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伊斯兰教产生后,迅速向外传播,7世纪后,先后传播到东至印度以东,西至西班牙以西的广大地域,在不同时期与不同地域均经历过兴衰,先后产生了各种艺术与艺术品,如地毯、阿拉伯文书法、绘画、陶瓷器皿、金属器皿、玻璃器皿、珠宝、金银首饰、武器等,可惜的是这许许多多珍贵的艺术品长期散落在世界各地,在市场上当作商品  相似文献   

随着艺术品市场的扩大,市场中各环节的有效结合,甚至是跨行业的协同合作,集聚产业合力,实现优势互补,已成为日益受到业界关注的焦点。  相似文献   

艺术品市场与资本的关系,是目前较热的一个话题.尤其是在全球经济低迷的今天,艺术品市场因全球化以及高端价格市场始终保持快速增长等优势,吸引了越来越多的资本关注.具体而言,2016年,全球艺术品上拍总量为93.8万件,同比增加了8%;在欧洲经济不稳定的大背景下,艺术品市场同比增加11.0%,全面领先其他行业.  相似文献   

进入2015年,各大艺术品拍卖行已经摩拳擦掌,开始筹划新一年的市场。从目前已经公布的一些拍卖计划来看,本土化、网络化、新奇化,无疑将成为引领市场的三大趋势。本土化:海派值得关注新年伊始,上海工美就举行了以精致、丰富、趣味见长,且秉承工美一贯的文艺并重为宗旨的新春拍卖。此次拍卖不乏质量上乘之佳品,更值得关注的还有大批颇受市场欢迎的海派艺术家。除唐云先生的《红红火火》为拍卖会增添了喜气之外,此次迎  相似文献   

在全球经济衰退,中国经济转型升级的大背景下,各行各业都面临着优胜劣汰的大洗牌,与经济形势有着密切关系的艺术品拍卖市场也不例外。回顾2014年国内的艺术品拍卖市场,仍然是调整的一年。而从目前的市场趋势来看,这种调整势头也势必在2015年延续。面对新常态的艺术品市场,业内人士表示,多元化经营或许才是调整状态下艺术品拍卖市场的破局之举。  相似文献   

梳理国内外案例和历史,很难确定谁是企业收藏开先河者.有专家认为,很多企业收藏源于企业实际控制人个人对艺术品的偏爱,久而久之,就由个人爱好变为了企业的行为.  相似文献   

当前,互联网正在深刻改变着我们的生活方式和消费习惯.中国艺术品市场与其他市场形态一样,遇到的最大挑战或机遇就是互联网因不断发展而推动形成的系统性融合,对艺术品市场与艺术品产业业态所产生的改变.  相似文献   

经历了长期徘徊,2017年艺术品市场开年之际的几场拍卖,获得喜人成绩:保利香港5周年春拍经三天拍卖后,于4月4日圆满收槌,11场次拍卖总成交额12.45亿港元,远超之前预估的7亿港元,共有3件拍品成交额超1亿港元,21件拍品以超千万港元成交;嘉德四季第48期拍卖会中,15个专场、近6000件拍品总成交额达人民币1.94 亿元,相比去年同期增长55%.这些成绩昭示着2017年艺术品市场迎来了"开门红".成绩背后,传统项目成交平稳,买家需求愈加成熟,市场参与者创新模式,正在构筑起市场信心.  相似文献   

2009年5月15日下午,"信用教育专题讲座暨蓝天学院—宜信助学贷款项目启动会"在江西蓝天学院瑶湖校区报告厅举行.此次作为个人信用贷款咨询与服务机构的宜信公司与江西蓝天学院进行助学贷款合作,标志着长期被国家助学贷款边缘化的民办高校迎来了新曙光.  相似文献   

We analyze the labor market for painters in Baroque Rome using unique data on primary sales of portraits, still lifes, genre paintings, landscapes, and figurative paintings. In line with the traditional artistic hierarchy of genres, average price differentials between them were high. The matched painter‐patron nature of the dataset allows us to evaluate the extent to which price heterogeneity is related to unobservable characteristics of painters and patrons. We find that the market allocated artists between artistic genres to the point of equalizing the marginal return of each genre. Residual price differences at the employer level can be explained in terms of incentive mechanisms to induce effort in the production of artistic quality and compensating wage differentials. (JEL C23, D8, J3, Z11)  相似文献   

任何艺术品市场参与者做决策时,都需要借助有关的价格信息。在如今的信息时代,最不缺乏的就是信息,但漫天的实况报道、行情分析、数据发布中,既有主观臆测,也有粗制滥造,更有恶意造假。能够搜集到真实可靠的价格信息,在艺术品市场变得越来越重要。  相似文献   

Social capital is generally recognized as the positive outcome of sociability and social connection and, more specifically, as the capacity to realize economic benefits through social connections. Limited attention has been paid to understanding the potential of social capital at the intersection of socioeconomic disadvantage. The first part of the article examines assumptions of class and gender in the theoretical literature on social capital. The second part explores the influence of class and gender contexts on social networks among women living in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods in Victoria, Australia. The analysis reveals the ways in which social network assets are conditional on socioeconomic and gender circumstances.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes China's rising family income inequality since the early 1990s when the urban labor market started its transformation from a centrally controlled to a market‐driven one. We document the trends in income inequality over the period of 1992–2009 using the Urban Household Survey data, and adopt the approach recently proposed by Eika et al. (2014) to decompose changes in income inequality. We find that labor market factors accounted for about three‐quarters of the overall increases in income inequality while falling marriage rate contributed the other quarter. Changes in human capital levels and marital assortativeness have not contributed to the rising inequality. (JEL D31, I26, J12)  相似文献   

Traditional analyses of the determinants of migration in less developed countries have focused on labor market conditions. This paper adapts a simple model to show that capital market conditions may be an important factor in individuals' migration decisions. Data from Ecuador are used to test this model, and the empirical results confirm the role of capital market imperfections—chiefly caused by financial repression—in shaping migration flows. Traditional labor market factors still matter, but the new finding may provide policy makers with new and lower-cost tools with which to affect migration outcomes.  相似文献   

以敦煌壁画为代表的敦煌艺术距今已有上千年的历史,很多人因而认为敦煌艺术离我们的生活很远。然而,著名艺术教育家和艺术设计家常沙娜所描绘的敦煌画作笔触细腻、当代而活泼。她一生致力于将敦煌艺术符号与生活应用设计相结合,让独特的敦煌之美“花开遍地”。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the differences in products offered by nonprofit and for-profit firms in a monopolistically competitive industry where goods are differentiated both by product attributes and by the degree to which benefits are public. Because nonprofit firms receive donations, they provide a Pareto improvement of the equilibrium product set: nonprofit firms will be less biased against goods with a high social good component than will their for-profit counterparts, hi addition, the optimal donations function which equates the nonprofit equilibrium product set to the set which maximizes societal welfare is derived.  相似文献   

This article contends that one key to understanding different forms of work organization lies in the nature of the products being created. Product characteristics are proposed to be critical determinants of the type of human capital, either general or firm specific. Following from prior theory, labor market barriers develop based on type of human capital. These barriers then have a direct bearing on employee rewards. The nature of the product distinction is captured with a comparison of two product-types (goods and services) conceived as theoretically distinct. General skills are hypothesized to be more important in the service-producing sector, while firm-specific skills are hypothesized to be more important in the goods-producing sector. Empirical analyses using the 1991 General Social Survey compare workers in the service-producing and goods-producing sectors to illustrate differences in the salience of firm-specific and general skills. Two hypotheses are supported. Firm-specific skills have a stronger effect on earnings in manufacturing industries than in service industries. Also, skills acquired from on-the-job training, when compared with other skills, are more weakly related to service employee rewards. These distinctions between sectors suggest insights into structures unique to the service employment workplace.  相似文献   

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