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王宗正 《学术界》2008,(2):206-210
我国的通讯表决实践存在的许多问题源于法律障碍,重构我国股东大会通讯表决制度具有必要性与迫切性.重构通讯表决制度,应当赋予通讯表决与其它方式同等的地位,采取恰当的立法模式,并规定其具体运作方法.  相似文献   

股东大会决议由股东大会议案转化而来,股东大会议案的内容决定着股东大会决议的内容。股东以通讯方式行使表决权的前提条件是股东大会议案已经确定。股东以通讯方式行使表决权后,如果该议案在股东大会会议上被修正而成为修正议案,则股东以通讯方式针对原议案所作的表决(意思表示)将难以适用于修正后的议案,因为无论对股东针对原议案的表决做何种意思表示解释均可能与其表决原意不符。从利益平衡的视角考量,股东针对原议案所做的表决在股东大会议案修正后的效力解释,应由公司章程或者股东大会会议通知事先作出明确规定,或者由股东在通讯表决时予以确定。  相似文献   

表决权在资本多数决的股东大会决议机制下分化为意思表达权和形成权两种性质各异的权利,其原因在于股东大会决议行为的特殊法律行为属性和特殊法律效力,在于股东表决的不同性质——意思通知和单方法律行为,并由此导致对一系列关乎股东表决权的制度的重新评价和审视,如表决权排除、类别股东表决、异议股东股份购买请求权以及资本多数决的决议机制等。  相似文献   

股东以通讯方式行使表决权无论对股东还是公司而言,都有其独特的价值,我国实践中对通讯表决适用范围作出的限制不利于其优势的发挥.重构股东通讯行使表决权制度,应当允许其适用于所有的股份有限公司,适用于股东大会所有的决议事项,并允许所有的股东采用.  相似文献   

何晨夫  龚建平 《河北学刊》2012,32(3):256-258
股东大会罢免董事制度业已成为股东大会与董事会间相互制约的核心。在董事罢免的立法上,英、美、日、韩等国呈现一致性,都强调在立法上为股东大会行使这一权力提供更宽松的条件与更充分的保障。这对于未来中国股东大会罢免制度的完善与发展具有重要启示。  相似文献   

信息技术的嵌入实现了股份有限公司股东大会的技术创新,而技术创新需要制度的调适与应对。中国证监会以其发布的规则来应对股东大会的技术创新,然而要实现技术创新到制度创新需要一个以公司法改革为核心的系统工程。我国当务之急是要进行公司法修法,确立以股东大会召集程序电子化、表决权等股东权行使电子化为核心的制度框架,同时推行“视频会议”+“电子表决”+“互动易”模式的部分网络股东大会,实现股东大会会议的网络化。  相似文献   

股东大会机关化构造承载着股东大会整合公司股东利益诉求以及有效监督公司经营的功能预期。然而,股东大会机关化构造论却无法从权力来源、权力内容和组织运行机制等方面证成股东大会成为"机关"所必备的实体组织性。股东大会机关化构造及其体现的方法论整体主义,不仅使我国公司法制无法聚焦于公司实践中真实的利益冲突,还引发了诸多逻辑困境和现实难题。我国公司机关制度应当进行以股东大会"去机关化"为发轫的结构性变革。  相似文献   

在有组织的社会里,表决是形成统一意志最常用的方式;对于国际组织来说,表决制是形成决议的主要法律形式。本文对现代国际组织的表决制度作一简略介绍。 一 现代国际组织的表决制度虽然在许多方面较之传统的表决制度有所不同,但它主要还是自近代以  相似文献   

破产债权人会议是破产程序中极为重要的一个机构,破产法对其组成、职权范围、议事原则等方面作了相当大篇幅的规定。但在司法实践中,破产债权人会议制度仍然存在自相矛盾及难以操作的地方,对于表决机制的规定亦不够具体、明确,亟需完善。本文将通过分析破产程序中的债权人会议表决机制存在的问题,寻找出固有的制度瑕疵,结合实际工作经验,从表决程序、表决方式、表决结果统计方法等几方面提出可行性建议,以期完善破产债权人会议制度。  相似文献   

众所周知,我国现行的股东大会一般都流于形式,大部分只呈现一个虚架子.造成这样的原因是因为股东大会投票制度的不合理以及股票市场不规范,其次还有股东缺乏长期投资理念.因此推行累积投票制度,建立现代通讯投票制度,规范股票市场、树立投资理念是促进股东大会有效运作的有效途径是必要的.  相似文献   

文章根据国内外学者对表见代理制度的研究,对表见代理下了定义,并根据表见代理的性质界定为无权代理,并阐述了德国、日本关于表见代理制度的规定,详细分析了表见代理的三种类型和表见代理构成的三种学说。  相似文献   

征集投票代理权制度是现代公司法中的一项重要制度 ,其源于民法上的代理权。该制度的作用已为实践所证实 ,有其存在的法理基础和现实意义 ,但它又是一把双刃剑 ,如不加限制就会衍生出各种弊端 ,而我国对于该制度的立法却存在明显的缺漏。通过对美国和我国台湾地区相关立法的比较分析 ,可对完善我国的征集投票代理权立法提出若干建议  相似文献   

Scholars have continued to debate the extent to which white flight remains racially motivated or, in contrast, the result of socioeconomic concerns that proxy locations of minority residence. Using 1990–2010 census data, this study contributes to this debate by re-examining white flight in a sample of both poor and middle-class suburban neighborhoods. Findings fail to provide evidence in support of the racial proxy hypothesis. To the contrary, for neighborhoods with a larger non-white presence, white flight is instead more likely in middle-class as opposed to poorer neighborhoods. These results not only confirm the continued salience of race for white flight, but also suggest that racial white flight may be motivated to an even greater extent in middle-class, suburban neighborhoods. Theoretically, these findings point to the decoupling of economic and racial residential integration, as white flight may persist for groups even despite higher levels of socioeconomic attainment.  相似文献   

Roughly half the labor force data in the Current Population Survey (CPS) are provided by proxy respondents, and since 1979, men’s reliance on proxies has dropped dramatically while women’s reliance on proxies has increased. Few authors, however, have examined how combining these first-hand and second-hand reports may influence our understanding of long-term economic trends. We exploit the outgoing rotation group structure of the CPS by matching individual records one year apart, and we find that self-reported wages are higher than proxy-reported wages even after controlling for all time invariant characteristics. Furthermore, we find that changes in the use of proxy respondents by men and women since 1979 have made current estimates of the gender wage gap larger than they would have been without changes in reporting status. This suggests that the gender wage gap has closed more than previously estimated. We recommend that researchers combine self and proxy responses with great care, especially when analyzing time trends or making gender comparisons.  相似文献   

本文在新凯恩斯主义的理论分析框架内,由实证层面详细地考察了通货膨胀与"缺口"代理变量之间的动态关系,结果发现:(1)中国的Phillips曲线具有"前瞻"性质;无论以实际产出或劳动收入份额作为"缺口"代理变量,预期成分和源自实质经济活动的通胀压力对于当前的通货膨胀均存在着至关重要的影响;(2)基于结构参数的实证估计结果,在每一季度内,约有近50%的国内厂商调整价格;价格平均持续期为半年左右,低于美国、更显著地低于欧元区经济.与此同时,国内企业更大程度地遵循"拇指定价规则"(40~60%);而这一比例又明显地高于美、欧经济.  相似文献   

基于管理防御假说的可转换债券融资   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王冬年 《河北学刊》2007,27(3):190-193
作为对代理理论研究的深化,管理防御假说为解释现实财务行为提供了一个新视角。管理防御视角下的可转换债券融资,对经理人从事不良投资项目可以起到约束作用;当经理人从事好的投资项目且努力经营时,可转换债券融资在避免敌意接管的同时又能避免公司陷入破产的困境。而债务融资在经理人实施了有利于提高公司价值的投资项目后,仍存在破产的可能。现阶段,中国可转换债券融资的实践为管理防御假说提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

Theoreticians have used the concepts of lifestyle and routine activities to account for the occurrence of personal crime victimization. Research has not usually used direct measures of these concepts, however, instead relying on demographic variables such as age and sex as proxy indicators. This paper analyzes the relationship of various job activities (delivering passengers or goods, traveling out of town, dealing face-to-face with customers, and working irregular hours) to the risk of violent and theft-damage personal crime victimization, and to the risk of such victimization at work. Logistic regression models show that delivery of passengers or goods and dealing with the public are robustly associated with violent victimization. None of the four job activities are consistently associated with theft-damage victimization risk. The results illustrate the importance of using direct measures of life-style or routine activities to examine exposure to the risk of victimization. The findings also suggest the need to elaborate further the notion of exposure, and to develop a second generation of victimization theory.  相似文献   

以人民币NDF汇率(Non-deliverable Forward rate,无本金交割远期汇率)作为人民币汇率市场预期的替代变量,通过对该变量的时间序列分析,建立汇率预期随机波动模型以刻画人民币汇率预期的波动特征。研究表明,NDF汇率的波动与市场对人民币汇率的预期变化相吻合,管理当局应对此类预期给予重视;人民币汇率预期波动剧烈,具有厚尾、波动群集性、持续性的特征,且具有波动的杠杆效应。这些性质导致市场中一旦出现人民币升值或贬值的预期,其趋势将维持相当长的时间。因此,管理当局应谨慎看待当前人民币汇率的市场预期及由此形成的升值压力,既肯定其中理性及客观的因素,又需对其非线性、过度波动的特征及其危害有充分的认识。采取积极、稳步渐进的方式推进人民币汇率形成机制改革,应该是符合各方利益、且能够避免诸多不利影响的明智之举。  相似文献   

Selective Emigration, Cohort Quality, and Models of Immigrant Assimilation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this article we identify sample underenumeration, changing cohort quality, and selective emigration as problems that threaten the validity of findings on immigrant socioeconomic assimilation derived from cross-sectional data. Using information on Mexican immigrants from the 1990 U.S. census and a unique binational source of data, we address the effects of these problems on cross-sectional regressions of English proficiency and wage attainment. Our results suggest that the underenumeration of temporary and undocumented migrants biases the estimated effects of human capital variables downward, but that selective emigration does not significantly affect cross-sectional models. We do find, however, that period of entry is a poor proxy for total migrant experience, and when we disentangle duration and cohort effects, we find some evidence for shifts in cohort quality over time, but not the systematic decline seen by others.  相似文献   

We assess the relationship between skin color and educational attainment for native-born non-Hispanic Black and White men and women, using data from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study. CARDIA is a medical cohort study with twenty years of social background data and a continuous measure of skin color, recorded as the percent of light reflected off skin. For Black men and women, we find a one-standard-deviation increase in skin lightness to be associated with a quarter-year increase in educational attainment. For White women, we find an association approximately equal in magnitude to that found for Black respondents, and the pattern of significance across educational transitions suggests that skin color for White women is not simply a proxy for family background. For White men, any relationship between skin color and attainment is not robust and, analyses suggest, might primarily reflect differences in family background. Findings suggest that discrimination on the basis of skin color may be less specific to race than previously thought.  相似文献   

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