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道德社会化的本真使命在于促进人性的提升和完满。在马克思主义人学理论的科学指导下,从人的本质论、人的实践论和人的发展论出发,对大学生道德社会化进行人学解读。在此基础上,以"人性自由"的逻辑起点、"人化需要"的实践方向和"人本回归"的价值追求来探讨大学生道德社会化的人学转向,有利于优化当代大学生道德社会化的现实路径,以期促进大学生的全面自由发展。  相似文献   

The conclusion that prisons, as total institutions, are “forcing houses” for the changing of persons can be extended beyond inmates to the prison staff. In this article I focus on one subset of prison staff that has received only scant examination: prison chaplains. Using qualitative interview data, I analyze the occupational socialization of state‐employed prison chaplains. I begin by discussing the initial expectations chaplains held about their work and what they hoped to accomplish. I describe the challenges of working in the correctional environment and note the occupational adjustments chaplains made in reaction to these challenges. I conclude with a theoretical examination of the role and identity processes that framed the occupational socialization of prison chaplains.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an experimental study investigating the relationship between gender role stereotyping and political learning among Mexican-American children. In addition to the pre-test and post-test administered to the entire sample, 15 of the children were exposed to a treatment emphasizing a flexible definition of the female role. The children did stereotype behavior assigning some activities to men and others to women. Further, this stereotyping affected their attitudes toward female political participation. Comparison of pre-test and post-test suggests that the treatment had some effect on gender role attitudes, particularly concerning the female role. In addition, on several questions there appeared to be an interaction between gender and the experimental treatment, sugguesting possible differences between the political socialization of boys and girls.  相似文献   

American viewers who have seen large quantities of violent materialhave a greater tendency to answer questions about the real work)in ways which make it seem closer to the nature of the worlddepicted on television than do viewers who have only seen smallamounts of television. Interpretation of the implications ofthese findings has been vigorously developed, probably far beyondthe certainty which can be attached to the rigor of the empiricalresults. If the effects of heavy violence consumption are asstrong as alleged, they should be discernible when sought againin a similar culture, and with similar methods. An attempt toreplicate the American results among British viewers suggeststhat the paranoid effect is absent from their viewing experience.It may not have been convincingly demonstrated hitherto in Americaeither.  相似文献   

Instruction can create zones of proximal development. One's interpretation of Vygotsky's ideas, however, would drive qualitatively different instructional strategies. A text mediational view (Wertsch & Bivens, 1992) supports the classroom as a place where the teacher orchestrates joint activities which promote dialogic texts, allowing students to use language as thinking devices to make connections between what they already know and new concepts. This study describes the author' s role in setting up such joint activities during the first few weeks of a year-long education class. An analysis of this video-taped course revealed two patterns in which the dialogic texts took place. The first pattern called 'shared knowledge scaffolding' involved individual student writing and small group discussion about what students already knew about the topic. Sharing similarities and differences in a whole class discussion, the students and teacher developed publicly shared composite theories regarding the topic. These early theories served as initial reference points as students looked for connections to new information generated during on going class activities. This pattern eventually disappeared as the semester progressed, but the resultant expanded knowledge base became "old" or "anchored" knowledge, which students could now use as mental hooks as they engaged in increasingly sophisticated activities involving application of course concepts in new contexts. The author argues that these two patterns, which underlie the joint activities, provided students with the means to achieve enhanced levels of intersubjectivity, thereby enabling students to increasingly assume responsibility for their learning.  相似文献   

Socialization and Newcomer Adjustment: The Role of Organizational Context   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Research on how the context of work affects HRMpractices in general, and socialization practices inparticular, is relatively scarce. The present studyassesses a model linking context, socialization, and newcomer adjustment. Self-report data frombusiness school graduates after 4 months (N = 295) and10 months (N = 223) on the job revealed that mechanistic(vs. organic) structure, organization size, and jobs of high motivating potential were eachpositively associated with organizations' use of whatJones (1986) refers to as institutionalizedsocialization, and this form of socialization waspositively associated with newcomer adjustment. Contraryto expectations, neither a newcomer's bureaucraticorientation nor growth need strength moderated therelationship between socialization andadjustment.  相似文献   

The critical limitation of the interpretation of schools as independent normative systems is the failure to demonstrate that observed student orientations are acquired in schools rather than in other settings such as the home or community. The problem is approached here as a question of whether students' orientations vary with lengths of membership in the same school organization. Data were examined for 7,954 students in 19 schools which contained grade-lengths 7-9, 7-12, 9-12, and 10-12. The analyses indicated that the distinctiveness of school normative climates is slightly but positively associated with lengths of school membership when school size is controlled. While schools can be viewed as relatively distinct systems, they should also be seen as highly permeable in the midst of their community and home environments.  相似文献   

Information on participation with kin, with friends, and in voluntary associations was used to test two competing hypothescs of the effects of social mobility on social relations. The dissociative hypothesis maintains that mobility leads to social isolation, while the socialization hypothesis predicts an adptive outcome to mobility. The relationship is more complex than either position would suggest. Social mobility is associated with isolation from kin and friends, but only for the upwardly mobile. The findings obtained with voluntary associations support the socialization hypothesis in that the level of membership of the socially mobile is intermediate between the two stable groups. Social mobility has maladaptive consequences for more intimate and personal social relations, but it is integrative as far as participation in voluntary associations is concerned.  相似文献   

The research reported examines the impact of the news mediaas an agent of political socialization on children's politicalknowledge, their attitudes toward political parties and electoralsystems, and their activities relative to politics. Childrennews media use and level of political knowledge function asprimary sources of causal effects for each other. They are consistentlymore important in their effects on the attitudes and types ofparticipation studied in this research than are the parentaland educational system socialization indicators or the structuralvariables of grade and gender.  相似文献   

This paper considers the relationship between Melvin Pollner’s sociology of mundane reasoning and conversation analysis. We suggest, first, that Pollner’s revolutionary view of the role of accounts in everyday life provides a basic framework for understanding how norms of conversational organization are sustained across time periods ranging from the evanescent moment to the longue durée of historical time. Second, we argue his work on conflict and reality disjunctures is important for the light it sheds on conversational processes concerned with the avoidance and/or management of disagreement. Although Pollner was not personally engaged with conversation analysis, his theorizing is nonetheless of great significance in understanding some of its basic preoccupations.  相似文献   

The current study examined the role of attachment insecurity, locus of control, and parental financial communication on the financial behavior of emerging adults from a family financial socialization theory perspective. Data were used from the Emerging Adult Financial Capability Study, the sample consisted of emerging adult college students (N = 321) from a large southeastern university in the United States. Structural equation modeling was used to examine the direct and indirect effects as well as the overall fit of the model that was constructed according to family financial socialization theory. Results suggested that increased attachment insecurity predicted decreased financial communication from parents and a decreased perception of an internal locus of control. Emerging adults who received greater financial instruction (both direct and indirect) and who felt they had a greater ability to influence outcomes in their life engaged in more sound financial behavior. Results also suggested that financial communication and locus of control mediated the relationship between attachment insecurity and financial behavior. The findings supported the inclusion of attachment as an important family relationship variable in the financial socialization process, as well as the structure of a conceptual model of family financial socialization theory.  相似文献   

Schooling in Capitalist America: Educational Reform and the Contradictions of Economic Life, by Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1976, 340 pp. R7,20 (paperback).  相似文献   

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