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进入改革开放以来,我国政府相继出台了一系列养老服务政策,正在各个领域贯彻实施。但是,其推进的效果如何?本文就养老服务政策法规体系、养老服务机构体系、养老服务模式进行了评估。  相似文献   

Summary The article presents some of the findings of a recent surveyon the career paths of qualified social workers. The factorsinfluencing career progression, and particularly moves intomanagement, axe explored. Wastage rates and the relationshipbetween job characteristics and people's decision to leave socialwork are also discussed. Finally, the article looks at levelsof job satisfaction among social workers.  相似文献   


This qualitative study used in-depth interviews to better understand the social service experiences and identified needs of 26 demographically diverse adolescent mothers and their mothers, who resided together in three-generational households. Most dyads accessed community services, particularly parenting and emotional supports, financial and material assistance, and medical care, and desired short-term assistance related to their circumstances and newly expanded families, rather than long-term support. The most commonly identified barrier to service utilization involved income eligibility guidelines. In light of welfare reform policies and the current economic climate, this research underscores the need for transitional supports for families, including assistance with basic needs. In terms of implications for social work practice and future research, adolescent mothers may need formal supports as they pursue independence after they leave their mothers’ care. Future research could further explore, within other communities and longitudinally, whether these preliminary trends hold true.  相似文献   

Mothers' Coping Strategies as Child and Family Care Service Applicants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The central position of parents, in particular, mothers, inchildcare has been the focus of much recent legislation andresearch in social work. This is evident in notions such asparental responsibility, family support and prevention. However,while family support and prevention have invited considerationof what formal and informal services can do to help familieswith difficulties, there has been less focus on what these families,particularly parents, do for themselves. This is particularlyimportant where thresholds for receipt of sustained social servicesintervention are so high, leaving families with considerableproblems and needs without access to sustained intervention.Drawing upon Coping Theory, this paper seeks to begin to answerthe question: how do these families (specifically the mother,who is generally the primary caregiver) cope? Focusing on familieswho have been service applicants, but not taken on to caseload,this paper focuses on the coping strategies employed by mothersin adversity, how these strategies vary, and how well the womenthemselves feel they have coped. Amongst the findings, therewas evidence of significant differences in problem severityand profile, as well as coping strategy, according to age ofchild; of a relationship between problem severity and ‘effortfor coping’; and that there was a strong relationshipbetween problem severity and women’s rating of their coping,although only in relation to parenting. The paper emphasizeswomen as active problem solvers in their own right, and thetheoretical importance of integrating coping with the notionof prevention.  相似文献   

Child welfare in the United States is characterized by numerous and complex problems. By reviewing child welfare policy and trends in the United States, this article aims to stimulate discussion about innovative approaches that could allow child welfare professionals, both in the US and internationally, to better meet the needs of children and families.  相似文献   


In the field of child welfare, attention has been given to risk factors for child maltreatment fatalities with little attention to the difference between children who die from abuse versus neglect. As part of a larger study, child welfare workers (n = 104) from 14 different states responded to an anonymous online survey that described the child, family, and case characteristics before death and worker characteristics/experiences before and after death. Results supported that prior to death, neglectful families presented with less risk than abusive families, in the areas of parent–child attachment, child behavior problems, and changes in household composition while reporting that they received more services. With regard to child welfare practice, workers did not report any differences in how they handled cases before death nor did they report differences in their posttraumatic stress symptoms at the time of the survey. These findings can be used as a springboard for future research that focuses on fatal maltreatment.  相似文献   

This paper presents preliminary outcomes associated with an experimental, longitudinal study of a Multiple Family Group (MFG) service delivery approach set within thirteen urban outpatient clinics serving children and their families living in inner-city, primarily African American and Latino communities. Specifically, this paper focuses on parent reports of child oppositional behavior and parenting stress over time. MFG is a flexible, protocol-driven approach designed to address the most common reason for referral to outpatient child mental health clinics, childhood behavioral difficulties. The MFG also aims to enhance family-level engagement and retention in ongoing care. Further, the service delivery model was collaboratively developed with intensive input from parents rearing children with conduct difficulties, parent advocates, community-based child mental health providers and services research staff in order to ultimately expand the number of effective service models that can be situated within "real world," urban child mental health settings.  相似文献   

In this study, using data from the Swedish level of living surveys in 1981 and 1991 of more than 3,500 children, social patterns and trends in children's living conditions are analysed. The conditions focused on are linked to parental employment, namely, parental accessibility, use of child care and economic resources. The primary statistical method used is logistic regression analysis. The results show differences in children's access to mothers and fathers as parental access is restricted by various aspects of employment. There were also differences in childrenrsquo;s resources by social class and family structure. Of further importance was the combination of these, especially in the way that social class was more decisive for the children of single parents.  相似文献   

The attitudes taken towards child care have reflected the orientation of differing societies. In Australia it has been traditionally held that the young child is best cared for by his mother. Recent social changes including the large scale employment of mothers of young children have forced a re-assessment of attitudes, and led to the establishment of the Interim Committee of the Children's Commission in 1974. To establish the child care needs, attitudes and preferences of different populations of mothers a series of surveys was conducted in Sydney during 1973–1974, the first of which, conducted in Lane Cove, is reported here.  相似文献   

A systematic literature review on child sexual abuse (CSA) and ethnic minority communities was conducted to help address the current gap in knowledge in the area. This article reports on one explored theme – aspects of service delivery models identified as effective, as the basis for developing a model for Australia. The findings indicate two key aspects of effective service delivery: (i) models should be ecologically grounded to the specific cultural context, and (ii) individuals should be placed at the center of intervention so their needs and experiences are not ‘boxed in’ by their ethnicity. The model proposed for the Australian context is guided by these two key principles. Service delivery models are important because they help guide practice and standardize treatment and support in the field. However, the model proposed here also values flexibility, cultural competency, a strengths-based approach, an empowerment-based approach, intersectionality, and a feminist framework. These model elements are particularly relevant in relation to the family cohesion and support that collectivist cultures offer; whether, to what extent, and how they act as a risk or protective factor, or even both, is best determined by the victim/survivor. The utility of the model for practitioners and clients requires rigorous evaluation.  相似文献   

开展职业生涯指导课是高校学生工作和公共课程体系的重要组成部分。实证调查研究发现,当前高校的大学生职业生涯指导课中存在的问题有:课程设计缺乏理论基础,对自我认识零散而肤浅,对职业世界缺少体验和实践,执行能力不够。通过课程实践表明,职业生涯课程团队辅导方式能够有效改进上述问题,充分帮助学生认识自我,了解职业世界并提高执行能力。同时,在开展职业生涯团队辅导课程中也需要注意课程设计方式和内容的灵活性与针对性以及团队合作互动等方面。  相似文献   


This article presents the results of a randomized study that asked Division of Family and Children Services' (DFCS) clients throughout the state of Georgia to rate their satisfaction with Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), food stamps, child care services, and Medicaid services, as well as their perspectives of the customer service they received through their county DFCS offices. Telephone interviews were conducted with 2,408 clients. Overall client satisfaction percentages are: TANF, 80%; food stamps, 88%; child care, 92%; and Medicaid, 94%. Satisfaction indices were also created from the data collected. Client suggestions for improvement are presented as well as practice and educational implications.  相似文献   

Objectives. This article examines whether families with white mothers make different child care decisions for sons than for daughters before the children start school. Methods. We estimate logistic regressions of the use of nonrelative child care for the youngest child in the family six years old or younger with data from the 1990 National Child Care Survey. Results. We find that girls are significantly more likely than boys to be in regular, nonrelative care when they are between three and six years old. Conclusions. Recent evidence from the United States indicates that child gender influences various aspects of family dynamics. These differences tend to put boys at an advantage. Our findings add to this literature by showing that child care decisions are also related to child gender. Gender differences in the use of child care may reflect appropriate responses to children's developmental needs. However, they may contribute to gender differences in children's well‐being.  相似文献   

社会的不断变化,学习经验的差异,以及人自身的因素,给个体生涯决策带来不同影响.通过阐述当前生涯辅导现状,探讨将克朗伯兹的生涯决定社会学习理论引入生涯辅导的优势,试图解决当前生涯辅导的痛点和难点;鼓励资源利用和个人能动性的发挥,以使主客观各因素的交互作用功能最大化,推动生涯决策和行动,为社会和个人利用环境发挥主观能动性做好生涯规划和决策提供了方法和路径.  相似文献   

This study considers the career trajectories of high school dropouts, which has been given little attention to in the literature. Considering worker heterogeneity for individuals who do not complete high school, we estimate possible career trajectories and investigate the traits related with the decision to drop out. Using latent class growth analysis, three kinds of career trajectories are identified: dead-end, stepping-stone, and advancing careers. Although the majority of dropouts are in the dead-end careers, about 30% are in the process of escaping low-status jobs through acquiring work experience. Individual traits, such as gender, race, and cognitive ability, as well as home computer access are significantly related to the different types of career trajectories.  相似文献   

Principles and Practicalities for Measuring Child Poverty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper has three objectives. The first is to discuss the major issues involved in defining and measuring child poverty. The choices that must be made are clarified, and a set of six principles to serve as a guide for public policy are stated. The second objective is to take stock of child poverty and changes in child poverty in the majority of OECD countries since about 1990 when the Convention on the Rights of the Child came into force. Finally, the third objective is to formulate a number of suggestions for the setting of credible targets for the elimination of child poverty in the rich countries. This involves a method for embodying the ideal of children having priority on social resources into a particular set of child poverty reduction targets, it involves the development of appropriate and timely information sources, and finally it involves the clarification of feasible targets that may vary across the OECD.  相似文献   

Why Gender Matters for Every Child Matters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article is a commentary on the Green Paper for children’sservices in England: Every Child Matters. The focus of the discussionis the lack of gender analysis in the document. The articlehighlights the gendered character of contemporary parenting,and the failure of some of the proposals in the Green Paperto address this. There is also discussion of the need to appreciatethe gendered character of childhood, and the implications ofthis for children’s services. The authors also argue theimportance of using a gendered perspective to engage adequatelywith the causes and consequences of child maltreatment. Thearticle ends with some recommendations for strengthening thegender analysis in the Green Paper.  相似文献   

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