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John D. Krumboltz Pamela F. Foley Elizabeth W. Cotter 《The Career development quarterly》2013,61(1):15-26
The happenstance learning theory (HLT) proposes a model of career counseling that helps clients to build more satisfying personal and work lives. Although reflective listening remains an essential part of the process, HLT is an action‐oriented approach to helping clients to both create and benefit from unplanned events. Success is measured not by what happens during the counseling interview but by what the client experiences in the real world during and after counseling. A case study illustrates how HLT might be applied with a client who has been laid off after 20 years on the job. 相似文献
Dual commitment received wide attention during the 1950s and, after a waning of interest during the 1960s and 1970s, interest
has grown anew. In this study of dual commitment we used a model of investment and returns, applied referent theory to it,
and grounded the investigation in an industrial relations context at an airline carrier in order to examine both company and
union commitment. We found that wages were a positive income elastic good with respect to company commitment, but they were
a negative good with respect to union commitment. Information obtained from the firm or the union also resulted in divergencies
in the commitments. External labor market variables were unrelated to union commitment, but they were related to company commitment.
Finally, job influence and perceptions concerning a labor-management program were positive predictors of the two commitments;
as such, they have implications for the way firms and unions may want to build dual commitment.
We thank Peter Cappelli, Fritz Drasgow, Peter Feuille, Greg Oldham, Lawrence T. Pinfield, and Dean Tjosvold for helpful comments. 相似文献
Gonzalo Díaz Meneses 《Journal of Socio》2009,38(4):663-671
The use of the recycling promotion technique which consists of commitment through a blockleader incentive has demonstrated that those individuals who are reluctant to increase their collaboration in response to the technique do not differ substantially from those who respond positively to the promotion, in terms of the processing information style. This similarity is clear, not only from the longitudinal perspective, which considers the evolution of these cognitive and evaluative variables from before the promotion application, but also from a transversal perspective, in other words, how the relationships between these variables are structured in both types of response model. However, the implications for management are based on the differences in the details of the two response patterns and a line of research based on the phenomenon of reluctance is justifiably proposed. 相似文献
《Social Work in Mental Health》2013,11(2-3):157-174
SUMMARY Since the passing of the Mental Health Act (1986), Victoria, Australia, has implemented Community Treatment Orders (CTOs) as an alternative to involuntary inpatient admission for patients who are assessed as unable to be treated less restrictively but in an effort to avoid frequent hospital admissions. It is estimated that currently 3,000 people are annually placed on CTOs in this Australian state. The following article will review existing international and national literature on the subject of forms of involuntary treatment in the community before reporting on the findings of a research project that focused on gaining both consumer and service provider perspectives on the efficacy of CTOs. The research method was largely qualitative, involving three focus groups attended by 30 consumers, as well as 18 individual interviews with service providers. The aim of the project was to offer a voice to both consumers and service providers about their experiences and views of current practice and policy implementation in an area that can have a profound effect on the rights of consumers. Findings suggest that CTOs involve complex decision-making that tests professionals' ability to make judgements about legal and clinical processes. Consumers were generally dissatisfied with many aspects of the use of CTOs and both groups tended to view CTOs as stigmatising and disempowering. There were a variety of views expressed about the process of admission, discharge, and community supports. The article concludes by discussing the findings in the context of existing national and international literature and makes a number of recommendations about law reform, and service provision. 相似文献
Ball SC 《Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services》2006,44(12):36-42
This article examines the implications of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to uphold Oregon's Death with Dignity Act, as well as three crucial cases, on nursing practice: Terri Schiavo, Karen Quinlan, and Nancy Cruzan. In addition, an individual example is provided to demonstrate how nurses can advocate for patients at the end of life, and specific suggestions are offered. 相似文献
The author argues that the June 2012 challenge by the ILO Employers' group to the hitherto generally accepted view regarding the right to strike under the Freedom of Association Convention, No. 87, is at odds with the historical understanding of the framework in which the Convention is embedded. She demonstrates how the ILO constituents have consistently recognized that there is a positive right to strike, which is inextricably linked to – and an inevitable corollary of – the right to freedom of association. The article also analyses the relative roles of the ILO supervisory bodies in this regard. 相似文献
Deporting Fathers: Involuntary Transnational Families and Intent to Remigrate among Salvadoran Deportees

Jodi Berger Cardoso Erin Randle Hamilton Nestor Rodriguez Karl Eschbach Jacqueline Hagan 《The International migration review》2016,50(1):197-230
One‐fourth of deportees from the United States are parents of US‐citizen children. We do not know how separation from families affects remigration among deportees, who face high penalties given unlawful reentry. We examined how family separation affects intent to remigrate among Salvadoran deportees. The majority of deportees with children in the United States were also separated from their spouse, and the vast majority had US‐citizen children. Family separation was the single most important factor affecting intent to remigrate. We interpret these findings in light of immigration policy debates. 相似文献
The Latack-Dozier (1986) model of career growth through job loss was examined using a sample of 515 involuntarily displaced professionals. Results supported the model and identified variables most predictive of career growth for men and women. The results also partially supported the hypothesis that men and women rely on different forms of social support after job loss. The Latack-Dozier model is discussed in light of the findings. In addition, implications for dismissed workers, for career development specialists, and for practitioners are discussed. 相似文献
《Journal of elder abuse & neglect》2013,25(3-4):19-38
ABSTRACT Multidisciplinary focus groups were convened in three geographically diverse areas of Ohio to compare the application of guardianship and adult protective services interventions in the lives of vulnerable adults. The results suggest that there is general agreement in understanding the concepts of “incapacity” and “incompetence.” Professional differences in value orientation were found that may affect how these concepts are applied in given cases. Regional differences in modes of assessment, resource availability, and intervention style were found. A decision-making grid is presented to assist in the examination when one or both forms of involuntary intervention are appropriate. 相似文献
We examine the labor-cost savings associated with privatization by comparing earnings and employment trends of public and
private sector refuse workers. Findings suggest that high union earnings for workers in the public sector are a source of
labor-cost savings in the refuse industry. Evidence on job changers does not indicate that earnings for this group of workers
are a compensating differential. Metropolitan area employment findings suggest that municipalities are less likely to use
union refuse workers in the public sector when a relatively small percentage of area residents belong to a union.
The authors thank Jacqueline Agesa, Keith Bender, Maria Crawford, and Richard Perlman for valuable suggestions. Research assistance
from Eric Blackburn is greatly appreciated. 相似文献
《Journal of elder abuse & neglect》2013,25(1):51-68
ABSTRACT A questionnaire was sent to state administrators of Adult Protective Services Programs (APS) to learn about involuntary protective services provided by APS to vulnerable adults at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Data were obtained on criteria used to assess the need for involuntary services, types of services provided, sources of authority for involuntary intervention, the nature and extent of public concern about involuntary services, and the protection of the rights of incapacitated clients. Based on responses from 43 states, less than 10 percent of APS recipients receive services without their consent; and all states providing services involuntarily take steps to ensure the protection of rights. Available information from the study does not support the general belief that adults who self-neglect are more likely than other APS clients to have protective services imposed. 相似文献
The institutional aspect of return migration has received little attention in the theoretical and empirical literature on return migration. This research fills the apparent lacuna by unearthing institutional challenges to multi-stakeholder coordination, at different spatial levels in crisis situations and negative effects on reintegration of forcibly returned migrants. We use the evacuation of Ghanaian migrants from Libya who occupied very low socio-economic positions, experienced racism and discrimination, including physical attacks and arbitrary arrests in 2011, as a case study to understand institutional challenges to forced return when migrants’ carefully tailored plans are thrown into disarray and they are forced to return unprepared. This study employed mainly qualitative research methods among six different categories of actors and engaged an adaptation of Cassarino's “returnee's preparedness framework” to expand theoretical understandings of return migration from the institutional perspective and to highlight what can go wrong when institutions are unprepared for involuntary returnees. 相似文献
The past decade has seen a rapid growth in the number of regular or so‐called committed giving schemes. Charities have been increasingly eager to solicit donors onto a low‐value monthly donation, collected automatically from their bank account or credit card. Although the initial costs of donor acquisition are higher than for cash donations, charities find that committed givers are less likely to lapse and therefore offer substantially higher lifetime values over time. In this article, we examine to what extent these individuals are truly committed, that is, whether they are more committed than occasional cash givers and the factors that might drive that commitment. The results of a series of ten focus groups conducted on behalf of five large national charities are reported and a model of the antecedents of commitment hypothesized. Implications for fundraising strategy are explored. 相似文献
J B Sherman J M Cardea S D Gaskill C M Tynan 《Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services》1989,27(8):25-29
The art of caring to alleviate illness and to promote health is nursing's unique commitment to society and the health-care industry. How this practice is implemented dictates the success or failure of prescribed strategies. In addition, the way in which caring is implemented defines emotional maturity on both a personal and professional level. Several goals to rehabilitate the psychologically codependent person include: Developing an awareness of the origins of codependency and how early family experiences affect subsequent behavior and beliefs about oneself; Identifying the personal price and payoffs for continuing codependent behaviors; The ability to openly express personal needs, wishes, feelings, and opinions while respecting the rights of others; Learning to discriminate between loving/caring and the destructive control of codependency; and The ability to take responsibility for another rather than being responsible to another. Codependent behaviors are prevalent within professional nursing practice, as evidenced by examples provided from three specialty areas in nursing and the fact that women (who are traditionally assigned the cultural role of caring) constitute the majority of professional nurses. Therefore, it is a professional challenge to each nurse to ascertain whether practices are functional or dysfunctional: is the professional interpretation of caring a commitment to excellence or a condemnation to conformity in the unique delivery of health-care practice? 相似文献
Given the availability of a large and diverse number of medications for the treatment of various mental disorders, how should a clinician decide which medication(s) to try for any particular patient? This article explores eight questions that should be considered when selecting medication for a patient. Medication selection should be individually tailored by the answers to these questions, which take into account factors such as the diagnosis and associated symptoms, the expected efficacy/tolerability profile, medical and psychiatric comorbidity, concurrent drug use, past treatment history, family history, patient/family preferences, and cost considerations. 相似文献