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社会主义经济的发展,带来丰厚的物质利益的同时,生态环境也遭到严重的破坏,这个问题已经作为一个无法回避的重大课题,被整个社会所关注,并已经成为日益突出环境污染问题,需要环境监察执法部门进行解决。环境监察执法部门,在发挥执法效能监察的过程中,如何创新和提升执法效能监察的有效途径,有针时性地将环境监察工作落实下去,解决工作中所存在问题,是文中所要阐述的论题。  相似文献   

刘念海 《现代妇女》2013,(10):182-182
作为企业效能建设的重要环节,企业效能监察是企业纪检监察部门履行监督的基础性工作和重要职能,通过组织开展效能监察,及时总结效能监察工作开展情况,借鉴其他单位效能监察工作经验,认真做好企业的效能监察工作。  相似文献   

一、提高效能监察检查能力的重要性 效能监察既从源头上预防和治理腐败,有效促进企业管理、提高经济效益.效能监察的根本目的存于改善管理.提高效能的主要途径是通过检查部门、业务监督部门和行政主管部门对单位领导和工作人员进行有效监察,实现依法、廉洁、高效地进行企业管理,提高办事效率,更好地为经济建设和企业发展服务.  相似文献   

近日,广元市召开全市行政效能监察工作会议,苍溪县国土资源局被市人民政府命名为"行政效能示范单位",并代表获此殊荣的10个单位在全市行政效能监察工作会议作了经验交流发言。  相似文献   

为确保行政效能电子监察视频监控系统稳定、规范、有效运行,进一步优化发展环境,提升国土资源管理形象,建立健全行政审批监督检查的长效机制,大力推进国土资源依法行政,做到依法、规范、公开,6月13日,成都市国土资源局就电子监察视频监控系统实施行政监察有关工作印发专项通知。《通知》认为,行政效能电子监察视频监控系统应用涉及群众切身利  相似文献   

监察制度是中国政治制度独具特色的内容,从秦朝一直延续至今。在剔除皇权内核后,监察制度成为一种维护人民利益,防治政府权力发生异化的制度预设具有重要的历史意义。国民政府监察制度开创了现代监察制度的先河,有着完整的制度体系,对于完善中国特色社会主义监察制度有着很重要的参考价值。与此同时,作为一种成熟的监察制度却没有发挥其应用的作用,值得我们今天进行认真的研究和反思,为中国特色社会主义监察制度的发展不断注入合理的成分。  相似文献   

1 总则 1.1 目的 为促进利用卫星遥感信息资料对土地开发利用和矿产资源勘查开采开展执法检查(以下简称土地矿产卫片执法检查)工作规范化、制度化、科学化,充分发挥土地矿产卫片执法检查在发现和查处土地矿产违法行为上的客观性、公正性及重要作用,有效遏制土地矿产违法行为,提高执法监察效能,制定本规范.  相似文献   

不久前,江苏省赣榆县电视台播出了53名在工作时出现“机关病”的现场录像,这53名干部均受到严肃处理。这些录像是赣榆县的“秘密”行政效能信息监督员,在暗访时用针孔摄像机偷拍下来的。对此,关于公务员隐私权的话题引来诸多争论。聘用100余名“秘密”群众监督员赣榆县行政效能监察中心成立于2003年下半年,直接隶属于县委县政府,人员主要从县纪委和县监察局抽调。该中心的前身是“赣榆县软环境办公室”,后来为了强化行政监察职能,便改组成立了赣榆县行政效能监察中心“。这样,既能对机关干部进行监督,同时又有查处权,可依据国家《行政监察法…  相似文献   

首先介绍了中国的灭火消防能力,再根据六熟悉的概念,了解六熟悉工作的具体内容,然后提出了六熟悉工作中存在的问题,并探讨如何让六熟悉工作在灭火救援中发挥最大效能的问题。本文研究成果将对让六熟悉工作在灭火救援中发挥最大效能的问题起到一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

近年来频发的网络舆情事件展现了网民的惊人力量,也使得网络对集体行动的作用日益凸显。对北京、上海和郑州三地青年调查数据的分析发现,网络集体效能和现实集体效能对青年群体参与网络集体行动的意愿都发挥了显著的正向作用,青年群体对于集体行动可能实现目标的感知,例如监督、反腐、维权,甚至解决社会问题,有效地提高了其参与网络集体行动的意愿。  相似文献   

Consumer satisfaction with services is an outcome measure. This report describes The Consumer Satisfaction Research Associate Training Program, which was designed for the education and supervision of recovered consumers who collected data during four studies at three psychiatric hospitals. The educational program had didactic and laboratory components. Consumer research associates collected quantitative and qualitative data using a survey tool for face-to-face interviews. Participant recruitment and management of confidential records were included in the role. Data collected by research associates from consumers who are in treatment can enhance the validity and trustworthiness of satisfaction surveys. Nurses can play an important role in the research process by serving as staff resources for consumers who collect data in various service system settings.  相似文献   

Supervisors play a vital role in workplace productivity and organizational health, and are at the forefront of improving the capacity of the child welfare workforce. Yet there is limited research about their organizational longevity and satisfaction compared with child welfare caseworkers. This study uses data from 85% of supervisors statewide in a child welfare organization to describe intent to leave, supervision provided and received, and job qualities. Questions are: (1) what are the personal and job qualities of child welfare supervisors? (2) To what extent do supervisors report receiving and providing supervision, and (3) what personal and job qualities predict intent to leave among supervisors? Using bivariate and multivariate analyses, results showed that supervisors who receive more frequent supervision report lower levels of job stress and time pressure and more positive perceptions of organization leadership. These supervisors also reported providing more supervision to caseworkers. Greater time pressure predicted intent to leave among supervisors, indicating that there is an important balance between workload and resources in efforts to maintain quality supervisors.  相似文献   

Empathy plays an important role in clinical supervision. It is the link between the client whose treatment is being supervised, the clinician/supervisee, and the supervisor. The supervisor uses an empathic capacity as well as theoretical knowledge to understand the clinical work and build the supervisory relationship. Often the progress of a case can be traced through the development of empathic understanding in the supervision. The transmission of empathy requires creativity and openness and is one of the major challenges in supervision. By analyzing the different uses of empathy in clinical supervision we can increase our understanding of the supervisory process.  相似文献   

Though supervision has been an integral part of social work practice since its inception there has been relatively little professional writing in this area since the 1950s and even less research. Two surveys were conducted in Victoria (with practitioners and administrators) to obtain information on the state of staff supervision. Data from the practitioners (N=102) indicate supervision is more available than it used to be; is considered to be necessary for effective practice; and most respondents believe it should continue indefinitely. While the quality of supervision has improved, one third of the respondents believe it needs up-grading. A majority think there should be more training programs in supervision, and that the Australian Association of Social Workers has a leadership role to play in this regard.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors explore the beliefs and attitudes regarding what constitutes “excellent supervision” from the perspectives of frontline workers and supervisors employed by one voluntary services organization in Northern Ireland. Several themes emerged from focus group narratives, regardless of participants’ agency position, and a concept map provides an understanding of the relationships of the identified themes. This study reflects the important role of organizational context and culture in relation to staff’s ability to provide excellent supervision, as well as in sustaining organizational change efforts regardless of organizational setting. The potential of peer and/or group supervision to address improving staff support with limited resources is also suggested.  相似文献   

方志权 《科学发展》2013,(3):112-116,F0003
发展壮大农村集体经济,是统筹城乡发展、实现农民共同富裕的重要基础。当前,上海村级集体经济发展不平衡,区域发展规划限制较多,村级经济缺乏发展空间,专业人才相对短缺,村级组织职能发挥不够。改变目前村级集体经济发展的问题与瓶颈,必须创新发展体制机制,强化监督管理制度,发展现代都市农业。  相似文献   

Public investment project (PIP) plays an important role in the China economy. In order to improve the project management performance of public projects, the government is searching for a scientific system to build a construction management supervision mode. This paper introduces the policy background and connotation of Agent Construction System (ACS). As a public investment construction management model, ACS, is gradually being incorporated into the legal framework, it is necessary to improve the construction agent supervision mechanism. This article analyzes the supervision mechanism of construction agent quality management under the principle of two-stage agent mode and establishes an agent quality self-control system and a government co-supervision system. These systems take the contract management as the core and the project quality objective as the guidance. These systems also consist of a two-dimensional framework of vertical self-control and horizontal supervision, which form a quality supervision mechanism. Based on Rough Set theory, the article proposes the idea of building an agent quality self-control and government co-supervision model, and illustrates it with a flow chart for building the model, which paves the way of quantitative research for the future.  相似文献   

《Journal of Socio》1999,28(3):203-246
Striking changes in the norms and practices of corporate governance have occurred since the 1980s. Corporate directors have become more independent and diligent and institutional investors have become more activist. If we apply Albert O. Hirschman’s insights about the interactions of exit, voice and loyalty, we find that over-reliance on exit as the remedy of choice of shareholders failed to discipline and educate managers effectively. After the wave of hostile takeovers, the extent of management failure became apparent and the increased power of voice was an important factor in accelerating changes in conduct and norms. The new Team Production Model is useful in describing how public corporations are increasingly being governed. The model helps to explain why corporate boards should function as independent arbitrators among the corporate constituents that have invested in the entity. Mechanisms to increase stakeholder voice and loyalty can help the board function effectively and may increase both efficiency and fairness. The role of corporate counsel, as co-agent with corporate management, and having an independent fiduciary duty to the entity and not its management, is essential to assist the corporate board in meeting its obligations within the Team Production Model. Lawyers, as honest brokers with duties to the enterprise can play an important role in increasing stakeholder voice and loyalty.  相似文献   

This article compares the emerging concept, practice, and context of social enterprise across seven regions and countries of the world. Broadly defined as the use of market-based approaches to address social issues, social enterprise provides a “business” source of revenue for civil society organizations. However, within these broad parameters, world regions have come to identify different concepts and contexts with the social enterprise movement in their areas. Largely lacking in the social enterprise literature are explanations of what these regional differences are, and whether and how socioeconomic context may play a role in these variations. Drawing on social origins theory, recent social enterprise comparative research, and socioeconomic data, this article examines the different factors shaping social enterprise in seven regions and countries. It finds that variations in socioeconomic contexts appear to account for international differences in social enterprise. These findings have practical implications for the development and transfer of social enterprise internationally.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the value of action learning for social work supervisors. Recent years have seen renewed focus on supervision as a reflective space and some indications that the tide may be turning in regard to the dominance of managerial priorities within the supervision of direct practice. It is less evident that a similar shift is taking place for supervisors themselves and, anecdotally, many describe their own supervision as having a business focus with limited scope for reflective dialogue. While the traditional functions of supervision need to adapt to fit the responsibilities of those in management positions, it remains true that these staff provide a vital containing role within the organisational hierarchy. For that to be sustained, it is important that supervisors have space and structure within which to process the emotional, intellectual and practical challenges of their work. The integration of action learning sets within post-qualifying courses for supervisors has demonstrated a useful dual function. Firstly, they provide an effective model for group supervision, facilitating in-depth reflection on complex practice issues. Secondly, they offer managers a peer supervision forum; a safe place to explore dilemmas and share the vulnerabilities which belong to management roles as well as practice.  相似文献   

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