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<正>I came to China in 2005 and I have been teach ing in Beijing at Min zu Un iversit y of China for the past sixteen years.While I have taught a number of courses during my years in China, as faras my teaching goes, I am probably best known for teaching Chinese universit y students to do public speaking and to tell the world about China in English. A common lesson I teach my students is that, whenever they can,  相似文献   

<正>Any journalist would consider it a career highlight to cover a major historical event or witness a ground-breaking breakthrough.I am thankful that the milestone 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) came as a fortuitous stroke of serendipity in my professional life.  相似文献   

It was with some trepidation that I first went to teach in China, in 2004.All my information about China had come from old newsreel films. Basically,I was expecting a drab, black and white place where people queued to use the local telephone.  相似文献   

Two years ago I published a book here in China.It is called Stories from My Chinese Journey and it tells about China through my eyes and experience. I wrote my book to help foreigners better understand China and I explain in the "Introduction" that it is "for those who are seeking a view of China not clouded by the politically motivated rhetoric" that is most commonly found in western media portrayals.  相似文献   

正On the 22nd of May at a Foreign Experts Symposium in Shanghai,it was a great honour for me as a foreigner,to present to President XI some of my observations on how to attract foreigners to contribute to China’s innovation ambitions.It is also my honour to consider myself as one of the foreign experts,which President called"private ambassadors"and members of the Chinese family.It is my privilege to answer to  相似文献   

When I was growing up in the United States in the 1950s and 1960s, the country was full of optimism about the future. We were building a magnificent infrastructure of roads, airports, railroads and seaports that would link each part of the country for commerce and tourism. We all believed in President John F. Kennedy when he challenged the country to land a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s. The first jumbo jet, the Boeing 747, was a product of this belief in the future.  相似文献   

(Continued from the last issue)However,I did not feel I had made the right choice and the next time I saw her I apologized.She said to me I had done nothing wrong and said "it’s not your fault teacher,it’s my fault my English is too poor." But I still insisted that I had made a mistake.Yes,I had corrected her,but at what cost? The experience obviously embarrassed her,and her peers by the third time she repeated the word incorrectly had been shaking their heads.She may have left the classroom being able to pronounce the word correctly but what about the damage to her confidence? I thought about it for literally hours.I feared that perhaps next time she might not want to stand up,or shout out the answer in class in case she might be humiliated again.In her mind it was her own incompetence but for me it was my own ignorance.  相似文献   

It was an amazing honor to meet Vice Premier Ma Kai at Zhongnanhai on Sep.29th.We were touched when he gave us our plaques and shook our hands at such a prestigious venue,during perhaps the first time the annual ceremony had been held there. We were moved when he said:"Foreign experts working in China are close friends of the Chinese people",and "We have already taken you as part of the big family of China".We also appreciate his call for us to continue to contribute to China's innovative,coordinated,green,open and shared development.  相似文献   

I'm Ravi Shankar from India and I have been with China Daily for more than a decade; l'm currently executive editor of Overseas Editions. An American professor friend insists that only two things have shaped the world since the 1990s: the Internet; and the amazing growth of China. It is an enriching experience to be here at such a time and enjoy every moment of it. It has been a profound and rewarding journey for me in telling the China story around the world. We write on the real China and the Chinese -- the very people that embody the Chinese Drearn (zhongguo meng). China Daily is very much a part of communicating that China Dream, not just to those in China, but to people across the globe.  相似文献   

It was a cool foggy morning in Palm Beach , Florida the morning my friend dropped me off at the airport at 6 AM. He said , " Are you really leaving today for China ? You don’t even speak the language! You must have some real adventure in your blood! Your NUTS he said! Well, that was almost 4 years ago and I have  相似文献   

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