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Takemura and Sheena [A. Takemura, Y. Sheena, Distribution of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Wishart matrix when the population eigenvalues are infinitely dispersed and its application to minimax estimation of covariance matrix, J. Multivariate Anal. 94 (2005) 271–299] derived the asymptotic joint distribution of the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of a Wishart matrix when the population eigenvalues become infinitely dispersed. They also showed necessary conditions for an estimator of the population covariance matrix to be tail minimax for typical loss functions by calculating the asymptotic risk of the estimator. In this paper, we further examine those distributions and risks by means of an asymptotic expansion. We obtain the asymptotic expansion of the distribution function of relevant elements of the sample eigenvalues and eigenvectors. We also derive the asymptotic expansion of the risk function of a scale and orthogonally equivariant estimator with respect to Stein’s loss. As an application, we prove non-minimaxity of Stein’s and Haff’s estimators, which has been an open problem for a long time.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the economic benefit of methods that have been suggested to optimally sample (in an MSE sense) high-frequency return data for the purpose of realized variance/covariance estimation in the presence of market microstructure noise (Bandi and Russell, 2005a, 2008). We compare certainty equivalents derived from volatility-timing trading strategies relying on optimally-sampled realized variances and covariances, on realized variances and covariances obtained by sampling every 5 minutes, and on realized variances and covariances obtained by sampling every 15 minutes. In our sample, we show that a risk-averse investor who is given the option of choosing variance/covariance forecasts derived from MSE-based optimal sampling methods versus forecasts obtained from 5- and 15-minute intervals (as generally proposed in the literature) would be willing to pay up to about 80 basis points per year to achieve the level of utility that is guaranteed by optimal sampling. We find that the gains yielded by optimal sampling are economically large, statistically significant, and robust to realistic transaction costs.  相似文献   

In covariance structure analysis, the Studentized pivotal statistic of a parameter estimator is often used since the statistic is asymptotically normally distributed with mean zero and unit variance. For more accurate asymptotic distribution, the first and third asymptotic cumulants can be used to have the single-term Edgeworth, Cornish-Fisher, and Hall type asymptotic expansions. In this paper, the higher order asymptotic variance and the fourth asymptotic cumulant of the statistic are obtained under nonnormality when the partial derivatives of a parameter estimator with respect to sample variances and covariances up to the third order and the moments of the associated observed variables up to the eighth order are available. The result can be used to have the two-term Edgeworth expansion. Simulations are performed to see the accuracy of the asymptotic results in finite samples.  相似文献   

Probabilistic arguments are used to establish an identity useful for deriving the moments of the sample variances and covariance of a bivariate normal population. Some variances and covariances are derived to illustrate the use of the identity.  相似文献   


The maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) of parameters of a bivariate normal distribution are derived based on progressively Type-II censored data. The asymptotic variances and covariances of the MLEs are derived from the Fisher information matrix. Using the asymptotic normality of MLEs and the asymptotic variances and covariances derived from the Fisher information matrix, interval estimation of the parameters is discussed and the probability coverages of the 90% and 95% confidence intervals for all the parameters are then evaluated by means of Monte Carlo simulations. To improve the probability coverages of the confidence intervals, especially for the correlation coefficient, sample-based Monte Carlo percentage points are determined and the probability coverages of the 90% and 95% confidence intervals obtained using these percentage points are evaluated and shown to be quite satisfactory. Finally, an illustrative example is presented.  相似文献   

This paper studies the two-parameter, left-truncated Weibull distribution (LTWD) with known, fixed, positive truncation pointT. Important hitherto unknown statistical properties of the LTWD are derived. The asymptotic theory of the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) is invoked to develop parameter confidence intervals and regions. Numerical methods are described for computing the MLEs and for evaluating the exact, asymptotic variances and covariances of the MLEs. An illustrative example is given.  相似文献   

Based on a sample from an absolutely continuous distribution F with density f, and with the aid of the Bahadur (Ann. Math. Statist. 37( 1966 ), 577-580) representation of sample quantiles, the asymptotic joint distribution of three statistics, the sample pth and qth quantiles (0 < p < q < l) and the sample mean, is obtained. Using the Cramer-Wold device, asymptotic distributions of functions of the three statistics can be derived. In particular, the asymptotic joint distribution of the ratio of sample pth quantile to sample mean and the ratio of sample qth quantile to sample mean is presented. Finally, consistent estimators are proposed for the variances and covariances of these limiting distributions.  相似文献   

An asymptotic expansion of the null distribution of the chi-square statistic based on the asymptotically distribution-free theory for general covariance structures is derived under non-normality. The added higher-order term in the approximate density is given by a weighted sum of those of the chi-square distributed variables with different degrees of freedom. A formula for the corresponding Bartlett correction is also shown without using the above asymptotic expansion. Under a fixed alternative hypothesis, the Edgeworth expansion of the distribution of the standardized chi-square statistic is given up to order O(1/n). From the intermediate results of the asymptotic expansions for the chi-square statistics, asymptotic expansions of the joint distributions of the parameter estimators both under the null and fixed alternative hypotheses are derived up to order O(1/n).  相似文献   

An asymptotic expansion is given for the distribution of the α-th largest latent root of a correlation matrix, when the observations are from a multivariate normal distribution. An asymptotic expansion for the distribution of a test statistic based on a correlation matrix, which is useful in dimensionality reduction in principal component analysis, is also given. These expansions hold when the corresponding latent root of the population correlation matrix is simple. The approach here is based on a perturbation method.  相似文献   

Abstract.  For stationary vector-valued random fields on     the asymptotic covariance matrix for estimators of the mean vector can be given by integrated covariance functions. To construct asymptotic confidence intervals and significance tests for the mean vector, non-parametric estimators of these integrated covariance functions are required. Integrability conditions are derived under which the estimators of the covariance matrix are mean-square consistent. For random fields induced by stationary Boolean models with convex grains, these conditions are expressed by sufficient assumptions on the grain distribution. Performance issues are discussed by means of numerical examples for Gaussian random fields and the intrinsic volume densities of planar Boolean models with uniformly bounded grains.  相似文献   

Explicit formulae are obtained for the asymptotic variances and covariances of canonical correlations which correspond to non-zero theoretical correlations in (p+ 1) x (q+1) contingency tables, with pq. The moments of the roots of a central Wishart matrix distributed as Wp(q; I ) are also given in general, with means, variances and covariances tabulated for p= 2, 3, 4: these may apply to canonical correlations corresponding to zeros.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the asymptotic distributions of functionals of the sample covariance matrix and the sample mean vector obtained under the assumption that the matrix of observations has a matrix‐variate location mixture of normal distributions. The central limit theorem is derived for the product of the sample covariance matrix and the sample mean vector. Moreover, we consider the product of the inverse sample covariance matrix and the mean vector for which the central limit theorem is established as well. All results are obtained under the large‐dimensional asymptotic regime, where the dimension p and the sample size n approach infinity such that p/nc ∈ [0, + ) when the sample covariance matrix does not need to be invertible and p/nc ∈ [0,1) otherwise.  相似文献   

In the present article we study the asymptotic behaviour of the sequence of vectors with components expectations, variances, and covariances of the state sizes of a semi-Markov system. In this respect, we transform the semi-Markov system into a Markov system with a different though equivalent state space and relate the sequence of the transition probabilities of the respective Markov system as functions of the parameters of the semi-Markov system. Also, we study the asymptotic behavior of the sequence of vectors with components variances and covariances of the duration state sizes, of the related Markov system, under perturbation of the transition probability matrices. We use the results in the study of asymptotic behavior under perturbation of the sequence of vectors with components variances and covariances of the semi-Markov system.  相似文献   

Approximation of a density by another density is considered in the case of different dimensionalities of the distributions. The results have been derived by inverting expansions of characteristic functions with the help of matrix techniques. The approximations obtained are all functions of cumulant differences and derivatives of the approximating density. The multivariate Edgeworth expansion follows from the results as a special case. Furthermore, the density functions of the trace and eigenvalues of the sample covariance matrix are approximated by the multivariate normal density and a numerical example is given  相似文献   

In this paper it will be shown that the exponent p in Lp,-norm P estimation as an explicit function of the sample kurtosis is asymptotically normally distributed. The asymptotic variances of p for two sllch formulae are derived. An alternative formula which implicitly relates p to the sample kurtosis is also discussed.

An adaptive procedure for the selection of p when the underlying error distribution is unknown is also suggested. This procedure is used to verify empirically that the asymptotic distribution of p is normal.  相似文献   

For the problem of testing the homogeneity of the variances in a covariance matrix with a block compound symmetric structure, the likelihood ratio test is derived in this paper, A modification of the test that allows its distribution to be better approximated by the chi-square distribution is also considered, Formulae for calculating approximate sample size and power are derived, Small sample performances of these tests in the case of two dependent bivariate or trivariate normals are compared to each other and to the competing tests by simulating levels of significance and powers, and recommendation is made of the ones that have good performance, The recommended tests are then demonstrated in an illustrative example.  相似文献   

Statistics based on the sample autocovariances are widely used in time-series analysis. Estimators of the asymptotic covariance between the sample autocovariances are commonly derived from the so-called Bartlett's formula. However, this formula essentially holds for linear processes. This entails that for a wide range of nonlinear time series the above-mentioned estimators are not suitable. In this paper the behaviour of an alternative estimator is studied within the framework of centered or uncentered multivariate strongly mixing processes. Applications to differential functions of sample autocovariances, such as the sample autocorrelations, are considered.  相似文献   

A formula to compute the sampling variance of the relative efficiency of indirect to direct selection is developed for the case when the genetic and phenotypic components are estimated from the analyses of variance and covariance. This formula holds provided that the genetic and phenotypic variances and covariances are bounded away from zero. It is also assumed that the number of offspring per mating group, k , is constant. The effect of varying k values and the distribution of the ratio estimator of indirect to direct selection, û, are briefly discussed. An example from an expriment using Tribolium castaneum is also given.  相似文献   

The Bayesian analysis of the multivariate mixed linear model is considered. The exact posterior distribution for the fixed effects matrix and the error covariance matrix are obtained. The exact posterior means and variances of the Bayesian estimators for the covariance matrices of random effects are also derived. These posterior moments are computed without constrained optimization and numerical integration. The calculations are feasible for arbitrary models. Reasonable approximations for the posterior distributions for the covariance matrices associated with the random effects are obtained also. Results are illustrated with a numerical example.  相似文献   

General linear models with a common design matrix and with various structures of the variance–covariance matrix are considered. We say that a model is perfect for a linearly estimable parametric function, or the function is perfect in the model, if there exists the best linear unbiased estimator. All perfect models for a given function and all perfect functions in a given model are characterized.  相似文献   

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