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Admissibility of linear predictors for the linear quantity Qy is investigated in a superpopulation model with respect to some inequality constraints. Necessary and sufficient conditions for a linear predictor to be admissible in the class of homogeneous linear predictors and the class of inhomogeneous linear predictors are obtained, respectively, under matrix loss function.  相似文献   

The Generalized regression estimator (GREG) of a finite population mean or total has been shown to be asymptotically optimal when the working linear regression model upon which it is based includes variables related to the sampling design. In this paper a regression estimator assisted by a linear mixed superpopulation model is proposed. It accounts for the extra information coming from the design in the random component of the model and saves degrees of freedom in finite sample estimation. This procedure combines the larger asymptotic efficiency of the optimal estimator and the greater finite sample stability of the GREG. Design based properties of the proposed estimator are discussed and a small simulation study is conducted to explore its finite sample performance.  相似文献   

A theory of equivariant prediction is developed for predicting the population total in finite populations. Minimum risk equivariant predictors (MREP) are derived under the location, scale and locationscale superpopulation models. Under the general linear model, it is shown that the best(linear) unbiased predictor (B(L)UP) is an MREP.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present note is to derive optimal population total predictors relative to the Linex (Zellner, 1986) loss function under some well known superpopulation models. The risk function and Bayes risk are derived and compared with those of usual predictors. Minimax and and admissibility properties of some of the derived predictors are also investigated.  相似文献   

In this paper, minimax predictors are considered for some population quantities of interest, under some specific superpopulation models. Minimax predictors are derived under a binomial superpopulation model. The well known ratio estimator is shown to be minimax under the usual simple regression normal model. Nonparametric minimax predictors are considered under some models. Some of the predictors considered also shown to be admis s ible.  相似文献   

Raghunath Arnab 《Statistics》2013,47(1-2):175-180
Problems of estimation of a finite population total of a variable of sensitive in nature are studied under randomized response (RR) surveys. Some optimal sampling strategies are presented under different superpopulation models.  相似文献   

Several results relating to the optimal prediction of regression coefficients and random variables under a general linear model with stochastic coefficients are presented. These results are then applied to the analysis of repeated sample surveys over time. In particular, if the finite population can be modelled by a superpopulation model, a fully efficient method for the analysis of repeated surveys is proposed.  相似文献   

This paper studies prediction of future failure (rates) by hierarchical empirical Bayes (EB) Poisson regression methodologies. Both a gamma distributed superpopulation as well as a more robust (long-tailed) log student-t superpopulation are considered. Simulation results are reported concerning predicted Poisson rates. The results tentatively suggest that a hierarchical model with gamma superpopulation can effectively adapt to data coming from a log-Student-t superpopulation particularly if the additional computation involved with estimation for the log-Student-t hierarchical model is burdensome.  相似文献   

We propose a class of estimators of the variance of the systematic sample mean, which is unbiased under the assumption that the population follows a superpopulation model that satisfies some mild conditions. The approach is based on the separate estimation of the portion of the variance due to the systematic component of the model and that due to the stochastic component. In particular, we deal with two estimators belonging to the proposed class that are based on moving averages and local polynomials to estimate the systematic component of the model. The latter estimators are unbiased under the assumption that the population follows a linear trend and the errors are homoscedastic and uncorrelated. Through a simulation study we show that these estimators generally outperform, in terms of bias and mean square error, the usual estimator based on the first differences also when the superpopulation model departs significantly from linearity and the errors are heteroscedastic.  相似文献   

Results in five areas of survey sampling dealing with the choice of the sampling design are reviewed. In Section 2, the results and discussions surrounding the purposive selection methods suggested by linear regression superpopulation models are reviewed. In Section 3, similar models to those in the previous section are considered; however, random sampling designs are considered and attention is focused on the optimal choice of πj. Then in Section 4, systematic sampling methods obtained under autocorrelated superpopulation models are reviewed. The next section examines minimax sampling designs. The work in the final section is based solely on the randomization. In Section 6 methods of sample selection which yield inclusion probabilities πj = n/N and πij = n(n - 1)/N(N - 1), but for which there are fewer than NCn possible samples, are mentioned briefly.  相似文献   

Admissibility of linear predictors of the linear quantity Qy is investigated under a general linear regression superpopulation model with some inequality constraints. The relation between admissible homogeneous and inhomogeneous linear predictors is characterized. Further, necessary and sufficient conditions for a linear predictor to be admissible in two cases of inequality constraints in the classes of homogeneous and inhomogeneous linear predictors are given, respectively.  相似文献   

容越彦  陈光慧 《统计研究》2015,32(12):88-94
在总结现有模型辅助估计方法的基础上,本文通过构造一种半参数超总体模型,同时结合广义差分估计思想提出一种新型的模型辅助估计量。该估计量比传统的非参数和半参数回归估计利用更少、更易得到的辅助信息,即只需利用和广义回归估计相同的辅助信息,但一般会比广义回归估计拥有更高的估计精度。理论证明了该估计量是渐近设计无偏和设计一致的,其渐近设计均方误差为广义差分估计量的方差。模拟结果显示:其至少与广义回归估计一样好;对于线性程度越低的超总体模型,其估计精度比广义回归估计有越明显的提高;就本文模拟而言,光滑参数在0.04~0.12间适当取值时其会取到相对较好的估计效果。  相似文献   

Analysts of survey data are often interested in modelling the population process, or superpopulation, that gave rise to a 'target' set of survey variables. An important tool for this is maximum likelihood estimation. A survey is said to provide limited information for such inference if data used in the design of the survey are unavailable to the analyst. In this circumstance, sample inclusion probabilities, which are typically available, provide information which needs to be incorporated into the analysis. We consider the case where these inclusion probabilities can be modelled in terms of a linear combination of the design and target variables, and only sample values of these are available. Strict maximum likelihood estimation of the underlying superpopulation means of these variables appears to be analytically impossible in this case, but an analysis based on approximations to the inclusion probabilities leads to a simple estimator which is a close approximation to the maximum likelihood estimator. In a simulation study, this estimator outperformed several other estimators that are based on approaches suggested in the sampling literature.  相似文献   

The generalized regression (GREG) predictor is used for estimating a finite population total when the study variable is well‐related to the auxiliary variable. In 1997, Chaudhuri & Roy provided an optimal estimator for the variance of the GREG predictor within a class of non‐homogeneous quadratic estimators (H) under a certain superpopulation model M. They also found an inequality concerning the expected variances of the estimators of the variance of the GREG predictor belonging to the class H under the model M. This paper shows that the derivation of the optimal estimator and relevant inequality, presented by Chaudhuri & Roy, are incorrect.  相似文献   

Synthetic and composite estimation under a superpopulation model   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Under a simple superpopulation model for an arbitrary sampling design we derive optimal linear unbiased estimators/predictors of a mean in a domain. They can be viewed as synthetic and composite estimators of small area estimation theory when no auxiliary variable is available. Moreover, we show that the only requirement for optimality of a sampling strategy is to use any sampling plan of fixed sample size together with traditional estimators (as designed for simple random sampling without replacement). Finally, for symmetric sampling plans, simplified formulas (based on the first two moments of sample sizes) for optimal synthetic and composite estimators and their MSE’s are derived. Throughout the paper we consistently use the model-design setup.  相似文献   

This article suggests an alternative to the ratio estimator for estimating the total size of a subdomain of a population. The application that served as the genesis for this work is from auditing. The problem is to estimate the total of sales transactions that are not tax exempt from an audit sample of the population of nontaxed sales transactions. A superpopulation approach, which models the unit's probability of belonging to the subdomain as a function of its size, leads to a family of estimators. The simplest member of this famiiy is one in which that function is specified to be a constant. The optimal estimator for this model performs markedly better than the ratio estimator when the assumption is true and often performs better when it is not, though in that case it is biased. Stratification is shown to reduce this bias and at the same time make the ratio estimator more similar to the optimal estimator. A simulation experiment shows that the theoretical advantages hold in a real audit population.  相似文献   

The problem of sample selection, when a one-stage superpopulation model-based approach is used to predict individual variate values for each unit in a finite population based on a sample of only some of the units, is investigated. The model framework is discussed and a sample selection scheme based on the model is derived. The sample selection scheme is evaluated using actual data. Future research topics including multiple predictions per unit are suggested.  相似文献   

Exact and approximate Bayesian inference is developed for the prediction problem in finite populations under a linear functional superpopulation model. The models considered are the usual regression models involving two variables, X and Y, where the independent variable X is measured with error. The approach is based on the conditional distribution of Y given X and our predictor is the posterior mean of the quantity of interest (population total and population variance) given the observed data. Empirical investigations about optimal purposive samples and possible model misspecifications based on comparisons with the corresponding models where X is measured without error are also reported.  相似文献   

随着大数据和网络的不断发展,网络调查越来越广泛,大部分网络调查样本属于非概率样本,难以采用传统的抽样推断理论进行推断,如何解决网络调查样本的推断问题是大数据背景下网络调查发展的迫切需求。本文首次从建模的角度提出了解决该问题的基本思路:一是入样概率的建模推断,可以考虑构建基于机器学习与变量选择的倾向得分模型来估计入样概率推断总体;二是目标变量的建模推断,可以考虑直接对目标变量建立参数、非参数或半参数超总体模型进行估计;三是入样概率与目标变量的双重建模推断,可以考虑进行倾向得分模型与超总体模型的加权估计与混合推断。最后,以基于广义Boosted模型的入样概率建模推断为例演示了具体解决方法。  相似文献   

We obtain a Bayes predictor and a Bayes prediction risk of the mean of a finite population relative to the balanced loss function. The predictive expected losses associated with classical and standard Bayes predictors are derived and compared with that of a Bayes predictor under a balanced loss function. Specific expressions for a regular exponential family distributed superpopulation are presented and illustrated for some well-known superpopulations.  相似文献   

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