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Researchers forecast that in the 2100s, China willexperience four periods of population aging:Period of accelerated increase (1999-2010): Theproportion of the elderly will rise by an annualaverage of 0.1 percentage point. China has alreadybecome all aged society; however, the pace of aginghas not been so fast.Period of fast increase (2010-2040): This is theperiod when China's population aging develops thefastest. Annually, the proportion will increase by 0.4percentage point oil average.Perio…  相似文献   

Shanghai is the first city in China to enter the aging society. In 1982, the aging population there accounted for 11.51% of the total population. According to Shanghai Statistics Bureau, by the end of 2006,the registered permanent population in Shanghai was 13.6808 million. The aging population over 60 reached 2.  相似文献   

As China’s population officially reached 1.3 billion on January 6, 2005, the issue of population aging is drawing renewed attention in China. Structurally, China became an aging society in 2000. According to UN estimates, India will surpass China by 2040 as the most populous country in the world; however, China will remain as the country home to the largest aging population in the world. Most of the population challenges confronting China today have to do with population aging. Currentl…  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, China has entered the population aging process along with progress made in the implementation of the family planning policy. By 2000, the aged population (60 and over) made up 10.2 percent of the total population, signaling that China had marched into an aging society. In the new millennium, the aging process in the country will continue. It is predicted that by 2030 the number of elderly people over 60 will rise to 310 million (20% of the total population) from the current …  相似文献   

With the old dependency ratio growing for the firsttime to 13% and aging index reaching 46%,population aging hit a record high in Taiwan. If this momentum continues unabated, the aged will outnumber the young in ten years, according toestimates of local authorities. By that time, fourworking-age Taiwanese will have to support one old folk. The aging index, a result of the number of peopleaged 65 and over dividing that of people aged 14 and below, is an indicator showing the extent ofpopulati…  相似文献   

This paper systematically studies the impact of fertility, mortality, initial age structure and rural-urban migration on population aging in rural and urban China from 2000 to 2010. The results show that urbanisation plays a crucial role in population aging in both rural and urban areas and its inf luence is closely linked to the age pattern of the migrants. One third of young rural population transformed into urban population during that period. The contribution of rural-urban migration to population aging in rural areas is 43.4 percent, which is higher than any inf luences from population’s natural changes, and is dominant in population aging in the countryside. Rural-urban migration contributes-118.0 percent to population aging in urban areas by reducing the proportion of aged population and its influence was only lower than that of the initial age structure. The impact of urbanisation on population aging in towns is relatively limited. Among factors from population’s natural changes, the inf luence of the initial age structure is higher than those from changes of mortality and fertility. The paper discusses the causes and developmental trends of impact of urbanisation on population aging between rural and urban areas, and addresses some policy recommendations to deal with socio-economic challenges.  相似文献   

From the point of viewof world history,population aging is a natural product of modernization,and its process has a profound impact on society and the economy·But the relationship between them is not simple,linear or closed·Population policy will have an impact on  相似文献   

Ⅰ. The trend and characteristics of population aging in China The International Year of Senior Citizens was in 1999. Coincidentally,the Chinese population aged 60 and above exceeded 10 percent of the total population in February 20,1999  相似文献   

Statistics recently released by the United Nations show that aged population in the world has totaled 629 million, which means there is one person out of every ten who is aged 60 or over. By 2050, the number of people aged 60 and over will reach two billion, accounting for 21% of the total and outnumbering those aged 15 and below. The number of centennials will increase from about 210,000 in 2002 to 3.2 million in 2050. Currently, Italy has the highest proportion of aged population (25%). S…  相似文献   

The increasing serious population aging is one of the challengeable problems attracting attentions of the international communities. "Active aging" theory provides another perspective in problemsolving for how to meet the challenge of population aging. By reviewing both the development of international active aging theories and practices and China's changes in population aging policies and practices, this article tries to analyze the aging problem in China in the political, economic, and cultural view to describe the realistic picture of China's aging and to find a proper road for China's active aging.  相似文献   

Editor's Note     
China stepped into an aging society at the end of 20th century according to international standards and its aging population accelerated from the beginning of 21st century, which brought great challenges to the construction of China's  相似文献   

I. Current Situation and Prospects of China's Population Development China is the most populous developing country in the world. A large population size, a weak economic base, and a lack of resources on a per capita basis form its basic national conditions. Many issues and difficulties encountered in the process of China's economic and social development are closely related to the population issues. Population is the principal factor and the major constraint to China's economic and soc…  相似文献   

China is going to start a new project, named Starlight Project, to meet the increasing challenge ofpopulation aging, the Ministry of Civil Affairsannounced in June 2001. According to the project, civil affairs departments at both central and provincial levels will, during thenext three years, use 80% of the funds raised fromwelfare lottery to establish a community-based service net for the elderly population both in urbanand rural areas. Statistics from authoritative source indicate thatc…  相似文献   

Background■Basic data of population in China in 2000:Population is 1.266 billion; Growth rate is 8.77? Total fertility rate is below than 2; Average life expectancy is 69.36 years for male and 73.11 years for female.■ The family planning network has covered 95% of China's population in China. There is a MCH system undertaken by the Ministry of Health in China, but majority of its exists only in the cities' areas. There are 4,000,000 family planning cadres and full-time workers in the n…  相似文献   

On October 11,2012,Ministry of Public Health held a routine press conference.Kong Lingzhi,Deputy Director General of Bureau for Disease Control and Prevention of Ministry of Public Health introduced relevant work in elderly healthcare. Kong said the number of the aging population aged over 60 in China had reached 178 million by the end of 2010, accounting for 13.26%of the total population;and those aged over 65 had reached 119 million,accounting for 8.9%of the total population.China is the only nation in the world with more than 100 million old people. Characteristics of population aging in China are large population size,fast population growth and advanced age.Incidence and  相似文献   

There is no doubt that China has stepped into an aging society.All data shows that China is overtaken by population aging reluctantly——it seems we are discussing how to deal with it last night but only to discover that it has already come nearby when waking up this morning,which gives us a kind of sudden panic.It can be said that China is really lack of preparation in responding to population aging.The threatening revolution of the elderly  相似文献   

The National Conference on Aging was held in Beijing on March 1, 2012. It was revealed that, by the end of 2011, the elderly population aged over 60 reached 185 million, accounting for 13.7% of the total population. It is reported that population aging in China has already entered a phase  相似文献   

The Information Office of the State Council published a white paper titled "China's Population and Development in the 21st Century. "Following is the full text of the white paper:Preface1. The 21st century is approaching. With the rapid development of science and technology and the swift changes in the world economic order and patterns, population and development have become an increasingly important issue, which draws broad concern of the international community. It is the common choice o…  相似文献   

Professor Zhai Zhenwu,born in February 1954,is now a member of the National Population and Family Planning Committee of Experts and Director of the Demography Institute under the Key Research Institutes of Humanities and Social Science of the Ministry of Education.Besides,as a doctoral supervisor and one of the academic leaders in China's population studies,he now serves as the  相似文献   

The issue of health status and care for the elderly in urban and rural areas is becoming increasingly serious in the rapid context of population aging in China.The paper analyzed the health status of urban and rural elderly in China in the two-week morbidity rate,prevalence rate of chronic diseases, disability status,self-rated health and healthy life expectancy of the elderly using the data from the 2006 Sampling Survey on the Status of Urban/ Rural Aged Population in China,the Fourth National Health Service Survey and the 2006 Second China National Sample Survey on Disability,to explore the current provision of sources of care for the elderly and try to make some policy recommendations about to improve the health and care for the elderly population facing the crisis of population aging.  相似文献   

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