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文章在相关文献的基础上,从社会融入现状评价和预期两大视角,具体包括现住城镇喜欢程度、关注程度、接纳程度、平等程度、幸福程度和意愿融入程度、户口迁入预期和长期居住预期等8个方面,构建能够反映流动人口城镇社会融入状况的信心指数.并将该指数用于2012年全国流动人口动态监测调查数据的分析研究,分别从总体状况以及不同省份、不同城市类型等角度,解析流动人口城镇社会融入信心水平.该指数的构建及应用能够为政府及相关行业发展提供可靠的信息支持,能够根据社会融入现状指数和预期指数提前预判流动人口未来的流动方向、社会融入趋势和程度等,为相关政策的制定与执行、城市社会发展规划提供依据.  相似文献   

王泽群  于扬铭 《西北人口》2009,30(3):106-109
由于户籍制度的限制和现行政策的不完善,城市少数民族流动人口在就业、教育、医疗、住房等领域缺乏必要的社会保障.这对社会的稳定和发展造成了消极影响。文章讨论了城市少数民族流动人口的社会保障问题应该坚持的原则和主要对策,认为从长远来看,要运步构建有利于少数民族流动人口在城市中社会融入的经济、社会和文化条件。  相似文献   

中国城镇流动人口的住房状况研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
许多发展中国家城市普遍存在乡城人口迁移和贫民窟扩张现象。尽管我国正快速城市化,城镇贫民窟现象并不普遍。2000年人口普查资料显示,城镇地区流动和迁移人口的住房状况并不比非流迁人口差;在某些房屋设施方面,流动人口甚至要好于城镇当地居民。本文运用2000年0.095%抽样数据研究中国城镇流动人口的住房状况,试图回答三个问题:(1)流动人口在城镇如何居住?(2)不同类型的流动人口居住方式是否不同?(3)为什么部分流动人口的住房状况优于城镇当地居民?  相似文献   

"新型城镇化,其核心是人的城镇化",在区域经济发展与城镇化建设中何以留住人?本文利用logit回归分析模型,基于全国七城市调查数据,实证检验了住房公积金制度在流动人口城市定居过程中的政策效应.研究结果表明,住房公积金制度对流动人口的城市定居意愿与城市购房都有显著的促进作用,且能够强化定居意愿对城市购房的正向影响,但其作用效果存在人群差异和地区差异.对农民工而言,在东、 中、 西部三类城市中,住房公积金制度均提高了其城市定居意愿,但对其城市购房无促进作用,参与公积金制度提高了农民工在城市定居的心理预期,但无助于其定居能力.对城镇户籍流动人口而言,住房公积金制度对定居意愿的促进作用只存在于东部城市,而在东、 中部城市中,住房公积金能够提高其购房打算.一个理想化的政策效果是,住房公积金制度既能直接促进流动人口的城市定居行为,又能通过提高其定居意愿进而间接作用于定居行为,文章结果显示,这种理想化的政策效果只在东部城市对城镇户籍流动人口有效.  相似文献   

中国流动人口居住问题研究   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
中国大量的农村剩余劳动力往返于城乡之间,形成流动人口。受住房供给条件和需求能力的限制,流动人口比起城市户籍人口在住房的可获得性、住房条件和居住的社区环境等方面都相对较差,因此,他们成为城市社会生活的最底层,他们未来的发展也因之受到影响。为帮助流动人口群体向上社会流动,从而使社会不断地、稳定有序地实现进步和发展,政府应在解决流动人口居住问题上承担起责任。  相似文献   

外来人口长期居留倾向的Logit模型分析   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
任远  戴星翼 《南方人口》2003,18(4):39-44
本研究提出流动人口长期居留的“融入决定假没”,即外来人口进人城市以后,逐步深深地卷入城市的生产、生活中,他们与城市运转结合越紧密,他们将具有越强的长期居留倾向。随着长期居留城市的流动人口数量增加,其所关联的教育、卫生保健、社会保障、居住、就业和家庭婚姻等社会经济问题势必逐步积累,需要城市管理者相应加以重视和管理。  相似文献   

李艳华 《西北人口》2017,(5):113-119
新生代农村流动人口已成为我国农村流动人口的"主力军",一方面他们用自己蓬勃的青春活力为城市的发展注入新的动力,另一方面他们又因自身的迷茫与躁动给城市的发展带来冲击.如何顺利实现这类群体的市民化转型对加快我国的城镇化进程、统筹城乡发展意义重大.通过分析发现,一般情况下,城市经济社会发展状况越好,居住环境越好,新生代农村流动人口收入水平越高,社会交往网络越广阔,其市民化的意愿越高,越容易融入城市生活.最后,尝试就推进新生代农村流动人口市民化进程所面临的实际问题提出可行的政策建议.  相似文献   

本研究在对上海各区县流动人口进行问卷调查的基础上,描述了家庭随迁流动人口的住房性质、居住社区类型和居住区位等多方面的基本特征,综合探讨了个人及家庭因素、社会及制度因素和社会融合因素对流动人口住房选择的影响机制。分析表明:上海流动人口家庭随迁特征明显;流动人口仍以租赁住房为主,主要聚居在远郊、近郊的农村社区和城中村;家庭随迁流动人口在住房拥有率方面凸显优势;由流动人口自身素质所形成的社会分层对住房选择影响显著;制度性因素和社会融合因素对住房选择也具有显著性影响。针对分析结论,本文在政府、社会以及个人等多方面提出解决流动人口住房问题的对策建议。  相似文献   

文章利用2013年全国七个城市流动人口的问卷调查数据,使用Logistic回归分析流动人口社会融入对其父母家庭养老的影响,以父母养老地点作为被解释变量探讨其影响因素.模型结果表明,传统的养老观念并不因人口流动而弱化,流动人口社会融入感的增强对父母未来养老地点的选择具有重要影响.流动人口的个人因素和家庭因素也有显著影响:年龄在18~40岁、拥有非农户口、受教育程度越高、家庭有产权房、在流入地有买房打算和定居意愿、与本地人交往较多的流动人口将父母接到身边养老的意愿更强,而传统的性别差异、农村土地承担的养老功能以及流动人口在流入地的居住时间则对被解释变量没有显著影响,并提出增强流动人口融入感和归属感等政策建议.  相似文献   

现有研究更多关注居住隔离对流动人口社会融合的影响,但忽略了不同居住空间类型造成的层级性影响,其背后的路径机制也有待进一步发掘。本研究利用2013年CMDS调查数据,通过构建包含社区、住房及邻居类型等多种邻里因素的分层模型,展开具体的居住空间层级效应检验及其内在机制分析。研究发现,不同社区的流动人口社会融合状况存在明显差异。融合程度既受邻里建成环境、住房等客观物理因素的影响,也与社区活动参与、邻居类型等社会资本条件密不可分,社区环境通过社区活动参与对社会融合产生影响。在以人为本的新型城镇化建设过程中,一个更具包容性的城市可以通过增加社区内住房的异质性、改善邻里环境以及鼓励社区活动参与等有效措施,促进流动人口的社会融合。  相似文献   

Measuring housing quality or value or both has been a weak component of demographic and development research in less developed countries that lack an active real estate (housing) market. We describe a new method based on a standardized subjective rating process. It is designed to be used in settings that do not have an active, monetized housing market. The method is applied in an ongoing longitudinal study in north-east Thailand and could be straightforwardly used in many other settings. We develop a conceptual model of the process whereby households come to reside in high-quality or low-quality housing units. We use this theoretical model in conjunction with longitudinal data to show that the new method of measuring housing quality behaves as theoretically expected, thus providing evidence of face validity.  相似文献   

Quality of housing plays one of the key roles in a public health research, since inadequate housing may have direct or indirect negative impact on health. Higher satisfaction with housing was shown to be associated with higher income, higher age, a smaller family, higher education, being female and being an owner of a dwelling. The aim of our study is to identify the multiple sources of the satisfaction with housing in population of urban slums and rural areas in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We have used a combined variable “Housing Satisfaction”, containing nine items related to satisfaction with different types of housing facilities (water, electricity, toilet etc.). Ordinal as well as binary multiple logistic regression models were applied to predict housing satisfaction. Rural residents (with 90 % house ownership) were much more satisfied with their housing than urban slum dwellers. Those respondents who perceived their area as “Very bad/Bad” to reach medical care reported significantly higher levels of housing dissatisfaction. Low satisfaction with available facilities (education, health services, etc.) as well as the adjacent neighbourhood being perceived as negative for own health showed as well a strong predictive effect on housing dissatisfaction. The major findings of our study showed a complex relationship between housing satisfaction and the quality of basic facilities including the reachability of medical care. Understanding the factors which lead to satisfaction with housing and residential environment is crucial for planning successful and effective housing policies.  相似文献   

Numerous cross-cultural studies have focused on certain aspects of urban housing conditions and their social consequences. However, most data on housing satisfaction is restricted to Western countries. Relatively little comparison has been made between these findings and those in developing areas where rapid urbanization is occurring and where concomitant problems in urban housing are emerging. Moreover, since primary cities of developing countries in the initial stage of economic development have received extensive attention in urban housing research, it would be interesting to examine a non-primary city where relatively good standards of living have been achieved. Thus, this study investigates people’s housing satisfaction in modern and historical neighborhoods. This paper addresses some conceptual and measurement issues related to the study of housing satisfaction. We build a conceptual model, which links the multiple dimensions of housing satisfaction, measured by a modified version of Bardo and Dokmeci’s (1992, Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs 118(3)) housing satisfaction scale, in a causal sense. An empirical examination of the model in traditional and modern neighborhoods reveals that social and environmental living conditions positively influence overall housing satisfaction. The results also indicate that the drivers of the social and environmental living conditions constructs differ between traditional and modern neighborhoods.  相似文献   

To improve environmental hygiene in public housing estates in Hong Kong, the Housing Department launched the Marking Scheme for Tenancy Enforcement in Public Housing Estates in 2003. The marking scheme operates as a penalty-point system where sitting tenants will be expelled from their public housing units if they receive penalty points up to a certain level for committed misdeeds. By its nature, the marking scheme is a measure to tackle neighbourhood problems or so-called antisocial behaviour (ASB) in public housing. Yet, it was implemented without comprehensive public consultation a priori. Besides, why this control selectively targets public housing tenants but not residents in other housing tenures is not justified. More importantly, no previous attempt has been made to investigate the impacts of the marking scheme. To straddle the existing research gap, this study aims to explore the social impacts brought about by the marking scheme on public housing tenants through a structured questionnaire survey. In the respondents’ eyes, the effectiveness of the scheme to rectify public housing tenants’ bad behaviour is doubtful. Moreover, harmony within families and neighbourliness seems to be undermined by the scheme. Recommendations are then provided to public administrators regarding ASB control in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

There is paucity of research investigating opinions and attitudes of seniors 55 years of age and older in relation to housing accommodation and services sensitive to the needs of the senior population. We describe the results of a cross-sectional survey soliciting opinions and attitudes of seniors with respect to a variety of housing issues including home ownership and home modifications. The objectives of the survey were to improve our understanding of older adults’ views and concerns about housing, and to collect information intended to provide policy makers with recommendations regarding housing services, improved access, and safety for older adults as indicated by the individual residents. Most respondents indicated a strong desire to stay and age in their own homes, and continue owning their homes. There was general agreement among those surveyed that other forms of accommodations such as seniors’ housing, congregate homes, small self-contained houses placed on the same lot as the home of a close family member, and residential care facilities were alternative housing options that are less preferred. Winter weather conditions in northern British Columbia were reported to be an important impediment for safety, community participation, and access to facilities and services. Policy implications related to housing tenure and housing conditions as important social determinants of health for seniors are discussed.  相似文献   

Hill Kulu  Fiona Steele 《Demography》2013,50(5):1687-1714
Research has examined the effect of family changes on housing transitions and childbearing patterns within various housing types. Although most research has investigated how an event in one domain of family life depends on the current state in another domain, the interplay between them has been little studied. This study examines the interrelationships between childbearing decisions and housing transitions. We use rich longitudinal register data from Finland and apply multilevel event history analysis to allow for multiple births and housing changes over the life course. We investigate the timing of fertility decisions and housing choices with respect to each other. We model childbearing and housing transitions jointly to control for time-invariant unobserved characteristics of women, which may simultaneously influence their fertility behavior and housing choices, and we show how joint modeling leads to a deeper understanding of the interplay between the two domains of family life.  相似文献   

South African cities attract thousands of new residents every year in search of work and a better life. The housing backlog coupled with a shortage of housing subsidies means that for many South Africans there is no alternative but to live in informal housing and shack settlements. Informal settlements are therefore here to stay for the next decade and beyond. Given the importance of these residential areas, research needs to be undertaken to determine how to improve the lives of people living in shack settlements. This theme has received little dedicated attention by South African quality of life researchers in the past and the paper begins to address this by exploring the quality of life of informal dwellers in three distinct city areas in South Africa: Buffalo City, Durban, and Alexandra, Johannesburg. The paper investigates the factors that are most important in improving the quality of life of residents in informal housing as well as the main obstacles to a better quality of life. It uses regression analysis to obtain an understanding of the kinds of issues which shape quality of life in these areas and concludes by suggesting several research directions which would improve our knowledge of quality of life for informal settlement residents.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the association between real estate demand and the volatility of population changes. In a financial liberalized housing market, the housing mortgage loan implies insurance function to homeowners through the default option. Larger expected volatilities in the population imply a higher value of the default option. When analyzing the impact of the long-term population development on housing prices, the traditional deterministic population forecasting employed by previous research provides limited credibility. By means of the newly developed stochastic population forecasting methodology and counterfactual numerical simulations, we found a huge volatility associated with long-term population forecasting. A positive correlation between the expected volatility of population changes and real estate demand is ascertained.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated the persistently lower residential satisfaction of tenants as compared to homeowners. However, analysis of data from 41,198 US households indicates that this gap is heavily age dependent. After middle age, the residential satisfaction of apartment housing tenants increases dramatically—eventually exceeding that of both single-family housing tenants and homeowners. Although elderly tenants are less likely to indicate dissatisfaction with building maintenance or the neighborhood, these factors are particularly important to elderly tenant satisfaction. These age differences in housing satisfaction may relate to the increasing difficulty of managing residential maintenance and the growing importance of nearby services.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to explore the relationships among housing satisfaction, community attachment and community satisfaction and the complex mechanisms involved in predicting community satisfaction among residents in rural communities. The role of housing satisfaction and community attachment in predicting community satisfaction was of particular interest. A structural equation model of community satisfaction was tested with mail survey data drawn from a randomly selected rural sample of 974 households. The results of this study confirmed the influences and mediating role of community attachment and housing satisfaction in predicting community satisfaction. “Spillover” effects from “lower levels of life concerns” (e.g., satisfaction with local services, assessment of current housing conditions) in perceived community satisfaction were found that support previous research (Sirgy and Cornwell in Social Indicators Research 59:79–114, 2002).  相似文献   

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