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张晨 《城市》2006,(4):30-33
1997年底,中央宣布了对天津的城市定位:天津是环渤海地区的经济中心,要努力建设成为现代化港口城市和我国北方重要的经济中心.2004年底编制完成并已上报建设部审批的<天津市城市总体规划(2004~2020年)>又进一步明确了天津的这一定位:天津是环渤海地区的中心城市,要努力建设成为国际港口大都市、我国北方的经济中心和生态城市.这一总体规划再次强调要努力把天津建设成为国际化港口大都市.  相似文献   

笔者从经济、 社会、 文化、 环境和制度建设5个维度构建城市发展质量评价指标体系,对天津城市发展质量进行评价分析.研究表明:天津城市发展质量持续稳定增长;经济和文化发展是推动天津城市发展质量提升的主导因素;社会发展和制度建设相对缓慢是制约天津城市发展质量水平进一步提升的主要因素.推动天津城市发展质量提升,需加快经济结构调整、 推动公共服务均衡发展、 为文化发展提供更好的环境、 提升产业低碳化水平、 加快政府职能转变等.  相似文献   

郭喜东 《城市》2007,(3):41-44
2006年8月,国务院批准的<天津城市总体规划(2006~2020年)>明确提出:到2020年把天津建成国际港口城市、北方经济中心和生态城市.这个战略决策是以构建城市生态安全为基础,进而实现天津经济社会的可持续发展的目标.因此,建设生态城市既是对天津城市化前景的前瞻性思维,也是一项充满艰巨挑战的生态建设工程,一项造福天津和子孙后代的浩大工程.  相似文献   

经过中央及天津市各方面专家的反复论证以及有关部门的不懈努力,对天津的定位问题有了一个比较统一的认识,即:天津是环渤海地区中心城市、我国北方重要的经济中心、现代化的国际性港口城市。这一定位必将成为天津跨世纪发展的重要契机,为天津开辟了广阔的发展空间,展示了光明的前景。 城市总体规划作为指导城市建设发展的战略性规划,必然受到城市定位的极强影响,亦或说,城市定位对城市总体规划的各个方面都产生着决定性影响。目前,城市总体规划尚  相似文献   

2013年,以习近平同志为总书记的党中央提出了共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路两大倡议,构成了以“一带一路”为主要内容的中国丝绸之路区域发展战略(以下简称“一带一路”战略).实施“一带一路”战略对于打造中国经济和对外开放的升级版,具有十分重要的战略意义. 天津作为国际港口城市、北方经济中心,历史上与“一带一路”区域联系紧密,是其重要的节点城市.当前抓住国家实施“一带一路”重大战略的机遇,对于天津在更高层次上统筹京津冀协同发展战略、提升天津自贸区建设水平、促进滨海新区新一轮开发开放,打造天津经济转型与改革开放升级版,加快实现中央对天津的定位具有重大战略意义.  相似文献   

王海天  盛逵  王海鸣 《城市》2008,(3):55-57
经国务院批准,在《天津市城市总体规划(2005年~2020年)》中将天津市的城市性质调整为:天津是环渤海地区的经济中心,要逐步建设成为经济繁荣、社会文明、科教发达、设施完善、环境优美的国际港口城市、北方经济中心和生态城市。建设生态城市、发展生态经济成为天津城市发展的方向。海河横贯天津,作为城市宝贵的资源,河道的恢复、改造、开发,都将对天津市的经济发展、  相似文献   

天津在区域经济发展中的战略思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
统筹区域发展,对地区经济结构进行战略性调整,是中央在新的发展阶段推行科学发展观、全面建设小康社会的重大战略部署.按照这个要求,深入研究天津在京津冀、环渤海、东北亚三个区域经济发展中的比较优势和制约因素,明确天津的城市功能定位及发展战略,提出加强区域合作建议,对于加快天津发展,实现"三步走"战略目标,率先基本实现现代化,发挥好天津在区域经济长远发展中的作用,具有非常重要的战略意义.  相似文献   

王忠文 《城市》2009,(7):46-48
2006年3月22日.由国务院总理温家宝主持召开的国务院常务会议审议并原则通过《天津市城市总体规划(2005年~2020年)》,要求天津以滨海新区发展为重点.在未来15年内把天津逐步建设成为经济繁荣、社会文明、科教发达、设施完善、环境优美的国际港口城市、北方经济中心和生态城市。国务院对天津北方经济中心的定位将有效带动我国北方经济的整体发展,因此,必须认真分析研究天津北方经济中心的建设。  相似文献   

李宏祥  杨亮  刘文江 《城市》2006,(4):70-71
一、工程概况 伴随天津城市快速路系统的建设,天津的交通能力得到质的提高,为城市经济快速发展提供了新的动力,赋予城市更多的大都市内涵.  相似文献   

石森昌  王明浩 《城市》2015,(12):34-37
文章首先概述几种主要的城市国际化评价体系,然后利用这几种评价体系测评天津城市国际化发展水平并探讨天津城市国际化发展过程中存在的问题.就提升天津城市国际化水平提出如下建议:做好规划工作,加快推出天津城市国际化行动纲要;以自贸区建设为契机,进一步提升开放型经济发展水平;以先进制造研发基地和北方国际航运核心区建设为抓手,提高城市的经济辐射带动能力和国际竞争力;提高城市建设和管理水平,优化创业和人居环境;深化城市对外交往,提升天津国际影响力.  相似文献   

面对着两岸风云六十载从裂变到重生的一甲子沧桑,背上驮负着"外省人"这块尴尬的标签,终身徘徊于"我是谁"的惑疑之中……  相似文献   

张人广 《城市》2006,(5):7-9
饶会林先生是在中国开拓并创新城市经济学这门新兴的综合性边缘学科的为数不多的先驱者之一.二十多年来,他以孜孜不倦、勇于创新、不断进取的拓荒精神,百折不挠、实事求是、追求真理的学者良知与智者毅力,辛勤耕耘在科研和教学第一线.先生勤奋自励,著述颇丰,为城市经济学在中国的启蒙、发展作出了重大贡献,也为我们留下了一份极其宝贵的文化遗产和精神财富.  相似文献   

The term "nonviolent resistance" is frequently assumed to refer to a single and coherent theory about the proper way to manage conflict. There are, however, two quite different theories subsumed by this general term. One assumes a basic human harmony and denies the morality of or necessity for either coercion or violence. The second regards conflict as normal, even healthy; nonviolence is perceived as an economic way of testing strength and the only limit set upon means is that of threatening or using physical force. Because activists, advocates, and observers often fail to distinguish these views, the effectiveness of nonviolent resistance is frequently impaired. This is because resisters of differing views fail to find a common basis for cooperation and because the spectator is confused by apparently contradictory professions and actions.  相似文献   

Omni House, a nonprofit youth service agency, describes how they successfully computerize their manual information system with the help of a full-service vendor. Following approval by the Board and the Executive Director and an analysis of their information needs, a feasibility study was performed which led to the selection of the vendor. The benefits of an in-house microcomputer and the help that the right vendor can provide are discussed. Suggestions for duplicating their successful experience to other agencies are presented.  相似文献   


As we approach the third decade of AIDS, HIV prevention in the United States confronts expanding public concern about continuing infections among gay men. This paper provides a brief history of HIV prevention efforts among gay men in the United States, as well as a succinct analysis of its successes and failures. By focusing on lessons learned from work in the 1980s-as well as lessons which have not yet' been learned-the author suggests future directions in HIVprevention for gay men which emphasize critical analysis of epidemiological trends, and countering the merging of gay identity with HIV infection. Supporting men to gain greater authority and responsibility1 for their sexual community-building and redevelopment is necessary for lowering the infection rate among successive generations of gay men.  相似文献   

The past 15 years have seen the waning of both cultural analysis and activism dedicated to HIV/AIDS prevention, especially in relation to the enduring epidemic in the United States. However, current mutations in the American HIV prevention landscape, driven by the biomedical promise of a ‘Test and Treat’ strategy, are producing potentially destructive outcomes for vulnerable and dispossessed communities, a situation that demands renewed investment from cultural critics. The aim of this article is to mobilize a specific strand of biopolitical theory (Foucault, Agamben, Esposito) to examine recent federally orchestrated prevention measures dedicated to a scale-up and integration of HIV testing, treatment and ‘linkage to care’, in order to move beyond their reductive approach to the preservation of life and advance a more capacious, politically engaged prevention model rooted in communal rather than individual forms of immunity. Based on my ethnographic fieldwork in Baltimore, MD, I attend to ways in which local HIV prevention initiatives are courting the city's precarious Ballroom community – a kinship system of black queer youth structured around competitive dance and performance – in an attempt to materialize their ‘target population’ for testing purposes. Previously neglected by governmental and medical institutions, members of the Ballroom community now find themselves addressed as responsible sexual citizens who are expected to protect their bodies by getting tested and, if tested positive, start treatment. Yet, this emphasis on the medical rights and responsibilities of HIV positive youth threatens to abandon large groups of youth who have managed to stay uninfected. I conclude by locating this problem in the incongruity between the biological life protected by current ‘Test and Treat’ strategies and the forms of life that allow the Ballroom community to persevere under often dire circumstances, constituting an indigenous resource for an alternative take on HIV prevention  相似文献   

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