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如同每一个人都要经过出生、生长、成熟到衰老一样,任何产品在市场上都有一个产生、成长、成熟和衰退的过程,即每一个产品都有一个有限的生命周期。从新产品投入市场,到从市场上消失为止,要经历导入期、成长期、成熟期直至衰退期。这就是“市场营销”理论中“产品生命周期”概念的通俗解释。在“市场营销”的理论  相似文献   

姜菁  卓之敏 《职业》2005,(4):7-9
魅力人格:新苏商的领军人 从一个丢下铁饭碗的大学教师到一个瞄准国际市场的民营企业家;从一名普通员工到红豆集团总裁,再到新苏商的"领军人物",整整17年的时间铸就了今天个性鲜明、魅力十足的周海江.  相似文献   

6月收尾8项目入市 相较于供应量略减的一季度市场,二季度北京的写字楼市场在放量上得到了一个舒展,据不完全统计,二季度北京共有8个项目投入到市场上,总计面积超过了60平方米.  相似文献   

依江 《职业》2014,(31):43-44
每年的9月到12月,无数的留学申请材料从中国飞向国外,光是快递邮寄费就是一个可观的市场。但是国内鲜有大公司涉足这个狭缝中的市场,申请留学的人只能选择联邦快递、DHL或UPS等国外的快递公司。申请到美国芝加哥大学留学的马骁野看到市场需要,拉起一支横跨中美的高校快递团队,通过合寄打包到美国,再分拆寄送的方式,让申请留学资料快递的费用降低了一大半,自己也因此分食到国际快递的蛋糕。  相似文献   

在北京,社区商业的发展从无人涉足到渐成规模,经历了从无到有的初级阶段,从有到强的高级阶段也正在展开,前景喜忧参半仍让人欣慰.其中房地产市场的急速发展,住宅市场的火爆异常,都对社区型商业起到了强大的支撑、促进作用.相反的,社区商业的落魄潦倒同样反映着房地产市场发展体系的健康与否,从这个角度来说他更像一个地域型房地产市场发展的晴雨表.无论如何,社区商业的发展关系可以微观到城市个体的种种需求,市场之庞大、覆盖之全面是别的商业业态所不及的.  相似文献   

中国经济社会发展到今天,正经历一个拐点——从生存型模式走向发展型模式。什么是市场,市场的本质就是消费,没有消费哪来的市场。要达到小康社会、和谐社会,要可持续,我们一定要发展消费。  相似文献   

随着中国经济的快速增长和在世界舞台上的频频出彩,中国的崛起正在成为一个不争的事实。全球的开放性竞争和资源的有限性决定了此消彼长的利益配置。因此,中国在劳动力市场、产品市场和资本市场上赢得先机,国力日趋强盛,势必影响到其他国家的利益,乃至触及西方大国的势力范围。于是,“中国威胁论”出台了。不过,感到一个经济体的  相似文献   

当代翻译活动已经不再个人化的行为或工作,随着科技的发展,特别是因特网和电脑的普及,翻译活动从一个人发展到一个群体,从单打独斗到团结合作,从个人兴趣到职业化;并且,随着现代社会高速发展,主流翻译作品从文学翻译领域抽身,应用型文本,如旅游、科技、铁路、环境、法律等领域的文本成为当今翻译市场的主流。  相似文献   

一个瞬间的选择可能就决定了生命在日后完全不同的走向。本刊记者在祖国西北的重庆市忠县采访了新大泽健康园,全国388号连锁店的店长邹平政女士,通过这次采访可以看到一个普通百姓是怎样在新大泽的健康事业里从体验产品、分享产品到分享事业、分享快乐,从做小到做大也必然做强的发展轨迹,可以看到新大泽这一深受中国百姓爱戴的品牌,扎扎实实地走向市场,扎根市场,遍及市场,成为行业第一品牌的美好前景。  相似文献   

从最初的无人问津到成为抢手货、香钵钵,土地市场屡创新高、惊喜不断,广安用了两年时间,这也恰好是我省土地资产运营工作的一个折射.今年以来,全省各市州土地市场出现疲软状态,然而广安却能一支独秀,半年时间内完成了年度目标的98%,作为一个经济基础薄弱、欠发达的农业市、丘陵市,他们的秘诀在哪里呢?  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between gender and conversational power by treating as problematic the process through which a social position is transformed into conversational advantage. Using symbolic interactionism, it is argued that conversational power is exercised over the course of a role performance and is affected by the identities of the interactants and the context in which interaction occurs. This argument is evaluated by using conversational data from a same-sex dyadic role-playing exercise and by measures of gender identity. Findings indicate that regardless of a person's sex, the more "male like" his/her gender identity, the more likely he/she is to challenge statements made by alter. Concerning context, the more assertive alter's behavior, the more likely ego is to act in a similarly assertive manner. The relevance of these findings for the broader study of self, society, and conversational behavior is discussed.  相似文献   

Leading economic models of crime assume that potential criminals achieve their ends by criminal means or not at all. We develop a framework in which potential criminals can also attain their objectives through voluntary trade. Our framework helps explain several features of the legal system that have proven to be problematic for the canonical approach: why optimal sanctions should be increasing in an individual's criminal history, and why necessity may be a partial defense in some situations. Finally, the inclusion of a voluntary trade option makes the maximization of a utilitarian welfare function identical to minimizing the costs of crime, implying that a long‐standing controversy in the literature is, in part, an artifact of the assumption that criminals face a binary choice set. (JEL K42, D60, H00)  相似文献   


In the years after the Greek Junta, activists who had been involved in anti-dictatorship movements abroad returned as the country’s new pool of left-leaning, well-educated political actors. Drawing on interviews with former activists and borrowing from recent developments in cultural sociology, I analyse these returns as political projects fraught with moral conundrums. I argue that the contemporary crisis structure accounts of returns by placing speakers within what Boltanski and Thévenot call a ‘situation subject to the imperative of justification’. I make two arguments regarding the critiques and valuations used in accounts: First, the idealized political subject put forward by former activists promotes withdrawal over participation and silence over speech. Second, failure is valorized as a principled mode of self-exoneration. This article further demonstrates the importance of theorizing return migration within an ethnographic treatment of the present.  相似文献   

Although the Sherman Antitrust Act is more than a century old, debate continues over its goals. In contrast to what many have argued, I contend that the Act's main goal is to maximize economic efficiency, rather than the welfare of consumers. The Sherman Act is a modest extension of the common law, which the "Law and Economics" literature indicates moves towards economic efficiency. Further, unlike the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887, Sherman Act decisions are made by courts, not a regulatory agency. Thus, the theory of legislature choice also implies that the goal of the Act is to maximize economic efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of legal access to marijuana on student performance stemming from a voter-approved initiative legalizing marijuana for those 21 and older in the State of Washington. Using panel data from a medium-sized public university, we use a within-student and within-class estimator to show that legalization reduces students' grades, with an effect size about one-half the impact of gaining legal access to alcohol. Consistent with how marijuana consumption affects cognitive functioning, we find that students' grades fall furthest in courses that require more quantitative skills. These effects are largely driven by men and low performers. (JEL I23, I18, K32)  相似文献   

This paper proposes that concepts of causality and power are compatible with a systemic paradigm based on the cybernetics of Ashby, rather than that of Bateson. The repudiation of causality and power by Bateson and his adherents is criticized; the related Batesonian biases against "quantity" and "logic" are also addressed. Batesonian arguments against causality are examined in reference to philosophical theories of causation. Relevant aspects of Ashby's cybernetic theory are contrasted with the Batesonian position. Some implications of a systemic paradigm which incorporates concepts of causality and power are drawn.  相似文献   

This is a participant-observation study of shopping in Poland during severe consumer shortages. Field work was done in November and December of 1982 in three Polish cities. The focus was to observe shopping queues, behavior in those queues, and to interview shoppers about their shopping tactics within and outside of the queues. One-hundred and forty queues were observed and 158 people were interviewed. Observations of queues included their size, composition, organization over long waits, and the behavior of queue participants. Shopping tactics are actions meant to locate scarce goods and save time with shopping. Some shopping tactics were done alone, but more likely these tactics involved others in shopping and distribution teams. This study is placed in the sociological context of response to scarcity and disruption.  相似文献   

In the 1980s and 1990s, many states and districts began to provide funding for prekindergarten (PK) programs for the first time. This paper takes advantage of the staggered timing in program funding to investigate the effect that increased availability of PK programs has on the labor supply of mothers with 4‐year‐olds. I find that mothers with a 4‐year‐old and no younger children were significantly more likely to be in the labor force and employed once PK became available. Mothers with a 4‐year‐old and other younger children were also significantly more likely to be in the labor force and employed. (JEL I20, J01, J20)  相似文献   

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