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在我国,应用语言学是学术界在不同领域研究语言应用的分支学科,通常划分研究应用语言学范围为四个模块,即:语言教学、语言学、社会语言学、语言规范。目前应用语言学发展趋势非常明显,文化语言学与社会语言学的研究成果非常突出,目前语言规划逐渐成为一门独立学科。本文主要对我国应用语言学实际研究情况进行分析,并阐述现阶段应用语言学学科建设情况,以期能够实现应用语言学研究的顺利展开。  相似文献   

法律语言学研究综观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一门新兴学科,法律语言学研究已经取得了令世人瞩目的成就.我们首先概述法律语言学的兴起,总结出国内外界定法律语言学研究对象的三种学术观点(即法律属性、语言和法律的关系、法律语言的研究素材三个不同的研究立足点),综述法律语言学不同的研究方法和多元的学术视角即综合运用修辞学、逻辑学和心理学等学科的研究成果与方法,厘清国内外法律语言学在研究内容、研究方法、研究语料和研究条件等方面的差异.最后,从法律语言学的理论建构、研究方法、实践与应用等方面展望中国法律语言学未来的发展趋势.法律语言学综观研究旨在帮助国内法律语言研究者和语言学学者了解法律语言的研究状况,借鉴和吸收国内外法律语言研究的最新成果,加速我国法律语言学研究的步伐.  相似文献   

西安文理学院英语语言文学学科经过多年的发展与建设,依托外国语言文化研究所,形成语言学与应用语言学研究、文化与文学研究、翻译理论与实践研究3个稳定的研究方向,其中语言学与应用语言学研究已产生一定影响,女性文学研究、生态文学研究以及跨文化交际研究形成了一定的特色,翻译理论与实践研究实现了翻译理论与地域文化翻译的有机结合。这些研究具有一定程度的全面性、前沿性、创新性、交叉性以及地域性,  相似文献   

功能主义语言学思想略论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
功能主义语言学是继索绪尔之后的欧洲学派的理论思想和研究方法的概括.其研究特点是从功能的角度解释语言现象.功能主义语言学从20世纪30年代起步到60年代发展壮大,至今已广为应用到社会学、文体学、翻译研究、文学批评和语言教学等领域.纵观功能主义语言学派的思想可以使我们加深对语言本质的认识和理解,更加清醒地认识到人类对语言功能的认识和研究过程,从而更好地继承和发展其理论.文章沿着布拉格学派、弗斯学派和系统功能学派为主线来梳理其语言哲学思想,以此揭示功能主义语言学理论的贡献与独到之处.  相似文献   

石林平 《社科纵横》2006,21(1):104-105
乔姆斯基语言学理论主要包括语言习得装置、内在化语言、外在化语言、句法结构、标准语法理论、扩展性标准理论等,他的语言学理论使心理学与语言学紧密结合起来,从而出现了一门交叉学科———语言心理学。与此同时也产生了心理语言学和社会心理语言学,由此可见乔姆斯基的语言学理论在心理语言学上的地位。  相似文献   

谢尔巴研究领域非常广泛,他于语言阐释与语言文化的研究著作颇丰,其中最能反映其学术地位的是他在语音学和普通语言学方面的理论主张。创立了自己的音位理论,力求通过客观标准分离音位。提出在语言研究中应区分言语活动、语言系统和语言材料,并提出再现语言系统的语言学任务。  相似文献   

中国语言学由于受西方结构主义语言学理论影响,很长时间都无法跳出“为语言而研究语言”的藩篱,主要以语言的“结构形式与结构规律”为研究对象,使语言研究陷入公式化、程式化的尴尬境地.语言学崭新的分支——艺术语言学解释了源于说话者内心世界、满载美感信息的非规范化言语形式,从而弥补了传统语言学研究的不足.  相似文献   

张晖  张恒 《创新》2021,15(4):60-71
语言景观研究主要探究公共空间内的语言选择所表征的社会意义.随着其研究边界的扩大,近年来国外学者对语言景观的考察逐渐从社会语言学视角拓展至教育教学视角.相较之下,国内学者对语言景观的研究多集中在社会语言学领域,极少有学者将其纳入教育教学的视域下进行考察.国外理论研究表明,语言景观不仅可以作为第二语言习得过程中额外的输入资源,还在促进语言学习者语用能力和多语能力的发展、培养多模态技能、提高语言意识方面发挥着重要的作用.对文献的梳理发现,国外实证研究多围绕语言景观与英语语言教学、语言景观与社会语言意识、语言景观与职前教师培训等三个议题开展.受国外研究的启发,建议国内学者加强语言景观应用于我国外语教学的理论构建,探索语言景观在对外汉语教学中的应用,从实证层面探究语言景观与语言意识的关系,重视教育机构内部的语言景观研究,并在研究方法上有所创新.  相似文献   

李诗芳 《学术交流》2002,(3):102-104
索绪尔的语言学理论可概括为语言与言语 ,语言的内部要素与外部要素、组合关系与聚合关系、共时语言学与历时语言学及语言符号系统五个方面。它为现代语言学提出了总的方向 ,明确了语言的本质 ,规定了语言学的任务 ,并对 2 0世纪的各语言学流派产生了影响。  相似文献   

徐莉 《社科纵横》2008,23(9):174-176
随着科技的进步,媒体语言已经深入人心,媒体语言学也悄然兴起.本文从外语教学角度出发,对媒体语言学进行界定,阐述媒体语言研究对外语教学及外语语言理论研究的影响,并初步尝试确定媒体语言学与外语教学研究相结合而形成的研究分支及其学科归属.  相似文献   

The term national language capacity refers to the sum total of a nation’s ability to grasp linguistic resources, provide language services, deal with linguistic issues, develop the language, and related tasks. Key capacities include the possession of linguistic resources, utilization of language and language services, development and use of linguistic resources, the language of the members of the nation, reserves of linguistic talent, language management, development of language enterprises and linguistic influence. The development of informatization has made national language capacity an important part of national strength. It is hard power as well as soft power, playing a very important role in social progress and cultural inheritance, in promoting economic development and technological innovation, and in protecting a country’s national security and international development.  相似文献   

戴昭铭 《求是学刊》2007,34(6):139-143
语感是对于语言系统存在的心理感知,是一种语言心理现象,不是语言能力。语言系统存在于语感之中,表现为言语。语感有经验习得性、个人心理性、群体可通性、前理性、主观直觉性、可意会性和可验证的现实性等属性。语感研究既有理论意义,又有应用价值。应当确立语感在语言学理论的适当地位。  相似文献   

Despite being one of the most consistent predictors of achievement among youth, parental involvement among Latinos continues to be low. In an attempt to increase involvement among Latinos, schools have implemented programs that provide linguistic services for parents who face language and cultural barriers. In order to understand the effectiveness of these programs, a subset of data are used from the National Survey of Latinos: Education to examine the relationship between four linguistic services and parental involvement. Results demonstrate linguistic services play only a marginal role in parental involvement among Latinos, and in some instances, even decrease involvement. Consequently, there is minimal support for programs that provide linguistic services to Latino parents in schools, suggesting policymakers should revisit the impact these services have on the Latino parent community.  相似文献   

What can we learn about presidential candidates by examining their speech in natural conversation? In the present study, the television interviews from the 2004 Democratic presidential primary campaign of John Kerry ( N = 29) and John Edwards ( N = 34) were examined using linguistic analyses. Results indicate that Kerry and Edwards were similar in their use of positive emotion words, but that Kerry used significantly higher rates of negative emotion words than did Edwards. Comparisons with televised interviews of Al Gore from the 2000 presidential campaign ( N = 17) revealed striking similarities in the linguistic styles of Gore and Kerry. Gore's linguistic style overlapped considerably with that of Kerry on pronoun usage and many cognitive domains. This study points to how linguistic analyses can give us a clearer picture of how political candidates think, act, and feel.  相似文献   

New-style urbanization is not only a major national strategy for today but also an inevitable trend of social development. It supplies a broad stage for the development of urban citizens’ linguistic competence, which in turn constitutes the basis and motive force of the new-style urbanization and plays a pivotal role in its construction. Proceeding from linguistic competence is an effective measure for dealing with some of the thorny problems arising in the course of new-style urbanization, while new-style urbanization offers an opportunity for the improvement of urban citizens’ linguistic competence.  相似文献   

The unique linguistic profile of autistic people urges linguists to address the divergences in human language, its acquisition and use among major linguistic perspectives. Fitting with the dual roles of language (thought and communication), this paper adopts an internal pragmatic competence (IPC) and a (similar) pragmatic competence for external communication (PCEC) to elucidate how autistic linguistic profile discloses the divergences between nativism and constructionism on language use and acquisition (ultimately language proper). IPC justifies why autistic people resort not to mind-reading but to self-sufficient mental interactions among organism-internal submodules or nearly intact grammatical subsystems when abstractly processing linguistic and communicative needs, contra constructionists' assumption of sole intersubjective language use. PCEC, required for facilitating the authentic intersubjective language use, explains how the dysfunction of modular interactions and their interactions with outside contexts leads to autistics' sociopragmatic impairment and the double empathy gap. In this way, the divergences, along with the possible reconciliation between the two perspectives, can be expounded.  相似文献   

Intimate partner violence is increasing among immigrant women in the U.S., but because of language barriers, abused immigrant women may be unable to access formal services. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of geographical location (urban/rural) and percentage of non-native English speakers on the availability of linguistic support services in one highly diverse state-Florida. Using a sample of 258 service providers for domestic violence victims, the results show significant differences between rural and urban providers’ perceptions of the need for linguistic support services in law enforcement, legal, and mental health needs. Urban service providers perceived a greater need for these services than rural service providers. The study found that a higher percentage of non-native English speakers predicted greater bilingual linguistic service availability. Lastly, the study found the more frequently providers perceived a victim’s basic needs to be met, the more likely that providers indicated linguistic support services were frequently met in their service area. Findings indicate that immigrants experiencing abuse who reside in rural areas might endure added difficulties in accessing assistance. While it may not be cost-efficient for rural service providers to hire translators or multilingual staff, such services may be cost-shared with other agencies.  相似文献   

We examined evidence for linguistic bands in Spanish/English language shift. Linguistic bands, defined as the degree of individuals' exposure to a language they may not speak but nonetheless comprehend, facilitate English/Spanish bilingualism and increase linguistic diversity rather than English monolingualism. Data for this study came from the National Chicano Survey ( Arce, 1982 ), the California Identity Project ( Hurtado, Hayes-Bautista, Valdez, & Hernández, 1992 ), a statewide survey, and a California rural town convenience sample. Our findings strongly suggest that Spanish to English shift does occur from one generation of Latinos to another, but the existence of linguistic bands results, also, in stable English/Spanish bilingualism. Finally, we discuss consequences of advocating "English-Only" policies and their effects on educational equity and social justice .  相似文献   


Diagnoses are labels that have a powerful effect. Linguistic anthropology provides the tools necessary to study how diagnosis projects meaning based on underlying linguistic assumptions and culture of usage. I will employ anthropologically-based linguistic theories to analyze the diagnostic system utilized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV), and to examine the impact of the diagnosis of schizophrenia on the minds of the diagnostician and the labeled client.  相似文献   

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