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幸福感是衡量人类生存状态的重要指标,也是对人类生活质量的总体评估。本课题选取福建武夷山景区为例,以随机抽样调查对村民的主观幸福感展开实证研究,通过调查村民主观幸福感,分析和探究村民幸福感的影响因素,为提高和改善村民的生活质量和主观幸福感提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

结果显示,受访市民普遍认为"家庭关系"和"社会治安"对幸福感的影响程度最大。进一步解决社会问题、营造和谐社会,不仅是全社会共同努力的目标,也是提升合肥市民生活幸福指数的必由之路。"你幸福吗?"被频频提及。今年下半年以来,先后有三份有关城市幸福感的排行榜发布。幸福感这一主观色彩浓厚的指标正在成为城市竞赛中的重要比较级。  相似文献   

主观幸福感是从心理学的视角来评量个体生活质量和心理健康的一种综合性指标,它在一定程度上反映出个体的心理和谐程度,因此主观幸福感是和谐社会的重要心理指标.基层工商执法人员是市场监管和行政执法的一线队伍,肩负着所在辖区市场秩序维护和行政监管的重任.基层工商执法人员的主观幸福感程度如何直接影响到其工作的效能.因此,加强对基层工商执法人员主观幸福感的研究,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义.  相似文献   

余艳 《科学咨询》2003,(9):31-32
20世纪90年代以来,人类社会发展处于从工业社会向以信息技术为核心的信息社会过渡时期,信息技术以其强烈的渗透性和无与伦比的先进性与传统产业结合,广泛应用于社会经济生活的各个领域,有力地推动着人类社会的发展,信息化水平成为衡量一个地区或城市现代化水平和综合实力的重要标志.  相似文献   

所谓信息化在国家层面是指在农业、工业、科学技术、国防及社会生活各个方面应用现代信息技术,深入开发、广泛利用信息资源,加速现代化的进程。这个进程是发展的、动态的和不断深化的。包括6项要素:信息资源;国家信息网络;信息技术应用;信息技术和产业;信息化人才;信息化政策、法规和标准。 笔者认为,税务信息化就是指在税务工作的各个方面运用现代信息技术,深入开发、广泛利用税收与经济信息资源,加速税务现代化的进程。应当指出,税务信息化是国家信息化的一个组成部分,它与整个社会的信息化,与其他宏观管理部门的信息化,与居民、企业的信息化密切相关。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展,人们的物质生活水平正在逐渐改善。经济和科学技术的不断发展推动了城镇化建设速度不断加快,档案信息化程度的要求相应变得越来越高,计算机信息管理技术也随着全球以信息技术为主导的科技革命进程不断加快,计算机网络技术的发展以及国家对城建事业的支持迫使人类社会逐步由工业社会进入信息社会。城建档案计算机信息资源则成了经济和社会发展的重要战略资源。本文分析了城建档案管理中计算机信息技术的应用。  相似文献   

<正>一、问题的提出幸福是个体在社会生活过程中,为了实现目标和理想,使自己的物质生活和精神生活得到某种满足的心理体验,是人们对生活的肯定性评价(李志,2000)。主观幸福感主要是指人们对其生活质量所做的情感性和认知性的整体评价,它是衡量个人生活质量的重要综合性指标。有学者研究表明,工作幸福感和职业满意度越高,员工的离职率就越低。员工的主观幸福感高低,在一定程度上反映出其生活质量和状态如何,并直接影响其工  相似文献   

21世纪人类社会进入了信息时代。信息技术快速发展,信息和信息技术对社会生产和生活的影响不断扩大,信息化及其相关问题也得到了社会各方面的高度重视和广泛关注。会计信息化是利用现代信息技术,对传统会计模式进行重构,建立信息技术与会计高度融合的、开放的现代会计信息系统。会计信息化课程更应与时俱进,紧跟信息技术的发展,实务应用需求及学生素质的变化。本文主要在相关会计职业角色分析基础上,进一步探讨适应会计职业角色实务需求的会计信息化人才的能力要求,从而研究出会计信息化课程教学目标和教学内容以及如何做好会计信息化课程教材建设。  相似文献   

苗思佳 《科学咨询》2023,(2):108-110
本研究以生活《满意度量表》(SWLS)、《情感量表》(PANAS)与《人际关系综合诊断量表》作为测量工具,以山西高校的260位在校大学生为研究对象,对大学生主观幸福感与人际关系进行问卷调查与统计分析,并提出建议以便提升学生的主观幸福感。结论为:1.在待人接物的困扰方面,独生子女的困扰更多;2.男性在异性交往方面的困扰更大;3.在人际关系中,大学生交谈困扰、交际与交友困扰两个维度可以预测大学生的主观幸福感。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,人类社会发展处于从工业社会向以信息技术为核心的信息社会过渡时期,信息技术以其强烈的渗透性和无与伦比的先进性与传统产业结合,广泛应用于社会经济生活的各个领域,有力地推动着人类社会的发展,信息化水平成为衡量一个地区或城市现代化水平和综合实力的重要标志。面对信息化对世界经济的深入影响及由此而产生的全球经济一体化过程,我国政府审时度势,及时提出“以信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信  相似文献   

The adverse impacts of particulate air pollution and ground-level ozone on public health and the environment have motivated the development of Canada Wide Standards (CWS) on air quality. In cost-benefit analysis of air-quality options, valuation of reduction in mortality is a critical step as it accounts for almost 80% of the total benefits and any bias in its evaluation can significantly skew the outcome of the analysis. The overestimation of benefits is a source of concern since it has the potential of diverting valuable resources from other needs to support broader health care objectives, education, and social services that contribute to enhanced quality of life. We have developed a framework of reasoning for the assessment of risk-reduction initiatives that would support the public interest and enhance safety and quality of life. This article presents the Life Quality Index (LQI) as a tool to quantify the level of expenditure beyond which it is no longer justifiable to spend resources in the name of safety. It is shown that the LQI is a compound social indicator comprising societal wealth and longevity, and it is also equivalent to a utility function consistent with the basic principles of welfare economics and decision analysis. The LQI approach overcomes several shortcomings of the method used by the CWS Development Committee and provides guidance on the compliance costs that can be justified to meet the Standards.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the effects of societal values and life stage on subordinate influence ethics. Based on the evolving crossvergence theory of macro-level predictors of values evolution, we demonstrate the applicability of crossvergence theory in the micro-level context. Furthermore, our study provides the first empirical multi-level analysis of influence ethics utilizing a multiple-country sample. Thus, we illustrate how the breath of crossvergence can be expanded to provide a multi-level theoretical foundation of values and behavior evolution across cultures. Specifically, we integrate micro-level life stage theory and macro-level societal culture theory to concurrently assess the contributions of each theory in explaining subordinate influence ethics across the diverse societies of Brazil, China, Germany and the U.S. Consistent with previous research, we found significant societal differences in influence ethics. However, we also found that life stage theory played a significant role in understanding influence ethics. Thus, our findings expand the crossvergence perspective on societal change, indicating that key micro-level predictors (e.g., life stage) should be included in cross-cultural research.  相似文献   

The management of health risk in the welding industry is considered based on a discussion of the major sources of harm to welders arising from their employment (e.g., accidents and inhalation of fumes and gases). It is shown that present methods neither enable the assessment of the societal and human costs involved, nor permit the specific association of delayed health effects to occupational fume exposures. Reported accidents usually occur early in the working experience and contribute to a large number of working days lost, while fume exposures may contribute to a reduction in life quality which is poorly defined. It is concluded that risk management can only be attempted after much more information is made available concerning the origin, nature, and duration of health effects, especially as related to individual welding technologies and applications.  相似文献   

Public and private actors with critical roles for ensuring societal safety need to work proactively to reduce risks and vulnerabilities. Traditionally, risk management activities have often been performed in order to ensure continuous functioning of key societal services. Recently, however, business continuity management (BCM), and its analytical subcomponent business impact assessment (BIA), has been introduced and used more extensively by both the private and public sector in order to increase the robustness and resilience of critical infrastructures and societal functions and services. BCM was originally developed in the business sector but has received a broader use during the last decade. Yet, BCM/BIA has gained limited attention in the scientific literature—especially when it comes to clarifying and developing its conceptual basis. First, this article examines and discusses the conceptual foundation of BCM concepts, including practical challenges of applying the concepts. Based on recent conceptual developments from the field of risk management, a developed conceptualization is suggested. Second, the article discusses challenges that arise when applying BCM in the societal safety area and provides some recommendations aiming to improve the clarity and quality of applications. Third, the article provides suggestions of how to integrate the overlapping approaches of BIA and risk assessment in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness of proactive, analytic processes. We hope that the article can stimulate a critical discussion about the key concepts of BCM, their wider use in societal safety, and their connection to other concepts and activities such as risk assessment.  相似文献   

Bob Maaskant 《Risk analysis》2011,31(2):282-300
The Dutch government is in the process of revising its flood safety policy. The current safety standards for flood defenses in the Netherlands are largely based on the outcomes of cost‐benefit analyses. Loss of life has not been considered separately in the choice for current standards. This article presents the results of a research project that evaluated the potential roles of two risk metrics, individual and societal risk, to support decision making about new flood safety standards. These risk metrics are already used in the Dutch major hazards policy for the evaluation of risks to the public. Individual risk concerns the annual probability of death of a person. Societal risk concerns the probability of an event with many fatalities. Technical aspects of the use of individual and societal risk metrics in flood risk assessments as well as policy implications are discussed. Preliminary estimates of nationwide levels of societal risk are presented. Societal risk levels appear relatively high in the southwestern part of the country where densely populated dike rings are threatened by a combination of river and coastal floods. It was found that cumulation, the simultaneous flooding of multiple dike rings during a single flood event, has significant impact on the national level of societal risk. Options for the application of the individual and societal risk in the new flood safety policy are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Although the term ‘quality’ has a universal positive connotation and typically is framed by a focus on improvements, its application includes as well as excludes the access, values and world views of particular actors and interests. In this article, we highlight the relevance and implications of such ‘inherent politics’ through a case study of a widespread approach to operationalizing quality in urban green space management. We conclude that adoption of any quality model has both limiting and enabling implications for public participation and decision-making and that a critical stance is needed within both research and practice for the development of quality models that connect to values of broader societal relevance.  相似文献   

A sample of 323 residents of New Jersey stratified by neighborhood quality (excellent, good, fair, poor) was gathered to determine if trust in science and technology to protect public health and environment at the societal scale was associated with trust of the local officials, such as the mayor, health officer, developers, mass media, and legislators who are guardians of the local environment. Societal (trust of science and technology) and neighborhood (mayor, health officer) dimensions of trust were found. These societal and neighborhood trust dimensions were weakly correlated. Respondents were divided into four trust-of-authority groups: high societal–high neighborhood, low societal–low neighborhood, high societal–low neighborhood, and low societal–high neighborhood. High societal–high neighborhood trust respondents were older, had lived in the neighborhoods for many years, were not troubled much by neighborhood or societal environmental threats, and had a strong sense of control over their environment. In strong contrast, low societal–low neighborhood trust respondents were relatively young, typically had lived in their present neighborhood for a short time, were troubled by numerous neighborhood and societal environmental threats, did not practice many personal public health practices, and felt little control over their environment.  相似文献   

杨雷  张晓鹏 《管理学报》2009,6(8):1013-1018
教育资源信息化的产出价值为非市场价值,缺乏方法对其进行货币化计量.在对信息化的教育资源公共产品特性分析的基础上,结合相关项目和传统流程的替代关系,建立测评用户支付意愿的一般模型,首次提出教育资源信息化的非市场价值测评方法和实际操作流程.最后,应用测评模型和流程对高校图书馆电子资源支付意愿进行实际测评,验证测评方法的有效性.  相似文献   

王飞  赵晶 《管理学报》2008,5(2):222-227
根据流程案例的特点,从行业、业务和流程信息化程度3个方面构建三级索引框架,从而能够有效地对流程案例进行分类存储、快速检索与匹配。三级索引机制的核心是基于企业流程信息化程度的第三级索引构建,利用基于人工免疫的aiNet聚类方法的噪声忍耐、自组织、记忆性以及能够有效避免局部最优等方面的特点,对流程案例进行第三级分类,将人工免疫的抗体作为聚类中心,形成流程案例的第三级索引。最后利用105个样本对该三级索引机制的构建过程进行了实证。  相似文献   

信息化建设是现阶段国家和企业都难以回避的问题,本文建立信息化建设-信息分享-企业绩效的分析框架,从信息传递的视角探讨信息化建设对企业绩效的影响机理,认为企业的信息化建设能够通过促进供应链上下游企业之间的沟通,带来更好的企业绩效。以我国制造业企业为样本进行的实证研究表明,企业信息化设备建设投入以及网站的建立能够促进其与供应链上下游企业有关需求、库存、产量等信息的分享,并通过这些有价值信息的分享推动企业绩效提升。进一步的分析表明,信息化建设使得信息分享在支持企业业务活动和提升企业绩效方面的效果更加显著。  相似文献   

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