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We introduce a new goodness-of-fit test which can be applied to hypothesis testing about the marginal distribution of dependent data. We derive a new test for the equivalent hypothesis in the space of wavelet coefficients. Such properties of the wavelet transform as orthogonality, localisation and sparsity make the hypothesis testing in wavelet domain easier than in the domain of distribution functions. We propose to test the null hypothesis separately at each wavelet decomposition level to overcome the problem of bi-dimensionality of wavelet indices and to be able to find the frequency where the empirical distribution function differs from the null in case the null hypothesis is rejected. We suggest a test statistic and state its asymptotic distribution under the null and under some of the alternative hypotheses.  相似文献   

Statistical inference in the wavelet domain remains a vibrant area of contemporary statistical research because of desirable properties of wavelet representations and the need of scientific community to process, explore, and summarize massive data sets. Prime examples are biomedical, geophysical, and internet related data. We propose two new approaches to wavelet shrinkage/thresholding.

In the spirit of Efron and Tibshirani's recent work on local false discovery rate, we propose Bayesian Local False Discovery Rate (BLFDR), where the underlying model on wavelet coefficients does not assume known variances. This approach to wavelet shrinkage is shown to be connected with shrinkage based on Bayes factors. The second proposal, Bayesian False Discovery Rate (BaFDR), is based on ordering of posterior probabilities of hypotheses on true wavelets coefficients being null, in Bayesian testing of multiple hypotheses.

We demonstrate that both approaches result in competitive shrinkage methods by contrasting them to some popular shrinkage techniques.  相似文献   


In this paper we compare through Monte Carlo simulations the finite sample properties of estimators of the fractional differencing parameter, d. This involves frequency domain, time domain, and wavelet based approaches, and we consider both parametric and semiparametric estimation methods. The estimators are briefly introduced and compared, and the criteria adopted for measuring finite sample performance are bias and root mean squared error. Most importantly, the simulations reveal that (1) the frequency domain maximum likelihood procedure is superior to the time domain parametric methods, (2) all the estimators are fairly robust to conditionally heteroscedastic errors, (3) the local polynomial Whittle and bias-reduced log-periodogram regression estimators are shown to be more robust to short-run dynamics than other semiparametric (frequency domain and wavelet) estimators and in some cases even outperform the time domain parametric methods, and (4) without sufficient trimming of scales the wavelet-based estimators are heavily biased.  相似文献   

In this paper we compare through Monte Carlo simulations the finite sample properties of estimators of the fractional differencing parameter, d. This involves frequency domain, time domain, and wavelet based approaches, and we consider both parametric and semiparametric estimation methods. The estimators are briefly introduced and compared, and the criteria adopted for measuring finite sample performance are bias and root mean squared error. Most importantly, the simulations reveal that (1) the frequency domain maximum likelihood procedure is superior to the time domain parametric methods, (2) all the estimators are fairly robust to conditionally heteroscedastic errors, (3) the local polynomial Whittle and bias-reduced log-periodogram regression estimators are shown to be more robust to short-run dynamics than other semiparametric (frequency domain and wavelet) estimators and in some cases even outperform the time domain parametric methods, and (4) without sufficient trimming of scales the wavelet-based estimators are heavily biased.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a denoising methodology in the wavelet domain based on a Bayesian hierarchical model using Double Weibull prior. We propose two estimators, one based on posterior mean (Double Weibull Wavelet Shrinker, DWWS) and the other based on larger posterior mode (DWWS-LPM), and show how to calculate them efficiently. Traditionally, mixture priors have been used for modeling sparse wavelet coefficients. The interesting feature of this article is the use of non-mixture prior. We show that the methodology provides good denoising performance, comparable even to state-of-the-art methods that use mixture priors and empirical Bayes setting of hyperparameters, which is demonstrated by extensive simulations on standardly used test functions. An application to real-word dataset is also considered.  相似文献   

Wavelet thresholding of spectra has to be handled with care when the spectra are the predictors of a regression problem. Indeed, a blind thresholding of the signal followed by a regression method often leads to deteriorated predictions. The scope of this article is to show that sparse regression methods, applied in the wavelet domain, perform an automatic thresholding: the most relevant wavelet coefficients are selected to optimize the prediction of a given target of interest. This approach can be seen as a joint thresholding designed for a predictive purpose. The method is illustrated on a real world problem where metabolomic data are linked to poison ingestion. This example proves the usefulness of wavelet expansion and the good behavior of sparse and regularized methods. A comparison study is performed between the two-steps approach (wavelet thresholding and regression) and the one-step approach (selection of wavelet coefficients with a sparse regression). The comparison includes two types of wavelet bases, various thresholding methods, and various regression methods and is evaluated by calculating prediction performances. Information about the location of the most important features on the spectra was also obtained and used to identify the most relevant metabolites involved in the mice poisoning.  相似文献   

In modern statistical practice, it is increasingly common to observe a set of curves or images, often measured with noise, and to use these as the basis of analysis (functional data analysis). We consider a functional data model consisting of measurement error and functional random effects motivated by data from a study of human vision. By transforming the data into the wavelet domain we are able to exploit the expected sparse representation of the underlying function and the mechanism generating the random effects. We propose simple fitting procedures and illustrate the methods on the vision data.  相似文献   

We consider the testing problem in the mixed-effects functional analysis of variance models. We develop asymptotically optimal (minimax) testing procedures for testing the significance of functional global trend and the functional fixed effects based on the empirical wavelet coefficients of the data. Wavelet decompositions allow one to characterize various types of assumed smoothness conditions on the response function under the nonparametric alternatives. The distribution of the functional random-effects component is defined in the wavelet domain and captures the sparseness of wavelet representation for a wide variety of functions. The simulation study presented in the paper demonstrates the finite sample properties of the proposed testing procedures. We also applied them to the real data from the physiological experiments.  相似文献   

We consider a process that is observed as a mixture of two random distributions, where the mixing probability is an unknown function of time. The setup is built upon a wavelet‐based mixture regression. Two linear wavelet estimators are proposed. Furthermore, we consider three regularizing procedures for each of the two wavelet methods. We also discuss regularity conditions under which the consistency of the wavelet methods is attained and derive rates of convergence for the proposed estimators. A Monte Carlo simulation study is conducted to illustrate the performance of the estimators. Various scenarios for the mixing probability function are used in the simulations, in addition to a range of sample sizes and resolution levels. We apply the proposed methods to a data set consisting of array Comparative Genomic Hybridization from glioblastoma cancer studies.  相似文献   

Summary.  A typical microarray experiment attempts to ascertain which genes display differential expression in different samples. We model the data by using a two-component mixture model and develop an empirical Bayesian thresholding procedure, which was originally introduced for thresholding wavelet coefficients, as an alternative to the existing methods for determining differential expression across thousands of genes. The method is built on sound theoretical properties and has easy computer implementation in the R statistical package. Furthermore, we consider improvements to the standard empirical Bayesian procedure when replication is present, to increase the robustness and reliability of the method. We provide an introduction to microarrays for those who are unfamilar with the field and the proposed procedure is demonstrated with applications to two-channel complementary DNA microarray experiments.  相似文献   

The estimation of a multivariate function from a stationary m-dependent process is investigated, with a special focus on the case where m is large or unbounded. We develop an adaptive estimator based on wavelet methods. Under flexible assumptions on the nonparametric model, we prove the good performances of our estimator by determining sharp rates of convergence under two kinds of errors: the pointwise mean squared error and the mean integrated squared error. We illustrate our theoretical result by considering the multivariate density estimation problem, the derivatives density estimation problem, the density estimation problem in a GARCH-type model and the multivariate regression function estimation problem. The performance of proposed estimator has been shown by a numerical study for a simulated and real data sets.  相似文献   

In the paper we suggest certain nonparametric estimators of random signals based on the wavelet transform. We consider stochastic signals embedded in white noise and extractions with wavelet denoizing algorithms utilizing the non-decimated discrete wavelet transform and the idea of wavelet scaling. We evaluate properties of these estimators via extensive computer simulations and partially also analytically. Our wavelet estimators of random signals have clear advantages over parametric maximum likelihood methods as far as computational issues are concerned, while at the same time they can compete with these methods in terms of precision of estimation in small samples. An illustrative example concerning smoothing of survey data is also provided.  相似文献   

This paper concerns wavelet regression using a block thresholding procedure. Block thresholding methods utilize neighboring wavelet coefficients information to increase estimation accuracy. We propose to construct a data-driven block thresholding procedure using the smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) penalty. A simulation study demonstrates competitive finite sample performance of the proposed estimator compared to existing methods. We also show that the proposed estimator achieves optimal convergence rates in Besov spaces.  相似文献   

We consider an empirical Bayes approach to standard nonparametric regression estimation using a nonlinear wavelet methodology. Instead of specifying a single prior distribution on the parameter space of wavelet coefficients, which is usually the case in the existing literature, we elicit the ?-contamination class of prior distributions that is particularly attractive to work with when one seeks robust priors in Bayesian analysis. The type II maximum likelihood approach to prior selection is used by maximizing the predictive distribution for the data in the wavelet domain over a suitable subclass of the ?-contamination class of prior distributions. For the prior selected, the posterior mean yields a thresholding procedure which depends on one free prior parameter and it is level- and amplitude-dependent, thus allowing better adaptation in function estimation. We consider an automatic choice of the free prior parameter, guided by considerations on an exact risk analysis and on the shape of the thresholding rule, enabling the resulting estimator to be fully automated in practice. We also compute pointwise Bayesian credible intervals for the resulting function estimate using a simulation-based approach. We use several simulated examples to illustrate the performance of the proposed empirical Bayes term-by-term wavelet scheme, and we make comparisons with other classical and empirical Bayes term-by-term wavelet schemes. As a practical illustration, we present an application to a real-life data set that was collected in an atomic force microscopy study.  相似文献   

Summary. We use cumulants to derive Bayesian credible intervals for wavelet regression estimates. The first four cumulants of the posterior distribution of the estimates are expressed in terms of the observed data and integer powers of the mother wavelet functions. These powers are closely approximated by linear combinations of wavelet scaling functions at an appropriate finer scale. Hence, a suitable modification of the discrete wavelet transform allows the posterior cumulants to be found efficiently for any given data set. Johnson transformations then yield the credible intervals themselves. Simulations show that these intervals have good coverage rates, even when the underlying function is inhomogeneous, where standard methods fail. In the case where the curve is smooth, the performance of our intervals remains competitive with established nonparametric regression methods.  相似文献   

We present theoretical results on the random wavelet coefficients covariance structure. We use simple properties of the coefficients to derive a recursive way to compute the within- and across-scale covariances. We point out a useful link between the algorithm proposed and the two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform. We then focus on Bayesian wavelet shrinkage for estimating a function from noisy data. A prior distribution is imposed on the coefficients of the unknown function. We show how our findings on the covariance structure make it possible to specify priors that take into account the full correlation between coefficients through a parsimonious number of hyperparameters. We use Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to estimate the parameters and illustrate our method on bench-mark simulated signals.  相似文献   

We can use wavelet shrinkage to estimate a possibly multivariate regression function g under the general regression setup, y = g + ε. We propose an enhanced wavelet-based denoising methodology based on Bayesian adaptive multiresolution shrinkage, an effective Bayesian shrinkage rule in addition to the semi-supervised learning mechanism. The Bayesian shrinkage rule is advanced by utilizing the semi-supervised learning method in which the neighboring structure of a wavelet coefficient is adopted and an appropriate decision function is derived. According to decision function, wavelet coefficients follow one of two prespecified Bayesian rules obtained using varying related parameters. The decision of a wavelet coefficient depends not only on its magnitude, but also on the neighboring structure on which the coefficient is located. We discuss the theoretical properties of the suggested method and provide recommended parameter settings. We show that the proposed method is often superior to several existing wavelet denoising methods through extensive experimentation.  相似文献   

In recent years, wavelet shrinkage has become a very appealing method for data de-noising and density function estimation. In particular, Bayesian modelling via hierarchical priors has introduced novel approaches for Wavelet analysis that had become very popular, and are very competitive with standard hard or soft thresholding rules. In this sense, this paper proposes a hierarchical prior that is elicited on the model parameters describing the wavelet coefficients after applying a Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT). In difference to other approaches, the prior proposes a multivariate Normal distribution with a covariance matrix that allows for correlations among Wavelet coefficients corresponding to the same level of detail. In addition, an extra scale parameter is incorporated that permits an additional shrinkage level over the coefficients. The posterior distribution for this shrinkage procedure is not available in closed form but it is easily sampled through Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. Applications on a set of test signals and two noisy signals are presented.  相似文献   

Summary.  Hansen, Kooperberg and Sardy introduced a family of continuous, piecewise linear functions defined over adaptively selected triangulations of the plane as a general approach to statistical modelling of bivariate densities and regression and hazard functions. These triograms enjoy a natural affine equivariance that offers distinct advantages over competing tensor product methods that are more commonly used in statistical applications. Triograms employ basis functions consisting of linear 'tent functions' defined with respect to a triangulation of a given planar domain. As in knot selection for univariate splines, Hansen and colleagues adopted the regression spline approach of Stone. Vertices of the triangulation are introduced or removed sequentially in an effort to balance fidelity to the data and parsimony. We explore a smoothing spline variant of the triogram model based on a roughness penalty adapted to the piecewise linear structure of the triogram model. We show that the roughness penalty proposed may be interpreted as a total variation penalty on the gradient of the fitted function. The methods are illustrated with real and artificial examples, including an application to estimated quantile surfaces of land value in the Chicago metropolitan area.  相似文献   

Summary.  Wavelet shrinkage is an effective nonparametric regression technique, especially when the underlying curve has irregular features such as spikes or discontinuities. The basic idea is simple: take the discrete wavelet transform of data consisting of a signal corrupted by noise; shrink or remove the wavelet coefficients to remove the noise; then invert the discrete wavelet transform to form an estimate of the true underlying curve. Various researchers have proposed increasingly sophisticated methods of doing this by using real-valued wavelets. Complex-valued wavelets exist but are rarely used. We propose two new complex-valued wavelet shrinkage techniques: one based on multiwavelet style shrinkage and the other using Bayesian methods. Extensive simulations show that our methods almost always give significantly more accurate estimates than methods based on real-valued wavelets. Further, our multiwavelet style shrinkage method is both simpler and dramatically faster than its competitors. To understand the excellent performance of this method we present a new risk bound on its hard thresholded coefficients.  相似文献   

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