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Dr. Zhao Honored Dr. Zhao Xuefang is in charge of the Obstetrics/Gynecology Department of the Changzhi City People's Hospital in Shanxi Province. On April 23, 1994, she received from the hands of Qian Zhengying, Vice-Chairman of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the first Norman Bethune Medal, granted by the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of Labor and Personnel. Since Dr. Zhao began working in the medical field in 1963, she has continued to improve her techniques. After more than 30 years in medicine, she has treated thousands of patients without incident. Though Dr. Zhao has been diagnosed with cancer and has had two operations, she has continued to heal the wounded and rescue the dying. Her only wish is to relieve the pain of more patients as long as she can. —China Women's News  相似文献   

It was a custom in the Liao Dynasty to decorate tombs with murals. The paintings in Zhao Dejun's tomb, excavated in Beijing, provide a well-known example. During the Five Dynasties period, Zhao Dejun was a warlord in Youzhou, which became the southern capital of Nanjing in the Liao Dynasty (and even later, was renamed Beijing). The Zhaos grew to become a very powerful family in the area, as can be seen from the size of Zhao's tomb and the value of the funerary objects buried with him. His tomb  相似文献   

ACWF Participates in FOCAC Beijing Summit全国妇联参与中非合作论坛北京峰会The Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) was held on November 4-5,2006. Prior to the summit, the Fifth Senior Officials' Meeting and the Third Ministerial Conference of FOCAC were held in Beijing. Zhao Shaohua, Vice-President and Member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), attended the summit's opening ceremony. Zhao, Gu Xiulian, Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National  相似文献   

Thirty years ago, following her marriage, which lasted only half a year, Zhao Yuhua, a Hui woman in a mountai village, gave birth to twins. Today, the elder one A Dong, after getting a doctorate degree in Beijing University, works in the National Bureau of Oceanography; the younger one A Feng, is studying for his doctorate in the Institute of Historical  相似文献   

"You will become the first group of housekeepers from Honghe,of southwestern China's Yunnan Province,to work in East China's Shanghai.People in your hometown will hold a grand welcoming ceremony when you return in the future,"said Zhao Huimin,founder and president of Shanghai Xinbei Housekeeping Services Co.,Ltd.,during a job fair in Honghe County,in Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture.  相似文献   

In September 1995, 318 students enrolled in the Tailoring School of Hebei Province set up by rural woman Zhao Xin'ai. They were admitted to this secondary vocational school after passing standard  相似文献   

In the Spring and Autumm Period(770—476), Wu She, a senior official of the State of Chu and the father of a great general Wu Zixu, was killed for airing his views to Ping Wang, the King of Chu. To avoid being implicated in his father's crime, Wu Zixu fled at night from his home and sneaked out through Zhao Pass, a strategic gateway in the northeast border region.  相似文献   

Zhao Shuguo, a professor at the Sculpture Department of the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, became interested in carved wooden beds with their intricate patterns when he went into the midst of the common people to collect folk art carvings. Ever since he has collected and studied these beds which were recenfiy displayed in a special exhibition. The carved wooden beds, made during the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-  相似文献   

LAST year, Yu Hua, an elderly woman who was suffering from five or six different illnesses, was hospitalized for almost three months at the Department of Gerontology in the Friendship Hospital. She said she had a good impression of the doctors and nurses who cared for her, especially Head Doctor Zhao Shuying. Dr. Zhao comes from a long line of doctors of traditional Chinese medicine, but studied Western medicine when she was a college student. Through years of research and practice, she has been able to successfully combine traditional  相似文献   

IT must have been our fate to meet. On the first day I arrived at the Korean University in the Republic of Korea, as a visiting professor from China's Qinghua University, I got a phone call. "Are you Professor Zhao?" A South Korean woman asked me in Chinese. "Yes."  相似文献   

DANGERS of hereditary diseases are hidden in the complicated process by which life is formed. There are many who work hard to save lives and fight against such misfortune. And Doctor Zhao Cuilan is one such soldier who has chosen hemophilia as her battlefield. Hemophilia is a hereditary disease characterized by the inability of the patient's blood to clot. When a person lacks the substance that causes blood clotting, he can bleed to death. In the  相似文献   

ZHANG Nan, still a student at the Industrial Art Design Department of Beijing Industrial University, has already shown great talent in her paintings. Father Zhang Bo is an army art worker and Mother Zhao Suhua works at the Beijing Xuanwu District Committee. An Unexpected Prize As part of the China Year of Tourism, the large-scale "'97 China Art Exhibition" displayed galleries from individual artists, attracting attention from the art circles. When Zhang Bo learned of the news, the Zhang family held a family meeting in which they decided to send some  相似文献   

Gu Meets Japanese Foreign Minister's Wife顾秀莲主席会见日本外相夫人Gu Xiulian,President of the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF),met Komura Haruko (second from left),wife of Japanese Foreign Minister Komura Masahiko and President of the Asia-Pacific Ladies Friendship Society,in Beijing on August 17.Zhao Shaohua,Vice-President and Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF,attended the meeting. Gu welcomed Komura Haruko to China,especially while Beijing was hosting the 29th  相似文献   

Zhao Huiyan: Fated Relations with Rural Women赵惠燕:同农村姐妹结下不解之缘Zhao Huiyan has linked her destiny with rural areas, agriculture and peasants since she started work in the countryside as an educated urban youth in the late 1960s. In recent years, Zhao Huiyan, professor and supervisor of Ph.D candidates of Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry, is still busy serving rural women although she is suffering from cancer.  相似文献   

Huang Zongying,wife of Zhao Dan,the late,famous Chinese actor,has performed the leading roles in numerous films since the 1940s.The films include Xingfu Kuangxiangqu(Rhapsody of Happiness,1947),Liren Xing(Three Women,1949)and Wuya Yu Maque(Crows and Sparrows,1949).Since 1965,she has devoted herself to writing.She was once executive director of both the Chinese Writers'Association and the Chinese Actors'Association.  相似文献   

NI Ping is an anchorwoman for CCTV. Because of this, she wins a lot of admirers. Among them was a girl who devoted her life to following Ni's career. She was Zhao Ying, a 15-year-old student at Beijing No. 80 Middle School. Her small bedroom is virtually a shrine to Ni Ping. Her bookcase is filled with videotapes and magnetic tapes of programs hosted by Ni. Ni's photographs are all over the walls. In addition, Zhao had created her own newsletter about her idol called Ni Ping's Feature. Below the title of the newsletter, Zhao had written the four  相似文献   

AT the foot of towering Mount Taihang lives a doctor who is deeply loved by the people. She is Zhao Xuefang, director of gynecology at Changzhi Municipal People's Hospital, Shanxi Province. For over 30 years Dr. Zhao has relieved the pain of more than 20,000 patients with her medical skills and engaging manner. In 1955 ZhaoXuefang left the mountain and moved into the provincial capital. In 1963 she graduated from Shanxi Medical University and returned to the mountain. Since the day she became a doctor she has devoted herself to the lofty cause of helping the sick and the wounded. As with every patient, especially those with difficult or complicated illnesses or injuries, Dr. Zhao is clear about their cases. For the dying and the critically ill, she personally gives  相似文献   

HELPING to build cleaner and more livable cities, Jinan City Vice Mayor Zhao Zhibing is universally acclaimed by her people. As leader of 5.4 million people in Jinan, Shandong Province, she has a cultivated, outwardly soft and inwardly tough character. Her modest, down-to-the-earth statements and actions leave deep impressions with the people of Jinan.  相似文献   

Discoverer of the Origin of Life The origin of life on earth has long been a subject explored by scientists around the world. At the 11th International Conference on the Origin of Life held at Orleans University in France on July 9th, 1996, Chinese scientist Zhao Yufen and her partner Cao Peisheng announced the contents of the origin of the seed of life.  相似文献   

ZHAO works for an advertisingcompany in Jinan, ShandongProvince. Not long after shesigned a five-year contract with thecompany in 1997. the manager of herdepartment began frequently sexuallyharassing her. To avoid furtherincidents, Zhao handed in herresignation. However, her resignationwas considered a violation of her  相似文献   

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