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Toni Bruce 《Social Identities》2013,19(5):585-608
The increasingly global dispersion of elite athletes pursuing sporting careers is an important aspect of the global flow of sport-capital. Such sport migration lends itself to theorising that considers questions about attachment to place, particularly in relation to citizenship, identity and nationalism. Yet only recently have theoretically valuable concepts such as transnationalism, cosmopolitanism and diaspora been foregrounded in studies of sporting migrants. Based on an analysis of British and New Zealand media coverage of international yachtsman Sir Peter Blake's death, we analyse the overlapping forms of identity attributed to this apparently model transnational citizen. We conclude that this case study raises important questions about the multiplicity of identities in a globalised world and expands our understandings of diaspora beyond the classic focus on forced dispersal and non-dominant racial groups. 相似文献
欧洲种族与文化权利反思(下) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
四、少数民族及其他少数人群体保持和发展文化认同的权利 ,原则上是一种普遍的权利。实践中 ,虽然这种权利的内涵随着有关个体所处的环境和他或她所属的民族群体不同而有所变化 ,但此种权利的普遍的道德意义是以维护每个个体的福祉的重要性为依据的。因此 ,原则上 ,不存在任何将各种类型的少数民族及其成员所可能享有的法律权利正式加以区分、区别对待的合理性。特别是在传统少数民族权利和那些新近到达的移民少数民族权利之间 ,很难说有任何类型上的区别。① 尽管这种区分在欧洲和其他地区比较流行 ,但其缺乏理性的依据是显而易见的。然而 … 相似文献
林科吉 《广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2008,30(4)
以5·12汶川大地震为契机,反思了科学主义的不足,梳理了相关地震的民间知识与民间智慧,分析了遗落这些知识与智慧的原因,并预见了潜在的文化灾难. 相似文献
This article presents the irregular employment situation of non-European union immigrants in Spanish cities. Foreign labor is remarkable for its heterogeneity in terms of country of origin, demographic characteristics, and the different ways in which immigrants have entered the job market. Legal immigrants tend to concentrate in five different branches of activity, such as domestic service (mostly women), hotel and restaurant industry, agriculture, building and retail trade. Migrants who work in agriculture suffer the worst labor conditions than all other migrants. However, all migrants experience difficulty in obtaining residency and labor permits. Four integration strategies among Moroccan immigrants in Catalonia are discussed and can be viewed as support networks of the immigrants. 相似文献
黄玉莲 《广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2004,26(3):68-75
通过对一群亚裔加拿大社会服务从业者与来自其同一族裔社区的妇女工作的经验的描述,就文化适切实践模式对文化的假设提出质疑,并论述了文化的复杂性和多变性,阐述了文化适切实践的话语如何把殖民和种族权力的关系简约为文化问题. 相似文献
Kelvin E.Y. Low 《Social Identities》2013,19(2):221-237
This paper explores the sensory misconduct of foreign workers in Singapore as identified by local residents in neighborhoods across the island city. Urban bodies and sensory differentiation form the focal point of discussion, given that complaints about sensory disturbances are sociocultural expressions of rejection which are connected to power relations in the city. I focus on two cases that have been identified from my research on Singapore newspaper archives dating between the 1800s and the present-day context. Employing the notion of transnational urbanism, the paper deliberates upon urban sensory politics in Singapore and shows how urban spaces are sensorially politicized by different groups through content analysis of media reports. By considering both historical and contemporary transnationalism, the paper contributes to further understandings on urbanity, migration, and sensory studies. 相似文献
2005年11月18—21日,由美国哈佛大学—燕京学社与南京大学、宁夏社会科学院联合召开了“文明对话与文化自觉国际学术研讨会”。美国人文社会科学院院士、哈佛大学中国历史与哲学教授、哈佛—燕京学社主任、新儒家学派代表人物杜维明先生,在开幕式作了主题演讲:“回儒对话的哲学涵义:以王岱舆和刘智为例”。杨怀中先生听取了杜维明先生的演讲,并和杜先生进行了交谈。二位先生相识、相熟20年。会后,杨怀中先生给杜维明先生写了这封长信,进一步交流,求其指正。为此,杜维明先生给我院回族伊斯兰教研究所副所长丁克家博士来信说:“杨怀中老师的信中,有不少值得广为流传的信息和观点,请征得同意,稍作修改,公之于世。”现在本刊将这封信全文发表,以荐读者。 相似文献
中国西南地区泸沽湖周围的摩梭人,至今仍保留着母系家庭与母系文化,这从一个重要方面展现了中华文化及人类社会文化的多样性.近年来,由于经济社会发展的不断加快,摩梭母系家庭数量已明显减少,余下的母系家庭也渐"空壳化".在摩梭母系文化面临解体之时,学术界应深入研究,为这一文化的保护提供参考.泸沽湖周边摩梭母系婚姻家庭的出现与长期延续,除与其居住地特殊自然、地理环境有关外,还与其族源有关.泸沽湖摩梭人的母系文化虽然有其特点,但应是川滇之间历史上曾存在的"母系文化带"的一部份.摩梭社会中出现母系、父系及双系家庭并存现象有着经济、政治、文化等多方面的原因,但双系家庭并非母系家庭与父系家庭间的过渡.摩梭母系文化的深入研究,还应注意与四川甘孜道孚县扎巴母系文化作比较,这样既可更多的更大范围的了解"母系文化带",也可加深对泸沽湖边摩梭母系文化特点的认识. 相似文献
族群理论及其在我国应用的反思 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
族群研究是当前我国社会科学研究的一个热点,既取得了很大的进展,也凸显出一些深层次的问题.这些问题既妨碍了学术研究的"求真",也妨害了我国民族问题的"善治".本文对族群理论的缺失以及我国族群研究中存在的问题作了初步的探讨. 相似文献
Dace Dzenovska 《Journal of ethnic and migration studies》2013,39(2):201-218
This article argues that, in order to overcome the national(ist) common sense that continues to haunt everyday political and scholarly interpretations of mobility, scholars need not diagnose nationalism with greater vigour, but should rather move beyond facile diagnoses of nationalism. The article calls for a meticulous tracing of relations and practices of emplacement and displacement that ubiquitous national(ist) interpretive frames both co-opt and exceed simultaneously. The argument is elaborated on the basis of an analysis of historical articulations of emplacement and displacement in Latvian understandings of ‘the good life’. The article pays particular attention to the ways in which the figure of the migrant has emerged historically as an aberration to Latvian understandings of the good life. It also considers how this ethical configuration is being unsettled through massive labour migration to Western Europe—or ‘the Great Departure’. 相似文献
我国的非物质文化遗产保护,上上下下都面临着转变理念的问题.过往我们固守的文化理念过于狭窄了,联合国教科文组织文件中的许多项目,过去都不在文化工作的视野之内.地方上出现的重申报、轻保护,形象工程,开发性破坏等弊端,盖源自偏狭的文化理念.重表演艺术、轻民间知识等倾向依然存在.传统的手工技艺已得到初步重视,但是生产还是传统文化的两难问题,日益突出地摆在我们的面前.如何理解自然界和宇宙的知识和实践,我们至今依然噤若寒蝉,这是需要专门讨论的问题.非遗价值判断的标准,应看该文化是否与彼时彼地的社会需要和人类自身需要相适应. 相似文献
Isabelle Auguste 《National Identities》2013,15(4):425-436
In February 2008, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologised to Indigenous Australians for past injustices. The apology was presented as a turning point in the history of the nation. According to Rudd, ‘there comes a time in the history of a nation when peoples must become fully reconciled to their past if they are to go forward with confidence to embrace their future’. The apology marked a new step in the reconciliation process in Australia, but as this article argues, the treaty issue – another controversial aspect of reconciliation – remains a major challenge to the Australian nation. 相似文献
今年是费孝通先生和林耀华先生诞辰100周年.两位先辈对中国社会学和中国人类学都做出了各自的巨大贡献,值得我们回顾和隆重纪念.现在,不少纪念活动,如学术座谈会、系列学术讲座、有关著作的发行等已经开始,此后会陆续达到纪念的高潮. 相似文献
Peter Scholten Godfried Engbersen Mark van Ostaijen Erik Snel 《Journal of ethnic and migration studies》2018,44(12):2011-2033
ABSTRACT‘Intra-EU mobility’ from new member states provides a governance challenge to European countries like the Netherlands. Freedom of movement within the EU enables mobility but also has important social consequences at the urban level in particular. This article discusses to what extent local, national and European governments have interacted in the governance of ‘intra-EU movement’ and how this has affected their policies regarding migrants from Central and Eastern Europe in particular. Focusing on the Dutch case, including the cities of The Hague and Rotterdam, this article shows a development from a decoupled relationship, to localist governance and only recently evidence of emerging ‘multilevel governance’. Speaking to the broader literature on multilevel governance, this article firstly shows that in spite of its broad theoretical application, multilevel governance should be seen as one of the varied types of governance in a multilevel setting. And secondly, it shows how and why local governments can play a key role in the bottom-up development of governance in a multilevel setting. 相似文献