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北平辅仁大学作为一所私立天主教大学,在北平沦陷之后弦歌不辍,讲诵如恒,并得以发展。学校师生与日伪周旋,抗敌不屈,延续民族文化生命,抵制日伪奴化教育,因此赢得了"抗日大本营"的赞誉。  相似文献   

在新一轮基础教育课程改革中,课程资源开发与利用被首次正式写入《课程标准》,强调课程资源的合理开发和有效利用是物理课程目标顺利实现的必要条件。因此,中小学课程资源的开发利用问题是中国基础教育改革所面临的一个崭新问题。本文在对西部农村中学的师生调查的基础上,尝试提出了开发利用西部农村中学物理课程资源的几点建议。  相似文献   

1928年北平特别市成立时,小学教育百废待兴。为普及义务教育,北平市政府在整顿公私立小学的同时,大力兴办短期小学及简易小学,实行二部制教学,以救济失学儿童;改善小学教职员的待遇,加强教职员的检定和培训,以提高师资水平。从小学课程设置上来看,最为显著的是在各小学校全面设置党义课,并十分注重学生的训育管理。通过以上实践,北平市小学教育有所发展,但总体来说,仍处于一个较低的水准。  相似文献   

邓小林 《社科纵横》2012,(10):145-148
中央苏区时期的小学教育是整个苏区教育中十分重要的内容,从名称上、建校规模上、儿童入学的规定等方面,都有着比较严格的规范。在苏区小学教育的各个方面,如教育制度、教材使用、课程设置、教学方法上都体现了十分明显的马克思主义大众化色彩,而这些苏区小学教育中马克思主义大众化的历史经验仍然值得我们今天深入学习与思考。  相似文献   

抗战期间,北平师范大学被迫西迁陕甘,最后被易名为西北师范学院。师生和校友一直视学校为北平师大的继承者,并抱持复员的愿望。但抗战胜利后教育部并没有把她纳入回迁计划之中,为此引发了师大在校师生、各地校友发动的"复员"运动。这场运动包括了"复校""复大"两个阶段,经过师生、校友坚持不懈地据理力争,终达目的。透过这一运动需要深刻反思的是,教育最高当局应该如何对待一个历史名校,特别是当时中国"硕果仅存"的师范大学。  相似文献   

唐智忠 《生存》2020,(10):0159-0159
众所周知,为了应对传统教学的考试制度,在小学的课程当中品德、科学、美术等课程经常被学校教师当成是副课,不受重视。但如今伴随着教育素质制度的深化改革和推进,教育部门越发重视小学美术课堂的教学。然而,有不少学生反映自己虽然爱好画画,但却不爱上美术课。也有的说他们想上美术课却没得上。基于此现状,本文从多个方面分析了小学美术教学现状和改进策略,供相关人士交流参考。  相似文献   

由于教育对象的特殊性,机构的特殊教育既不同于普通中小学,也不同于盲、聋、培智等一般特殊教育学校的教育,它具有独立的体系、课程、教材、教学形式和教学方法等,这一背景及优势决定了它在教育教学上的"特殊性"。一、机构内设特殊教育学校教育教学的"特殊性"(一)医学康复和特殊教育相结合  相似文献   

日伪时期,北平市日侨数量迅猛增长,其所从事的职业门类也多种多样,但在政治上均负有共同的"拓殖"使命。其中,从事工商业经营的日侨为数最多,其将经济活动的触角深入到了社会生活的各个角落;另外,特别值得注意的是,作为华北沦陷区的政治中心,北平还聚集了大量在殖民机构中任职的日本"顾问"。  相似文献   

正2016年新学年伊始,青岛教育惊喜不断,中小学体育场地将逐步向公众全面开放,让市民进入校园健身的愿望实现了;要打造全国一流的校园足球试验区:青岛66中足球队斩获山东省校园足球联赛亚军,以新颖的"K12"模式出现的青岛中学项目启动:北大复旦等名校要来青合作:推进美育教育艺术素养测评将纳入中考内容;高中自主招生范围将扩大;加快终身教育学习服务平台建设……这些精彩纷呈的以学  相似文献   

《职业生涯与发展规划》课程主张"自我认同"和"社会化"两大核心任务,通过践行课程本身理念,进行实训本质的"自我探索"与线上教学环境与平台变化的"环境探索",构建"教学合作共同体"线上课程体系:教学任务分解、学生分组教学;设置"学生自律学习与实训展示"等三个课程环节;设定"模型理解与实践能力"等5个一级评价指标、15个二级评价指标,评估和促进学生学习实效.促进师生"共建、共学、共进",学生学习留存率增强,教师教学效能提升,课程也完成新环境、新需求的"职规"升级.该研究对线上教学在高校教育教学活动中的未来应用具有参考价值.  相似文献   

Promotion rates of men and women who were teaching in primary and secondary schools in 1979 were compared to establish whether or not prima facie evidence existed for charges of ongoing unfair discrimination against women teachers whose experience and qualifications were similar to those of men. It was found that such prima facie evidence still exists in primary school promotions. Three hypotheses are offered: The large proportion of unqualified persons among women primary teachers adversely affects the professional standing of the qualified women as well; country service is even more unpopular among women than among men in primary than in high schools, because one and two teacher schools are mainly primary schools; junior primary teaching is not valued equally with the teaching of the upper primary years. On the other hand it was found that women entrants into high school teaching in 1970 had just as much likelihood of promotion as their equally experienced male colleagues. Doubt is thus thrown on the validity of claims made by the South Australian Institute of Teachers and by the Department of Education of South Australia for women teachers in High Schools to be exempt from the terms of the Sex-Discrimination Act so that more women may be appointed to Deputy Principalships in such schools.  相似文献   

庞圣民 《社会》2016,36(5):155-174
20世纪90年代以来,城乡间高等教育机会不平等愈演愈烈。本文使用CGSS 2008数据,基于梅尔模型,首先从总体上分析了城乡教育不平等的演进过程,结果发现,城乡间高等教育机会不平等主要肇始于小学升初中和初中升高中两个阶段,而由后者产生的不平等尤为严重。继而,本文对中学阶段升学过程展开专门分析,发现在“课外补习班市场”发育过程中,受益最大的是就读于非重点初中的城镇子弟,正是这类高中候选人与同样就读于非重点初中的农村子弟在市场转型后升学机会差距的迅速扩大,导致在后续高中升大学阶段,虽然高等教育规模一再扩张,城乡居民教育机会的不平等却愈演愈烈。本文还发现,就读于重点中学的城乡子弟间升学机会的不平等并未在市场化后显著增大,因而,本文认为,重点中学制度不应为近年来日益加剧的城乡高等教育机会不平等负责。  相似文献   


As part of a policy assemblage, the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is representative of a new mode of governance for Australia's schooling systems, indicative of international trends in educational accountability based on testing. The policy assumption was that the introduction of a national performance measurement system would tightly couple school practices to national agendas targeted at improving learning outcomes. This paper presents a comparative case study of two primary schools within a single Queensland region to interrogate how coupling and decoupling strategies are enacted in respect of the policy usage of NAPLAN data. The granular analysis of the governance relationship between the school principals and their supervisors is set against the politics, policies and pressures of NAPLAN that recast the initiative as high stakes for systems, schools and their leadership. Specifically, we argue that Queensland's choice and enactment of policy instruments have produced a new mode of governance of principal conduct, but one mediated by the specific contexts of the two schools. The analysis shows how this mode has precipitated two types of decoupling.  相似文献   


This article examines the use and interpretation of the terms “touch”, “reach” and “movement” in Ministry of Education (later, Department of Education) official publications known as Building Bulletins between the years 1949–1972. A close critical reading of Building Bulletins concerned primarily with school design for young children (infant and primary schools) in the English context has been carried out and the results of this exercise are discussed in the wider context of close relationships established between architects designing schools and leading progressive educationalists in Britain. The wider international context, particularly progressive educational design in the USA, is used to further understand the use and interpretation of these terms. The article contributes to a current interest among historians of education in exploring material and sensory histories of schooling.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the cultural, attitudinal and structural factors that impact upon the social experiences and educational achievements of Arabic‐speaking background (ASB) students in three Melbourne secondary schools with high levels of cultural and linguistic diversity. The paper makes the case for and then outlines a multidimensional approach to multicultural education to better integrate ASB students and their families into the schooling environment. Key strategies developed and tested include a model of school‐community partnership, online and interactive teacher support material (TSM) as well as on‐going teacher professional development workshops on reflexive approaches to cultural diversity and intercultural tension.  相似文献   

朝鲜族是黑龙江省的世居民族。随着改革开放和城市化进程的日益加快,朝鲜族的人口流动越来越频繁,随之大量出现留守家庭及留守儿童现象。通过黑龙江省牡丹江地区和哈尔滨地区16所朝鲜族中小学的实地调查表明,留守儿童现象已成为朝鲜族社会发展和文化变迁中不可回避的现实问题,而产生的原因主要为父母在外打工和传统家庭观念的改变等两个方面。因此,从学校层面要建立多渠道、多方位的留守儿童关爱教育体系,积极发挥学校教育的主导作用;从家庭层面要树立正确的家庭教育理念,注重父母和家庭成员的言传身教、严爱相济;从社会层面要积极整合各界力量和资源,为留守儿童提供更为人性化的关心和帮助。只有学校、家庭、社会三方面的密切合作,才能尽量减少留守儿童的数量,进一步推进朝鲜族基础教育的特色化办学途径,使学校教育真正成为承继民族传统文化的重要阵地。  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, the government of Pakistan has promoted a policy of public–private partnerships to increase access and improve the quality of education in Pakistan. This article describes the evolution of the policy and discusses a variety of partnership arrangements aimed to establish and govern primary schools. It suggests that, while partnerships have positive outcomes and may be a viable option for resourceful communities, they are located in a hierarchical structure and lack equal distribution of power and trust between partners. Partnerships are often temporary and established for the purpose of a transition to privatization. These problems make them an unlikely strategy for a sustained increase in the chances of access to good‐quality schooling for the poor and disadvantaged.  相似文献   

The democratization of schools is becoming the most embracing question in Australian education. Contrary to popular belief, lay and professional, incidental learning within schools is more potent than the intended cognitive outcomes of learning, that is, the principal function of schooling is latent rather than manifest. The social relations of schooling within a bureaucratic system, together with the general prevalence of a subject-divided curriculum, teacher-focused classrooms, and competitively oriented grading, condition the young as future jobholders and as citizens of a mass-technocratic society. Schools need to be transformed into autonomous lifelong learning centres to foster the correlative, democratic values of individuality and community.  相似文献   

Five hundred and one teachers employed by the New South Wales Department of Education responded to a survey instrument designed to ascertain the attitude of teachers to the possibility of job sharing. These respondents were employed in randomly selected secondary and primary schools in both the city and country regions of New South Wales. They were asked to respond to questions of a biographical kind, to questions which specified general attitudes to job sharing and to questions which asked for their personal views on the subject. The biographical data indicated that the sex breakdown across both the primary and secondary schools closely matched the breakdown in the teaching population. Fifty percent of the sample considered that the introduction of job sharing should be given high or very high priority, and the majority of respondents thought that it would improve teacher job satisfaction, health and well being, absenteeism and work load, but that administration, promotional opportunities and staff/parent relationships would be negatively affected. Fifty five percent of the respondents said that they were interested in a job sharing position, and 56 percent of these interested teachers said that they would like the position now. The pursuit of other interests was the main reason given for wishing to teach in a job sharing capacity. It was concluded that the likely benefits of job sharing probably out-weigh its costs.  相似文献   

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