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抗日战争结束前后,围绕中国政局的发展,在美苏国共三国四方之间形成了独特复杂的互动关系,深刻地影响着中国政局的演变,包括国共和谈、全面内战爆发、中共取得全国政权及其对外政策的制定等等。美苏国共关系的每一次变动,都严重地冲击着东亚的国际形势,并对塑造战后东亚国际格局产生了至关重要的影响。  相似文献   

TheconceptofsustainabledevelopmentwasofficiallyproposedattheWorldEnvironmentConferenceinStockholmin1972.Inl987,itwasdefinedbytheWorldEnvironmentandDevelopmentCommitteeinOurCommonFutureas"developmentthatbothsatisfiestheneedsofthemodernmananddoesnotconstitu…  相似文献   

There are cases in village self-government where the head of the villagers' committee and the secretary of the Party branch in the village are one and the same person. Under such conditions the relationship between township/town and village is simplified. Although the relationship of guidance between the township government, the guide, and the villagers' committee, the guided, and the relationship of direct control between the township/town Party committee, the controller, and the village Party branch, the controlled, are theoretically distinguishable as laid down in legal texts, it is difficult to differentiate between  相似文献   

Correspondence to John Harris, School of Health and Social Studies, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK. E-mail: j.harris{at}warwick.ac.uk Summary The notion that social work is an international profession,operating with generally similar goals, methodologies, and commonvalues is considered critically. Examining the political andsocial contexts of three countries with liberal democratic governments—Australia,Britain and the United States—the role of social workwithin the welfare processes of each country is compared. Whilesocial work as an identifiable professional activity sharessome features, it is argued that the idea of its having a coreessence needs to be tempered with a realistic assessment ofthe importance of contextually created difference. Recent andrapid developments in the institutional context, such as thoseexperienced in these three countries, further underscore thelimited utility of the notion of a common professional project.  相似文献   

The British Journal of Sociology, XXVII, no. 3, September 1976 (special issue ‘Sociology and history'), 117 (Routledge and Kegan Paul, £2.50).

Michael W. Dols, The Black Death in the Middle East (1977), xviii+390 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, £15.80).

T. W. Moody, F. X. Martin and F. J. Byrne (eds), A Sew History of Ireland, Vol. III, Early Modern Ireland 1534–1691 (1976), lxiii+736 (Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press, £17).

Edward Shorter, The Making of the Modern Family (1976), xiv+369 (Collins, £4.50).

Dirk Blasius, Bürgerliche Gesellschaft und Kriminalität: zur Sozialgeschichte Preussens im Vormärz (1976), 203 (Vandenhoeck &; Ruprecht, Göttingen, DM 38).

Carsten Rüther, Räuber und Gauner in Deutschland: das Organisierte Bandenwesen im 18. und Frühen 19. Jahrhundert (1976), 197 (Vandenhoeck &; Ruprecht, Göttingen, no price given).

James S. Donnelly Jr, The Land and People of Nineteenth‐Century Cork: The Rural Economy and the Land Question (1975), xiv+440 (Routledge and Kegan Paul, £9.95).

Herbert G. Gutman, Work, Culture and Society in Industrializing America. Essays in American Working‐Class and Social History (1976), xiv+343 (Alfred Knopf, New York, $12.50, paperback $7).

James Obelkevich, Religion and Rural Society: South Lindsey 1825–1875 (1976), xiv+353 (Oxford University Press, £12.00).

R. J. Morris, Cholera 1832 (1976), 228+vii (Croom Helm, £7.50).

Eugen Weber, Peasants into Frenchmen: The Modernisation of Rural France 1870–1914 (1977), xv+615 (Chatto &; Windus, £12.00).

Stuart D. Brandes, American Welfare Capitalism 1880–1940 (1976), ix+210 (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, £10.55).

Charles van Onselen, ChibaroAfrican Mine Labour in Southern Rhodesia, 1900–1933 (1976) 326 (Pluto Press, £7.50).  相似文献   


The authors describe a short-term structured group process for African American women in the suburbs of Washington, DC, highlighting the perspective of the group leaders. The group was started to address the unique needs of African American women who are also survivors of childhood abuse and neglect. The group leaders used discussion and art in the group to explore the intersections of race, gender, and intergenerational trauma. Having shared experiences with the participants of the group, the authors explore the ways the group leaders were changed and challenged in the process.  相似文献   

《Social science quarterly》2018,99(3):1021-1037


Research on the Tea Party finds that both libertarian and authoritarian attitudes drive support for this movement, but political scientists lack a satisfactory explanation of this contradiction.


Factor analysis of nine attitudes from the 2012 American National Election Study is used to explore whether statism and moral traditionalism are intercorrelated on a dimension distinct from attitudes toward government; regression analysis is used to test if these distinct dimensions help to explain support for the Tea Party.


Controlling for several competing explanations, the multiplicative interaction of anti‐government and morally statist ideological factors is shown to be a predictor of Tea Party support, especially among conservatives.


Our results suggest the Tea Party movement is in part driven by what Nietzsche called “misarchism,” an ideological mixture of moralism, statism, and libertarianism he first observed in Herbert Spencer.

Chencun is a traditional agricultural natural village situated in southern Hubei Province. Domestic contradictions in this village are of the following main types: in extended families, contradictions caused by household division, support payments for parents and disputes surrounding marriage issues; in nuclear families, daily quarrels between husband and wife.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Dominic McSherry, Institute of Child Care Research, 5a Lennoxvale, Belfast BT9 5BY, UK. E-mail: dominic.mcsherry{at}qub.ac.uk Summary The chicken and the egg conundrum neatly reflects the way inwhich the debate over the relationship between child neglectand poverty/social deprivation has developed over the last fewdecades. Some would argue that child neglect is the manifestationof a neglecting society that permits child poverty to exist,that is poverty leads to child neglect. Others contend thatit is the way that neglecting parents think, behave and interactwith other people that ultimately leads them to live a lifeof social deprivation and to neglect their children, that isparental characteristics lead to poverty and child neglect.However, these seemingly opposing perspectives can be resolvedif we consider that this relationship, like the ultimate resolutionto the chicken and egg conundrum, is circular and interdependent.  相似文献   

Shi(Poetry),ci(poetry),xiqu(traditionalopera),fictionandessaysinabroadsensewereallmajorgenresofChineseliterature.Thefirstandlastweretheearliesttobeestablishedandtheyoccupiedacentralpositionintheliterarykingdom.Fromveryearlytimes,shiwasassignedtheideologic…  相似文献   

1957年莫斯科会议以后,中共对莫斯科在国际共运中的领导地位提出了挑战。毛泽东发动的“大跃进”名为“超英赶美”,实为赶超苏联,而大办人民公社则意在为整个社会主义阵营指出了一条通向共产主义的光明大道。对此,苏联一般干部及东欧国家表现出极大兴趣,而苏共领导人则一直保持沉默。克里姆林宫的这种暧昧和怀疑的态度激怒了毛泽东,特别是在庐山会议期间得知赫鲁晓夫公开发表言论,间接地否定了人民公社后,忍无可忍的毛泽东决定向一切怀疑和反对这两项“创举”的人宣战。这是导致中苏关系破裂的另一个重要导火索。  相似文献   

Sea power represents a civilization thatis naturally opposed to the Confucian cul-ture of China. A comparison between the twomakes this clear. Confucian civilization isethics-oriented, maintaining that "you should  相似文献   

As federal, state and local governments continue to allocate a significant share of their resources to law enforcement and correctional spending, concerns have risen that spending in education and welfare is declining. With fiscal pressure in the United States mounting, it is important to determine the effectiveness of public spending in deterring crime. This paper compares the effectiveness of the impact of government spending on welfare and education with that of law enforcement and correction on crime. Using panel data from 50 U.S. states over a time period of 1994–2014, results of linear regression with panel corrected standard errors as well as GMM estimation reveals that public welfare and education spending can potentially lower violent and property crime rates but law enforcement spending can only deter property crime. However, correctional spending can exacerbate both types of crimes. There is little to no evidence of the presence of crowding out of one category of spending by another. This results in the policy implication that more resources be allocated towards welfare and education programs.  相似文献   

ThefirstSinedermanacademicseminaronthetheoryandethicsoftheeconomicorder,jointlyofganizedbytheInstituteofPhilosophyundertheChineseAcademyofSocialSciencesandtheHanoverInstituteofPhilosophicalStudies,washeldinBeijingfrom6t08March1995.PresentattheseminarweresisdelegatesffomGermanyandeighteenfromChina.Discussionsattheseminarcenteredaroundfivetopics:(1)theroleofethicsinaperiodofeconomicdevelopmentandsocialtransformation;(2)thestrategyandproblemsinvolvedinestablishinganofderlymarketeconomy;(3)l…  相似文献   

本文分析了香港回归以来全国人大常委会对香港基本法三次解释中所采用的法律解释方法,包括文本解释、结构解释和立法原意解释等。文章强调“人大释法”在娴熟地采用这些法律解释方法时对法理学说的运用。文章指出,在居港权案中,特区终审法院与人大释法在法律解释方法上的分歧主要在于确定体现立法原意的权威本文的过程中,究竟是采取程序主义的形式审查,还是实质主义的意图推定,这不仅是法律解释方法的不同,而且是法理学说和政治立场的不同。在此基础上,文章批评了立法者不适宜解释法律的流行偏见,呼吁将基本法纳入列国家宪政体制中来理解。  相似文献   

PaststudiesmaintainedtheZilijun(Self-RelianceArmy)uprisingwastheonlyarmedinsurrectionsolelyorganizedbythepoliticalgroupledbyKangYouweiandLiangQichao,butinrecentyears,duetothediscoveryofthediariesofMasajiInoueandmaterialscoIlectedatQiuShuyuan'shouseinSingapore,somescholarshavere-exarninedthequestionandpointoutthatSunYat-sen'sforcehadgreatinfluenceintheuprising.Ontheotherhand,theuprisingintheYangtzeRivervalleyonlyconstitutedonepartofKangYouweiandLiangQichao'splanfortheuprising.Thisessayw…  相似文献   

《The Senses and Society》2013,8(2):177-202

Noetic insight involves direct access to knowledge beyond that which is available through the five senses or through reason. It typically has to do with sensing the interconnectedness of all things, and is informed by a feeling that one knows but without knowing how. Psychedelic substances constitute one vehicle for the production of noetic experiences. Using a biopsychosocial approach, this article explores the shifting contexts for the enjoyment and analysis of noetic experience in twentieth-century American popular and scientific culture, beginning with the psychedelic revolution and culminating in the “quantum computer” turn of brain (and mind). It emerges that the ‘feeling of knowing’ may be a sensory ability after all, and a key to understanding many other forms of anomalous cognition.  相似文献   

DuringtheperiodsoftheWei,Jin,andSouthernandNorthernDynasties(A.D.220-589),thereweremanyethnicgroupsandmanyintricateproblems.WhetherstatepowerresidedwithaHanornon-Hanruler,thevariousterritorieswereoccupiedbydiversenationalities,andethnicproblemsexisted.Thusviewsconcerningone'sownethnicgroup,otherethnicgroups,andthequestionofnationality,i.e.,ethnicviews,wereboundtoarise.Inclasssocieties,ethnicviewsaredeterminedbytheethnicnatureandclasscharacteroftherulingclassandobjectivecircumstances.During…  相似文献   

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