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Over the last 20 years, the resource-based view (RBV) has reached a pre-eminent position among theories in the field of strategy, but debate continues as to its precise nature. This paper contributes to the debate by critically reviewing the development of the RBV to date. The critical appraisal examines the development of the RBV in terms of theory, method, empirical evidence and practical insights. It is contended that the permeable and eclectic nature of the RBV stems from its being a theory about what firms are and how they function, and that its popularity is due to an absence of limiting behavioural assumptions. Finally, the authors provide their own subjective views on where they think RBV scholars should focus their efforts in the future.  相似文献   


This study develops and empirically tests, from the resource-based perspective, a conceptual framework linking green supply management and performance. The proposed model is tested using data from a sample of 126 automotive manufactures in China. The results suggest that both green purchasing personnel and green supplier selection have a significant positive effect on green supplier collaboration, and that building green collaboration with suppliers is significantly and positively related to both environmental and operational performance. Accordingly, knowledge and skill development of the purchasing function can be recognised as an important resource in building green supply capabilities and performance.  相似文献   

基于资源观点的联盟中价值创造研究综述   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:25  
基于资源观点对战略联盟环境下价值创造的研究成果进行了综述. 首先从租金收入的差 异入手,比较了基于资源观点的不同理论分支的特点和区别,在此基础上对联盟环境下价值创 造方式的内容和特点进行了总结,讨论了不同价值创造方式的区别及其相互关系,最后对现有 的研究成果进行了评价并指出了未来可能的研究方向.  相似文献   

作为重要的战略资源,大数据中包含诸多关键的管理问题.文章首先评述了基于不同视角对大数据的认识.然后,从管理的视角看大数据,指出大数据是一类重要的战略性信息资源,并从复杂性、决策有用性、高速增长性、价值稀疏性、可重复开采性和功能多样性等6个方面探究了大数据资源的管理特征.最后,提炼并探讨了大数据资源的获取问题、加工问题、应用问题、产权问题、产业问题和法规问题等6个方面的关键管理问题.  相似文献   

The integration of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within the concept Industry 4.0 represents one of its main challenges, as they play a vital part in industrial value chains that shall be digitized from suppliers to the end customer. However, what the implementation stages for Industry 4.0 in SMEs should be as well as the respective resources for achieving the next stage are scarcely understood. In response, this paper proposes a framework using a resource-based review for Industry 4.0 implementation according to the stage of development in SMEs, created between researchers, policy makers, and 354 manufacturing SMEs in the province of Gipuzkoa (Basque Country, Spain). The paper applies a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative (interviews) and quantitative elements (survey data). The results are used to develop a model with four stages of SMEs that are characterized by having distinct preconditions and conditions for Industry 4.0. Thereupon, the required measures to achieve the next stage of Industry 4.0 implementation are derived. This highlights Industry 4.0 for SMEs as a process with different stages toward achieving sustainable competitive advantage and offering insight into how the different resources operate. The high importance and advanced position regarding industrial value creation and SMEs in Gipuzkoa allows to generalize and transfer the findings to other European regions.  相似文献   

作为重要的战略资源,大数据中包含诸多关键的管理问题. 文章首先评述了基于不同视角对大数据的认识. 然后,从管理的视角看大数据,指出大数据是一类重要的战略性信息资源,并从复杂性、决策有用性、高速增长性、价值稀疏性、可重复开采性和功能多样性等6 个方面探究了大数据资源的管理特征. 最后,提炼并探讨了大数据资源的获取问题、加工问题、应用问题、产权问题、产业问题和法规问题等6 个方面的关键管理问题  相似文献   

Strategic alliances have become an essential part of business strategy and a central source of competitive advantage for almost any firm. Existing research has mainly focused on the isolated analysis of single alliances. This paper addresses the gap in the literature by analyzing organizational-level determinants of alliances success. Based on survey data from 302 firms, four organizational success factors of alliance management are identified and integrated in a structural model.  相似文献   

After more than 20 years of empirical research, the resource-based view of the multibusiness firm has emerged as a promising paradigm for explaining diversification success—one of the most investigated research questions within the field of strategic management. However, because various dimensions of resource-relatedness, synergistic effects, and moderating influences are investigated at diverse levels of analysis, the findings are very fragmented. Our review and critical assessment of the research reveals a number of conceptual issues and methodological flaws that had already constrained heavily traditional diversification research. Consequently, we suggest promising directions for future research efforts that can put this important empirical application of the resource-based view of the firm on safer ground.  相似文献   

This study employs a modified resource-based approach to examine the competitive advantage enjoyed by knowledge-intensive, small- and medium-sized multinationals (KI-SMMs). While the resource-based view addresses superior capabilities only, this paper examines both superior and inferior capabilities and their resulting sustainable competitive advantage.Compared to larger knowledge-intensive multinationals, KI-SMMs possess more inferior than superior core capabilities. Despite this handicap, the paper demonstrates how KI-SMMs compete globally by leveraging their relatively superior R&D capabilities and by choosing a strategic configuration that allows them to compete internationally despite their relatively inferior capabilities in marketing and production activities.Our results show that KI-SMMs internalize R&D activities, which are their core capabilities, externalize production activities, in this case noncore capabilities, and internalize marketing activities, for which they have an inferior capacity, but which are, arguably, core capabilities. KI-SMMs compensate for their inferior capabilities in marketing activities through the use of a unique business model which focuses repeat sales to customers with whom a low number of high-value transactions can be maintained.  相似文献   

Does an acquirer with extensive acquisition experience outperform an acquirer with little or no acquisition experience? Does an acquirer with varied growth mode experience (i.e. a company undertaking not only acquisitions but also joint ventures) outperform a company that has very homogeneous experience (i.e. a company growing exclusively through acquisitions)? The main purpose of our article is to examine these two questions in-depth and to attempt to provide some answers. The questions led us to analyze the valuation effect of the acquirer's experience for 291 French acquisitions in the United States. The results were mixed with regard to the relationship between acquisition performance, acquisition experience and heterogeneous experience. On the one hand we found no relationship between the acquisition performance and heterogeneous experience of French acquirers, which is not consistent with the literature on stock market valuation of homogeneous “experience trajectories” [Singh, H., Zollo, M., 1998. The impact of knowledge codification, experience trajectories and integration strategies on the performance of corporate acquisitions. Working Paper INSEAD, 98,62,SM.]. On the other hand, our findings indicate that the relationship between the acquisition performance and acquisition experience of French acquirers follows a curvilinear (inverted U-shaped) distribution.  相似文献   

Generating a sports league schedule is a challenging task due to the variety of different requirements which have to be addressed. This has led to a multitude of alternative approaches. Most of them rely on graph-theoretical concepts and the solution of the overall problem is based on the decomposition of the problem into certain subproblems. In this paper, we give a comprehensive survey of these more traditional approaches. Furthermore, we present a new resource-based model which shall serve as a starting point for the development of new solution algorithms.  相似文献   

许多实验研究表明,投标者在拍卖过程中表现出的预期后悔心理行为会对投标策略产生影响,在这种情况下如何确定最优投标策略是一个值得关注的问题。 针对一级密封拍卖的最优投标策略确定问题,分别采用线性函数和非线性函数刻画投标者的获胜者后悔和失败者后悔心理行为,构建非线性拍卖模型,通过模型求解分析最优投标策略;进一步地,给出确定拍卖模型中描述投标者后悔心理行为参数的实验方法,并通过一个关于SO2排污权拍卖的实例分析说明非线性拍卖模型及实验方法的可行性和潜在应用。 研究结果表明,最优投标策略与投标者价值和后悔行为有关;最优投标策略为获胜者后悔参数的减函数,且为失败者后悔参数的增函数;完全理性的最优投标策略是所得最优投标策略的特例;当投标者人数非常多时,完全理性的最优投标策略是报出自身的真实估价;在仅考虑投标者获胜后悔情形下,其最优投标策略与线性拍卖模型所得结果相同,且低于完全理性的最优投标策略;在仅考虑投标者失败后悔情形下,其最优投标策略高于完全理性的最优投标策略;与线性拍卖模型比较,由非线性拍卖模型得到的最优投标策略更接近于真实投标报价。提出的非线性拍卖模型为解决现实拍卖中考虑投标者心理行为的最优投标策略确定问题提供借鉴。  相似文献   

互联网已经不再仅仅是一类技术系统或应用平台,而是一类广泛融入经济社会系统的战略性人造资源,正在推动经济社会系统的重大变革.但是,对互联网资源的开发和应用必将经历一个长期且曲折的发展过程,创造互联网资源和利用互联网资源都需要很高的基础理论水平、很强的技术创新能力和商业模式创新能力,本文提出并系统阐述了互联网的资源观.首先,分析了对互联网资源性的认识;然后,以服务业和制造业为例重点探究了融入互联网资源的产业发展;最后,探讨了基于资源观的互联网发展及相关问题,包括互联网资源的开发与应用、融入互联网资源后的产业生态系统重构、基于互联网资源观的第三次工业革命以及融入互联网资源后的经济安全等.  相似文献   

There is much to be learned from examination of health care delivery systems of other countries. But the task must be approached with caution. No other system is likely to lend itself to wholescale reproduction in this country, and all are certain to have their own flaws. In this article, based on a presentation at the 1991 ACPE National Conference in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, a Canadian describes his country's system, warts and all, and how it might be made better.  相似文献   

Rarely do physicians have the opportunity to participate in our political system on a day-to-day basis. The Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellowship, a one-year program for mid-career medical professionals, provides just such an experience. The Fellows begin with a two- to three-month orientation phase before selecting a congressional work assignment. As a member of a congressional staff, a Fellow has the opportunity to learn from, as well as contribute to, the legislative process. The health policy experience provides another tool to complement the clinical and management expertise of the physician executive.  相似文献   

This article seeks to encourage scholars to conduct research that is more relevant to the decisions faced by managers and policymakers, and addresses why research relevance matters, what relevance means in terms of a journal article, and how scholars can increase the relevance of their research. I define relevant research papers as those whose research questions address problems found (or potentially found) in practice and whose hypotheses connect independent variables within the control of practitioners to outcomes they care about using logic they view as feasible. I provide several suggestions for how scholars can enhance research relevance, including engaging practitioners in on‐campus encounters, at managerial conferences, and at crossover workshops; conducting site visits and practitioner interviews; working as a practitioner; and developing a practitioner advisory team. I describe several ways that scholars can convey relevant research insights into practitioners, including presenting at practitioner conferences, writing for practitioners in traditional crossover journals and in shorter pieces like op‐eds and blogs, and attracting the interest of those who write columns, blogs, and articles about research for practitioners. I conclude by describing a few ways that academic institutions can encourage more relevant research, focusing on journals, professional societies, and doctoral programs.  相似文献   


The article builds on the current debate on how accounting tools can assist top management teams to manage their resources, while communicating a variety of data and information about value creation to their stakeholders. Within this debate, the study focuses on a recent tool for corporate reporting, the Integrated Reporting (〈IR〉), and investigates its utility to support the development of a holistic model for managing strategic resources to create value. To operationalize the 〈IR〉 according to this perspective, the article combines 〈IR〉 with the Dynamic Resource-Based View (DRBV) of the firm on the basis of their common idea that strategic resources are interconnected and have to be managed with the collaboration of all stakeholders in order to inform governance actions and create value with a holistic perspective. For the two case studies analyzed, the information provided by the two organizations’ 〈IR〉 is specifically organized and re-framed using “resource mapping”, which is a DRBV-based visual and analytical technique representing the causal relationships between resources and governance actions. In this way, we not only aim to re-organize and visualize existing information into a new form, but we also expect to describe and communicate the dominant logic in the business and the leverage points where the value creation process lies, supporting the usefulness of Integrated Reporting as a management and governance tool.


Designing strategies for corporate social responsibility (CSR)-practice nowadays has become essential for organizations. Notwithstanding, how organizations appear internally in a socially responsible context toward their employees has been insufficiently investigated. This study aims at ascertaining how Internal CSR can be conceptualized as well as how it affects employees’ commitment. To do so, the manifestations of Internal CSR are discussed based on social identity theory and further literature, while the developed research model is checked for suitability through a survey generating 2081 employee responses from an international pharmaceutical company. As one result, it can be stated that the factors proposed to constitute Internal CSR are confirmed. Further, the findings entail the following conclusions: Internal CSR has a notable influence on employees’ Affective Organizational Commitment whilst relatively moderate impacting Normative Organizational Commitment. Additionally, Affective Organizational Commitment adopts a mediating function regarding Normative Organizational Commitment.  相似文献   

关媛媛 《领导科学》2007,(16):38-39
对领导本质的界定,在西方领导学研究中至今众说纷纭,传统的界定主要经历了权力说和权威说两大阶段。然而,随着时代的发展,新的理论层出不穷,把领导的本质界定为实践就是人们在新的历史条件下对于这一问题认识的深化。本文在剖析传统界定局限性的基础上,进一步阐释领导实践本质的内涵,并从中挖掘出理论的变迁给我们带来的启示。  相似文献   

Resource-based learning capacity (RBLC) is an organization's specific resources – both human and tangible – that can be organized to enhance learning processes. This study develops and tests a model that examines the relationship between the learning efforts of focal firms from their international business affiliates (IBAs) – organizations located outside the focal firm's domestic market with whom the focal firm has a relationship – and the focal firms' RBLC. This learning process refers to the transfer of knowledge from the IBA to the focal firm. Results indicate that while learning effectiveness positively influences the RBLC of the focal firm, learning efficiency has a negative impact on RBLC. The IBA's home country network centrality and the tie strength between the focal organization and the IBA are found to influence learning effectiveness positively. Tie strength also enhances learning efficiency. Finally, the findings indicate that the IBA's home country network centrality enhances the strength of the ties between the focal organization and its IBA.  相似文献   

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