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While the aim of the special sex education lecture given to pupils by authorities invited from outside the educational system is laudable, the content is not based on empirical investigation of the needs of youth. A survey of 1,426 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 18 years showed that greater emphasis is needed on the social aspects of dating behaviour than on reproductive biology. An obvious educational need with social implications remains unheeded by government ministers.  相似文献   

Some scholars attempt to explain sexual desire biologically by claiming that sex hormones play a necessary causal role in sexual desire. This can be claimed even if sexual desire is seen to be an experience. Yet the evidence for such biological essentialism is inadequate. With males the loss of sexual desire following hormonal changes can easily be explained in terms of social stigmas that are attached to the physiological situation. Concerning females, the relevance of sex hormones here is even more unclear. Although some women seem to have fluctuations in sexual desire during hormonal changes, other women do not. Even where there are such fluctuations these can be explained by responses to other physiological changes or the meanings that are attached to the situation. Research with non‐human primates supports this view of the non‐essential relation of sex hormones to sexual desire. A phenomenology of sex hormones is given that shows a possible non‐essential relation between sex hormones and sexual desire. Here hormone induced excitations in the genitals may or may not lead to sexual desire depending on the meaning they are given within awareness. This suggests that sexual desire has its origin in the meanings we give our biology and not in our biology itself.  相似文献   

Objectives. This article updates and expands the research on sex differences in legislators' relationships with constituents. Methods. A 2008 survey of legislators from 26 states is used to collect data on constituent‐initiated contact, hours legislators spend keeping in touch with constituents or conducting casework, legislators' use of constituent information, and accuracy of legislators' perceptions of constituents. Results. The findings suggest that female legislators do not differ from male legislators in the time they spend contacting constituents or doing casework or in the accuracy of their perceptions of constituents. However, female legislators received more contact from constituents, and were more likely to attend meetings and use constituent‐derived information. Conclusion. Although sex has small effects on the amount of contact legislators have with constituents, it does affect the way legislators contact their constituents. This is likely because engagement has become an important role for legislators. Thus, while legislators all have to be actively engaged, they have some flexibility in how they engage with constituents.  相似文献   

Although the social work profession has expressed a commitment to equal opportunity in employment for women, this study notes that inequities in salary and status still exist between male and female social workers. A major cause of these differences appears to be the process of promotion within public agencies, which introduces inequities early in the careers of social workers.  相似文献   

The sex life of man is a field that has received relatively little study. The natural laws of the sexual development of men and women have been studied more profoundly, but the role of social conditions and their influence on the sex life of people have been elucidated much less adequately. Yet it is in this very area that the contradictions between the natural and social laws of development of a person manifest themselves with particular force, and they are by no means always resolved normally and painlessly.  相似文献   

The lack of data-based research on the effects of father absence provided the major focus of the study. Comparisons are made between sex-role development in father-absent boys, male singletons and males in the four sibling-status positions in two-child families. On three measures of sex-role development, differences between the groups are shown. The father-absent groups are shown to rank poorly in comparison with their peers. Although no firm explanations are adduced for this developmental disadvantage, the possibilities of compensatory masculinity and critical periods in sex-role establishment are raised. The need for provision of adequate male sex role models for boys during the psychosexually formative years and some implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research focused on elderly as a generalized target group, with little differentiation between stereotypes of elderly men and elderly women. Similarly, research literature on sex-role stereotypes rarely makes reference to age of targets. To join the areas of attitude research in gerontology and sex-role stereotype research, 534 university students rated middle-aged or old man, woman, or person on a stereotype scale. A difference between male and female targets was found on only 3 adjective pairs, and age/sex interactions were found on 3. The few differences fit traditional sex-role stereotypes. Explanations for sparse sex differences and age/sex interactions are suggested.  相似文献   

玛丽莲·梦露是美国20世纪最著名的电影女演员之一.她动人的表演风格和正值盛年的殒落,成为影迷心中永远的性感女神、性感符号和流行文化的代表性人物. 今年是玛丽莲·梦露逝世50周年,世界各地都在举办关于她的纪念活动,电影和书以及未曝光的照片都层出不穷,今年的戛纳电影节更是以梦露手捧生日蛋糕的照片作为巨幅官方海报.  相似文献   

It has been posited that sex-role differentiation decreases and unisex patterns emerge in late life. Most research on household activities in old age, however, has studied couples. This study examines sex differences in household activities and sources of help of older, unmarried men and women; the relationship between household involvement and psychological well-being; and personal characteristics associated with household activities. Data were obtained from interviews with 341 men and women. Males and females without spouses managed their household roles somewhat differently both in the tasks they performed and sources from which they accepted help. Relationships between household involvement and well-being were positive for both sexes. But the gender-linked nature of household work persists inro very late life and is not eliminated by the absence of a spouse. Continued sex differentiation in tasks in later life has implications for the provision of formal and informal sources of help for the unmarried aged.  相似文献   

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