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For binomial data analysis, many methods based on empirical Bayes interpretations have been developed, in which a variance‐stabilizing transformation and a normality assumption are usually required. To achieve the greatest model flexibility, we conduct nonparametric Bayesian inference for binomial data and employ a special nonparametric Bayesian prior—the Bernstein–Dirichlet process (BDP)—in the hierarchical Bayes model for the data. The BDP is a special Dirichlet process (DP) mixture based on beta distributions, and the posterior distribution resulting from it has a smooth density defined on [0, 1]. We examine two Markov chain Monte Carlo procedures for simulating from the resulting posterior distribution, and compare their convergence rates and computational efficiency. In contrast to existing results for posterior consistency based on direct observations, the posterior consistency of the BDP, given indirect binomial data, is established. We study shrinkage effects and the robustness of the BDP‐based posterior estimators in comparison with several other empirical and hierarchical Bayes estimators, and we illustrate through examples that the BDP‐based nonparametric Bayesian estimate is more robust to the sample variation and tends to have a smaller estimation error than those based on the DP prior. In certain settings, the new estimator can also beat Stein's estimator, Efron and Morris's limited‐translation estimator, and many other existing empirical Bayes estimators. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 328–344; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Often, in industrial stress testing, meteorological data analysis, and other similar situations, measurements may be made sequentially and only values smaller than all previous ones are recorded. When the number of records is fixed in advance, the data are referred to as inversely sampled record-breaking data. This paper is concerned with nonparametric estimation of the distribution and density functions from such data (successive minima). For a single record-breaking sample, consistent estimation is not possible except in the extreme left tail of the distribution. Hence, replication is required, and for m such independent record-breaking samples, the estimators are shown to be strongly consistent and asymptotically normal as m ∞ →. Computer simulations are used to investigate the effect of the bandwidth on the mean squared errors and biases of the smooth estimators, and are also used to provide a comparison of their performance with the analogous estimators obtained under random sampling for record values.  相似文献   

Statistical problems in modelling personal-income distributions include estimation procedures, testing, and model choice. Typically, the parameters of a given model are estimated by classical procedures such as maximum-likelihood and least-squares estimators. Unfortunately, the classical methods are very sensitive to model deviations such as gross errors in the data, grouping effects, or model misspecifications. These deviations can ruin the values of the estimators and inequality measures and can produce false information about the distribution of the personal income in a country. In this paper we discuss the use of robust techniques for the estimation of income distributions. These methods behave like the classical procedures at the model but are less influenced by model deviations and can be applied to general estimation problems.  相似文献   

The authors develop default priors for the Gaussian random field model that includes a nugget parameter accounting for the effects of microscale variations and measurement errors. They present the independence Jeffreys prior, the Jeffreys‐rule prior and a reference prior and study posterior propriety of these and related priors. They show that the uniform prior for the correlation parameters yields an improper posterior. In case of known regression and variance parameters, they derive the Jeffreys prior for the correlation parameters. They prove posterior propriety and obtain that the predictive distributions at ungauged locations have finite variance. Moreover, they show that the proposed priors have good frequentist properties, except for those based on the marginal Jeffreys‐rule prior for the correlation parameters, and illustrate their approach by analyzing a dataset of zinc concentrations along the river Meuse. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 304–327; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

In this article, we develop regression models with cross‐classified responses. Conditional independence structures can be explored/exploited through the selective inclusion/exclusion of terms in a certain functional ANOVA decomposition, and the estimation is done nonparametrically via the penalized likelihood method. A cohort of computational and data analytical tools are presented, which include cross‐validation for smoothing parameter selection, Kullback–Leibler projection for model selection, and Bayesian confidence intervals for odds ratios. Random effects are introduced to model possible correlations such as those found in longitudinal and clustered data. Empirical performances of the methods are explored in simulation studies of limited scales, and a real data example is presented using some eyetracking data from linguistic studies. The techniques are implemented in a suite of R functions, whose usage is briefly described in the appendix. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 39: 591–609; 2011. © 2011 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The subject of rank correlation has had a rich history. It has been used in numerous applications in tests for trend and for independence. However, little has been said about how to define rank correlation when the data are incomplete. The practice has often been to ignore missing observations and to define rank correlation for the smaller complete record. We propose a new class of measures of rank correlation which are based on a notion of distance between incomplete rankings. There is the potential for a significant increase in efficiency over the approach which ignores missing observations as demonstrated by a specific case.  相似文献   

We consider the hierarchical Bayesian models of change-point problem in a sequence of random variables having either normal population or skew-normal population. Further, we consider the problem of detecting an influential point concerning change point using Bayes factors. Our proposed models are illustrated with the real data example, the annual flow volume data of Nile River at Aswan from 1871 to 1970. The result using our proposed models indicated the largest influential observation in the year 1888 among outliers. We have shown that it is useful to measure the influence of observations on Bayes factors. Here, we consider omitting single observation as well.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the simulation of one‐day cricket matches. Given that only a finite number of outcomes can occur on each ball that is bowled, a discrete generator on a finite set is developed where the outcome probabilities are estimated from historical data involving one‐day international cricket matches. The probabilities depend on the batsman, the bowler, the number of wickets lost, the number of balls bowled and the innings. The proposed simulator appears to do a reasonable job at producing realistic results. The simulator allows investigators to address complex questions involving one‐day cricket matches. The Canadian Journal of Statistics © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The author considers estimation under a Gamma process model for degradation data. The setting for degradation data is one in which n independent units, each with a Gamma process with a common shape function and scale parameter, are observed at several possibly different times. Covariates can be incorporated into the model by taking the scale parameter as a function of the covariates. The author proposes using the maximum pseudo‐likelihood method to estimate the unknown parameters. The method requires usage of the Pool Adjacent Violators Algorithm. Asymptotic properties, including consistency, convergence rate and asymptotic distribution, are established. Simulation studies are conducted to validate the method and its application is illustrated by using bridge beams data and carbon‐film resistors data. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 37: 102‐118; 2009 © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

Nowadays, Bayesian methods are routinely used for estimating parameters of item response theory (IRT) models. However, the marginal likelihoods are still rarely used for comparing IRT models due to their complexity and a relatively high dimension of the model parameters. In this paper, we review Monte Carlo (MC) methods developed in the literature in recent years and provide a detailed development of how these methods are applied to the IRT models. In particular, we focus on the “best possible” implementation of these MC methods for the IRT models. These MC methods are used to compute the marginal likelihoods under the one-parameter IRT model with the logistic link (1PL model) and the two-parameter logistic IRT model (2PL model) for a real English Examination dataset. We further use the widely applicable information criterion (WAIC) and deviance information criterion (DIC) to compare the 1PL model and the 2PL model. The 2PL model is favored by all of these three Bayesian model comparison criteria for the English Examination data.  相似文献   

The proven optimality properties of empirical Bayes estimators and their documented successful performance in practice have made them popular. Although many statisticians have used these estimators since the landmark paper of James and Stein (1961), relatively few have proposed techniques for protecting them from the effects of outlying observations or outlying parameters. One notable series of studies in protection against outlying parameters was conducted by Efron and Morris (1971, 1972, 1975). In the fully Bayesian case, a general discussion on robust procedures can be found in Berger (1984, 1985). Here we implement and evaluate a different approach for outlier protection in a random-effects model which is based on appropriate specification of the prior distribution. When unusual parameters are present, we estimate the prior as a step function, as suggested by Laird and Louis (1987). This procedure is evaluated empirically, using a number of simulated data sets to compare the effects of the step-function prior with those of the normal and Laplace priors on the prediction of small-area proportions.  相似文献   

The analysis of infectious disease data presents challenges arising from the dependence in the data and the fact that only part of the transmission process is observable. These difficulties are usually overcome by making simplifying assumptions. The paper explores the use of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods for the analysis of infectious disease data, with the hope that they will permit analyses to be made under more realistic assumptions. Two important kinds of data sets are considered, containing temporal and non-temporal information, from outbreaks of measles and influenza. Stochastic epidemic models are used to describe the processes that generate the data. MCMC methods are then employed to perform inference in a Bayesian context for the model parameters. The MCMC methods used include standard algorithms, such as the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm and the Gibbs sampler, as well as a new method that involves likelihood approximation. It is found that standard algorithms perform well in some situations but can exhibit serious convergence difficulties in others. The inferences that we obtain are in broad agreement with estimates obtained by other methods where they are available. However, we can also provide inferences for parameters which have not been reported in previous analyses.  相似文献   

Prior sensitivity analysis and cross‐validation are important tools in Bayesian statistics. However, due to the computational expense of implementing existing methods, these techniques are rarely used. In this paper, the authors show how it is possible to use sequential Monte Carlo methods to create an efficient and automated algorithm to perform these tasks. They apply the algorithm to the computation of regularization path plots and to assess the sensitivity of the tuning parameter in g‐prior model selection. They then demonstrate the algorithm in a cross‐validation context and use it to select the shrinkage parameter in Bayesian regression. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 38:47–64; 2010 © 2010 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The study of differences among groups is an interesting statistical topic in many applied fields. It is very common in this context to have data that are subject to mechanisms of loss of information, such as censoring and truncation. In the setting of a two‐sample problem with data subject to left truncation and right censoring, we develop an empirical likelihood method to do inference for the relative distribution. We obtain a nonparametric generalization of Wilks' theorem and construct nonparametric pointwise confidence intervals for the relative distribution. Finally, we analyse the coverage probability and length of these confidence intervals through a simulation study and illustrate their use with a real data set on gastric cancer. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 38: 453–473; 2010 © 2010 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

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