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When Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered his New Year's speech,on the eve of 2020,he said,"Over the past year,many people and their stories have touched us deeply"China's National Women's Volleyball Team,which won the FIVB World Cup in September 2019,was one of the stories he noted in his speech.The team had defended its World Cup title with a perfect record of 11 wins in Japan.It was China's 10th title in a world major volleyball event,including the World Cup,the World Championships and the Olympic Games.  相似文献   

"During the World Cup, the wife must give up control of the television and sofa and do all the housework. Don't tell me that you want to watch a Korean TV series or the Happy Boys contest. There is only one program -- called football."  相似文献   

'Showing a Beautiful World' Exhibition Held To commemorate the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day (IWD), the women's federation in Baoshan District, Shanghai, held the "Showing a Beautiful World" Exhibition to display works by Baoshan women. Although IWD was on March 8, the exhibit was held in Shanghai on March 1. In December 2009, the Baoshan Women's Federation announced its plan to collect original works by Baoshan women. The response was positive. Women contributed more than 120 calligraphies, paintings, photographs and embroideries, among other works. The items reflected the wisdom of the women, displayed Baoshan women's pursuit of beauty, and extended the women's best wishes to the World Expo 2010 Shanghai. The expo will open on May 1.  相似文献   

I want to share a practical assignment that I often use with clients, I've just returned from a first meeting with a client who will spend the nextfew months completing a communication-coaching program that I offer. While specific objectives differ from person to person, the general purpose of the program is to help (usually female) Chinese professionals improve their ability to communicate, at a regional or global level, with confidence and influence.  相似文献   

THE large-scale dance drama The Border Town performed by the Hunan Provincial Troupe attracted a large audience with its natural human touch, strong local flavour and elegant literature, provoking reverie from the people. The Border Town dance drama was adapted from the novel of the same name by Shen Congwen, an influential writer on Chinese modern literature. The Border Town, written in 1934, was his masterpiece, which gives a delicate account of the young love between the orphan girl Cuicui (who was adopted by an old ferryman), and the young  相似文献   

Students at a primary school, for migrant workers' children, in Yaohai District, Hefei, in East China's Anhui Province, learn how to make a dough figurine of Fuleco, the mascot of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, on June 18, 2014.  相似文献   

A few years ago, a popular TV program Animal World produced by China Central Television (CCTV), was well received by men and women, old and young, and people from all circles. Sun Qiuping, a reporter from CCTV, led her colleagues to film the section about wild animals in China.For six years, Sun and her colleagues sought those nearly extinct wild animals in the virgin forests and barren hills. They experienced many hardships, and even the trial of death.In 1992, Sun won first prize in the First National TV Program Contest for her first TV program Oasis in the Mist about the tropical rain forest and its wild life. She also won awards for photography and music. Sun edited the TV program Mongoose and won a first prize for programs on special topics. Because of her accomplishments, she has been awarded the prize of the CCTV director's special fund, and was named a national "March 8 Pacesetter' by the All-China Women's Federation.  相似文献   

Ping Yao is an ancient city localed in central Shanxi Province. Ninety kilometers away from Taiyuan(the provincial capital) on the north, Ping Yao was included in the second batch of State historical cultural cities by the State Council in 1986. In 1997, Ping Yao was listed in the World Heritage Directory by UNESCO's World Heritage Committee. Ping Yao, with a history of 2, 700 years, was established in the Western  相似文献   

Shen Attends Sixth World Women University Presidents Forum
Shen Yueyue, Vice-Chairperson of the NPC (National People's Congress) Standing Committee and President ot" the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), attended the opening ceremony of tile Sixth World Women University Presidents Forum. The event was held in Beijing on September 6, 2014.  相似文献   

FROM 1992 to 1997, the All-China Women's Federation organized and implemented a reproductive health program for Chinese women, which was sponsored by the American Ford Foundation. The program was divided into two phases. The first phase, lasting from 1992 to 1994, focused on locating problems and studying them. Women's federations from 16 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions throughout China formed a research group and conducted extensive studies in a variety of fields while cooperating with experts from sociology, medicine  相似文献   

AS the UN Fourth World Conference on Women draws near, China, as host country, is actively preparing, with the concerned departments across the country. On September 14, 1994, UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali signed an agreement with Qian Qichen, Vice Premier of China and Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, naming China  相似文献   

IN March, 1994, Liu Ji, Vice Minister of the State Physical Culture and Sports Commission (SPCSC) announced the "National Fitness Program" on behalf of Chinese government at the World Sports-for-All Congress in Uruguay. Almost all the participants thought it important to carry out the program in a country with a population of 1.2 billion. It not only helps improve Chinese people's health but also the world's average standard of health. The "National Fitness Program" is an overall, century-spanning, systematic project, which is snowballing. In 1994, the SPCSC issued the One-Two-One Project of the  相似文献   

Wu Haiyan's series of fashions entitled "In a Period of Great Prosperity" was awarded the gold prize by the first Brother Cup International Young Fashion Designers' Works in 1993. With modern creative ideas and fashion structure, Wu Haiyan expressed the richness of national costumes by using fabric with a bamboo stripe reminiscent of the  相似文献   

Dear Women of China, I am currently directing The World Made by Women (BBC/CCTV), a landmark BBC documentary series on the global history of women, One of the fihns in the series will locus on the roles and fates of women under Confucianism and Buddhism -- to be filmed in Vietnanl, China and Japan. 1 am keen to explore gender ideology during the Ham Tang and Song dynasties in China. 1 am very keen to interview and talk to female Chinese historians,  相似文献   

AT the closing ceremony of the UN Fourth World Conference on Women, Mme. Peng Peiyun, Chinese State Councilor, said, "I believe that this Conference will become a starting point of the worldwide women's cause. The effect of the Conference depends on  相似文献   

Today, the Fourth World Conference on Women will have its grand opening in Beijing. Such a propitious assembly of outstanding women and distinguished guests from around the world has added  相似文献   

They Runneth from the Cup 妻子组团参加“反世界杯”旅游 While their husbands eagerly awaited the opening of the World Cup soccer tournament, on the evening of June 9, many wives in Guangzhou, capital of  相似文献   

WONG Pak Ling and her husband Mr. Tan Giok Sie established their own company by their own efforts twenty years ago. She is now deputy managing director of the board of Fan In Trading Company Ltd. and President of Fan In Handicrafts Company Ltd. She is a noticeable woman entrepreneur in Hong Kong business circle. Because she will take part in the NGO forum of the Fourth World Conference on Women, the journalist interviewed her.  相似文献   

AFTER a year of preparation, China is finally ready to host 42 seminars sponsored by 45 Chinese non-governmental organizations during the '95 NGO Forum to be held at the same time of the UN Fourth World Conference on Women. The wide range of topics concerning women include employment, health, education, politics, legislation, culture, childhood, adulthood and aging, ethnic nationalities, the disabled, human rights, domestic violence, peace, etc. Papers scheduled to be read during the forum are currently being reviewed.  相似文献   

This spring,Phoebe Fang posted on her Weibo account a series of jewelry designs,with the theme“Wuhan.” Wuhan is China’s hardest-hit region by the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19).Those designs highlight the best-known architecture,scenic spots,plants and foods in the city.Fang says she hopes her works will help people better recognize the charms of Wuhan.She also hopes the city will shine like beautiful jewelry.  相似文献   

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