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正麻风病是由麻风杆菌引起的慢性疾病,通过来自口鼻的飞沫传播,主要侵犯人体皮肤和神经。在古代,麻风病患者普遍会遭受社会的歧视,欧洲曾经将麻风病患者烧死或者活埋。在日本,为了不给家人添麻烦,麻风病患者会选择隐居山林,直到孤独地病死。明治末年,日本全国有3万多麻风病患。为了根除麻风病这个国家"耻辱",日本政府于1907年制定了《癞预防相关事宜》的法律,强制隐居山林的麻风病患者进入疗养所隔离。不仅如  相似文献   

周宁 《中外书摘》2007,(1):33-35
17世纪传教士到中国,传播科技是为了传教;中国容许传教,是因为传教士传播科技。双方两者间微妙的平衡,成为福音得以进入中国的基本条件。但是,这种平衡复杂敏感得难以维持。传教士过分传播科技,不仅会破坏天主教的神学基础,还会使中国人与传教士不知不觉中忽略了教义与教务;过分传播宗教,没有科技的保护他们就无法居留中国,中国当局也会因为他们教众过多、势力太大威胁到政教安全而禁止或驱逐他们。以科学传宗教。科学在世界观本质上是与基督教相矛盾的。此时在欧洲已经出现科学与神学的矛盾,在中国传播科学,迟早会自毁传教的信仰基础。更何况此时的中国,没有福音的土壤,未必就有科学的土壤。传教士的传教地位岌岌可危,科学地位也岌岌可危。中国的学术传统,儒家世界观,僧道势力,民族心理与民间知识道德基础,既不能容纳基督教,也不能容纳科学。在中国,传教事业纠缠在科技与宗教、基督教与中国传统、西方教会与朝廷等等矛盾关系中,这些矛盾随时可能触发,将传教士们多少年含辛茹苦、小心翼翼取得的成就毁于一旦。  相似文献   

《麻风:一种疾病的医疗社会史》一书,是梁其姿所写的关于中国几百年间麻风病的一部著作。本文主要从文章的大概内容、文章的优点以及当今人类对麻风病的思考三个方面进行介绍或评价,以期引起人们对麻风病历史的重视与思考,从而避免灾难的重现与折磨。  相似文献   

明清之际,在中西文化碰撞与交融下,西方传教士针对中国女性贞节现象,经历了一个从震撼批判到全面评析的渐进过程,随着对中国传统社会生活认知的加深,不断修正了对中国女性问题的看法,并在实践操作上,办报刊、戒缠足,兴女学,宣扬男女平等,吹响了近代女权运动的号角。  相似文献   

中医学在古代中国乃至世界都占有先进地位,然而到了近代,尤其是西洋医学全面登陆中土以后,中医一统天下的格局被悄然打破。民国以后,中医的地位日益式微,步入命途多舛、困境重重的尴尬境地。“五四”激进派中掀起的反中医思潮,既是中国近代医学发展史上必然的伴随现象,也是中国近代社会欧化思潮的必然组成部分。  相似文献   

18~19世纪,随着西方传教士的东渡,近代气象科学传入了中国。  相似文献   

有着悠久历史的中国传统艺术,经过古代、近代、现代三个时段的发展演变,正面临着蜕变与转型的考验。中国传统艺术是十分珍贵的文化资源,随着社会经济的快速发展,传统艺术面临严峻挑战,甚至处于逐渐消失的困境。南京云锦是我国优秀传统文化的杰出代表,集历代织绵工艺艺术之大成,位于中国古代三大名锦之首,在元、明、清三朝时期均为皇家御用贡品。本文是以南京云锦概况、独特工艺、发展历程以及现状为起点,通过中国传统审美心理结构、现代社会需求以及对现代商业环境的解读和分析,探讨了南京云锦这一传统艺术的在现代产品设计中应用的可行性。  相似文献   

14世纪以后,资本主义文化在欧洲萌生,并渐次向东方扩展其影响。以基督教传教士为媒介,“西学”——西方近代意识形态、科学知识输入日显停滞、衰落的中华帝国,在沉闷的学术思想界激起阵阵涟漪。  相似文献   

胡峪龙 《职业时空》2012,(7):155-157
民族主义作为一种思潮即使在今天来看其对社会的影响力也是十分巨大的。民族主义在中国主要有两个活跃时期,一个时期是近代中国,另一活跃时期是当代中国,无论是近代中国还是当代中国的思想以及社会发展都有着民族主义活动的影子。  相似文献   

西学东渐以来,西方向中国传播了大量的技术、思想等方面的事物,使中国人开始开眼看世界,开始学习西方先进的文化,在学习西方的过程中,不断反思自己并批判已有的绵延数千年的中国传统文化。本文通过对洋务运动、维新变法与辛亥革命、新文化运动这三个时期的发展来讨论西学东渐对中国近代启蒙思想的影响。  相似文献   

积极的残障身份认同对残障者本身具有重要意义,残障身份发展是残障者实现身份认同的路径,理解残障身份发展的过程也可以让残疾人工作者更好地为残障者提供教育、康复等相关服务。本文通过梳理较为典型的西方残障身份发展理论,结合国内残障身份相关研究及本土社会文化背景展开讨论。文章认为,在西方残障身份发展理论框架下,残障者形成积极身份认同的关键在于认同并融入一套在残障社区内共享的残障文化,而在我国社会文化背景下,目前并没有一套成体系的残障文化,残障者也难以体会残障的文化身份感,国内残障者的身份认同缺少本土残障文化依靠。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a Christian model of leprosy care overseen by Catholic nuns in Quy Hòa, a leprosarium in South Central Vietnam, from 1929—when the leper colony was established—until 1975, when the American-backed Southern regime collapsed and all of Quy Hòa’s foreign nuns were forced to leave. Drawing on recollections of elderly residents of the former leprosy colony, it describes the close and loving attention that the nuns offered to inmates, an attentiveness that was informed by the nuns’ ethic of Christian sacrifice. The nuns at Quy Hòa successfully built a quasi parent–child relationship with leprosy-afflicted inmates. Their striking devotion to the ‘lepers’ resembles substitute motherhood. However, these recollections of that era also shed critical light on an approach to leprosy care that was premised on hierarchy, strictly enforced segregation from the wider community and pronounced paternalism towards all those who came under the nuns’ rule of care.  相似文献   

Fundraising scholarship has focused on the application of public relations theory to the process particularly in exploring the predictive power in applying relationship management theory to the non-profit organization–donor relationship. However, people often are impacted by catastrophic events and want to donate to relief efforts even though they may not be connected to the region. A survey of two American Red Cross chapters’ donors revealed that individuals who contributed to the December 2004 tsunami relief efforts were more likely to experience feelings of cognitive dissonance than non-donors, and their donations resulted in a consonance restoration. These results support an argument for non-profits, particularly those in crisis response, to have an active crisis communication plan in place that deals not only with responding to the event but also having a proactive plan established to publicize how to donate to relief efforts. Highlighting the consonance restoration, non-profits should also discuss the positive aspects of donating to their efforts, such as the work being done for the disaster victims.  相似文献   

This article provides new evidence on the effects of recent debt‐relief programmes on different macroeconomic indicators in developing countries, focusing on the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs). The relationship between debt relief and institutional change is also investigated to assess whether donors are moving towards ex‐post governance conditionality. Results show that debt relief is only weakly associated with subsequent improvements in economic performance but is correlated with increasing domestic debt which undermines the positive achievements in reducing external debt service. There is also evidence that donors are moving towards a more sensible allocation of debt forgiveness, rewarding countries which have better policies and institutions.  相似文献   

An online experiment was constructed as a 2 × 2 factorial design of independent variables (active-passive responsibility admittance vs. high-low sympathetic expression) on public's anger relief with between-subjects comparison. An apology statement with active responsibility was more likely to relieve public anger than an apology statement with passive responsibility. There was no difference on public anger relief between a highly sympathetic apology statement and its counterpart. In the organization-public relationship, people may not show the same mercy to the organization as they do to other people.  相似文献   

Using a data set of public and private relief spending for 295 cities, this article examines the racial and ethnic patterning of social welfare provision in the United States in 1929. On the eve of the Depression, cities with more blacks or Mexicans spent the least on social assistance and relied more heavily on private money to fund their programs. Cities with more European immigrants spent the most on relief and relied more heavily on public funding. Distinct political systems, labor market relations, and racial ideologies about each group's proclivity to use relief best explain relief spending differences across cities.  相似文献   

The current literature on integration of Leprosy Control work with General Health Services has been reviewed. In view of the introduction of Multipurpose Workers' Scheme and an experience in a pilot project, the authors feel that the time of integration of leprosy is ripe. The process of involvement of Multipurpose Workers in the Leprosy Control Programme is being introduced in a manner that ensures adequate supervision by the present Leprosy Control staff during the training period and also subsequently for one year so that the transition from unipurpose to integrated service, is a smooth one. After the successful integration of leprosy, the leprosy staff, after adequate training, can be used as Multipurpose Supervisors.  相似文献   


This study explores how humanitarian organizations (HOs) link donors and recipients in a disaster relief coordination mechanism. Based on an analysis of real data collected from the financial tracking service, our results show that disaster assistance through the HO channel greatly exceeds the funding delivered by the non-HO channel. The severity of the disaster is positively correlated with the involvement of HOs. Disaster-stricken countries that belong to the Non-Aligned Movement receive more assistance through the HO channel. The recipients with less international trade may attract more HO-channel funding, but higher international tourism expenditures also may result in more HO-channel funding. We also found that the determinants of the disaster relief coordination path vary greatly in terms of trade openness, political regime, and geographic factors. Based on the analysis of the primary humanitarian relief supply chain, the results show that some countries prefer to donate through large international HOs (e.g., Japan and Canada), and other countries favor national level organizations (e.g., the UK and the USA). Finally, to improve the efficiency of international disaster relief, the paper suggests a coordination platform that involves the main donors, frequent recipients, HOs, and a Global Information Network that can assist in coordinating disaster relief activities.



Emergency relief is assistance provided by community agencies to people in financial crisis, usually recipients of income support payments. The present study reports on an exploratory, qualitative study of the experiences of people who seek emergency relief. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 20 emergency relief recipients from seven different agencies. Although the interviewees reported some positive experiences, distinct limitations in the extent of assistance were also perceived. Accountability for appropriate processes and quality assurance in service delivery are important requirements of agencies. Increased government funding to assist agencies to provide more holistic services would lead to more effective outcomes.  相似文献   


Studies of medical help-seeking presume that self-identifying as having a health problem precedes medical contact, but this ordering of the identity-behavior relationship has not been systematically examined. We used longitudinal data from the National Survey of Fertility Barriers (2004 to 2010) on 412 women with infertility to document the temporal relationship between self-identifying as having a fertility problem and making medical contact. The symbolic interactionist perspective suggests that infertility will be perceived as identity disruption and that in response women will align self-identity and medical behavior over time. Cross-tabulation analysis indicated that more women do self-identify as having a fertility problem first (24%) as opposed to making medical contact first (5.5 percent). There was also a tendency toward aligning self-identification and behavior over time. Latent class analyses revealed six patterns: 1) consistently involved, 2) early consulters, 3) consistently uninvolved, 4) consistent perceivers, 5) medical dropouts, and 6) early perceivers. Strong fertility intent and primary infertility, two identity-relevant characteristics, had the strongest associations with latent class membership. The relationship between self-identification and medical help-seeking is thus dynamic and complex.  相似文献   

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