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称呼语是言语交际的重要组成部分,它不仅用于当面指称交际中的听话人,还可以表达出更多词句以外的意义。本文从言语行为、情感表达、话题发展和交际情境四个方面来考察称呼语的语用功能。  相似文献   

语码转换的社会功能和情感功能   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张艳君 《学术交流》2005,(5):138-141
语码转换是语言接触中的普遍现象,在言语交际中,它是一种有效的交际策略。近三十年来,语言学家从各个角度对语码转换的机制、模式和制约因素进行了广泛的研究。语码转换一方面具有社会功能,可以改变社会场景以确立新的交谈性质。另外一方面,在交谈过程中,语码转换也反映了说话者的心理、感情以及人们对某种语言或变体所持的态度。  相似文献   

王金霞  韩松 《社科纵横》2012,(8):172-173
委婉语是语言实现其交际功能的重要途径。在言语交际中,委婉语信息的传递和解读离不开特定的语境。语境包括语言语境和非语言语境。本文从委婉语的典型特征、分类和语境与语义的关系入手,分三个方面详细阐述委婉语对语境的依赖。  相似文献   

“什么是语用学?”对于这个问题,我们尽最大努力以广见博闻的方式作出回答,而且,我们还期待着可能出现的前所未见的答案。从一开始,我们就不得不谨慎措词,以避免把那些传统上可能被认为是狭义语用学范围以外的课题排斥在外。因此,我们愿意强调,原则上说,语用学并不仅仅对语言(或言语)感兴趣,而是普遍关注任何种类的交际代码或交际行为,包括手势甚至音乐。简言之,我们认为语用学研究的是交际代码与其运用环境之间的相互影响。在可供研究的交际代码之中,语言理所当然地比其他任何代码在历史上受到更多的注意。因此我们期望,至少在一段时间内,论文要围绕语  相似文献   

本文通过对人们所熟悉的讨价还价这一言语交际现象进行观察和分析,认为现实生活中的讨价还价往往抵触着言语交际所普遍遵守的合作原则之质准则和礼貌原则之多项准则而引发而存在:在讨价还价的言语交际中,合作原则较之礼貌原则具有更大的约束力。本文还试图运用系统功能语言学和语用学的有关理论对可作为一个语言变体和一种言外行为综合体的讨价还价作出具体的描写和解释。  相似文献   

伍卓 《唐都学刊》2002,18(1):126-128
英语习语是英语民族历史文化的结晶 ,其中非言语交际习语的存在既表达了丰富多彩的非言语行为 ,又在很大程度上强调了语言的内在文化信息。从跨文化交际的角度看英语中的非言语交际行为构成的习语自有它的特征。  相似文献   

一、几个界限 1.1语言与言语  我们在研究词与非词 的划界问题的时候,有必要将语言和言语 区别开来。其一,语言是人类的交际工具, 是一个完整的体系。言语是语言的实际运 用,就是人们所说的一句一句的话。这里 有偶然的、非语言因素的东西。象“今天a, 我ia,要─—上─—’·那·个·那·个 ──理发─—,理发铺─—,去理──理 ──理发”、①这样的句子,我们不准备当 作研究对象来分析。否则,将有一些似词 非词的成分混进来;其二,语言单位是静 态的、尚未体现交际功能的单位,言语单 位是动态的、已经体现交际功能的单位。 “鱼”作为语…  相似文献   

言语行为意义观浅论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
意义理论研究是现代西方语言哲学的核心课题。在所创立的众多意义理论中 ,言语行为意义观颇具特色 ,被认为是一种集大成的意义理论。它将言语行为规定为意义的基本单位 ,强调意义作为意向性的一种派生形式 ,产生于内在心灵意向与外在言语行为规则的统一 ;从而将言语行为及其构成规则、言语交际者的意向同表达式的意义以及说话者的意义有机结合起来 ,形成一种多维度、全方位的意义观  相似文献   

黄西林 《社科纵横》2007,22(5):171-172
本文主要从身体动作、面部表情、空间距离、触摸行为、语音语调几个方面分析了不同文化背景下非言语行为的一些差异,从而说明具备非言语交际行为的知识对于语言学习者的重要性,帮助人们了解如何避免和消除交际过程中的误解和障碍。  相似文献   

语码转换的社会语用功能探析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
席红梅 《学术交流》2006,(7):133-134
语码转换是社会语言学研究的重要课题。在一些双语或多语国家,人们在进行社会交往的过程中,语码转换更是屡见不鲜。作为一种语言接触现象,它是理性的,而不是随意的。标记模式理论认为:语码转换是说话者协商双方权利与义务的一种手段,体现着说话者的社会心理动机。人们在使用语码转换时,往往实现多种社会语用功能,诸如回避社会禁忌、调整交际双方权势关系、缓和语气、改变交际双方情感距离、强调说话者社会身份、实施便利等功能。  相似文献   

We examine how the content of actors' speech and the frequency with which they make contributions affect the emergence and legitimation of inequality in task groups. Previous research has focused on classifying acts, the smallest meaningful units of speech, such as providing opportunities to others to speak, making task relevant suggestions, and positively or negatively evaluating the contributions of others. We also employ a classification scheme based on the cognitive complexity of spoken language in the turn. This scheme is based on an interpretation of the cognitive development model posited by Piaget. In addition to the complexity of language, we analyze speech group members employ to organize to solve the task. These classifications rely on the entire content of the turn rather than the more atomistic act. Data analyzed are from 33 groups of students performing different types of tasks. We employ structural equation models to identify how acts and content are related to one another in the observed interaction patterns in groups. Applications of these insights are explored in the discussion.  相似文献   

王军元  曹炜 《学术交流》2004,(11):157-161
丰富多彩的消极修辞手段的运用,对于广告的成功起着决定性的作用。广告语言是一种诉诸听觉的语言,语音形式的选择加工是广告语言所需要处理的首要问题。相同、相近的音节结构或相同、相近的韵母的使用,洪音、细音的调配,相同音节结构的重叠等等是广告语言语音形式加工的主要内容。成功的广告语言无不重视词语的精当运用。词语的选用既体现在同义词语的抉择上,也体现在多义词语、同音词语的选用上。广告语言往往以超乎寻常语法规范的形式来运作,突破语法规范主要表现在词语的超常配搭、拓展词的语法功能和句式的变化三个方面。汉语言永远是中国广告最肥沃的土壤。  相似文献   

姜文振 《学术交流》2002,(6):119-122
黑龙江方言中的脱落现象主要包括两种情况 :一是音素的脱落 ,一是音节的脱落。本文重点描写这两种脱落的种种表现 ,同时揭示造成脱落的因素 ,还讨论了脱落同合音的关系以及脱落对书写形式的影响等问题。指出 :音节的弱化 (轻声 )导致脱落的现象是最常见的。此外 ,语速的快慢对于是否造成脱落以及脱落的具体形式有决定性的作用  相似文献   

The idea that thinking is a form of talking to oneself was discussed in classical Greece, analyzed by the Medievals and treated as a central issue by the American pragmatists. But whether inner speech is a language unto itself, distinct from outer language, has not been determined. To this end I ask how Saussure's defining ideas about language apply to inner speech. I show that Saussure's ideas, while partly usable, are mainly a poor fit. Inner speech is a variety of language, or perhaps of dialect, with its own unique structure. Given that it is a unique window into human consciousness, I briefly discuss some of the research areas on which it sheds light.  相似文献   

杨一丹 《学术交流》2001,(4):116-117
语用学是语言学领域里的一门新兴学科.语用学不同于"语义学".语用的交际离不开语言实际应用的能力,语用的表达离不开语境,语境是其应用的重要因素.在现实的语用交际中,语言的习惯用法蕴涵着深层的、特殊的意义.  相似文献   

Two experiments using Asian American university student participants examined the distinctive characteristics of responses to racist hate speech relative to responses to other forms of offense. The studies varied the target of insulting speech (Asian, African, and Overweight person) or the nature of offence (petty theft vs. insulting speech). Participant variables included collective self-esteem and social identification. Results indicate that hate speech directed at ethnic targets deserves more severe punishment than other forms of offensive speech and petty theft. Hate speech also results in more extreme emotional responses and, in the case of an Asian target, has a depressing influence on collective self-esteem. Ethnic identification moderated punishment responses in study 1 only. The theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

This article employs the methods of discourse analysis (speech act theory (SAT), semiotics) to analyze the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia’s (ICTY) precedent-setting ruling which classified rape and sexual enslavement as crimes against humanity. Through the Tribunal’s speech acts of rendering a judgment and of finding defendants guilty, the Tribunal declared that rape is no longer considered an intrinsic part of war. Despite this advancement in International Humanitarian Law, a discourse analysis of the Tribunal’s speech acts reveals a fault line in human rights discourse concerning the historical dual categorization of women: as “women” and as “human.” This fault line is evidenced by a series of fissures which expose the instability of this categorization. The presence of these fissures challenges the world community, through entities such as the Tribunal, to continue to struggle with this categorization and thus continue to re-shape the realm of human rights.  相似文献   

To understand and assess how early adolescents use their social perspective taking (SPT) skills in their consideration of social problems, we conducted two studies. In study 1, we administered a hypothetical SPT scenario to 359 fourth to eighth graders. Modeled on the linguistic pragmatics of speech acts, we used grounded theory to develop a functional approach that identified three types of SPT acts: (1) the acknowledgment of different actors, (2) the articulation of their thoughts and feelings, and (3) the positioning of the roles, experiences, or circumstances that influence how they resolve problems. Study 2 tested the validity of an expanded instrument, the Social Perspective Taking Acts Measure, with 459 fourth to eighth graders. We confirmed the structure of the construct with a fully saturated confirmatory factor analysis, with factor loadings in the range of .62 and .71, and a factor determinacy of .90. We obtained evidence of criterion‐related validity by successfully predicting that girls and older participants would exhibit better performance than boys and younger students, and that SPT would exhibit a negative association with aggressive interpersonal strategies, a positive but moderate association with writing, and non‐significant associations with academic language, complex reasoning, and reading skills.  相似文献   

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