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谁是真正的罪人--评《红字》的道德观念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑孝萍 《学术交流》2001,(2):124-126
作家在讲故事的同时,将哲学思考、生活见解、道德忧虑这些引人思考的东西穿在一根令人兴趣盎然、或者扣人心弦的情节线上.霍桑的<红字>给我们带来了道德思考,尽管这不一定是作者的主观愿望.海丝特·白兰胸前大红的"A"字宣泄着加尔文教对人们精神的毒害和摧残.同时,作品象征手法的运用也使红"A"字产生了魔力.  相似文献   

Does geographic proximity to nuclear power plants influence public attitudes toward nuclear energy? Utilizing a statewide survey of North Carolina residents, this research considers whether proximity to a nuclear facility – measured by residence in a 10 or 50 mile Emergency Planning Zone – influences citizen awareness, support, and perceptions of safety concerning nuclear energy. The results suggest that while geographic proximity to generating sites does lead to increased levels of awareness, it does not appear to impact overall attitudes toward the use and perceived safety of nuclear energy.  相似文献   

杨彬 《求是学刊》2002,29(3):60-64
在实际的社会生活及经济生活中 ,公有、私有都有其一般形态和极端形态 ,因而都客观地存在着积极和消极两方面的倾向。在社会主义产权制度改革的理论思考和实践过程中 ,要进一步克服对公有、私有这一类概念范畴的简单化、抽象化、片面化的理解倾向。不论公有经济还是私有经济 ,都必须注意防止其极端形态的生成 ,不断克服各自的消极倾向 ,弘扬各自的积极倾向 ,社会主义的改革才能不断走向成功的彼岸。  相似文献   

本文针对核电低常规性风险、高灾难性风险的特点,从社会性规制的视角,对核电安全规制进行了供求分析,并从核电安全的外部性和信息不对称两个方面阐述了核电安全规制的理论动因和依据。研究表明,日本核电站的泄露事故带来的危害将直接促使中国公众增加对核电安全规制的强烈需求,进而推动政府相应地增加核电安全规制供给的数量。本文在理论分析基础上,从规制机构、法规体系、规制力量三个方面分析了我国现行的核电安全规制框架,并援引核电发达国家的核电安全规制模式,对我国加强核电安全规制提出了相应的改革建议。  相似文献   

强势的发展主义正在替换乡村社会自生的运作逻辑,并相应地改变了村庄的社会结构和阶层形态。凭借土地商品化机制及各种策略性手段,宋村的权力精英逐渐异化为土地精英。经由人员的吸纳与物质的聚合,土地精英由个体化导向阶层化。土地精英阶层不仅改变了村庄内部阶层发育的常规逻辑,而且日益对村庄政治系统发挥影响,并不断增加村政治组织的分利化倾向。宋村相应的治理形式由先前的“无为之治”转变为“分条治理”。村庄结构也由于土地攫取成为依附式的稳定结构。看似稳定的背后,其实是以消解村庄共同体的长远利益为代价。从此角度看,土地精英阶层不能不察。  相似文献   

韦顺莉 《创新》2009,3(8):19-22
土司是整个土司制度的核心人物。壮族土司世袭罔替,雄踞一地,权倾一方,他们之中的确有霸道妄为、恣意蛮横者,但是由于土司是当地政权、族权、神权以及财权的掌控者,是守卫边疆的精军统帅、治理地方的中流砥柱、土民依附的封建领主,所以在壮乡社会秩序的运行和维系中,壮族土司自然有着不可或缺的社会地位与作用。  相似文献   

富人治村的类型与机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
富人治村在目前已是普遍现象,可以分为经营致富型、资源垄断型、项目分肥型、回馈家乡型等四种类型。前三种类型具有典型性,有着不同的具体机制。经营致富型富人治村隐含政治排斥,富人通过塑造“不用家财补贴集体就没有参政资格”的政治氛围,使普通村民丧失被选举为村干部的机会;资源垄断型富人治村依赖派性结盟,富人通过与“混混”势力联合,垄断村庄公共事务,以暴力威胁使村民噤声;项目分肥型富人治村导致精英俘获,富人通过社会关系获取自上而下的资源项目投入,从而获得村庄公共事务的支配权,使村民被动或主动地远离村务。不同类型的富人治村都产生了负面效果,削弱了村级民主,破坏了民主的外部环境,因此需要反思相关政策措施和话语。  相似文献   

本文采用结构方程模型分析了在日本福岛核电站核泄漏事故的背景下我国居民对核电的认知状况与接受意愿。结果显示,我国居民对核电相关知识了解水平较低,但关注度和兴趣都比较高;公众对核电的感知价值、感知风险和接受意愿也比较高。根据本文的分析,公众对核电的感知价值对其接受意愿有促进作用,提高感知价值的主要途径包括提高公众对核电的卷入程度和信任度;公众对核电的感知风险对其接受意愿具有显著的负向影响,降低感知风险的主要途径在于提高公众对核电的了解程度。  相似文献   

唐江平 《社会工作》2011,(12):26-29
社区治理主体间关系是一个关乎社区治理绩效的重要问题.当前我国社区治理主体间存在着权力冲突、关系混乱的状态,不利于推进社区的和谐与发展.社区治理主体间关系存在问题的直接原因在于社区治理明显的"行政化倾向",而这又根源于我国传统计划经济体制、行政管理体制以及文化观念的影响.要理顺社区治理主体间关系,需要综合平衡各种社区治理...  相似文献   

This article examines the determinants of public support for state tax and expenditure initiatives in Washington and Oregon during the 1993 elections. Both states had initiatives on their November ballots dealing with taxes and expenditures—Measure 1 in Oregon, which would have introduced a state sales tax, and two initiatives in Washington (I-601 and I-602) concerning state government revenue and expenditure limitations. Using statewide mail and telephone surveys conducted among voting age residents of Oregon and Washington several weeks prior to the election, this study examines the determinants of public support for each of the initiatives. The determinants of support examined include various sociodemographic factors such as age cohort, gender, education, level of income, and occupational sector (public v. private); the level of informedness concerning each initiative; perceptions of self interest; and various political indicators, including partisan identification, ideology, degree of cynicism concerning state politics, and perceptions of state budget waste. Findings suggest similar patterns of support and opposition among citizens in both states, with perceptions of high state waste and political cynicism strongly associated with support for tax and expenditure limitation in Washington and opposition to the adoption of a sales tax in Oregon.  相似文献   

行政的“疆域”与行政法的功能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
姜明安 《求是学刊》2002,29(2):66-73
行政的范围 ,既取决于不同时代 ,不同社会经济条件下 ,人们对“公共物品”的需求 ,同时也取决于人们对政府权力的成本—效益的认识。在传统社会 ,人们对“公共物品”的需求量较小 ,政府管的事自然不多 ;在现代社会 ,人们对“公共物品”的需求量大增 ,政府的职能和行政的范围是不是就应该和必然无限地扩张呢 ?行政国家、全能政府在为人们部分解决了现代社会发生的许多复杂问题 (如“市场失灵”问题 )以后 ,又导致了大量的更为复杂的问题 (如政府腐败、社会腐败问题 )。于是 ,“有限政府” ,政府权力向社会 (“第三部门”)转化的方案提出来了。政府权力转化为社会公权力后 ,行使社会公权力的行为还属不属“行政”的范畴 ,应否受行政法的规范和控制 ?行政法的功能是什么 ?管理论、控权论、平衡论对之有不同的看法。现代行政法在纠正传统行政法片面强调管理或片面强调控权的偏向后 ,正逐步形成以规范和控制行政权为手段 ,以服务行政相对人和保护行政相对人合法权益为目的的法律规范体系  相似文献   

The many critical approaches to an 'ethnicity framework' have fallen short of a very possible conclusion—that the language of ethnicity provides, for the most part, a poor paradigm with which to work. In the present paper we seek not only to re-state some key weaknesses of this paradigm but also to suggest that these weaknesses are more general in an over-ethnicised sociology. There are numerous critiques of particular models or elements of ethnicity thinking, including critiques of primordialist approaches (Fenton 2003), of multiculturalism ( Barry 2000 ), and of the over-objectification of groups (Brubaker 2004; see also Jenkins 2008). The major critiques constitute a strong case against 'thinking with ethnicity'; the broader weaknesses are more general in contemporary 'identitarian' sociology. From this position we turn to the question of offering an alternative approach in a sociology which emphasizes agency, and is grounded in an analysis of actors in material situations. This is allied to the concept of ideational resources, social categories and identities upon which actors draw, and a middle-range view of causality and tendency in social change. Ideas of ancestral belonging are among those ideational resources, and these ideas and assumptions are played out in a context of material and political change. The subject of study is not ethnicity, but power, resources, social relations and institutions (which may and may not be) informed by cultural identities and ideas of ancestry. The strategy of the paper will be first to re-state the deficiencies of 'ethnicity thinking' and second to offer an alternative framework for thinking about social action and social structure.  相似文献   

宪政中国战略标志论 --宪法思维基本问题研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
宪法思维是指大众和精英通过宪政体制这一沟通平台所共享的生活习惯与心理取向.宪政中国的战略标志不在于拥有一部良宪,不在于充分实施宪法,也不在于真正树立了宪法权威,而在于宪法思维的被认同、被接受和被运用.领导干部的宪法思维和宪法学理论工作者的宪法思维是宪法思维的两种基本形态,应予以格外关注.此外,宪法思维是繁荣宪法学的重要途径.  相似文献   

Funding for care service research is increasingly subject to the satisfaction of two requirements: public involvement and adoption of validated outcome tools. This study identifies competing paradigms within these requirements and reveals significant challenges faced by researchers who seek to satisfy them. The focus here is on a study co‐produced between academic researchers and people with experience of adult social care services. It examines to what extent research studies can conduct high‐quality public involvement and genuine co‐production of knowledge, whilst attempting to produce quantifiable outcome scores. Findings add to debate around how to incorporate diverse perspectives in research, which may draw on incommensurate accounts of validity and reliability. Findings also highlight constructive attempts by academic and co‐researchers to make the combination of approaches work in the field. These small scale acts of researcher agency indicate some scope to combine the two approaches in future research studies. However, conclusions foreground the importance of broader awareness of how tensions and power imbalances related to this combination of approaches play out in social policy research practice.  相似文献   

The purpose of this essay is to explore the implications for public policy of the assumption that policy makers exhibit the same cognitive and perceptual problems as other citizens regarding catastrophic events. The key conclusion is that the same factors that cause citizens to behave inefficiently in preparing for and responding to disasters also will cause inefficiencies in policies concerning catastrophic events. Among the more important expected pathologies of disaster policies are: (1) a failure to balance benefits and costs at the margin for different types of disasters, due to cognitive pathologies such as availability and overconfidence; (2) a tendency for policy to underinvest in protection and overinvest in response; and (3) a skepticism for policies based on sound insurance principles for spreading costs and assessing claims.  相似文献   

This article shows that (intergroup) oppression can be strategically motivated by (intragroup) processes. It is often assumed that high-status groups oppress when their social position is declining (relative deprivation). Counterintuitively, research shows that oppression also occurs when their position is improving (gratification): a curvilinear relationship referred to as "the v-curve effect." We test the hypothesis that this relationship is due to intragroup processes within the high-status group: individuals respond strategically to elite norms. Two experiments manipulated participants' future prospects: to join the nation's elite in future (relative gratification), social stasis, or status decline (relative deprivation, Study 2). Elite norms toward immigrants (positive, negative) were manipulated independently. The curvilinear relationship was only found when norms were negative. In other words, those who anticipate joining the elite tailor their actions to the norms of their prospective in-group.  相似文献   

Justice has become important in public and private consideration of the environment, but a number of different ways of operationalizing justice can be seen. Previous literature suggests that principles stressing responsibility and the public good are more common than need and equity in thinking about environmental issues. The results from two questionnaire studies, presented here, confirm that environmental justice—responsibility to other species and to future generations, and the rights of the environment—emerges as the most highly rated consideration in resolving environmental conflicts and that this factor is distinct from traditional procedural and distributive justice factors. Highlighting the individual or the collective makes different justice principles salient but that the effect depends on one's original position.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found that children may experience adverse effects from parental imprisonment. However, little research concerning this issue from children's perspectives has been undertaken in Hong Kong. In order to fill the knowledge gap, this study aims at exploring the challenges and resilience of children with a parent in prison. Nine children aged between 9 and 11 years with a parent in prison, and their caregivers, were interviewed. Their life experience and feelings during parental imprisonment were explored. The caregivers were asked about changes in the children's behaviour and resilience in the children. Children reported that they experienced academic stress and psychological distress, including sadness and problems in having to conceal their parent's imprisonment. They benefited through positive thinking, holding religious beliefs and talking to trusted persons. For caregivers, children's conduct problems, psychological distress and suppression of feelings were reported as the challenges children faced, while object hitting for venting emotion, religious beliefs and engagement in activities were reported as helping children to cope. The article concludes by making a number of recommendations concerning the provision of services, including the establishment of mutual-aid self-help groups, mentoring programmes and programmes promoting the importance of positive thinking for the children, and trainings for caregivers on understanding children's needs, as well as public education on the social stigma of parental imprisonment.  相似文献   

This study aims to assess the consistency of replies to questionnaires mailed to patients and two kinds of collaterals, i.e., social workers and significant others, at a public treatment center with socially unstable and compulsory committed patients. It compares the quantity and kind of discrepancies between replies by patients and collaterals on outcome data concerning social situation and drinking habits. It aims to measure the amount of systematic bias among factors that may explain inconsistencies between reports, especially the factors compulsory commitment, worse outcome, frequency of contact and type of collateral. The responders generally agreed. Variables in which there was less agreement were explored in logistic regressions using ten explanatory variables. Significant relations did not exceed those expected by chance. Discrepancies were not systematic in size and kind. On a six-rank ordinal scale of alcohol use or abuse, however, patients tended to underestimate the extent of their abuse. Inconsistencies here concerned the degree but not the presence of abuse. No difference in consistency due to type of collateral was found. In conclusion, the consistency of the questionnaires was high and independent of the social situation of the patient, of compulsory commitment and of other background or treatment factors, as well as of treatment outcome and type of collateral.  相似文献   

This article reports the first analysis of the effects of a national risk-communication program that disseminated the facts about the risks associated with nuclear power plants. It relies upon a unique set of circumstances in Taiwan. The state-operated power corporation sponsored a national debate in an effort to promote greater public consensus on the need for a fourth nuclear power plant. This analysis uses statedrisk perceptions and attitudes toward the plant to evaluate the effect of the debate. The results are based on a panel of households interviewed before and after the debate. They suggest that the debate did not reduce respondents' perceived risks from nuclear power and had little perceptible effect on the attitude changes of our sample. The only systematic influences detected on the observed attitude changes imply that respondents reacted counter to the debate's objectives, and thus the debate seems likely to continue to erode support for the new plant.The authors are, respectively, Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Academic Sinica; and University Distinguished Professor of Economics, North Carolina State University, and Resources for the Future University Fellow. Thanks are due Jin Long Liu for his excellent research assistance in developing these results, to Kip Viscusi for constructive comments, and to Barbara Scott for her helpful editing of earlier drafts of this article. Partial support for Smith's research was provided by National Science Foundation grant SES-8911372.  相似文献   

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