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从竞争优先权的视角,本文研究了制造企业国际竞争版图。在对竞争优先权理论文献研究的基础上,提出研究命题:由于外部环境的差异,不同地区制造企业的竞争优先权呈现不同的组合特征。在国际制造业战略调查2009的支持下,分析了制造企业竞争优先权的组合特征以及不同地区制造企业竞争优先权的特征差异。数据分析结果显示了四类竞争优先权——全面型、责任型、创新型和看守型。根据研究成果,绘制出制造企业的国际竞争版图,并构建了制造企业国际化竞争决策路径模型。  相似文献   

Despite the important contributions made by the Competency‐Based Perspective (CBP) to strategic thought, certain issues on the operational definition of the theoretical concepts that characterize this approach remain unresolved, thus limiting its empirical application. In addressing this issue, the present study puts forward a procedure for measuring the competencies that can be developed in association with a Quality Management (QM) initiative and analyzes the reliability and validity of the resulting scale. This procedure could be transferred to studies that aim to carry out an empirical analysis based on the theoretical position of the CBP.  相似文献   

Uncertainty experienced by market audiences is the fundamental premise for status to take effect. Whereas prior research usually assumes that uncertainty is evenly distributed among audiences, this study emphasizes the heterogeneity of audiences. Audiences usually differ in the scope of firms they cover. They acquire more information and confront less uncertainty when evaluating firms under their coverage than those not. Status may thus exert different effects across audiences. My theoretical development is situated in the context of M&A. In particular, I hypothesize that although an acquirer's status is generally beneficial, it is more appealing to investors who do not cover the acquirer, as compared to covering investors. Results of the empirical analysis on the U.S. deals between 1990 and 2014 provide considerable support for my framework.  相似文献   

本文应用中国企业的全球营销战略模型(CGMS),选取在国内具有影响力和代表性的IT、生物制药等高科技企业为调查样本,对其全球营销战略与内外部关键影响力因素关系的机理进行探索性检验,找出制约高科技企业提升全球营销战略表现的瓶颈因素,并据此给出若干建议和对策,以期对我国高科技企业提升全球化战略有所裨益。  相似文献   

Knowledge‐based view (KBV) theory posits that the acquisition and use of relevant knowledge is key to understanding organizational performance. However, there is relatively little empirical evidence to support or refute several important propositions underlying KBV theory explanations of organizational performance. In particular, the extant literature has focused on individual technical and scientific components of the knowledge bases of firms in dynamic industries, and largely ignored both different levels of informational and experiential knowledge relevant to the market environment, and the increasingly important context of exporting. Our study addresses these knowledge gaps by developing a framework for export venture knowledge management and empirically examining relationships between different types of individual‐level and organizational‐level knowledge relevant to the market environment, architectural marketing capabilities, and the adaptive performance of export ventures. Using primary data collected in the United Kingdom and China, our study indicates that export ventures' organizational‐level experiential and informational knowledge, and individual‐level experiential knowledge relevant to the market environment, is positively associated with export ventures' architectural marketing capabilities, which are in turn associated with the adaptive performance of export ventures.  相似文献   

外来者劣势是新兴经济体跨国企业国际化过程中面临的显著劣势,现有理论在新兴经济体跨国企业如何克服外来者劣势研究方面存在缺口。选取4家中国跨国企业作为研究对象,采用扎根理论研究方法的三阶段编码程序对案例进行剖析,探索中国企业在发达国家克服外来者劣势的具体策略,构建以边界跨越为核心范畴的外来者劣势克服策略理论模型。研究结果表明,中国企业面临的外来者劣势主要来源于信息缺失和合法性缺失。边界跨越是克服外来者劣势的有效策略,其中信息内化通过设置边界跨越角色、聘请外部顾问、环境扫描、产品策略和信息内部整合等活动将外部环境信息传递到企业内部,提高企业获取异国环境信息的能力,降低不熟悉危害;有利的外部显示通过品牌营销、企业社会责任、名人效应和获取第三方认证等活动向环境释放积极的信息,提高企业的规范和认知合法性,降低歧视危害和关系危害。针对研究结论,从构建环境扫描系统和外部显示机制两方面对中国企业如何实施边界跨越、降低外来者劣势提出具体的管理启示。  相似文献   

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