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通过对东胡政权存在的大体时间、林胡、楼烦、匈奴等"诸胡"称谓、东胡与冒顿单于前匈奴的关系等问题的考证,进一步论证匈奴政权创建于头曼时期甚至更早的观点。  相似文献   

对山西榆次出土的明清墓葬中的人骨进行的性别考古学思想指导下的生物考古学研究,发现该人群性别比较大,可能与重男轻女观念和溺婴习俗有关。女性死亡年龄结构中壮年期所占比例较大,可能是围产期死亡所致。古病理学研究发现女性存在缠足,这是首次发现的考古出土的缠足人骨标本。对退行性关节病的统计暗示两性存在明显的分工。这些研究结果与相关历史记载相吻合。  相似文献   

喇嘛洞墓地是我国北方地区迄今所见最大的一处以三燕文化墓葬为主的大型墓地。关于喇嘛洞三燕文化墓地的族属问题,目前在学术界尚存争议,主要有两种意见:"鲜卑说"和"夫余说"。根据喇嘛洞墓地出土人骨的体质人类学、分子考古学以及稳定同位素食谱分析,从生物考古学的视角对喇嘛洞三燕时期居民的族属问题进行综合性考察,结果表明,喇嘛洞三燕文化居民的族属很难与鲜卑人直接联系起来。喇嘛洞三燕文化居民的主体或许确实是来自第二松花江流域的夫余人,此外还混杂了一部分辽西地区早期土著居民的后裔以及个别的鲜卑人。  相似文献   

本文根据夏鼐、王仲殊作<考古学>一文检讨考古学的性质、定义、研究对象、目标和任务、理论与方法、内外部关系等.认为考古学是一门综合性、边缘性学科,其研究对象是发掘出土的人类"文化遗存"及其他相关出土物而非"物质的遗存",其目标、任务是复原历史或为"历史科学"提供科学资料.由于考古学理论、方法存在重要缺失,尤其是缺乏探讨"...  相似文献   

本文评估了数字技术如何影响了我们对电影史的理解。"新电影史"(New Film History)虽然复兴了对电影"起源"(origins)的研究,但尚未证明这种分析在随后世纪之交的多媒体节点同样有效。面对这样的挑战,本文将借助于"媒介考古学"(Media Archaeology)这样一个新的历史学模型来超越"旧"媒介与"新"媒介的对立,克服当代媒介实践的不稳定形态。我们需要重新测定视听经验的范围,澄清具身性(embodiment)、界面、叙述、叙事引导(diegesis)等概念,并为视听装置的非娱乐性研究提供新的动力。  相似文献   

胡逢祥  杨天通 《学术研究》2013,(7):94-103,160
在20世纪中国学术现代化的潮流中,考古学在国内的应运而生本是大势所趋,但能使它在如此短的时间里迅速发展为一门与国际接轨,且无论在规模还是成就上都足以跻身于世界学术之林的现代科学,则不能不首先归功于李济所领导的考古学团队。李济在考古事业中表现出来的民族发奋精神,对西方现代科学的追求和对传统学术的包容承继,以及勇于在实践中探索创新的气度,不仅为中国现代考古学的早期建构路向树立了一支标杆,也给后人留下了一笔值得尊重的学术遗产。  相似文献   

郭沫若在甲骨文、青铜器研究方面取得了卓越的成就,这与他有科学的研究方法——考古学的方法密切相关。在甲骨文研究中郭沫若提出要重视地层、伴出器物的研究,对甲骨文断代有着重要启发作用。郭沫若还从考古类型学的角度对甲骨文进行研究,按字体风格不同将甲骨卜辞分为不同的王世。同时还采用考古类型学的方法对青铜器进行系统的整理,从青铜器的形制、纹饰等方面出发作了开创性的研究。其所创“标准器断代法”在青铜器研究中建立了殷周青铜器研究的新体系,开创了新局面。  相似文献   

正由吉林大学边疆考古研究中心和中国社会科学院考古研究所科技考古中心合作主办,国家文物局体质人类学与分子考古学重点科研基地、吉林大学—西蒙菲莎大学生物考古学联合实验室协办的"东亚地区生物考古学"国际研讨会(International Symposium on Bioarchaeology in East Asia)于2014年8月11—13日在吉林大学召开。  相似文献   

《管子》所载海盐生产的考古学新证   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
依据考古发现和《管子》所载海盐生产的资料综合研究,可以得出如下结论:所言“煮海为盐”的煮盐器具应是山东北部沿海商周遗址常见的盔形陶器,煮盐设施则是圆形或长方形盐灶,类似后世的灶户;所言“煮泲水为盐”的“泲水”应是当时生产海盐的主要原料地下卤水,而“煮海为盐”实际上只是泛指当时山东北部沿海出产海盐,并非仅指用海水煮盐,也包括利用地下卤水煎煮成盐;所言“渠展”不是一个具体的地名,而是指现今鲁北沿海海拔10米线以下赋存地下卤水的地带,即“渠展之盐”的具体出产地域。这些认识在很大程度可弥补《管子》对海盐生产技术失载的缺憾,纠正学术界对《管子》所载海盐生产存在的误解。  相似文献   

本文从考古哲学的角度讨论了进化论对史前人类生活研究的积极作用.第一二部分介绍了新考古学和进化人类学的新进展,第三部分说明了这些新的思想和解释模式对于研究史前人类生活和中国文明起源的积极意义.  相似文献   

I compare language learning trajectories for Black and White children over the first 3 years of life using data from the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation study (EHSRE) in order to determine the timing and source of divergence in early language skill. Results indicate that that while controlling for racial differences in family background and a measure of the home language environment cannot entirely account for disparities in language acquisition, interactions between age, race and maternal education, and between race and a time-varying measure of the home language environment play a significant role. I show that returns to parental education and the home language environment, in terms of language learning, are higher for White children than their Black peers. Specification checks confirm that these results are robust to alternate definitions of child language and the home language environment, and that no interactions between race, age and any of the other covariates are significant. I discuss possible explanations for these race specific education gradients, including measurement error and test bias. In addition, I address relevant empirical issues in estimating language growth with respect to linguistic inputs and the home language environment.  相似文献   

以科学发展观统领当前及今后西藏社会经济的发展大局,必然会高度关注生物经济在西藏这个特殊区域中的地位和作用。因为,西藏不仅有着极为丰富而特殊的生物资源,同时又因为西藏的特殊自然环境和人文政策环境,使发展生物经济在西藏具有其他经济类型不可比拟的优势,因而也必然具有广阔的发展前景。为此,采取有效的措施,以科学发展观为指导,着力推动西藏生物经济的快速崛起,应成为西藏今后一段时期内经济领域中值得高度重视的一个问题。  相似文献   

新公共管理的理念在20世纪90年代的加拿大地方政府中特别流行.但是沃特卢市和多伦多市的案例可以说明,安大略省政府的新公共管理改革是错误的.本文主要描述这两个失败案例并分析它们的重要性,以帮助读者理解在如今的加拿大地方政府中,新公共管理究竟处于何种位置?这两个地方公共行政失败案例与新公共管理有着密切的联系.公务员能从沃特卢和多伦多的失败中吸取教训.其中一条就是:遵守现有制度和程序比假装公私部门利益对等要重要得多.  相似文献   

本文对新疆呼图壁县石门子墓地出土的27件铜器进行了材质和制作工艺分析,初步探索了这一墓地所出铜器的技术特征。该墓地出土铜器材质以锡青铜为主,但制作马具时明显使用了更高质量的原材料;铜镞的材质却参差不齐,并出现含砷不高的铜器,表现出多样化的来源;器物制作采用了铸造和热锻两种工艺。本研究为深入揭示新疆公元前第一千纪青铜技术发展提供了新的科学依据。  相似文献   

依据"双师型"人才培养目标,对生物统计学课程的教学定位、课程体系、教学模式、实践教学、考核方式以及精品课程建设等进行了探索,构建了"试验设计—统计分析—统计软件应用"的课程体系和"课堂讲授—同步练习—上机实践"三位一体的教学模式,通过建立生物统计学精品课程网站,实现"开放式"教学,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

This study examines the implications of occupational stratification and job mismatches for the welfare of children, using data from the 2005–2009 American Community Survey. The results show that Black children of immigrants have household heads that are more likely to have occupations with low SEI scores than children in US-born households. More importantly, they demonstrate that intersections between parental job-mismatches and employment in the bottom rather than upper levels of the occupational distribution have important implications for understanding poverty differences among children. Job mismatches within occupations with low SEI scores are associated with greater poverty risks among Black than White, Asian, or Hispanic children of immigrants. However, racial poverty disparities are considerably lower among children with household heads in the highest occupational strata.  相似文献   

渔洋文化遗址位于古渡之旁 ,环境优越 ,适宜人类生活。从其所存的甲骨、陶器等文化遗存以及其所处的地理位置看 ,在商代 ,特别是殷商时期 ,它是一个平民聚居生活的普通聚落。  相似文献   

Generalized trust in other Americans has never been so low. Explanations of this decline draw attention to the role of generational replacement and to period effects stemming from macro-level economic and political changes. In this paper, I consider generational and period trends in trust for black and for white Americans. Although race is considered one of the most important predictors of levels of trust, few studies have analyzed how race relates to larger generational and period trends of decline. General Social Survey data is used to test whether the decline thesis applies equally to black and to white Americans’ trust levels. I consider both the widely used index of generalized trust and the individual items comprising this index. The results show that although the war baby generation (1935-1944) of white Americans was more trusting than other generations, there has been no corresponding variability across generations for black Americans. At the period level, while there has been a decline in generalized trust and each of its sub-components for white Americans, the period-based trends for black Americans are more variable across measures. The use of a general index to study trends for black Americans masks important period-based trends. The decline in trust is related to race and what is missing from most accounts of the race gap in trust is a discussion of structural forces that advantage white Americans and hence inflate their trust levels.  相似文献   

As laws and policies related to homosexuality have evolved, Americans' attitudes have also changed. Race and religion have been established as important indicators of feelings about homosexuality. However, researchers have given almost no attention to how county characteristics shape Americans' attitudes. Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling techniques, we examine how personal characteristics and the religious and racial context of a county shape feelings about homosexuality drawing on data from the American National Election Survey and information about where respondents reside. We find that African Americans initially appear less tolerant than other racial groups, until we account for the geographical distribution of attitudes across the nation. Additionally, once we consider religious involvement, strength of belief, and religious affiliation African Americans appear to have warmer feelings about homosexuality than whites. Drawing on the moral communities' hypothesis, we also find that the strength of religiosity amongst county residents heightens the influence of personal religious beliefs on disapproving attitudes. There is also a direct effect of the proportion conservative Protestant, whereby people of all faiths have cooler attitudes towards homosexual individuals when they reside in a county with a higher proportion of conservative Protestants. Finally, we do not find any evidence for an African American cultural influence on attitudes.  相似文献   

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