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Crack and prostitution, or sex exchange, have been linked to the heterosexual spread of HIV (e.g. Inciardi 1993, 1995). Previous studies have found that among female crack users there are subgroups who do and do not become involved in prostitution (e.g. Logan, Farabee & Leukefeld 1998; Logan & Leukefeld 1998). However, there has been little focus in the literature on subgroups of male heterosexual crack users who are or are not involved in prostitution. The purpose of this study was to examine differences in male heterosexual crack users who reported no involvement in prostitution as clients (n = 4,208), males who reported involvement in prostitution as clients but not in the month preceding the interview (n = 2,774), and males who reported involvement in prostitution as clients the month preceding the interview (n = 2,283) from a multi-site sample of male crack users who participated in the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) AIDS Cooperative Agreement Project from 20 sites across the nation. Results of the logistic regression indicated that having an STD three or more times and using drugs during sex were associated with ever being involved in prostitution as clients, while using drugs during sex and having 5 or more sexual partners the month preceding the interview were significantly associated with being involved in prostitution as clients at the time of the interview. Implications for interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

Purpose. Evidence suggests that farmworkers are practicing high risk behavior, particularly crack cocaine use and unprotected sex, that consequently places them at an increased risk for HIV transmission. This study examined the intention to use condoms with four different sexual partner types (loved partner, casual partner, paying partner, and new partner) among a sample of farm workers who were also cr Methods. Personal interviews (n = 205) were conducted with male and female farm workers who were crack users (confirmed by urine test). Participants were recruited from a Florida homebase community for migrant farmworkers. The questionnaire assessed sexual activity (including number of partners and partner type), drug use and attitudes and beliefs about condoms. Results. Hispanic males reported a significantly lower likelihood of condom use for all partner types. For commercial partners, intention to use condoms was reduced dramatically for Hispanics but was markedly higher among steadily employed subjects. Finally, women were half as likely as men to report that they intended to use a condom with a loved partner. Conclusions. This study indicates that ethnicity and the nature of sexual relationships both play important roles in determining whether subjects report that they intend to use condoms, even in a population known for the presence of multiple partners and a widely perceived epidemic of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.  相似文献   

本研究采用定性与定量相结合的方法对滇西某大型道路建设工地流动人口的艾滋病风险进行调研与分析,该工地流动人口所面临的主要艾滋病风险是高危商业性性行为。深入调研发现,因其特殊的行业特征,工地流动人口中形成了对商业性性行为默许、容忍、合理化的氛围,对于所面临的艾滋病风险存在侥幸心理,各职业人群由于知识、社会经济处境不同,其与艾滋病相关的高危行为有明显差异。基于研究发现,本文对流动人口艾滋病预防干预实践、艾滋病预防研究的社会人文视角及未来研究方向等提出了讨论和建议。  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(8):1082-1103

There exists a paucity of research on the psychosocial risk factors of HIV/AIDS among men who have sex with men (MSM) in settings where they are stigmatized or face prosecution. The present study investigates discrimination against people living with HIV (PLHIV), internalized homophobia, HIV/AIDS personal responsibility beliefs and HIV knowledge in a purposive sample of 106 self-identified MSM obtained through a web-based survey disseminated by two voluntary welfare organizations. Results indicate that internalized homophobia is positively associated with discrimination against PLHIV. Internalized homophobia also substantially mediates the effect of HIV/AIDS personal responsibility beliefs on discrimination against PLHIV, highlighting the confounded nature of HIV/AIDS and homosexual stigma in a setting where stigma is deep-rooted and institutionalized. Internalized homophobia may thus serve as a barrier to the effectiveness of HIV prevention efforts among MSM in Singapore.  相似文献   

The prospects for online social networks as sites of information-gathering and affiliation for persons with AIDS and others concerned about HIV/AIDS not only represent the latest development in a trend toward circumventing traditional media and official information sources, but also may offer hope for a revitalization of HIV/AIDS discourse in the public sphere. This article provides an overview of three decades of information-seeking on the pandemic and its social and personal implications, as well as case studies of three examples of social networking surrounding HIV/AIDS. It finds preliminary evidence of the formation of strong and weak ties as described in Social Network Theory and suggests that the online accumulation of social capital by opinion leaders could facilitate dissemination of messages on HIV/AIDS awareness and testing.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between gender roles and HIV risk behavior, and perceptions and acceptance of the female condom among college students (n = 410). It was hypothesized that high hyperfeminine females and high hypermasculine males – those adhering to traditional gender roles – would engage in more HIV risk behaviors, including alcohol and drug use and various sexual practices, than those with lower hyperfemininity and hypermasculinity. It was also hypothesized that higher hyperfeminine females as well as higher hypermasculine males would perceive the female condom more negatively and would be less likely to view the female condom as a viable form of protection in the future. It was also hypothesized that high hyperfeminine females and high hypermasculine males would not accept the female condom as an alternative form of protection. Implications for prevention interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the central role of women drug users in escalating AIDS statistics, there is still a limited number of studies that examine the roles of gender and drug use type in HIV seroprevalence. This lacuna in the research literature has led to significant gaps in researchers' understanding of how and to what extent women may differ in their drug-using and HIV risk behaviors compared to their better-studied male counterparts. This study, derived from a sample of 3,555 out-of-treatment drug users residing in three South Florida urban and rural communities, attempts to compare the drug usage and needle and sexual risk behaviors of male and female drug users that put them at risk for HIV infection. The overall seropositivity rate for women drug users was 26.5% compared to 19.5% for their male counterparts. Results of multivariate analyses indicate that females compared to males were 1.4 times more likely to be HIV seropositive. Risk behaviors associated with this elevated seropositivity include living arrangements, homeless status, drug use, sexual trading behaviors, and history of STDs. Furthermore, there was a strong linear relationship between drug use type and HIV seroprevalence among women drug users. Compared to those who were neither crack smokers nor injectors of illicit drugs, those who were crack smokers only were 2 times more likely to be HIV seropositive, while those who were both crack smokers and injectors were 5 times more likely to be HIV seropositive, and those who were injectors only were 6 times more likely to be HIV seropositive. These findings indicate that among women, drug abuse and its associated risk behaviors, increase the vulnerability of this population for HIV and thus render them an extremely important priority population on which to focus HIV prevention and public health efforts and programs.  相似文献   

流动人口行为特征及其空间过程与HIV/AIDS扩散   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
流动人口的行为特征及其空间过程是HIV/AIDS扩散的重要因素之一,其行为特征的高危性和流动性使流动人口成为HIV/AIDS的易感人群,在其流动的空间过程中与不同类型人口的相互接触,当发生与HIV/AIDS人群的高危行为时,一方面容易使自己感染HIV;另一方面,流动人口成为HIV携带者后与其他人发生高危行为则会成为HIV的传染源之一,其结果是导致了HIV/AIDS在感染者数量和感染空间上的扩散。因而,针对流动人口高危行为特征及其空间过程提出防控HIV/AIDS扩散的对策是可行的。  相似文献   

包广静 《西北人口》2010,31(1):105-107
通过分析1990到2004年云南省艾滋病地域空间的分布特点.得出云南省艾滋病流行扩散的空间差异机制。在此基础上指出需根据艾滋病流行状况的空间差异,在对艾滋病采取系统防治的基础上,对不同等级区域采取差异化的预防控制对策,提高艾滋病防治的针对性。  相似文献   



Mother-to-child transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus continues to be a major problem in Nigeria. Despite several initiatives, the number of infected pregnant women receiving Anti-Retroviral Therapy to prevent mother-to-child transmission of the virus remains low in Nigeria. Evidence suggests that attitudes and perceptions of the pregnant women influence their use of Anti-Retroviral Therapy.


To understand the attitudes and perceptions of Human Immunodeficiency Virus infected pregnant women towards the use of Anti-Retroviral Therapy for prevention of mother-to-child transmission in Nigeria.


Twenty four Human Immunodeficiency Virus infected pregnant women were purposively selected from antenatal clinics. Women’s attitudes and perceptions towards the use of Anti-Retroviral Therapy were explored using semi-structured in-depth interviews conducted in May/June 2016. All interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed using thematic approach.


Overall, participants reflected a positive attitude about using Anti-Retroviral Therapy to prevent mother-to-child transmission and perceived the treatment as beneficial. The main themes identified included: perceived benefits of Anti-Retroviral Therapy; barriers to using Anti-Retroviral Therapy; threat from the susceptibility to the illness and the severity; perceived roles in treatment; and the negative behaviours of healthcare providers.


The findings provide useful insights to inform Nigeria’s health policies on Anti-Retroviral Therapy. There is a need to educate the women on the benefits of the treatment as well as how they can cope with side effects and the daily regimen of the therapy during pregnancy. The findings also indicate the need for training healthcare providers on facilitative patient-provider relationship.  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(12):1685-1697

HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has been introduced as another biomedical tool in HIV prevention. Whereas other such tools—including post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) and interruption of perinatal transmission—have been embraced by those impacted by HIV, PrEP has been met with more conflict, especially within the gay community and HIV organizations. The “PrEP whore” has come to designate the social value and personal practices of those taking PrEP. This study examines the “PrEP whore” discourse by using queer theory and quare theory. Within these theoretical vantage points, the study explicates four discursive areas: slut shaming, dirty/clean binaries, mourning the loss of condoms, and reclaiming the inner whore. The study illuminates possible discursive strategies that lie outside of the domains of public health and within the individual and community.  相似文献   

近十年来我国青少年艾滋病相关研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘斌志 《西北人口》2010,31(6):76-81
通过对近十年来我国青少年艾滋病相关研究的全面回顾,归纳了当前我国青少年艾滋病的流行态势,梳理了青少年艾滋病的相关认知、态度、行为及其需求,并分析了当前我国青少年艾滋病的防治对策。在此基础上,就目前研究存在的问题及其未来研究方向提出了具体的建议。  相似文献   

This article examines the 2008 World Health Organization/Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS controversy through original reports and media coverage. Analysis reveals that discourse rhetorically exonerates heterosexuals from HIV/AIDS while reifying homophobic and morally righteous ideology about HIV/AIDS and homosexuality. Discourses of “fraudulent science,” “heterosexual absence,” and reverse victimization destabilize meaning of HIV/AIDS and heterosexuality. “AIDS,” “heterosexuality,” and even victimhood and minority status were destabilized and resignified in a rhetoric that benefited from its status as science even as it rendered past science suspect as ideological.  相似文献   

Sexuality research tends to ignore older populations, and little is known about older women's sexual health knowledge. To fill this research gap, 186 Canadian heterosexual women 50 years and older were surveyed about their knowledge regarding sexuality and HIV/AIDS. Respondents had moderate levels of overall knowledge of sexual health and aging, correctly answering, on average, 60% of the 35 questions. They had lower levels of HIV/AIDS knowledge, correctly answering just over 50% of the 25 questions. Results indicate the need for social awareness and education in this group regarding both general sexual health later in life and HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(12):1749-1763

This article explores the idea that the AIDS epidemic constituted a defining moment for the Canadian gay rights movement and illuminates the intricate power dynamics of the development of a community identity. Using grounded theory inductive and deductive content analysis, and interviews with activists from the Body Politic magazine, this article considers notions of health “from above” and “from below” by examining relations between the community and government and their confrontation with medicalization and the medical profession. I also examine how the magazine reported and negotiated issues related to the community’s self-policing and “self-managed oppression” through efforts to promote safer sex and risk reduction.  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(2):310-324
Examinations of demographic and social factors associated with homophobia and fear of AIDS are limited by the frequent use of homogeneous, college student samples and limited examination of interrelationships among variables. The present study examined community attitudes toward homosexuality and fear of HIV/AIDS as a function of age, education, race/ethnicity, religious affiliation, political party affiliation, and personal contact with homosexual individuals and persons living with HIV/AIDS. A community sample of 463 adults completed standardized measures of homophobia and fear of AIDS as well as demographic and social background items. When examined separately, each demographic and social factor assessed, with the exception of race/ethnicity, was associated with homophobia and all but race/ethnicity and political party affiliation were associated with fear of AIDS. However, when entered into multiple regression analyses, 24% of the variance in homophobia was predicted by a single variable, including only personal contact with homosexual individuals, while 18% of the variance in fear of AIDS was accounted for by five variables, including personal contact with homosexual individuals, religious affiliation, political affiliation, education, and personal contact with someone living with HIV/AIDS. Findings suggest that it is important to consider intercorrelations among social and demographic factors, particularly when considering homophobia.  相似文献   

《Journal of women & aging》2013,25(3-4):53-67

Although older women face unique risks related to HIV/AIDS, little empirical data is available regarding HIV/AIDS among women over the age of 65. In the present study, 160 community-living older women and men completed questionnaires regarding knowledge and attitudes about HIV/AIDS. Findings showed that although older women were less likely to talk to their physician about HIV than men, they maintained greater knowledge and generally dispelled myths about viral transmission. However, most older women believed that HIV/AIDS had limited personal relevance, possessed virtually no knowledge of age and gender specific risk factors, and professed HIV-associated stigma. These findings highlight the need for gender and age specific prevention programs.  相似文献   

Six hundred and one injection drug users (IDUs) who attended drug treatment programs in Miami, Florida, were enrolled in a panel study to determine the prevalence and incidence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and associated risk factors. A structured questionnaire which elicited injection and sexual behaviors was administered and blood was obtained by venipduncture. All participants were reassessed at six month intervals for 5 years. The baseline prevalence of HIV was 16.3%. African–Americans had a prevalence of HIV (37.1%) that was significantly higher than that of non-Hispanic whites (7.6%); the prevalence of HIV among Hispanics was 27.2%. Persons who were more than thirty years of age were more likely to test HIV positive (17.8%) than were younger participants (9.7%). The annual incidence per 1000 person-years of exposure for the 503 initially seronegative participants was consistently low for each year of the study. The 5 year incidence was 4.1 per 1000 person years; 7.5 for men and 1.7 for women, 7.5 for African–Americans and 3.8 for non-Hispanic whites. No Hispanic participants seroconverted. Multivariate logistic techniques were used to identify the independent risk factors for HIV prevalence. Earlier injection, ethnicity, and income were independently associated with HIV serostatus. A history of a sexually transmitted disease was marginally associated with HIV prevalence. Low incidence probably is a function of the reduction of risk behavior that occurred over the course of the study and the stage of the epidemic.  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(4):581-605

Primary Objective: Health promotion has arisen as the main response to the problem of HIV prevention among gay men. Using the linked concepts of governmentality and health promotion as a neoliberal disciplinary technology, this article argues that health promotion in the time of AIDS has contributed to new forms of social regulation and governance for gay men. Methods and Procedures: This article presents an analysis of data from a study of U.K. HIV health promotion for gay men (interviews with health promoters and analyses of health promotion materials). Conclusions: This analysis of health promotion is helpful in describing an emerging form of governance dependent on incentive rather than censure (censure, pathology and “cure” are how we traditionally describe the use of medical knowledge in the regulation of homosexuality).  相似文献   

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