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战略成本管理是对传统成本管理的发展,当企业管理伴随竞争环境的变化进入战略管理新阶段,传统成本管理也应该向战略成本管理转变。本文对战略成本管理的研究,并就如何从战略成本角度提升企业竞争力进行分析。战略成本管理是成本管理与战略管理有机结合的产物,是传统成本管理对竞争环境变化所作出的一种适应性变革,是当代成本管理发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

以演化理论为基础,以李宁公司为案例研究对象,研究中国企业成长过程中的竞争战略与知识管理战略、知识管理能力构建之间的动态匹配与共同演化机制。研究发现:企业竞争战略的改变引起了知识管理战略的相应调整,以及知识管理流程重点和知识管理基础设施的变化;知识的积累和知识管理能力的提升又有助于企业竞争战略转型。  相似文献   

浅析企业战略成本管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业战略成本管理是战略管理与成本管理在企业管理领域中的结合,旨在通过利用战略性成本信息进行企业战略选择,并基于不同战略选择组织成本管理,从而构建企业长期的竞争优势。本文将通过对企业战略成本管理的定义和特征,以及企业战略成本管理基本框架的阐述和分析,对企业实施战略成本管理提出建议,以期为企业战略成本管理的实施及企业核心竞争力的构建提供有益的指导。  相似文献   

不完全竞争环境下不对称企业技术创新战略投资   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
夏晖  曾勇 《管理科学》2005,8(1):30-41
研究了在不完全竞争环境下,投资成本差异和创新成功所需时间对企业的技术创新战略投资决策的影响,给出了抢先均衡、序贯均衡、同时均衡出现的条件,指出创新成功所需时间和投资成本差异是影响均衡类型的主要原因.在抢先均衡和序贯均衡中,分析了投资成本差异和创新成功所需时间对企业平均投资时间间隔的影响,得到了一些有意义的结论,并给出了经济解释.  相似文献   

基于战略环境企业成本管理基本理论的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成本管理是企业管理中的一个重要的组成部分.它是一个对投资立项、研究开发与设计、生产、销售进行全方位监控的过程.在成本管理中导入战略管理思想,实现战略意义上的功能扩展,便形成了战略成本管理(Strategic Cost Management);战略成本管理的宗旨就是要将成本因素同企业的竞争地位联系起来,寻求企业竞争力提高与成本持续降低的最佳路径;战略管理中同成本因素紧密相关的分析方法主要有价值链分析、成本动因分析和战略定位分析,它们恰当地有机地结合便构成了战略成本管理的基本框架;战略成本管理的基本步骤包括战略环境分析、战略规划、战略实施与控制、战略业绩计量与考核等.  相似文献   

浅析物流企业战略成本管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
战略成本管理的基本思想就是要将成本因素同企业的竞争地位联系起来,寻求企业竞争力的提高与成本持续降低的最佳路径.本文结合我国整体物流成本较高的现状,利用战略成本管理理论,分析了物流企业战略成本管理的目标.在此基础上,从结构性成本动因和执行性成本动因方面提出了具体的成本管理对策.  相似文献   

尹呐  黄诚智 《经营管理者》2013,(24):259-260
本文是将战略成本管理运用于我国高职高专成本管理的探讨,以成本管理来强化提升自身竞争优势以获得生存与可持续发展。从整体战略竞争目标的这个角度上来研究高职高专的成本管理是否符合其目标定位,是否有助于高职高专在生源竞争和就业市场上获得生存和发展空间。运用系统的、完整的组织战略成本管理目标,而不仅仅限于传统的成本核算来分析高职高专的教育成本管理,对高职高专的教育资源进行战略成本管理分析,将战略成本管理的基本功能运用到高职高专成本管理中,从而打造高职高专院校的核心竞争力,增强高职高专院校在市场上的竞争优势。  相似文献   

基于动态能力的企业战略模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当前激烈的竞争环境中,传统的资源观及核心能力在现实的企业战略管理中已经存在了明显的不足,动态能力的形成以及从中获得持续的竞争优势才是当代企业竞争战略所要关注的焦点。本文从动态能力视角出发,分析了动态能力观、动态能力形成演化过程以及动态能力战略模式与传统战略模式的区别,进而探讨企业如何培养动态能力的战略思维及战略模式,从而确保企业在动态环境下生存、发展和持续创新。  相似文献   

在当今社会,企业面临的竞争日趋激烈。企业需要将成本管理置于战略管理的广泛空间,战略成本管理是将作业成本法拓展到战略层面的一种运用,实行战略成本管理,从战略的高度对企业的成本进行分析,并为企业管理决策服务,加强成本控制,能有效降低企业的成本,保持企业的长期竞争优势。  相似文献   

C2C电子商务卖家的竞争战略研究:基于淘宝网的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对C2C电子商务卖家而言,如何在激烈竞争的市场中获得竞争优势是至关重要的问题.本文首先分析了C2C电子商务卖家面对的竞争环境,指出他们面临着两种形式的竞争.然后,本文提出了C2C电子商务卖家可以采用的五种具体战略,即产品优选战略、聚类战略、成本领先战略、信誉领先战略和集中一点——单品制胜战略,并论述了这五种具体战略能够给C2C卖家带来的优势.最后,结合从淘宝网收集到的数据对成本领先和信誉领先两种重要战略做了实证分析,实证结果表明,C2C电子商务卖家实施成本领先战略和信誉领先战略的确可以获得竞争优势.  相似文献   

Ethics Education complements business administration only if it teaches strategic competencies that help managers to become better leaders. To this end, this article sketches an ordonomic approach to an economic ethics for competitive markets, to a business ethics for firms (corporate citizens), and to a process ethics for new governance. The core idea of this ordonomic approach is the win-win concept of mutually beneficial value creation. Thus, ordonomics is compatible with the market economy and at the same time supplements the management education in business schools: This approach systematically identifies strategic competencies that enable managers to display the kind of entrepreneurial leadership that is necessary for firms to fulfill their social function of value creation—by making use of moral commitments as a factor of production.  相似文献   

基于战略群组理论视角,分析了企业战略定位中不同战略维度的匹配问题。以境内外交易所上市的中国互联网企业为样本,选取移动互联业务比重和IT投入强度这两个关键战略维度,采用面板数据回归模型检验了研究假设。研究发现,当企业的移动互联业务比重和IT投入强度同时处于较高水平时,这一战略组合能为企业带来高绩效,是一种合理的战略位置;另一合理的战略位置则是较低的移动互联业务比重配以较低的IT投入强度,它也明显好于一者较高、另一者较低的战略组合。以上结果表明,战略定位的关键是实现不同战略维度决策之间的合理匹配,从战略组合的角度理解行业中的战略位置。研究结论不仅有助于理解移动互联市场的竞争战略与绩效,也验证了战略群组理论在战略定位研究中的重要意义,对战略组合的分析不可简化为对各战略维度的单独分析。  相似文献   

寡头垄断企业往往通过二次定价或价格歧视来获取更多的利润,尤其是后入者经常采用先低价抢占市场,再高价获取利润的策略.研究了两个寡头垄断企业二次定价的竞争.证明了定价及总利润与转移成本负相关,第一阶段实行低价策略的寡头企业会在第二阶段定价中失去部分第一阶段获取的超额市场.将第一次定价产生的转移成本看作新产品投放市场广告或市场推广等成本效果,进一步讨论了产品在毗邻位置竞争的情况,指出寡头垄断的利润主要来自转移成本.  相似文献   

New technology-based firms, particularly those that develop their business around a new technological platform, are likely to be impacted by globalization, in terms of both pace of innovation and pressure of competition. For these firms, strategic decisions and growth processes are characterized by a deep inter-relationship amongst the processes of internationalization, innovation and entrepreneurship; processes which have tended to be examined independently in distinct bodies of literature. In practice strategic decisions concern each of these processes and address issues such as organizational boundaries, location of the operational activities, what activities to focus on and selection of value partners. The business model by which firms operate needs also to accommodate the spatial dimensions indicated by globalization; and the emergence of global technology markets. Little is known to date about the extent to which business models accommodate or are adapted to internationalization, innovation and entrepreneurship. This paper presents a review of the business model literature from which a generic business model framework is derived, identifying and introducing the main elements of these processes as the firms?? focus, modus and locus. This contribution makes a clear distinction between the business model and the strategy concepts and highlights the relevance of location decisions??not considered by extant business model literature to date. While our discussion draws on the high technology new venture as our primary example, we believe our business model conceptualization has general applicability.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》1987,20(3):19-29
The role of information systems (IS) in business is changing rapidly. The information revolution, driven by dramatic improvements in cost and performance of the technology is radically altering the business environment of many firms— restructuring whole industries, re-aligning the balance of power and leverage of industry component firms and enabling competitive strategies to be implemented or sustained more effectively. This transformation of role requires strategies for information systems to become an integral part of business strategy formulation. Traditional approaches to the management of IS activities are inappropriate for the determination of business strategies for systems. However, the techniques of corporate strategic analysis and formulation can be used to determine how IS should be managed to gain maximum business benefit.  相似文献   

企业通过对拥有旧产品的老消费者提供以旧换新补贴能够提升自身销量与利润。然而,面临竞争对手时企业的以旧换新决策是否会受到影响?本文求解了先后进入市场的双寡头竞争企业所面临的以旧换新与定价博弈均衡,并分析了竞争存在与否对于企业以旧换新策略产生的影响。研究结果表明,第一,面对竞争时企业的定价决策受到市场中老消费者比例、两家竞争企业各自新产品的创新提升水平、老产品的使用残值这四个因素的共同影响。第二,当老产品残值相对较低而市场中老消费者数量适中时,两企业均不提供以旧换新可能成为博弈均衡,而其他条件下,两企业均提供以旧换新为博弈均衡。第三,先进入的企业没有动机单独为消费者提供以旧换新补贴。第四,竞争对手的存在对于先进入企业自身的以旧换新决策与相应的定价策略都产生了显著的影响。  相似文献   

Against a background of increasing threats, business continuity management (BCM) has emerged in many industries as a systematic process to counter the effects of crises and interruptions, although its potential to play a more strategic role is still largely under-explored. This article examines the organisational antecedents of BCM and develops a conceptual approach to posit that BCM, in actively ensuring operational continuity, has a role in preserving competitive advantage. Such value preservation is central to the business continuity/business strategy relationship, and gives rise to the central purpose of the paper; to discuss whether firms’ BCM can be seen as strategic rather than purely functional.If so, what form does such provision take in terms of planning, organisation and culture? Evidence from six UK-based financial services firms illustrates differing approaches to business continuity, with two firms showing BCM provision more clearly aligned towards a mission-critical strategic role. Practical precepts for implementation are presented, together with a diagnostic drawing attention to the key determinants of enhanced value preservation.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2021,54(5):102110
As digital technologies such as cloud and edge computing, machine learning, advanced artificial intelligence (AI), and the internet of things (IoT) unfold, traditional industries such as telecoms, media, entertainment, and financial services are being reconfigured and new sectors are emerging. In this new competitive landscape we observe new organizational forms and new business models, including the emergence of platforms and multi-sided markets. This emergence has required a strategic response from incumbent firms, including both well-established firms and some first-generation digital enterprises. With these advances in digital technology, the very nature of strategy is changing. Fundamentally, the use of digital technologies may provide new opportunities for efficiency gains, customer intimacy, and innovation. However, without the right mindset for change, appropriate digital routines, and structural changes, digital transformation efforts will fail. We therefore present a framework for strategizing in this new digital competitive landscape that underscores the importance of the interplay between (1) the cognitive barriers faced by managers when trying to understand this new digital world and envision new digital business models, (2) a need to reconfigure and extend digital routines, and (3) new organizational forms that are better equipped to creating value and gaining competitive advantage. From this framework of essential pillars, we derive four journeys of digital transformation for companies that were formed in the pre-digital economy. We also describe the management roles required by top, middle, and frontline managers, depending on whether the digital migration is evolutionary or transformative and whether the firm is responding to or attempting to shape the ecosystem. Although digital transformation is technically all about technology, the more important issue is how companies make their way through this strange new digital world in which they find themselves. Ultimately digital transformation is as much about strategizing as it is about technology.  相似文献   

This study examines the competitive strategic choices of international joint ventures (IJVs) and their performance implications in a low-income emerging economy in Sub-Saharan Africa — Ghana. Using the resource-based view of the firm, it is argued that IJVs with partners from emerging economies are more likely to pursue an efficiency-oriented business strategy to strengthen their strategic positioning, competitiveness and performance. Conversely, IJVs with partners from advanced industrialized economies would be more likely to pursue a market effectiveness-oriented strategy to strengthen their strategic positioning, competitiveness and performance. The findings from 76 IJVs offer support for the hypothesized relationships. IJVs with partners from emerging economies implementing an efficiency-oriented strategy of cost leadership outperform those with partners from advanced industrialized economies implementing the same strategy. In contrast, IJVs with partners from advanced industrialized economies implementing a differentiation strategy outperform those with partners from emerging economies implementing a differentiation strategy.  相似文献   

The business literature advises firms producing complementary products to sell the core product at a low price, but to price the complementary product at a higher premium. This strategy, however, is problematic if firms face competitors in the market for complementary products as well, as observed in recent years for instance in the market for printers/ink cartridges. Motivated by several measures the firms have taken in this market, the current paper analyzes whether firms are interested in protecting their complementary product from outside competition. We find that firms protect their products only if consumers underestimate the demand for the complementary product when deciding which core product to buy. Moreover, we investigate how the decision to protect the complementary product interacts with a firm’s pricing decision. We show that the price policy proposed in the business literature should only be applied, if consumers sufficiently underestimate their demand for the complementary product so that firms strongly protect these products from outside competition.  相似文献   

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