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全面认识住房公积金制度对家庭幸福感的影响关系着“为人民谋幸福”和实现“共同富裕”目标的可行路径,也对改革和完善住房公积金制度具有重要意义。文章基于2015~2019年中国家庭金融调查数据,实证研究了住房公积金制度对城镇家庭幸福感的影响。研究发现,缴存住房公积金能够显著提高家庭幸福感,且这一结论在矫正了样本自选择和内生性问题带来的估计偏误后依然稳健。机制分析表明,住房公积金制度为家庭提供了低成本的住房融资,显著提升了家庭购房概率、改善了家庭消费结构,从而有助于提高家庭幸福感。异质性分析显示,住房公积金制度对有房家庭、购买首套房以及有住房贷款的家庭幸福感影响更大。进一步分析表明,住房公积金制度显著提高了财务状况较差、经济脆弱和非正规就业家庭的幸福感,客观上有助于推动实现共同富裕。文章为住房公积金制度的主观福利效应提供了微观证据,对相关政策的制定与完善提供了参考。  相似文献   

黄建宏 《南方人口》2012,27(4):54-60,72
利用2010年广东家庭追踪调查城镇部分数据,研究转型期城镇家庭住房困难状况,结果发现:城镇家庭收入与住房困难成“倒U”关系,其他因素如家庭规模、户籍分割及高房价背景均与住房困难存在明显关系,但住户特征与住房困难的关系较弱。显然,理解转型期城市住房困难现象不能仅从市场的收入逻辑进行解释,住房市场嵌入在各种制度因素之中,旧的分配制度与新的市场因素均会左右城镇家庭的住房状况,住房困难是家庭特征、市场环境及国家力量共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

市场转型背景下南京市的住房分异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章依托2005年南京市的千户调查数据,检验不同性质、不同特征家庭的住房分异。文章指出,2000年以来南京市住房的社会分异现象十分显著,计划经济体制的惯性作用仍然存在,某些制度性因素弱化的同时,户口、单位等制度性因素的作用持续而重要;市场因素对于住房分异的决定作用同样显著,主要体现在不同受教育程度、不同收入群体之间的住房差别。需要注意的是,不同属性群体之间的住房差异十分明显,而相同属性群体内部的住房差异更为显著,这一现象需要在未来的研究中加以关注。  相似文献   

中国城镇流动人口的住房状况研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
许多发展中国家城市普遍存在乡城人口迁移和贫民窟扩张现象。尽管我国正快速城市化,城镇贫民窟现象并不普遍。2000年人口普查资料显示,城镇地区流动和迁移人口的住房状况并不比非流迁人口差;在某些房屋设施方面,流动人口甚至要好于城镇当地居民。本文运用2000年0.095%抽样数据研究中国城镇流动人口的住房状况,试图回答三个问题:(1)流动人口在城镇如何居住?(2)不同类型的流动人口居住方式是否不同?(3)为什么部分流动人口的住房状况优于城镇当地居民?  相似文献   

城市住房是影响流动人口回流的重要因素。如何降低高房价对流动人口的挤出效应,是推进以人为核心的新型城镇化战略中不可忽视的关键问题。基于2017年中国家庭金融调查数据,研究住房价格和自有住房对流动人口回流行为的影响。研究发现,流入地的高房价促进流动人口回流,而在流入地拥有自有住房则降低了流动人口回流的概率,并且在流入地拥有自有住房减弱了高房价对回流的促进作用。分地区看,高房价的挤出效应仅在中西部地区显现,在东部地区没有得到证据支持;分城市规模看,随着城市规模扩大,住房价格的挤出效应先增强后减弱。这些结论为完善住房市场体系、深入推进以人为核心的新型城镇化战略提供依据。  相似文献   

大城市过高的房价使得很多适婚人群很难仅凭自身经济能力购买住房。因此,很多新婚夫妇向父母寻求经济资助,父母的经济能力和支持程度对新婚夫妇居住的住房条件以及婚房形式产生非常重要的影响。本文利用韩国劳动面板数据分析父母的收入和资产对子女新婚居住形式与费用的影响。分析结果显示,当不区分男女样本进行回归时,子女的收入、教育水平和地区变量等一般认为会影响住房费用的因素在统计上均不显著。这表明新婚夫妇在筹备婚房的过程中所承担的责任往往并不相同。将男女样本分别进行回归时发现父母资产水平对新婚夫妇居住费用产生显著影响。特别是新婚夫妇中男方的住房方式受到父母资产的影响程度高于女方。这反映出婚房筹备方面男性承担主要费用的实际社会现象。而且比起父母当前收入,父母居住的住宅价格对新婚夫妇住宅价格产生更显著的影响,说明父母资产在婚房筹备上起到重要作用。城市居民的住房状况不仅涉及年轻人生活质量,也通过代际关系影响老年人的资产与收入,是关乎民生的重大社会问题。我国政府也面对同样的问题,应该加快建立和完善多层次城镇住房供应体系,对不同收入家庭实行不同的住房供应政策。发展租赁市场作为补充,建立购租并举的住房制度。住房政策与供应模式的创新与改革将有助于解决城市居民购房能力不足的问题,对推动国内消费模式的变化与长期持续中高速经济增长都将产生深远影响。  相似文献   

中国东北地区具有鲜明的人口特征,这些人口特征影响区域内经济社会发展的方方面面,其中就包含对住房需求的影响。在获得2010年的人口普查数据和10%微观抽样数据的基础上,利用ProFamy方法,可以对未来区域内人口变动进行预测,进而预测分析由于人口变动而产生的住房需求变化(2010-2050年)。因为采用的微观数据是分省统计数据,鉴于各省微观数据的完整性不同,预测部分选择辽宁省作为东北地区的代表。人口预测结果显示未来区域内总人口数量下降,家庭规模进一步小型化,单人户数量显著增加。人口变动对住房需求的影响表现为:2010-2050年辽宁省农村地区的住房需求整体下降,城市地区的住房需求变化趋势表现为先升再降。城乡合计的地区住房需求总量部分表现为住房需求在2025年之前逐年上升,2025年之后逐年下降。可见,虽然区域内连续多年人口负增长,但人口变动对未来区域内住房需求的影响是使总需求增加。将未来住房需求变化按照年龄组划分,只有65岁及以上年龄组的住房需求是随着时间推移逐渐增加的,其他年龄组的总住房需求则逐年降低,人口老龄化起到增加区域未来住房需求的作用。2010-2050年男性单人户增加了62....  相似文献   

"新型城镇化,其核心是人的城镇化",在区域经济发展与城镇化建设中何以留住人?本文利用logit回归分析模型,基于全国七城市调查数据,实证检验了住房公积金制度在流动人口城市定居过程中的政策效应.研究结果表明,住房公积金制度对流动人口的城市定居意愿与城市购房都有显著的促进作用,且能够强化定居意愿对城市购房的正向影响,但其作用效果存在人群差异和地区差异.对农民工而言,在东、 中、 西部三类城市中,住房公积金制度均提高了其城市定居意愿,但对其城市购房无促进作用,参与公积金制度提高了农民工在城市定居的心理预期,但无助于其定居能力.对城镇户籍流动人口而言,住房公积金制度对定居意愿的促进作用只存在于东部城市,而在东、 中部城市中,住房公积金能够提高其购房打算.一个理想化的政策效果是,住房公积金制度既能直接促进流动人口的城市定居行为,又能通过提高其定居意愿进而间接作用于定居行为,文章结果显示,这种理想化的政策效果只在东部城市对城镇户籍流动人口有效.  相似文献   

本文基于CGSS2013年9600位居民的调查数据,实证分析了医疗卫生、住房保障与居民生活满意度之间的逻辑关系.研究发现,医疗卫生和住房保障对居民生活满意度有显著正向影响;两者通过个体状况、社会态度和政府服务中间变量间接影响居民生活满意度的程度几乎都要大于直接影响程度;医疗卫生和住房保障服务供给的充足性、均衡性以及民众获取的便利性是影响居民生活满意度的主要因素;医疗卫生、住房保障逐步地走向市场化并逐渐被民众所接受.研究进一步表明,医疗卫生和住房保障对不同群体的居民生活满意度均有显著影响.  相似文献   

基于QAP算法的省际劳动力迁移动因理论再检验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章利用"五普"9.5%抽样比例长表数据与《中国统计年鉴》2000年分地区数据,基于二次迭代分配(QAP)算法和修正扩展重力模型,从关系数据视角鉴别中国以往省际劳动力迁移影响因素理论的有效性。研究发现,同以往研究结论一致,迁出和迁入省份间的预期收入、产业结构、教育程度、人口分布、迁移成本差异,以及是否处于同一经济带,对中国省际劳动力迁移有显著影响;但经济规模、对外开放度和固定资产投资对省际劳动力迁移的影响不具有统计意义。  相似文献   

Housing, an essential aspect of quality of life, is also significant for sustainable development (SD). All of the major international statements on SD refer to housing or settlement strategies. However, indicator sets derived from these statements often fail to include good indicators of sustainable housing. This article outlines the conceptualisation of SD and housing from the international statements. It proceeds by describing the international indicator sets which have been constructed based on these policy statements. International organisations such as the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the European Union (EU) have all produced indicator sets. However, this article contends that housing is an underdeveloped indicator and calls for more attention to be paid to the importance of aspects of housing for SD and the measurement of progress towards it via social indicators.
Montserrat Pareja EastawayEmail:

In this paper, the author describes the housing position in France to-day, and traces the reasons for the present housing shortage, which shows itself in the large number of old houses and the comparatively low level of building activity. This is traced to the history of rent restriction which has led to an increasing divergence between the restricted and the economic rent. The history of rent-restriction legislation is traced, and post-liberation measures of housing policy—both in the field of new house building and in the grant of housing allowances—are discussed.  相似文献   

Rapid urban population growth and the lack of effective policies in order to desired population settlement, has encountered Iran’s major cities with multiple social, economic and environment problems. Physical expansion of cities in order to settlement the increasing population, causes the formation of new textures surrounding old urban textures. In the new textures, urban housing is formed with the modern approach and least logical connection with common practice in the old textures. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to evaluate the housing quality and identify strengths and weaknesses in old and new urban textures to improve the quality of urban housing in Iran. Household survey were conducted to collect the needed data in the old and new textures in Khorramabad city. Results showed that the satisfaction level of housing quality in new texture is far more than old ones. The highest satisfaction level in both textures are related to housing basic facilities domain. However, satisfaction level of this domain in new texture is much greater compared to the old texture. The lowest level of satisfaction is related to the quality of neighborhood domain in old texture and to the access to public services domain in the new one. Results from the factor analysis to identify the dimensions of housing quality in old and new textures illustrated that housing quality is a multidimensional concept, studying of which requires considering all dimensions and aspects.  相似文献   

我国特大城市流动人口住房状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用20102013年全国流动人口动态监测调查数据分析我国五个特大城市的流动人口住房状况。结果表明:特大城市流动人口住房以租住私房为主,住房基础设施较差且住房支出压力较大,另外还表现出经济能力较差的农业户口、新生代、随迁人数少、流入村委会的流动人口更偏向于租住私房等分层特征。五个特大城市中,深圳租住私房比例最高,北京基础设施水平最差,北京和深圳住房支出压力最大,上海和天津流动人口社会融合水平可能最高。  相似文献   

Homeownership, a symbol of the American dream, is one of the primary ways through which families accumulate wealth, particularly for blacks and Hispanics. Surprisingly, no study has explicitly documented the segregation of minority owners and renters from whites. Using data from Census 2000, this study aims to fill this gap. Analyses here reveal that the segregation of black renters relative to whites is significantly lower than the segregation of black owners from whites, controlling for relevant socioeconomic and demographic factors, contrary to the notion that homeownership represents an endpoint in the residential assimilation process. The patterns for Hispanics and Asians conform more to expectations under the spatial assimilation model. The findings here suggest that race and ethnicity continue to be as important in shaping residential segregation as socioeconomic status, and raise concerns about the benefits of homeownership, particularly for blacks.  相似文献   

Landlords and realtors occasionally are identified as causal agents in the creation or maintenance of segregated neighborhoods. The existence of racial/ethnic separation at local scales, however, is no sure proof of illegal discriminatory acts or intentions by housing market agents. Other factors can and do produce racial/ethnic separation within neighborhoods. Applied demographic analysis can play a part in clarifying what constitutes discrimination and in evaluating the statistical data used to screen for unlawful acts of discrimination within local housing markets. We report a study of tenancy and tenancy turnover in a group of apartment buildings located in a densely settled and ethnically diverse neighborhood in Los Angeles. Turnover in these buildings altered the ethnic mix of tenants, increasing the Asian proportion and decreasing the Hispanic proportion. We trace this change to two market processes that differentiate tenants economically and by differing preferences for luxurious housing: (1) an upgrading of housing stock, which repositioned certain rental units at a higher price point; and (2) the market response to newly-available luxury units. These processes promote ethnically homogeneous apartment-building “neighborhoods” within an otherwise unsegregated ethnically diverse area.
William A. V. ClarkEmail:

This article introduces a conceptual model of housing quality that emphasizes consumers' experience of improvements during their lifetime. Following a review of the widely recognized inadequacies associated with the traditional indicators of housing quality, a ‘housing progress’ model is offered as an alternative method for conceptualizing the quality of persons' housing experiences. This model suggests that changes in the level of housing well-being are reflected by changes in the rate at which households move toward their personal housing preferences. To operationalize this concept, four indicators are developed that are based on the pattern of housing unit exchanges achieved by movers each year between 1973 and 1977. The indicators reveal a pronounced downtum in progress (on the order of 20 percent) with the fall in construction between 1973 and 1975. After 1975, progress increased with the rise in construction, but there is evidence of a widening gap between the housing opportunities of owners and renters.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated the persistently lower residential satisfaction of tenants as compared to homeowners. However, analysis of data from 41,198 US households indicates that this gap is heavily age dependent. After middle age, the residential satisfaction of apartment housing tenants increases dramatically—eventually exceeding that of both single-family housing tenants and homeowners. Although elderly tenants are less likely to indicate dissatisfaction with building maintenance or the neighborhood, these factors are particularly important to elderly tenant satisfaction. These age differences in housing satisfaction may relate to the increasing difficulty of managing residential maintenance and the growing importance of nearby services.  相似文献   

中国老年人住房与环境状况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国人口老龄化的发展 ,老年人住房状况有了较大的变化 ,他们对住宅、环境的要求也越来越高。他们希望住宅、环境的设计更能人性化 ,更适合他们身心健康的特殊需要。本文分析了老年人居住的环境、住宅内外空间以及设备的选配 ,应该从老年人的心理、生理的角度 ,充分照顾到老年人特点 ,为老年人创造一个舒适、安全、方便的居住和生活的环境  相似文献   

居家养老:中国城镇老人的必然选择   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
居家养老是对传统家庭养老方式的改革与创新 ,是社会经济充分发展条件下的必然产物。选择居家养老的客观依据是 :城镇老年人的经济供养方式基本实现了社会供养 ;城镇老年人口的生活服务开始出现社会化趋向 ;符合中国国情。就目前社会状况来看 ,养老社会保险和老年服务社会化方面还存在一些不利于实现居家养老的现实矛盾。大力发展企业经济 ,加快城镇职工的养老保险改革 ,加强社会化养老服务设施建设是可行之路  相似文献   

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