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Behavioral observation techniques which relate action to personality have long been neglected (Furr and Funder in Handbook of research methods in personality psychology, The Guilford Press, New York, 2007) and, when employed, often use human judges to code behavior. In the current study we used an alternative to human coding (biomechanical research techniques) to investigate how personality traits are manifest in gait. We used motion capture technology to record 29 participants walking on a treadmill at their natural speed. We analyzed their thorax and pelvis movements, as well as speed of gait. Participants completed personality questionnaires, including a Big Five measure and a trait aggression questionnaire. We found that gait related to several of our personality measures. The magnitude of upper body movement, lower body movement, and walking speed, were related to Big Five personality traits and aggression. Here, we present evidence that some gait measures can relate to Big Five and aggressive personalities. We know of no other examples of research where gait has been shown to correlate with self-reported measures of personality and suggest that more research should be conducted between largely automatic movement and personality.  相似文献   

The increased life span in human population has shown that some diseases, as infections, cancer and autoimmune phenomena, occur more frequently in the elderly than in the younger. We describe the ageing process involving the innate immune system and the improvement given by moderate physical activity. In addition, we discuss the altered neutrophil granulocytes function, the role of macrophages and natural killer cells, besides the influence of cytokines and secretory IgA. The acquired information help us to explain how these changes could favor the onset of diseases in the elderly and how they may boost their immune function.  相似文献   

The authors used stratified random sampling procedures to investigate the relationships among physical activity (PA), the proximity of exercise facilities, and the quantity of home exercise equipment in a sample of 411 undergraduates. To examine the data they collected from the modified Godin Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire and the Home Environment Questionnaire, the authors used correlational analyses and analysis of variance. Intensity and duration of PA showed a significant relationship to the proximity of exercise facilities. Intensity, frequency, and duration of PA were significantly related to the quantity of students' home exercise equipment. Freshmen and sophomores engaged in PA closer to their residences and participated in 3 more exercise bouts per week than juniors and seniors. These findings suggest that proximity of the activity episode may have an effect on PA behavior of college students.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a 6-wk intervention that used guided relaxation and exercise imagery (GREI) to increase self-reported leisure-time exercise behavior among older adults. A total of 93 community-dwelling healthy older adults (age 70.38 ± 8.15 yr, 66 female) were randomly placed in either a placebo control group or an intervention group. The intervention group received instructions to listen to an audio compact disk (CD) containing a GREI program, and the placebo control group received an audio CD that contained 2 relaxation tracks and instructions to listen to music of their choice for 6 wk. Results revealed that listening to a GREI CD for 6 wk significantly increased self-reported leisure-time exercise behaviors (p = .03). Further exploration of GREI and its effects on other psychological variables related to perceived exercise behaviors may substantiate its effectiveness.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors examined relationships among social physique anxiety, obligation to exercise, and exercise choices. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: College students (N = 337; 200 women, 137 men) volunteered to complete 3 questionnaires: the Social Physique Anxiety Scale (SPAS), Obligatory Exercise Questionnaire (OEQ), and Physical Activity Specification Survey (PASS). RESULTS: On the SPAS, men (M score = 31.9 +/- 8.8) differed from women (M score = 37.3 +/- 8.3; p = .001). Men (M score = 43.0 +/- 9.9) and women (M score = 43.0 +/- 9.6) responded similarly (p = .94) on the OEQ. There was no interaction between sex and exercise level on the SPAS or OEQ. When separated by low, medium, and high SPAS scores, neither OEQ nor exercise scores differed. CONCLUSIONS: Obligation to exercise appears to be similar for both sexes. Women, however, appear to have higher levels of anxiety regarding how others evaluate their physique than do men. The combination of level of activity and sex do not appear to be associated with social physique anxiety or obligation to exercise.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional observational study examined the frequency of older patient-physician discussions about exercise, who initiates discussions, and the quality of questioning, informing, and support about exercise. The study used a convenience sample of 396 follow-up visits at 3 community-based practice sites, with 376 community-dwelling older patients and 43 primary-care physicians. Audiotapes were analyzed using the Multi-Dimensional Interaction Analysis coding system. Results demonstrate that exercise was discussed in 13% of visits and the subject was raised equally by patients and physicians. Exercise was significantly more likely to be discussed in dyadic visits (14.7%) than in triadic visits (4.1%). Patient level of education, patient overall physical health, and the physician's being female were significant predictors of the occurrence of exercise discussion. Given the importance of exercise for maintaining health and independence in older adults, more clinical and research attention is needed to address barriers to effective discussions in this area.  相似文献   

Osteoporosis, a manifestation of bone atrophy that leads to great susceptibility to fractures, is a very important public health problem today because of its great morbidity, mortality and important economic repercussions. It is a problem that will tend to become more serious with the increase in the number of elderly persons. Bone mass is gained during adolescence, reaches a plateau during the third decade and remains stable until approximately age 50, after which a progressively gradual loss is observed. There is no real cure for osteoporosis, but a series of strategies can be used to reduce bone loss and improve bone mass. Osteoporosis has been considered a disease that accompanies the process of ageing; however, this fatalistic attitude should be discarded, as it is possible to correct and decrease the risk factors. Intervention strategies are based on three pillars: nutrition, physical activity and pharmacological agents. Physical activities and exercise programmes are important because they not only can counter the loss of bone mass but also improve neuromuscular capacity, maintaining and increasing strength and muscle mass, which can help to avoid falls and reduce their impact and consequences. The general principles that apply to any exercise programme also apply to preventing bone mass loss. They also can be applied to persons with osteoporosis. However, to understand the peculiarities of these programmes, the propensity for suffering fractures of these former groups should be kept in mind. Special care should be taken to avoid falls and injuries. Weight-bearing exercise and resistance training are recommended for the prevention programmes. Other activities such as tai-chi, dancing, gymnastic or callisthenic exercises can help to improve balance, gait and muscle coordination and diminish the risk of falling. These programmes should be complemented with postural education and a series of safety precautions.  相似文献   

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disorder of the central nervous system. The average onset of the disease is 30 years of age, and it afflicts women more often than men (ratio of approximately 2:1). The symptoms of the disease include fatigue, motor weakness, heat sensitivity, reduced mobility, abnormal gait mechanics, and poor balance. These symptoms decrease cognitive and physical functional capacity of an individual and tend to result in sedentary lifestyle behaviors. A sedentary lifestyle among individuals with MS increases the risk of secondary diseases such as coronary heart disease and obesity, particularly as one ages. The effect of exercise in treating symptoms of MS has been under explored, perhaps due to the fact that exercise was thought to magnify MS-related fatigue and other symptoms. Recent research has challenged this notion, advocating exercise as an effective therapy for the management of MS, as well as maintaining overall fitness and improving quality-of-life measures. While the research shows clear benefits, the barriers to exercise participation among MS patients are significant. Recommendations for various forms of exercise are provided, along with strategies for overcoming barriers to participation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors examined the effect of certified personal trainer services on exercise behavior by using the transtheoretical model of behavioral change. PARTICIPANTS: Female college students (n = 449) completed surveys during the first week (T1) and last week (T2) of the fall semester. METHODS: Students receiving personal trainer services during the fall semester (experimental group, n = 31) were cross-matched with students who had not received services (control group, n = 31). RESULTS: The control group demonstrated a statistically significant regression in stage of exercise change scores; the experimental group did not. The authors found the 2 groups to have a statistically significant difference in the pattern of exercise behavior change over the course of the semester, with more active maintainers and progressors in the experimental group. CONCLUSIONS: Cognitive and behavioral processes of change, decisional balance, and scheduling self-efficacy significantly decreased in the control group, whereas cognitive processes of change, decisional balance, and scheduling self-efficacy remained statistically unchanged in the experimental group.  相似文献   

Epidemiological research typically focuses on the intensity, frequency, or duration of physical activity, without consideration of the socially meaningful dimensions of exercise. The authors use data from the 1998 National Health Interview Survey (N = 17,455) and information on participation in 15 exercise behaviors to examine educational differences in exercise among non-Hispanic whites, non-Hispanic blacks, and Mexican Americans. Factor analysis identifies three types of exercise: team sports (e.g., basketball, football), fitness activities (e.g., running, weight lifting), and activities that require the use of specialized facilities (e.g., golf, tennis). Cultural capital and human capital perspectives offer insight into different dimensions of the relationship between education and exercise. Whites disproportionately undertake facility-based exercise, blacks tend toward team and fitness activities, and Mexican Americans gravitate toward team sports. Our findings offer insight into the social stratification of health and can aid the design of public health interventions.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic disease that disables many aging adults. People with OA are often asked to adhere to prescribed exercise regimens that must be undertaken in the presence of pain and other disease-related symptoms. We conducted a review of literature that focused on what is known about exercise adherence and the factors that influence exercise adherence among people with OA. Results revealed multiple determinants of exercise adherence; however, these determinants have not been carefully studied in the context of exercise adherence and OA. Almost all studies of exercise adherence among people with OA are short-term and do not use validated measures of adherence. Moreover, poor adherence is the most compelling explanation for the declining impact of the benefits of exercise over time. We conclude that interventions to enhance self-efficacy, social support, and skills in long-term monitoring of progress are necessary to foster exercise adherence among people with OA.  相似文献   

Oncological patients should engage in physical activities during the entire period of medical treatment and aftercare taking into account the contraindications. Therapeutic exercises should be customized, according to the individuals’ cancer entity, medical side effects, and exercise experience—personalized exercise therapy. After medical treatment, cancer patients in Germany have a legal right to visit an oncological rehabilitation clinic. In addition, they have the opportunity to attend a rehabilitative sports group, which is funded by the health insurance companies. The aim of therapeutic exercises in the curative and palliative phase is prevention of negative physical and psychological consequences. The aim of therapeutic exercises in the rehabilitation phase is physical and mental recovery as well as psychosocial stabilization or improvement. During aftercare, cancer patients should also be encouraged to engage in home-based programs; however, these are not as effective as supervised therapy. Future studies must consider aspects of training control, specific assessments and exercise programs for palliative patients.  相似文献   


The article presents an empirical exercise about predictions in child welfare. In the exercise, social workers imagined letters which they could receive from a child and his/her parents in five years’ time. The children had been in care for one year at the moment of letter-writing. When the social workers wrote the imaginary letters, they used their professional imagination, based on practice knowledge and experience, and were involved in a role-play. The analysis of the letters (34 from ‘children’ and 33 letters from ‘parents’) demonstrates four themes shared by the letters: ordinary life, family contacts and return home, social problems as shadows and assessment of the placement. Two narratives were performed: the narrative of future of ordinary life and that of the troubles. It is suggested that imaginary letters are helpful in highlighting practitioners’ sense of the future, professional imagination as well as the empowering and critical points in practice.  相似文献   

Exercise improves physical and mental health. Nevertheless, most 20-year-olds do not exercise, and approximately 50% of the participants in exercise programs drop out in the first 3 to 6 months. In view of the health benefits of exercise, college health educators and clinicians need to be able to identify factors that predict exercise relapse in a student population. The authors administered questionnaires measuring Prochaska's 10 processes of change for exercise, self-efficacy, and decisional balance to 52 physically active undergraduate students. They assessed baseline exercise levels in October and reassessed them about 8 weeks later. At baseline, relapsers had significantly lower self-efficacy scores than those who maintained their exercise levels. The relapsers also had higher perceived negative views of exercise. These findings provide support for applying the transtheoretical model of behavioral change to a college population.  相似文献   

Students (n = 257) were evaluated for scope and commitment to physical activity by use of self-reported data that assessed amount of activity per week and the obligatory or pathological nature of their activity patterns. Exhibiting atypical activity patterns, 21.8% of the students in the sample exercised 360 or more minutes per week and demonstrated at least one exercise "dependent" response pattern to queries about obligatory or pathological exercise. Although clinicians and educators should promote the many advantages of regular participation in physical activity, they should acknowledge that, for some, it may have undesirable consequences that occur at a frequency parallel to other age-related negative behaviors.  相似文献   

Life in the Fourth Age has been typified as a time of continued functional decline and reduced quality of life. Exercise might positively affect this experience. This study explored the exercise experiences of nursing home residents age 86-99 years who participated in a 6-month exercise intervention. An interpretive phenomenological approach was adopted. Twenty-one interviews were held with 14 residents at baseline and 7 residents at follow-up. Although their expectations were initially conservative, by the end of the intervention participants noted improved quality of life through better mobility, decreased fear of falling, and feelings of achievement and success. They valued the program as an opportunity to do something for themselves, to add something to their weekly routine, to meet other people, and to be more active generally. The professionalism of the exercise instructor appears to have been critical, balancing principles of safe and effective practice with the need to ensure that participants had fun in a supportive environment.  相似文献   

1. Walking groups provide activity and support for their members. 2. Exercise competes with anxiety and depression and may diminish these negative affects. 3. Most YMCAs provide financial aid by reducing fees for people with disabilities.  相似文献   

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