moderate the relationship between concern for the environment and concern for population growth. Analyses of demographic variables showed that women expressed more environmental concern that men, and that regular church attendees expressed the least concern for population growth.  相似文献   

D Xu 《人口研究》1983,(2):2-6
People are producers as well as consumers. If we look at only one side and ignore the other, we will be unable to reach impartial conclusions concerning the population problem. An obvious and close relationship exists between population growth and national economic development. If the two do not match each other, there will be numerous contradictory problems. For example, if the population grows too fast, serious social and economic problems will be created, such as a rise in the demand for living resources, an oversupply of the labor force, unemployment, and an insufficient availability of arable land, a shortage of public housing, more demand for health care and public transportation, and cultural and educational enterprises. In addition, a rapid population growth may cause more problems for the natural environment. As a result of overpopulation, the pressure on natural resources will be intensified and may therefore cause damage to the environment and create an ecological imbalance. All the above may bring very serious difficulties and obstacles to the advancement of socialism and modernized constructions. To avoid this, we must try to solve the population problem thoroughly and maintain a balanced relationship between the population growth and economic development.  相似文献   

本文用人口与环境关系的层级理论阐述了人类社会人口与环境关系的历史演进及其未来发展;用实证分析证明了层级理论对人口与环境关系的发展具有较强的解释力;并指出了中国未来人口与环境关系演进的方向。  相似文献   

The relationship between the environment and population has been of concern for centuries, and climate change is making this an even more pressing area of study. In poor rural areas, declining environmental conditions may elicit changes in family-related behaviors. This paper explores this relationship in rural Nepal looking specifically at how plant density, species richness, and plant diversity are related to women’s fertility limitation behavior. Taking advantage of a unique data set with detailed micro-level environmental measures and individual fertility behavior, I link geographically weighted measures of flora at one point in time to women’s later contraceptive use as a way to examine this complex relationship. I find a significant, positive relationship between plant density, species richness, and plant diversity and the timing of contraceptive use. Women in poor environmental conditions are less likely to terminate childbearing, or do so later, and therefore more likely to have larger families.  相似文献   

U.S. population doubled during the past 50 years with nary a notice by anyone, why expect anything different during the next doubling? The relationship between U.S. population size and environment suddenly became newsworthy for six months in 1997–98, thanks to a bruising battle within the Sierra Club. Whether or not you are a Sierra Club member, please consider becoming involved in a rare opportunity to publicize connections between U.S. population growth and the state of the environment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between population, economic activity and the environment in the Mongolian Plateau. This analysis provides a valuable case study for several reasons. First, it elucidates a specific ecosystem—the steppe—that has not received much attention in the literature and a traditional economic activity consistent with such environment: nomadic pastoralism. Second, the Mongolian Plateau is shared by two entities, with two different economic and social organisation: the Republic of Mongolia and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China. Third, these two entities have also experienced two different population dynamics that have resulted in different population densities and population pressure on natural resources. Fourth, environmental degradation does not seem to be a problem in the Republic of Mongolia, while in Inner Mongolia the quantity and quality of the grasslands are in decline.The argument discussed here is that the difference in resource depletion and environmental degradation between the two regions is mainly the result of different population dynamics, which has resulted in different human and animal population densities.  相似文献   

Using a multiple classification analysis of the data from the I percent public-use samples of the 1960 and 1970 censuses of population, it is found that the negative relationship between wives’ employment and their cumulative family size is stronger among whites than nonwhites and is strongest among women married less than 10 years, with 12 or more years of schooling, and who have no relatives living with them. Moreover, although there are many similarities in the pattern of the employment status/fertility relationship between the 1960 and 1970 data, the relationship is weaker in 1970 than in 1960.  相似文献   

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