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日前,电视主持人鲁豫走访王健林的办公室,国内首富的豪华艺术品收藏瞬间引爆“朋友圈”刷屏,文物艺术品收藏也再次引发话题关注。相比风起云涌、变化莫测的“股市”“楼市”,文物艺术品市场的现状又是一个什么样子呢?  相似文献   

近年来,在海内外各种艺术品拍卖会上,中国企业家的身影频频出现,他们往往"千金一掷",购下天价作品,成为收藏的主力军,改变着中国艺术品市场的收藏格局. 收藏进入亿元时代 2013年的《中国机构收藏调查报告》就曾指出,从2012年以来,中国国内的企业收藏资金增幅较大,涉及的领域也很丰富,当代艺术的收藏比例也明显增加.企业藏家购买力占整个艺术品市场的60%以上,活跃在北京、上海各大拍卖场上的买家,70%以上都是企业家.机构收藏已经成为中坚力量.  相似文献   

1939年,美国的IBM集团开始以企业的名义收藏艺术品。20世纪50年代末,战后经济的复苏促进了企业艺术收藏的发展。1959年,摩根大通购买了20件艺术品用于装饰其在公园大道的办公室,开启了它的艺术收藏之路。可以说是这两家公司开了企业艺术收藏的先河。之后有越来越多的公司认识到,当它们收藏了高质量的艺术品时,自己也就成为了“高质量”公司的代表。这个理念促使更多的企业将艺术品收藏纳入到企业的运营规划之中。20世纪70年代,全球企业艺术品收藏的总数增加了80%,在1980至1987年间又增加了50%,企业收藏进入高速发展期。企业艺术品收藏的发展与艺术品市场的全球化发展密切相关,企业的艺术收藏是全球艺术品市场在20世纪80年代末期高速增长的重要推动力之一。企业收藏的实践也从欧美企业扩展到亚洲企业。20世纪90年代末至21世纪初,艺术品市场进入调整的长周期,虽使企业艺术品收藏热情降低,但企业艺术品收藏却更趋于理性化、系统化、专业化、成熟化。  相似文献   

在国外,大型企业、基金等机构收藏经历了长时间的发展,已经非常成熟。中州古玩城总经理毛旺东介绍,国外的许多银行都把3%左右的利润用于艺术品投资,摩根大通、德意志银行收藏的艺术品早已数以万计;艺术品基金也十分活跃,从1904年法国“熊皮俱乐部”,到1974年英国铁路养老基金的艺术品投资项目启动,再到如今的各大艺术品基金,在艺术品收藏领域扮演着重要角色。  相似文献   

艺术品市场以其独特的魅力吸引越来越多的企业机构和资本金融,为何艺术品收藏与投资日益备受企业重视?究其缘由,一方面是通过收藏达到融资甚至投资盈利的目的;另一方面则是要在参与收藏的过程中,博取良好、明显的广告效应,提高自己的知名度,扩大无形资本的含金量,以特殊的公关手段,树立起企业的自身形象。  相似文献   

蔡万霖 《公关世界》2015,(4):104-105
眼下,一股以中国企业家,尤其是民营企业家为主的艺术品收藏或投资之风正在兴起。他们不仅活跃在国内的艺术市场,而且正以强劲态势向世界蔓延,经常出现在纽约、伦敦、巴黎等地的艺术品拍卖场上。  相似文献   

最近10年,中国艺术品市场的繁荣吸引了大量的资金涌入,加速了艺术品与金融的对接。艺术品已经成为人们保值增值的资产之一,银行的艺术品创新产品也不断涌现。当艺术品遇到银行将会发生什么情况,两者将如何联姻?中国经济网文化产业频道特邀专家、中国人民大学经济学院院长助理,中国人民大学艺术品金融研究所副所长黄隽认为,两者联姻“一半是火焰,一半是海水”。一方面,艺术品市场主体热情像火焰一样高涨,而另一方面,银行机构由于无法把控艺术品的风险,对艺术品与银行的融合像海水一样冷静。国内大多数商业银行基本上采用传统的风险控制理念看待艺术金融的难题,这使艺术品与银行的对接进展并不顺利。目前,互联网企业开始撼动艺术品与银行的关系版图。  相似文献   

据不完全统计,全国涉足艺术品收藏的人已多达7000万。只有不断锤炼自身的眼力,树立长线是金的理念,用闲钱投资保持平和的心态,才能在残酷的市场中立于不败之地。近几年,随着我国经济持续高速增长,民间的收藏热急剧升温,各地参与各类收藏的人与日俱增。据有关人士不完全统计,全国涉足收藏的人多达7000万。有专家认为,要想成功投资艺术品,需要知己知彼,百战不殆。这是很有道理的,因为艺术品市场是非常残酷的市场,  相似文献   

正中国艺术市场在2014年进入了又一个调整过后的上扬期,起起落落间的最大收益不是"世界第一"的名头,而是在当下的这个上扬期,中国艺术市场终于自发地开始走上了"现代化"变革——专业化、规范化、成熟化发展的道路。艺术品已被公认为是继证券投资、房地产投资之后的第三大投资热点,而艺术品的投资回报率全部高居榜首。近几年来越来越多的企业机构和资金雄厚的资本大佬涉足艺术品收藏与投资领域,中国艺术品市场的盘整似乎也阻挡不住他们进军艺术市场的步伐,艺术品投资到底魅力何在?是什么成就了这一行业备受关注的景象?支撑艺术市场发展的基础是什么?与过去相比,收藏家的属性是否有所改变?  相似文献   

近年来中国企业家参与到艺术品市场成为一个很明显的趋势,并且已超出因喜爱而收藏的范围,甚至可以说是一种有目的性的“攻掠”行为。这是否意味市场将进入到一个以艺术文化为主导的新商业运营模式?  相似文献   

This paper tests systematic responses of the Federal budget to forecasts of inflation and unemployment. Estimated coefficients from fiscal policy reaction functions are examined to determine whether there are such systematic responses. Additionally, the coefficients of these estimated fiscal policy reaction functions are used to test several hypotheses concerning fiscal policy which have been advanced in the political business cycle and public choice literatures.  相似文献   

This article concerns the extensive news coverage by the leading Boston newspaper, the Boston Globe, given a double homicide of two African-American boys. These two boys were killed, ostensibly following a dispute with a juvenile street gang, in April 1991. By examining the shifting focus of this coverage over time, the article examines how the local understanding of street violence was framed by the Massachusetts debate over juvenile justice, in particular newly amended state legislation which tipped the scales towards treating juvenile offenders as adults. Considered here are the Globe's attempt to both orchestrate and stand for ‘civic debate’ by entertaining and absorbing rival voices in its representational protocols.  相似文献   

This paper considers the legacy of continuing activism of women in the North East of England who organized in support of the 1984–85 miners’ strike. It refers to the traditional responsibility of women in mining localities for the maintenance of neighbourhood and kin relations and using the example of a key activist in one ex-mining village, it argues that the values associated with ‘mining community’ remain relevant as a reference point for a self-conscious, politicized reshaping of local relationships in post-industrial conditions. The material basis for this self-conscious approach has shifted from the masculine sphere of mining work and its associated community institutions to the feminized sphere of location and neighbourhood.  相似文献   

Data from a nationwide opinion survey are used to test the propositionthat President Reagan's sponsorship of the INF treaty effectivelydisarmed the opposition that hard-liners would normally haveregistered against the treaty. The data are consistent withthis interpretation. That is, the president's endorsement ofthe treaty had only a modest impact on those who perceived theSoviets as relatively nonthreatening, but it had a much morepronounced impact on those who viewed the Soviets as threatening.These results shed new light on the extent to which and theconditions under which Americans are willing to set aside theirown policy predilections and follow along behind presidentialinitiatives in the international arena.  相似文献   

The development of information and communication technology in the second half of the twentieth century in crucial respects resembles the development of mechanics in the sixteenth and seventeenth century as it has been described by Dijksterhuis in his study The Mechanization of the World Picture (first published in 1950). In both cases specific technological developments not only lead to important changes in the natural and human sciences, but also profoundly affect culture as a whole and eventually result in a fundamental change in worldview. In this article the author attempts to elucidate the present informatization of the worldview in a twofold way. First, against the background of Dijksterhuis' analysis of the concept of mechane, a clarification is given of the concept of information, which has become central to many sciences in the last decades. It is argued that much of the confusion and misuse that surrounds the application of this concept can be reduced by making a careful distinction between the pragmatic, semantic and syntactic dimensions of information. Second, on basis of this clarification, the author discusses the transformation from a mechanistic to an informationistic worldview. While the mechanistic worldview is characterized by the postulates of analysability, lawfulness and controllability, the informationistic worldview is characterized by the postulates of synthetizability, programmability and manipulability. It is argued that although the informationistic worldview in some respects (for instance in its mathematical orientation) is clearly a continuation of the mechanistic worldview, in other respects it fundamentally alters human experience and the evaluation of, and association with, reality.  相似文献   


This paper is the first concerning observations gathered at our Center during studies of the treatment of families with a chronically psychotic member.' It draws the attention of family therapists to a danger not uncommon in such cases, one that arises when the person referring his family of origin is a sibling of the index patient and, in many ways, the most “competent” and prestigious family member. The theoretical part of the paper and the clinical example that follows are intended to demonstrate how this pitfall can be turned into a springboard for therapeutic success.  相似文献   

Studies have found that going first or last in a sequential order contest leads to a biased outcome, commonly called order bias (or primacy and recency). Studies have also found that judges have a tendency to reward contestants they recognize with additional points, called reference bias. Controlling for known biases, we test for a new type of bias we refer to as “difficulty bias,” which reveals that athletes attempting more difficult routines receive higher execution scores, even when difficulty and execution are judged separately. Despite some identification challenges, we add to the literature by finding strong evidence of a difficulty bias in gymnastics. We also provide generalizations beyond athletics. (JEL L10, L83, D81, J70, Z1)  相似文献   

We propose an explanation for the demise of monetarism in the United States. We show that optimal monetary policy would lead to zero correlation between monetary aggregates and inflation if the effect of monetary aggregates on inflation is known precisely and to negative correlations if there is coefficient uncertainty. From 1960 to 1982 the correlation of the monetary base and inflation was positive and so the variance in the growth rate of monetary base in the United States was clearly too large monetary base growth destabilized inflation. However, from 1983 to 2003 variations in monetary base growth were clearly stabilizing and could have been just right. ( JEL E52, E31, E32)  相似文献   

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