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本文使用对陕西省宝鸡市11个乡镇421户参合农民的调研资料,分析了新农合运行现状及保障能力状况,并运用Ordered Logit模型从农民视角对新农合保障能力及其影响因素进行了分析。研究结果显示,参合农户对新农合保障能力评价为"很强"和"较强"的占62.2%,"较差"及"很差"的占8.84%,评价为"一般"的占29.3%。新农合的贯彻执行力度、政府的资金支持力度、医疗机构的设备保障状况、药品的价格质量、基金管理的合理程度以及定点医疗机构对常见病的医治能力,是显著影响农民对新农合保障能力作出不同评价的因素。  相似文献   

文章从农民的福利感受和政策的福利效应两个维度考察新农合的政策效果。全国10个省30个村的千户农民调查数据显示,新农合的福利性并未得到农民高度的认可,部分农民认为制度的最大受益者是医疗机构、基层政府而非农民。新农合在提高农民看病积极性、改善农村卫生条件和农民健康状况等方面已初具成效。新农合在农民的参与,制度的设计与运行、实施与监督等方面存在的突出问题,影响了农民的福利感受和政策的福利效应。  相似文献   

人口老龄化是社会经济发展的必然趋势.我国目前实施的新农保制度就是为了解决农村老年人口养老问题的一个重要举措.但是,由于受制度设计以及社会经济发展条件等方面的影响,新农保基金的运行情况存在着一定风险.根据对福建省新农保基金收支情况的预测,未来一段时期内福建省新农保基金收入、支出都会呈现出增长的趋势,但支出速度大于收入速度,将会出现缺口.为实现新农保制度的可持续发展,可以从以下几个方面进行政策完善:适时、适度地调整生育政策,优化人口结构,保证新农保参保人数的可持续性;拓展新农合基金的缴费渠道,实现新农合基金运行的可持续性;拓宽新农保基金的增殖渠道,实现新农保基金的保值增值.  相似文献   

出生婴儿性别选择的经济学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从经济学的角度分析出生婴儿性剐逆向选择问题.虽然男孩、女孩都被父母视为"生育性财产",但由于男孩、女孩为父母提供的效用不同,男孩被视为"共同性财产",女孩被视为"分离性财产",正是这样一种财产观念导致父母对男孩需求强烈,对女孩需求减少,从而出现了出生婴儿性别逆向选择问题.  相似文献   

何路路  陈勇  茆长宝  张琴 《西北人口》2012,33(6):45-49,54
本文立足于可持续生计理论及其方法,以四川绵竹市清平乡灾害移民搬迁安置点为例,采取深度访谈以及问卷调查的方式对已搬迁农户目前的生计状况进行了研究。结果显示:虽然搬迁农户得到了社会的大力支持和政府的妥善安置,但仍面临着不少生计问题,主要体现为可利用的生计资本减少、农户的自我重建能力不足、失业与隐形失业严重、社会保障程度低等,虽然其中一些问题并非灾害所致,但灾后重建不得不全面考虑和从长计议。建议通过多渠道帮助农户尽快恢复生计,并增强农户生计的可持续性。  相似文献   

山东农村医疗保障制度中政府行为的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对山东农村医疗保障制度建设中的政府行为进行了问卷调查分析。分析表明,5年来新农合制度在政府的强力推动下已在全省建立起来,政府对新农合的财政支持、制度设计、监督管理等方面的主导作用越来越大,效果凸显,但也存在着诸如规划不到位、尚未立法、政策设计不够科学与合理、监管机制有待完善等问题。  相似文献   

新农合的财政补助水平与农民需求存在较大缺口,客观上需要政府提高补助水平。但由于农民有限理性的存在,在个人缴费在先且与财政补助同比增长的制度安排下,形成了农民既需要参合补助,又不愿因增加个人缴费以获得补助的悖论,且此情况会因制度供给缺陷而激化。因此,需要对新农合的参合补助路径进行优化。设计灵活的参合缴费模式,调整农民缴费与政府补助的增长幅度,提高农民医疗补偿的比例都是可行的选择。  相似文献   

贫困地区农村基础教育可及性与农民的主观幸福感   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章运用河北、山西、安徽、河南、湖北、湖南、广西、四川、贵州9个省份19个国家级贫困县152个贫困村和2 254个农户的调查资料,使用生活满意度法对贫困地区农村基础教育可及性变差产生的社会成本进行了估计。研究结果显示,农户到最近的小学和初中的距离对农户主观幸福感具有显著的影响。文章认为,基础教育可及性变差可能导致辍学、机会成本增加、教育负担增加、家庭教育弱化、亲情淡漠、学生出现心理危机等问题,从而降低农户主观幸福感。为了保持农户主观幸福感不变,农户到最近小学教学点或小学的平均距离每增加1个百分点,农户户均纯收入大约需要提高0.196个百分点;农户到最近初中的平均距离每增加1个百分点,农户户均纯收入大约需要提高0.218个百分点。  相似文献   

“逆向选择”下的个人人力资本投资   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在中国高等教育实行收费制、高校毕业生就业率下降的条件下 ,为什么居民的高等教育投资需求还是这么强劲 ?本文用一个“逆向选择”下人力资本投资的博弈假说解释了上述现象。本文的基本结论是 ,在劳动力岗位实行竞争性配置、教育筛选机制不规范的前提下 ,人力资本的创造性替代导致了低能者的防御性反应 ,从而出现人力资本市场的“逆向选择” ;而“逆向选择”又进一步导致文凭的过度投资  相似文献   

新型农村合作医疗制度自愿保险的困境与出路   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
面对新型农村合作医疗在实践中普遍存在的逆向选择问题,政府补贴的增加虽能提高农民的参合意愿,但它仍是治标不治本。如果不能很好地解决这个问题,新型农村合作医疗不能可持续发展,要么会因保障水平不够而夭折,要么就会出现财政赤字而难以为续。在短期内,可以在坚持自愿原则下、在自愿性的框架中,通过兼顾门诊补偿、对一年内没有享受住院治疗服务或门诊服务的参合者提供相应的促进健康和预防疾病服务、调整筹资顺序等手段扩大受益面来寻求可持续发展之路;最终通过引入强制性从根本上解决逆向选择的困境。  相似文献   

Rosenbaum E  Friedman S 《Demography》2001,38(3):337-348
In this paper we use a data set created especially for New York City to evaluate whether the locational attainment of households with children, as indicated by the context of the neighborhoods in which they live, varies by their immigrant status. In addition, we evaluate whether the relationship between immigrant status and neighborhood conditions varies by the householder's race/ethnicity. Overall, when compared with native-born households with children, immigrant households with children live in neighborhoods of lower quality, characterized by higher teenage fertility rates and higher percentages of students in local schools scoring below grade level in math and of persons receiving AFDC, but lower rates of juvenile detention. Further analyses, however, revealed that race/ethnicity is far more potent than immigrant status per se in predicting where households with children live.  相似文献   

James A. Sweet 《Demography》1984,21(2):129-140
There was an increase from 62.8 to 79.1 million households in the United States during the 1970s. The number of households increased much more rapidly than the population. This paper decomposes this growth in the number of households into components associated with changing age and marital status composition and changing age by marital status-specific propensities to form households. About one-third of the increase in the number of households was due to increased age by marital status propensity to form households, and two-thirds was due to shifts in the age by marital status distribution and population growth. The increased propensity to form households had its major impact at ages under 35, and primarily among never-married persons. The composition component had its primary impact at ages 25–44 as a result of the baby boom, and also because of the increased fractions never married and separated and divorced.  相似文献   

In this study, we use data from the Demographic and Health Surveys to examine the relationship between household structure and childhood immunization in Niger and Nigeria. We show that household structure is an important determinant of childhood immunization in Nigeria: Children from nuclear, elementary polygynous, and three-generational households are worse-off than those from laterally extended households. However, the lower odds of full immunization among children from three-generational and elementary polygynous households are attributable to low economic status and low maternal education levels, respectively. In Niger, household structure does not have a significant effect on children’s likelihood of being fully immunized.  相似文献   

以27个省份1999~2006年的宏观数据为基础,从描述和实证两个维度,对新型农村合作医疗制度的实施对于我国农民生活消费所带来的影响进行了考察。研究结果表明,由于减少了未来支出的不确定性,整体上来看,该制度的实施,不仅促进了我国农民在医疗保健方面消费支出水平的提高,也显著地推动了我国农民在其他生活消费方面支出水平的提升。  相似文献   

A growing body of research has examined how family dynamics shape residential mobility, highlighting the social—as opposed to economic—drivers of mobility. However, few studies have examined kin ties as both push and pull factors in mobility processes or revealed how the influence of kin ties on mobility varies across sociodemographic groups. Using data on local residential moves from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) from 1980 to 2013, we find that location of noncoresident kin influences the likelihood of moving out of the current neighborhood and the selection of a new destination neighborhood. Analyses of out-mobility reveal that parents and young adult children living near each other as well as low-income adult children living near parents are especially deterred from moving. Discrete-choice models of neighborhood selection indicate that movers are particularly drawn to neighborhoods close to aging parents, white and higher-income households tend to move close to parents and children, and lower-income households tend to move close to extended family. Our results highlight the social and economic trade-offs that households face when making residential mobility decisions, which have important implications for broader patterns of inequality in residential attainment.  相似文献   

Geist C  McManus PA 《Demography》2012,49(1):197-217
Previous research on migration and gendered career outcomes centers on couples and rarely examines the reason for the move. The implicit assumption is usually that households migrate in response to job opportunities. Based on a two-year panel from the Current Population Survey, this article uses stated reasons for geographic mobility to compare earnings outcomes among job migrants, family migrants, and quality-of-life migrants by gender and family status. We further assess the impact of migration on couples’ internal household economy. The effects of job-related moves that we find are reduced substantially in the fixed-effects models, indicating strong selection effects. Married women who moved for family reasons experience significant and substantial earnings declines. Consistent with conventional models of migration, we find that household earnings and income and gender specialization increase following job migration. Married women who are secondary earners have increased odds of reducing their labor supply following migration for job or family reasons. However, we also find that migrating women who contributed as equals to the household economy before the move are no more likely than nonmigrant women to exit work or to work part-time. Equal breadwinner status may protect women from becoming tied movers.  相似文献   

Studies of neighborhood effects often attempt to identify causal effects of neighborhood characteristics on individual outcomes, such as income, education, employment, and health. However, selection looms large in this line of research, and it has been argued that estimates of neighborhood effects are biased because people nonrandomly select into neighborhoods based on their preferences, income, and the availability of alternative housing. We propose a two-step framework to disentangle selection processes in the relationship between neighborhood deprivation and earnings. We model neighborhood selection using a conditional logit model, from which we derive correction terms. Driven by the recognition that most households prefer certain types of neighborhoods rather than specific areas, we employ a principle components analysis to reduce these terms into eight correction components. We use these to adjust parameter estimates from a model of subsequent neighborhood effects on individual income for the unequal probability that a household chooses to live in a particular type of neighborhood. We apply this technique to administrative data from the Netherlands. After we adjust for the differential sorting of households into certain types of neighborhoods, the effect of neighborhood income on individual income diminishes but remains significant. These results further emphasize that researchers need to be attuned to the role of selection bias when assessing the role of neighborhood effects on individual outcomes. Perhaps more importantly, the persistent effect of neighborhood deprivation on subsequent earnings suggests that neighborhood effects reflect more than the shared characteristics of neighborhood residents: place of residence partially determines economic well-being.  相似文献   

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