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This case study of the Improved Correctional Field Services Project describes the pre-implementation history of an action research project—in this case a project to improve probation services. That history encompasses a period of about five years (1974–1978). ICFS represented a major initiative in probation programming by the now defunct Law Enforcement Assistance Administration. It was intended to be a test of some of the principle ideas for making probation more effective. Its history illustrates the pitfalls that may confront a program developer and evaluator. Further, it illustrates how concepts and objectives can change within the life-time of a given project.  相似文献   

This paper considers the impact of Feminist Criminology upon the teaching of DipSW Probation Streams. Paper 30 (CCETSW, 1991) and an increasing body of Feminist criminological research and literature makes it imperative that gender is incorporated as a central feature of Probation training if the perpetuation of discrimination against women in Criminal Justice is to be avoided. Both the content of courses and the processes by which they are delivered needs to be addressed. The Probation Service has a key role in the assessment process pre-court, in the court arena, and in supervising women offenders in the community. The training of future officers could positively contribute to practice change in these areas, and this paper explores what courses should deliver in order to aid this process. In addition to content and process recommendations, the paper recognises the wider gender inequalities institutionalised both within Probation and the Criminal Justice system. This is the context within which students are taught, and within which existing oppressions are learned. The limits of this constraint upon achieving DipSW programme change are acknowledged and partly resolved.  相似文献   

In the past several years, there has been a growing movement toward family-driven initiatives in many child-serving agencies, including the juvenile justice system. These initiatives underscore the importance of parental involvement in successful rehabilitation of at-risk and offending youth and highlight the unique role of parents to influence and inspire their child's behavior. Despite a growing consensus on the importance of parental involvement in juvenile justice processes, little empirical research has explored the nature of parental involvement in the juvenile justice system. This study examined parents' (n = 87) perceptions of relationship quality and interaction with probation officers, parenting strategies, and how these factors related to youth's compliance on probation. Findings revealed that parents generally had positive relationships with probation officers characterized as supportive, fair, respectful, and helpful toward youth. Most parents also employed practices such as use of reminders and encouragement to promote youth's compliance on probation. Parents' perceptions of probation officers' helpfulness toward youth were associated with decreased used of parenting practices that encourage probation compliance. However, parents' perceptions of supportive, respectful, and fair relationships with probation officers were associated with increased use of parenting practices that promote probation compliance. Supportive, fair, and respectful relationships with probation officers were also linked to fewer counts of technical violations of probation, but not new delinquent offenses, among offending youth. Implications for research, practice, and policy around the potential of collaborative relationships between parents and probation officers in facilitating successful probation outcomes are discussed.  相似文献   

Network analysis, a methodology derived from general systems' theory, can be utilized as a community mental health administrative-evaluation procedure. Evaluation parameters derived from analysis of patient data as they “flow” through a network of agency services, provide measures of systemic functioning. These parameters include “longest paths” and various ratio relationships as evaluation measures of service delivery. The limitations of network analysis are examined by means of conceptual analyses, and phenomena that emerged from research experience. The necessity for both quantitative and qualitative data to ensure a meaningful evaluation of mental health services is explained. Conclusions about the value of the network analysis approach are considered.  相似文献   

Supervision, Monitoring, Accountability, Responsibility, and Treatment (SMART) is Kentucky's enhanced probation pilot program modeled after Hawaii's Opportunity Probation with Enforcement (HOPE). SMART is proposed to decrease substance use, new violations, and incarceration-related costs for high-risk probationers by increasing and randomizing drug testing, intensifying supervision, and creating linkages with needed resources (i.e., mental health and substance use). SMART adopts a holistic approach to rehabilitation by addressing mental health and substance abuse needs as well as life skills for fostering deterrence of criminal behavior vs. punitive action only. A mixed methods evaluation was implemented to assess program implementation and effectiveness. Qualitative interviews with key stakeholders (i.e., administration, judges, attorneys, and law enforcement/corrections) suggested successful implementation and collaboration to facilitate the pilot program. Quantitative analyses of secondary Kentucky Offender Management System (KOMS) data (grant Year 1: 07/01/2012–06/30/2013) also suggested program effectiveness. Specifically, SMART probationers showed significantly fewer: violations of probation (1.2 vs. 2.3), positive drug screens (8.6% vs. 29.4%), and days incarcerated (32.5 vs. 118.1) than comparison probationers. Kentucky's SMART enhanced probation shows preliminary success in reducing violations, substance use, and incarceration. Implications for practice and policy will be discussed.  相似文献   

Classic instrument design does not always match the physical capacity of the musician, as instruments are often chosen because of the pleasing sound and not the ease of play. Devices that are commercially available to create a more ergonomic structure may not address the specific needs of a musician with a chronic condition. Through basic splinting of the musician with an injury, these physical stressors can be reduced, allowing the continuation of musical practice and performance. Appropriate design modification requires a solid understanding of upper extremity anatomy, splint design technique, and the biomechanic principles of playing the instrument. Through knowledge of music theory and appreciation, one may modify the instrument while protecting tonal flexibility, resonance, mechanical freedom, and sound quality. Two case studies present a range of splint design, from small to large, static to dynamic, and for congenital or chronic conditions.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of accumulated human capital, and particularly occupational human capital, on the workers’ wages. Unlike previous studies that apply occupational tenure as a proxy for occupational human capital, this paper applies the concept of Shaw’s (1984) occupational human capital to capture the transferability of occupational skills and estimates a new measure of occupational human capital, so-called occupational investment. Using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) from 1979 to 2000, the key findings of this paper suggest that occupational skills from the previous jobs can also affect the workers’ wages at the current job and that occupational investment is one of the important sources of wages supporting the Shaw’s original work on wage determination. Specifically, 5 years of (3-digit) occupational investment relative to current occupational tenure could lead to a wage increase of 7.7 to 18.4 %. I also find that the general labor market experience accounts for a large share of workers’ wages.  相似文献   

Self-report instruments for depression and suicide risk can help busy clinicians identify adult clients who may be at risk for depressive disorders. These instruments provide a baseline measure of clients' behavioral status, reflect response to treatment, and improve clinical decision making. Such scales can also detect symptoms of depression regardless of whether they are reported or observed. Clinicians' recognition of depression is improved when self-report screening tools are used. When it is not feasible to conduct a thorough psychiatric evaluation, screening instruments can identify at-risk clients who need further evaluation.  相似文献   

Utilizing a contextual model of evaluation, a goal-oriented method was applied to the Health Psychology program, a doctoral program in its early stages at the University of California, San Francisco. There were five stages involved in implementing this method: (1) clarification of the goals and objectives of the program, (2) prioritizing the objectives, (3) judging the attainment of the objectives, (4) organization of faculty/student input, and (5) feedback to the program management. All faculty members and students were invited to participate as selfevaluators in this evaluation effort. The results indicated that there were significant differences between the faculty group and the student group on their ranking and rating of the importance of specific educational and resource objectives. A one year follow-up was obtained by interviewing the director of the program to assess the impact of the project on program planning. The advantages and disadvantages of the approach were discussed in light of this attempt to analyze a new educational program.  相似文献   

This paper makes a case for sociological institutionalism, particularly its Veblenian variant or connection. This is attempted against a background of the surge of renewed interest in analyzing institutions within modern social science, especially economics and sociology. This is indicated by the emergence of the new institutional economics as the (modified) neoclassical approach to institutions and the revival of economic sociology with its conception of the institutional embeddedness of the economy, respectively. Still, many pertinent differences between economic and sociological institutionalism are overlooked or minimized in the current literature. By exploring such differences, the paper helps span a gap in the literature in which comparative analyses of economic and sociological approaches to institutions are rare.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to analyze the legislation for early childhood education (ECE) in China with Kingdon's (1995) multiple streams framework (MSF). Document analysis was used to evaluate academic papers and secondary data to explore the problem stream, the policy stream, the politics stream, the opening of the policy window, and the merging of the three streams suggested by the MSF. The results of these analyses indicated that all the stakeholders were willing and indeed ready for the legislation, and according to the MSF, the law should have been enacted. But the opposite is true, indicating that Kingdon's model should be modified to fit in the case of China: the entrepreneurs are critical to policymaking, but the final decision lies with the ruling party of the country. This is because China is a unique society, which follows the rule by law under the rule of the Communist Party of China. Implications and suggestions are also addressed.  相似文献   

In this paper, it is argued that the measurements of an underlying, latent variable cannot straightforwardly be used in group comparisons without testing whether the measurements relate to the latent variable in the same way for all groups. The procedure for testing this is discussed and is illustrated by assessing measurement invariance across groups with a different socio-economic status (SES) for the ORTOFIN, a scale measuring an individuals’ orientation toward finances [Loix, E., Pepermans, R., Mentens, C., Goedee, M., & Jegers, M. (2005). Orientation toward finances: Development of a measurement scale. The Journal of Behavioral Finance, 6, 192–201]. The results show that one factor of the ORTOFIN, i.e. ‘‘financial information”, is invariant across SES groups while ‘‘personal financial planning” lacks measurement invariance. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent headlines claim that a looming nonprofit leadership crisis will soon be precipitated by retiring baby boomers. Analysis of baby boom demographics, using national census data on the age distribution and other demographic characteristics of top leaders by sector, confirms the aging nonprofit workforce. However, the issue of whether the aging workforce portends a nonprofit leadership crisis, when analyzed within a theoretical framework of supply and demand in the market for nonprofit executives, reveals flaws in most commentaries about the leadership crisis. Workings of the labor market and nonprofit organizations themselves suggest trends that could be expected to affect labor supply and demand and mitigate a leadership deficit. Reasonable—and likely—market and organizational adjustments, including higher executive pay, increased labor force participation of older workers, skill acquisition of younger workers, possible consolidation of nonprofit organizations, board and volunteer skill sharing, and even venture philanthropy, can be expected to moderate the shock of baby boom retirements, much in the way that schools, job markets, and housing markets have accommodated the movement of this “bulging” generation through earlier decades of their lives.  相似文献   

We review studies in the published literature using satisfaction surveys in long-term care settings. These settings include nursing homes, assisted living facilities, hospital long-term care units, and residential care homes. Rather than simply describe instruments in existence, we compare and contrast the format, content, and administration of these instruments. We identified 50 studies that have either developed or used satisfaction instruments in long-term care facilities. However, we also show that satisfaction instruments in the published literature vary greatly in numerous ways, including the number of questions they contain, the number of respondents included in the study, assessment of psychometric properties, and in the number of domains used.  相似文献   

A method is given for quantitatively rating the social acceptance of different options which are the matter of a complete preferential vote. Completeness means that every voter expresses a comparison (a preference or a tie) about each pair of options. The proposed method is proved to have certain desirable properties, which include: the continuity of the rates with respect to the data, a decomposition property that characterizes certain situations opposite to a tie, the Condorcet?CSmith principle, and clone consistency. One can view this rating method as a complement for the ranking method introduced in 1997 by Markus Schulze. It is also related to certain methods of cluster analysis and one-dimensional scaling.  相似文献   

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