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In this paper we study semiparametric generalized additive models in which some part of the additive function is linear. We study the semiparametric efficiency under this regression model for the exponential family. We also present an asymptotically efficient estimation procedure based on the generalized profile likelihood approach.  相似文献   

We consider semiparametric additive regression models with a linear parametric part and a nonparametric part, both involving multivariate covariates. For the nonparametric part we assume two models. In the first, the regression function is unspecified and smooth; in the second, the regression function is additive with smooth components. Depending on the model, the regression curve is estimated by suitable least squares methods. The resulting residual-based empirical distribution function is shown to differ from the error-based empirical distribution function by an additive expression, up to a uniformly negligible remainder term. This result implies a functional central limit theorem for the residual-based empirical distribution function. It is used to test for normal errors.  相似文献   

We consider Markov-switching regression models, i.e. models for time series regression analyses where the functional relationship between covariates and response is subject to regime switching controlled by an unobservable Markov chain. Building on the powerful hidden Markov model machinery and the methods for penalized B-splines routinely used in regression analyses, we develop a framework for nonparametrically estimating the functional form of the effect of the covariates in such a regression model, assuming an additive structure of the predictor. The resulting class of Markov-switching generalized additive models is immensely flexible, and contains as special cases the common parametric Markov-switching regression models and also generalized additive and generalized linear models. The feasibility of the suggested maximum penalized likelihood approach is demonstrated by simulation. We further illustrate the approach using two real data applications, modelling (i) how sales data depend on advertising spending and (ii) how energy price in Spain depends on the Euro/Dollar exchange rate.  相似文献   

Partially linear additive model is useful in statistical modelling as a multivariate nonparametric fitting technique. This paper considers statistical inference for the semiparametric model in the presence of multicollinearity. Based on the profile least-squares (PL) approach and Liu estimation method, we propose a PL Liu estimator for the parametric component. When some additional linear restrictions on the parametric component are available, the corresponding restricted Liu estimator for the parametric component is constructed. The properties of the proposed estimators are derived. Some simulations are conducted to assess the performance of the proposed procedures and the results are satisfactory. Finally, a real data example is analysed.  相似文献   


For multivariate regressors, the Nadaraya–Watson regression estimator suffers from the well-known curse of dimensionality. Additive models overcome this drawback. To estimate the additive components, it is usually assumed that we observe all the data. However, in many applied statistical analysis missing data occur. In this paper, we study the effect of missing responses on the additive components estimation. The estimators are based on marginal integration adapted to the missing situation. The proposed estimators turn out to be consistent under mild assumptions. A simulation study allows to compare the behavior of our procedures, under different scenarios.  相似文献   

Semiparametric models provide a more flexible form for modeling the relationship between the response and the explanatory variables. On the other hand in the literature of modeling for the missing variables, canonical form of the probability of the variable being missing (p) is modeled taking a fully parametric approach. Here we consider a regression spline based semiparametric approach to model the missingness mechanism of nonignorably missing covariates. In this model the relationship between the suitable canonical form of p (e.g. probit p) and the missing covariate is modeled through several splines. A Bayesian procedure is developed to efficiently estimate the parameters. A computationally advantageous prior construction is proposed for the parameters of the semiparametric part. A WinBUGS code is constructed to apply Gibbs sampling to obtain the posterior distributions. We show through an extensive Monte Carlo simulation experiment that response model coefficent estimators maintain better (when the true missingness mechanism is nonlinear) or equivalent (when the true missingness mechanism is linear) bias and efficiency properties with the use of proposed semiparametric missingness model compared to the conventional model.  相似文献   

Under the case-cohort design introduced by Prentice (Biometrica 73:1–11, 1986), the covariate histories are ascertained only for the subjects who experience the event of interest (i.e., the cases) during the follow-up period and for a relatively small random sample from the original cohort (i.e., the subcohort). The case-cohort design has been widely used in clinical and epidemiological studies to assess the effects of covariates on failure times. Most statistical methods developed for the case-cohort design use the proportional hazards model, and few methods allow for time-varying regression coefficients. In addition, most methods disregard data from subjects outside of the subcohort, which can result in inefficient inference. Addressing these issues, this paper proposes an estimation procedure for the semiparametric additive hazards model with case-cohort/two-phase sampling data, allowing the covariates of interest to be missing for cases as well as for non-cases. A more flexible form of the additive model is considered that allows the effects of some covariates to be time varying while specifying the effects of others to be constant. An augmented inverse probability weighted estimation procedure is proposed. The proposed method allows utilizing the auxiliary information that correlates with the phase-two covariates to improve efficiency. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are established. An extensive simulation study shows that the augmented inverse probability weighted estimation is more efficient than the widely adopted inverse probability weighted complete-case estimation method. The method is applied to analyze data from a preventive HIV vaccine efficacy trial.  相似文献   

This paper develops inference for the significance of features such as peaks and valleys observed in additive modeling through an extension of the SiZer-type methodology of Chaudhuri and Marron (1999) and Godtliebsen et al. (2002, 2004) to the case where the outcome is discrete. We consider the problem of determining the significance of features such as peaks or valleys in observed covariate effects both for the case of additive modeling where the main predictor of interest is univariate as well as the problem of studying the significance of features such as peaks, inclines, ridges and valleys when the main predictor of interest is geographical location. We work with low rank radial spline smoothers to allow to the handling of sparse designs and large sample sizes. Reducing the problem to a Generalised Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) framework enables derivation of simulation-based critical value approximations and guards against the problem of multiple inferences over a range of predictor values. Such a reduction also allows for easy adjustment for confounders including those which have an unknown or complex effect on the outcome. A simulation study indicates that our method has satisfactory power. Finally, we illustrate our methodology on several data sets.  相似文献   

We propose goodness-of-fit tests for testing generalized linear models and semiparametric regression models against smooth alternatives. The focus is on models having both continous and factorial covariates. As a smooth extension of a parametric or semiparametric model we use generalized varying-coefficient models as proposed by Hastie and Tibshirani. A likelihood ratio statistic is used for testing. Asymptotic expansions allow us to write the estimates as linear smoothers which in turn guarantees simple and fast bootstrapping of the test statistic. The test is shown to have √ n -power, but in contrast with parametric tests it is powerful against smooth alternatives in general.  相似文献   

Semiparametric additive models (SAMs) are very useful in multivariate nonparametric regression. In this paper, the authors study nonparametric testing problems for the nonparametric components of SAMs. Using the backfitting algorithm and the local polynomial smoothing technique, they extend to SAMs the generalized likelihood ratio tests of Fan &Jiang (2005). The authors show that the proposed tests possess the Wilks‐type property and that they can detect alternatives nearing the null hypothesis with a rate arbitrarily close to root‐n while error distributions are unspecified. They report simulations which demonstrate the Wilks phenomenon and the powers of their tests. They illustrate the performance of their approach by simulation and using the Boston housing data set.  相似文献   

Summary.  Spline-based approaches to non-parametric and semiparametric regression, as well as to regression of scalar outcomes on functional predictors, entail choosing a parameter controlling the extent to which roughness of the fitted function is penalized. We demonstrate that the equations determining two popular methods for smoothing parameter selection, generalized cross-validation and restricted maximum likelihood, share a similar form that allows us to prove several results which are common to both, and to derive a condition under which they yield identical values. These ideas are illustrated by application of functional principal component regression, a method for regressing scalars on functions, to two chemometric data sets.  相似文献   

Generalized additive models provide a way of circumventing curse of dimension in a wide range of nonparametric regression problem. In this paper, we present a multiplicative model for conditional variance functions where one can apply a generalized additive regression method. This approach extends Fan and Yao (1998) to multivariate cases with a multiplicative structure. In this approach, we use squared residuals instead of using log-transformed squared residuals. This idea gives a smaller variance than Yu (2017) when the variance of squared error is smaller than the variance of log-transformed squared error. We provide estimators based on quasi-likelihood and an iterative algorithm based on smooth backfitting for generalized additive models. We also provide some asymptotic properties of estimators and the convergence of proposed algorithm. A numerical study shows the empirical evidence of the theory.  相似文献   

Estimation and testing procedures for generalized additive (interaction) models are developed. We present extensions of several existing procedures for additive models when the link is the identity. This set of methods includes estimation of all component functions and their derivatives, testing functional forms and in particular variable selection. Theorems and simulation results are presented for the fundamentally new procedures. These comprise of, in particular, the introduction of local polynomial smoothing for this kind of models and the testing, including variable selection. Our method is straightforward to implement and the simulation studies show good performance in even small data sets.  相似文献   

Two classes of semiparametric and nonparametric mixture models are defined to represent general kinds of prior information. For these models the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator (NPMLE) of an unknown probability distribution is derived and is shown to be consistent and relative efficient. Linear functionals are used for the estimation of parameters. Their consistency is proved, the gain of efficiency is derived and asymptotical distributions are given.  相似文献   

Incorporation of historical controls using semiparametric mixed models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The analysis of animal carcinogenicity data is complicated by various statistical issues. A topic of recent debate is how to control for the effect of the animal's body weight on the outcome of interest, the onset of tumours. We propose a method which incorporates historical information from the control animals in previously conducted experiments. We allow non-linearity in the effects of body weight by modelling the relationship nonparametrically through a penalized spline. A simple extension of the penalized spline model allows the relationship between weight and the onset of tumour to vary from one experiment to another.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a nonparametric additive regression model suitable for a wide range of time series applications. Our model includes a periodic component, a deterministic time trend, various component functions of stochastic explanatory variables, and an AR(p) error process that accounts for serial correlation in the regression error. We propose an estimation procedure for the nonparametric component functions and the parameters of the error process based on smooth backfitting and quasimaximum likelihood methods. Our theory establishes convergence rates and the asymptotic normality of our estimators. Moreover, we are able to derive an oracle‐type result for the estimators of the AR parameters: Under fairly mild conditions, the limiting distribution of our parameter estimators is the same as when the nonparametric component functions are known. Finally, we illustrate our estimation procedure by applying it to a sample of climate and ozone data collected on the Antarctic Peninsula.  相似文献   

We consider maximum likelihood estimation and likelihood ratio tests under inequality restrictions on the parameters. A special case are order restrictions, which may appear for example in connection with effects of an ordinal qualitative covariate. Our estimation approach is based on the principle of sequential quadratic programming, where the restricted estimate is computed iteratively and a quadratic optimization problem under inequality restrictions is solved in each iteration. Testing for inequality restrictions is based on the likelihood ratio principle. Under certain regularity assumptions the likelihood ratio test statistic is asymptotically distributed like a mixture of χ2, where the weights are a function of the restrictions and the information matrix. A major problem in theory is that in general there is no unique least favourable point. We present some empirical findings on finite-sample behaviour of tests and apply the methods to examples from credit scoring and dentistry.  相似文献   

The generalized semiparametric mixed varying‐coefficient effects model for longitudinal data can accommodate a variety of link functions and flexibly model different types of covariate effects, including time‐constant, time‐varying and covariate‐varying effects. The time‐varying effects are unspecified functions of time and the covariate‐varying effects are nonparametric functions of a possibly time‐dependent exposure variable. A semiparametric estimation procedure is developed that uses local linear smoothing and profile weighted least squares, which requires smoothing in the two different and yet connected domains of time and the time‐dependent exposure variable. The asymptotic properties of the estimators of both nonparametric and parametric effects are investigated. In addition, hypothesis testing procedures are developed to examine the covariate effects. The finite‐sample properties of the proposed estimators and testing procedures are examined through simulations, indicating satisfactory performances. The proposed methods are applied to analyze the AIDS Clinical Trial Group 244 clinical trial to investigate the effects of antiretroviral treatment switching in HIV‐infected patients before and after developing the T215Y antiretroviral drug resistance mutation. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 352–373; 2019 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

This paper estimates von Neumann and Morgenstern utility functions using the generalized maximum entropy (GME), applied to data obtained by utility elicitation methods. Given the statistical advantages of this approach, we provide a comparison of the performance of the GME estimator with ordinary least square (OLS) in a real data small sample setup. The results confirm the ones obtained for small samples through Monte Carlo simulations. The difference between the two estimators is small and it decreases as the width of the parameter support vector increases. Moreover, the GME estimator is more precise than the OLS one. Overall, the results suggest that GME is an interesting alternative to OLS in the estimation of utility functions when data are generated by utility elicitation methods.  相似文献   

We investigate the use of generalized additive models for describing patterns in butterfly transect counts during the flight period. Models were applied to sets of simulated data and to transect counts from the British Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (BMS) recorded at a large number of sites in the UK. The models successfully described patterns in counts in a range of species with different life cycles and the approach can be used to estimate an index of butterfly abundance allowing for missing counts. The method could be extended to include other factors such as temperature, sunshine, windspeed and time of day, and to examine potential biases arising from variation in these factors.  相似文献   

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