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In China the acquisition of collocations is considered as one of the most difficult points for the Chinese students in their foreign language learning. So far there are few empirical studies involving the Chinese students‘acquisition of collocational knowledge. The author of the present thesis attempts to examine the acquisition of collocational knowledge in the Chinese students from the productive aspect by investigating the acquisition of collocations in the students at three proficiency levels : elementary, intermediate and advanced. The present study aims at finding out whether there are any proficiency-related differences in the acquisition of collocations, and which collocation types are acquired in the early stage of foreign language learning and which are acquired in the later stage. Altogether 110 students have participated in this study. The results have shown that there are indeed proficiency - related differences in the acquisition of collocations and that there are specific types of collocation that are acquired in the early stages of language learning, and some types are acquired in the later stages of language learning.  相似文献   

Introduction English Language teaching as a profession has enjoyed a long history.And ever since itsinitiation,people have investigated different models in language acquisition/learning andteaching,although only in recent years has attention been paid to the studies of SLA.In theChinese setting,research in foreign language teaching(TEFL)has been made in the fashionof the theories of first language acguisition or SLA,for it is believed that the contributions tostudies of the input provided by mothers(i.e motherese) in L1 acquisition and teachers inter-locuters in SLA are necessarily important for understanding the direction that TEEL researchhas followed,as they have provided both a methodololgy for investigating input and the re-search questions.The behaviorist,the cognitivist and the interactionist approaches have putforward different models in interpreting L1 acquisition and SLA,which obviously have theirown merits and demerits,depending on the level at which they are employed and the purposethey are  相似文献   

The development and utilization of global/world models in the context of political implications of world economic trends is overviewed in terms of three streams of research, that of the multidisciplinary social scientists, of the econometricians, and of the system engineers. Socio-political processes impinge on world economic trends, just as such trends in turn impact on politics, both national and international. The use of simulations rich in system dynamics for the study of international affairs is found to have much potential, as documented in findings obtained by researchers throughout the world.  相似文献   

The great advances in international communication made over the pastcentury,and more particularly in the present century,have greatly enhanced,and necessitated,the teaching of foreign languages.Linguists,educationists andforeign language teachers have been seeking more effective methods of teachingand learning languages.With the need of more effective teaching of foreignlanguages goes the need of more effective testing of their use.More researcheshave been,and are being,done on both the theory and practice of scientific andeffective foreign-language testing.  相似文献   

The job of teaching is one of the most important careers that exist in this modern day in which we live. It is much more than a job. It is a vocation with it the connotation of a call upon an individual's life to sacrifice all that he has, and is in order to shape the lives of those who have been entrusted to his care. The teacher, though highly regarded and respected, is still one of the lowest paid professionals anywhere in the world. This is sad, but true. An individual seeking to amass a  相似文献   

From the second half of the twentieth centuryon,researchers have begun to analyze child languagelearning systematically.They have attempted to dis-cover the nature of the psycholinguistic process thatenables every human being to gain great control of anexceedingly complex system of communication.Learning outcomes may be influenced by individuallearner variables.The motivation of learning playsvery important role in second language learning.Alanguage teacher should get the intimate knowledge a-…  相似文献   

论《红字》中的《圣经》意象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It cou ld not be said too often thatHawthorne belonged to acu lture for wh ich the B ib le was still the book of books.Therewas no end on secret evils in hum an life.The hum an soc ietyneeds unceasing purification.Th is was Puritan’s notion.It wasalso Ha…  相似文献   

Tenses are very complicated in English grammar. The progressive tensenormally refers to "action in progress". but transitional verbs in progressiveindicate "action in the immediate future". The perfect tense is said to have twouses: finished and unfinished use. "He has lived there"-finished use. He is notliving there now." He has lived there for two years"-unfinished use. He is still  相似文献   

The widespread hedonism shows that the worship of wealth based on the alienation of human nature can not become the belief pursuit of modem society. To solve the alienation of human beings and the problems concerned, it is necessary to have solid realistic interests and the rational spirits beyond wealth value. The previous rationality built on individualism fails to deal with the belief crisis of the society. The way out of it lies in the reconstruction of human rationality and the transforming of rationality from individual one to practical one.  相似文献   

By using semi—micro—iodometrie method.the comparative studies on thb absorbent power of differant ions by different soil samples have been developed.It is noteworthy that the proposed technique is rapid and more reproucible.The theoretical equations are derived and the exoerimantal proceuresdare described.The maenitude of absorbent power of ion by soils is the intensity factorrespect to that of capacity factor.The reciprocal of coefficent of soil absoreent power of ion has been assumed to reprcsent the magnitude of soil absorbent power when the soil having been taken as reference has been fixedAccording fo this method.results of the absorbent power of different nutritious ions for cerfain paddy soils are presented.we get a linear relationshibatween ion—exchange adsorption of soil and nutritious ions.Tha absorbent power is not only a basic feature of soil except it's chepical and physical property but also a fandamental character for ions.Fathermore,in the practice.the absorbent power of nutritious ionsasNH_4~+,K~+,Ca~(++)and Mg~(++)has been invstigated,The absbent cower of ions bycoarse sandy earth and clayloam,the relationship befween absorbent powemand cultural practice as well as a significant illnstration ete are also discusd in details.All these results have clearly displayed the significance of soil absorbent power in the respect of directing the plant nutrition and the adequatefertilization.  相似文献   

Two developments in the methodology of English teaching have been seen. One is the transition from ELT(English Language Teaching) to ESP(English for Special Purposes)teaching. The other is the transition from linguistic forms and syntactic structures to communicative activities. This essay discusses the classification of ESP/EST, argues for the purpose of ESP/EST teaching and GPE(General Purpose English)teaching. It is then suggested that the characteristics of objectives between ESP/EST and GPE should be differentiated. In the second part, the essay takes as its starting point two kinds of EST courses offered in institutions of higher learning in China. One has the nature of in-service language teaching. The other deals with the EST-majoring programme. The essay seeks to identify what are the main features of the EST-majoring programme, and stresses its practical nature of training and the concern with the learners' communicative competence.  相似文献   

The Tension of Sociology of Science: Comparison between Bernal's and Merton' s Research Methods on Tradition/Wang Ying ( School of Public Adminstration, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)
Abstract: As to the theories in sociology of science, Bemal school and Merton school establish different research methods on tradition. Although Bernal and Merton have something common in research premise and research purpose, they do have differences. Bernal proposes his idea based on the standpoint of scientists, while Merton insists on the discourse of sociologists. From the perspective of epistemology,  相似文献   

Historically, women have becn considered to be inferior to men. They have discriminated in one way or another. This unequal sexist phenomenon is reflected in language, too. Rccently, thcre has becn a noticeablc increase in the numberof articles and books on the subject of Language and Sexism. We have noticed sexism exists in language and women have a language of their own, which is different from and inferior to the language of men in socicty, This paper attempts to discuss such kind of inequality in English language.  相似文献   

Prehistoric archaeology has progressed a large step since 1949 and manyquestions were solved after a great number of prehistoric sites had beendiscovered.It is generally accepted that in the neolithic age of China thereexisted two types of culture:the 1st is the well-known“Painted-pottery Culture”in the north-web,tern part,the 2nd is the“Black-pottery Culture”in the easternpart of China;while the 3rd one the“Printed Geometric-designed potteryCulture proposed by other scholars and the writer(In my former papersbeginning from“A Neolithic site in Wuping Fukien”read in the 3rd Congressof Far-eastern Prehistorians held in Singapore Jan.1938)as that of the south-eastern region of China has not yet been determined until now.The recentdiscoveries in this region including that of Hot'ien as dealt with in this paper,however,have provided many valuable evidences to this hypothesis.  相似文献   

美国密士根大学门洛(Donald J.Munro)教授,已撰两书一文:《早期中国对人的概念》(The Concept of Man in Early China.Stanford University Press,1969);《现代中国对人的概念》(The Concept of Man in Contemporary China.Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1977);《中国思想里‘利’的概念》(The Concept of ‘Interest’in Chinese Thought”,Journalof the History of Ideas 41 April-June.1980),179—97);又曾编成《个人主义与整体论  相似文献   

According to the reform and opening-up policy to the outside world in our country,English has become a more common communication tool in today’s society.The schools at all levels also enhance the English teaching,even the kindergarden.It is important to improve the teaching quality.Teachers have to pay more attention to the research of language teaching.In English teaching classroom,teachers should not only use the oral language and written language to deliver the information,but also make use of the silent body language.Body language not only deepens the verbal language,but also takes an unsubstitutive effect on the verbal language.  相似文献   

(Nine months before her trip to Beijing, Kristy was in a situation that most single girl's dream of. Recent events have made Ben decide that Kristy is the woman for him, and that now is the time to propose.) Kristy: This is a lovely dinner, Ben. Ben: Well, I have something important to tell you...My boss gave me a big promotion today. Kristy: That's fantastic news! You deserve it. (leans over and kisses him) Ben: The only problem is that he's sending me to China to be the manager of the …  相似文献   

The Agricultural Educations Initiating and Influence in the Late Qing Dynasty in Shandong
YUAN Peng - xin( 1 )
The agricultural education's initiating in the Late Qing Dynasty in Shandong is the result of the vari- ous kind of factors, such as Shandong local authorities, the regional gentry combined to participate in positively, and the background is that the Qing government carries on the educational reformation and ag- ricuhural technology falls behind. The agricultural education has the modern nature that is greatly differ- ent from the old The agricultural style education regardless of being in the education system education's development in Shandong that not only has opened and in the course content.  相似文献   

Current Situation of Health Personnel in Community Health Care Center in Fujian Province and Suggestions for Their Development
Ruo-yan, LI Yue-ping (1. Department of Health Care Management and Social Medicine in Public Health School Medical University, Fuzhou 350108 ;2. Centre for Health Policy Research, Fuzhou 350108, of Fuj ian China)
Abstract: The paper investigates the current situation of health personnel in the centers for community health care in Fujian Province, and analyzes such existing problems as the number of personnel, the struc ture of their academic disciplines, the level of their educational bac while, some policy recommendations have been made for improving kg th round and job title structure. Mean e quality of the healthcare personnel, such as providing adequate healthcare workers and work-place oriented training, stepping up staff training and satisfying requirements of the workers.  相似文献   

Noncontact measurements of the permittivity of a smooth convex target are described in this paper. Two methods are presented. The first one is a modified Erteza and Doran's method. The second one is measuring the reflection coefficient of the target and then evaluating the permittivity. Both methods are implemented in the open with a S-band bistatic radar. The experimental results are in good agreement with those obtained by the perturbation method.  相似文献   

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