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受恶劣的自然条件和落后的社会经济状况制约.安定区形成了低水平“核心-边缘”、低层次行政管理和明显河谷交通指向的城镇体系特征。未来应通过加快城区建设步伐、发挥中心城镇优势、提升重点城镇地位完善规模等级结构:通过准确定位城镇职能、大力调整产业结构、加强基础设施建设完善职能类型结构;通过建设生态适宜的发展环境和构筑多层次开放格局完善地域空间结构。以期形成合理的城镇体系,带动县域经济社会的持续健康发展。  相似文献   

新型生育文化对解决老年人口问题的启示   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
阎志强 《南方人口》2004,19(3):7-12
新型生育文化有利于解决我国面临的老年人口问题。在建设新型老年文化、完善养老保障体系、健全老龄事业的组织和法律体系、加强社区老年服务建设等方面 ,新型生育文化具有重要的促进作用。论文建议应采取积极措施 ,把新型生育文化建设与老龄事业发展有机结合起来。  相似文献   

国防人口学是一门新兴学科,虽然我国开展这一领域的研究只有20年,但已建立了完善的学科体系,并在研究国防人口建设战略规划、社会环境对国防人口建设的重大影响、国防人口发展对国防安全的影响、国防人力资源开发等方面取得了重要成就,在人口科学和国防科学中占有重要地位。  相似文献   

对甘肃失地农民社会保障问题的再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘志远  马丁丑  王生林 《西北人口》2010,31(3):101-105,109
在深入分析甘肃省在失地农民社会保障方面的制度安排和主要实践方式的基础上。提出完善失地农民社会保障制度的对策建议——构建发展型的失地农民社会保障制度、建立公平合理的征地补偿制度、完善社会保险制度、完善最低生活保障制度、完善再就业保障机制、促进村级集体经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

利用重点生态功能区北京市延庆区的1279个农村劳动力的调查数据,借助二元logit模型,基于农村地区自我发展能力的视角,分析了两大类生态补偿项目对农村劳动力转移就业的影响.研究结果表明:岗位类生态补偿项目本身提供的劳动岗位质量不高,而且减弱了参与者进一步拓宽就业渠道的主动性;耕地类和林地类生态补偿项目压缩了农业生产规模,使得参与者的农业生产活动减少,同时其转移就业的可能性没有显著提高.长期来看,目前的生态补偿项目实施方式可能造成劳动力剩余和土地复耕问题.  相似文献   

制约三江源地区生态移民迁入地可持续发展的因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于三江源地区社会发展的特殊性,在移民进入后迁入地同样面临如何实现可持续发展的问题。本文运用实证分析和规范分析相结合的方法,分析得出后续产业发展缓慢,生态补偿机制建设滞后,生态环境建设难度大,人口增长过快,教育落后、人力资本匮乏,地方政府行为能力建设滞后是制约迁入地实现可持续发展的因素。  相似文献   

论生态移民与长江上游可持续发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
生态环境保护与建设是中国西部大开发的根本和切入点 ,长江上游是西部地区和中国生态环境建设的重点。本文在对生态移民进行界定的基础上 ,通过对长江上游生态脆弱与环境恶化状况以及该地区在整个长江流域重要地位的分析 ,研究了长江上游生态移民与西部地区生态环境建设等方面的关系 ,提出了在生态移民的过程中应当关注的问题 ,进而阐述了长江上游生态移民在提高长江流域乃至全国可持续发展能力中的地位和作用。  相似文献   

计划生育利益导向体系建设是建立和完善稳定低生育水平长效工作机制、着力解决计划生育家庭民生问题的重要内容,是践行群众路线、坚持以人为本转变工作方式方法的重要举措。近年来,湖南省株洲市积极探索计划生育利益导向体系建设,并取得了明显的成效。计划生育利益导向体系建设现状近年来,株洲市高度重视计划生育利益导向体系建设,在政策、保障、评估体系建设上做文章,探索了体系模式。  相似文献   

冯朝柱 《南方人口》2009,24(4):7-13
通过大量的调查数据,本文重点考察、分析了我国计生家庭和计生父母面临的问题以及获得的救助、补偿等生育补偿情况,最后从转变生育补偿观念、改进生育补偿方法和加大生育补偿力度等方面提出相应的对策研究。  相似文献   

日本和韩国是东亚地区人口老龄化程度最高的代表性国家,也是各项应对对策较完善的国家,在完善老龄人口权益立法,构建社会各部门共同参与的组织体系,提供系统化的养老公共服务等方面积累了丰富的经验。中国的人口老龄化进程不断加快,但是在应对对策方面存在着法律不健全、核心部门不明确、资源碎片化等问题,有必要借鉴日韩的成熟经验加以完善。  相似文献   

This paper examines how structure and agency interact to shape forced migration outcomes. Specifically, I ask how structural factors such as compensation policies as well as social, financial, and human capital may either foster or constrain migration aspirations and capabilities. I use longitudinal, semi-structured interview data to study forced migration among farmers displaced by the Belo Monte Dam in the Brazilian Amazon. Results from baseline interviews indicate that nearly all community members aspired to purchase rural land in the region and maintain livelihoods as cacao farmers or cattle ranchers. Constraints limiting the ability to attain aspirations included strict requirements on land titles for properties, delays in receiving compensation, rising land prices, and the lack of power to negotiate for better compensation. Despite these constraints, most migrants succeeded in attaining aspirations, as they were able to mobilize resources such as social networks, financial capital, skills, and knowledge. These findings highlight the importance of considering the relationship between structure and agency within forced migration research. I conclude by discussing how the findings may inform resettlement policies for future cases of development- or environment-induced forced migration.  相似文献   

Many influential analyses of West Africa take it for granted that ‘original’ forest cover has progressively been converted and savannized during the twentieth century by growing populations. By testing these assumptions against historical evidence, exemplified for Ghana and Ivory Coast, this article shows that these neo‐Malthusian deforestation narratives badly misrepresent people–forest relationships. They obscure important nonlinear dynamics, as well as widespread anthropogenic forest expansion and landscape enrichment. These processes are better captured, in broad terms, by a neo‐Boserupian perspective on population–forest dynamics. However, comprehending variations in locale‐specific trajectories of change requires fuller appreciation of social differences in environmental and resource values, of how diverse institutions shape resource access and control, and of ecological variability and path dependency in how landscapes respond to use. The second half of the article présents and illustrates such a “landscape structuretion” perspective through case studies from the forest–savanna transition zones of Ghana and Guinea.  相似文献   

The Escalator Boxcar Train method is used to solve the distributed optimal control problems of forest management numerically. It takes into account intraspecific competition for scarce resources such as light, space, and nutrients during reproduction, growth, and mortality. It provides an alternative to gradient projection methods and Markov processes. It is implemented with standard software. The application is on the optimal forest management regime in the presence of intraspecific competition.  相似文献   

Because of urgent concerns to protect tropical forests in Latin America, social science research on them has been generally ‘forest-centred.’ This forest-centred approach considers the people who inhabit the frontier as agents of land use change and forest conversion focusing on how their actions affect forest cover. Welfare indicators for forest frontier populations (income, education, health, access to basic services) are addressed only incidentally in terms of how they influence land use. ‘People’ centred research, which asks questions from the perspective of human welfare such as, ‘Are frontier settlers better off than they were before?’ or ‘What kind of socio-economic impacts does frontier life have on the people who live there?” and “How can their lives be improved?,” has been less common. As a result, we know much about the impacts, especially adverse impacts, which settler activity on the frontier has on forest cover but little about the impacts settlement has on settlers, themselves. This paper attempts to shift discussion towards these kinds of questions and a more people centred approach by reviewing existing research that directly addresses the welfare of settlers in tropical forest frontiers in Latin America. We also review research that touches on settler welfare by considering the concept of ‘sustainability’ on the forest frontier and stakes out a comprise position between ‘forest’ and ‘people’ centred questions or concerns. Settler welfare is defined primarily in economic terms. Household income, wealth, and agricultural productivity are interpreted a proxies for welfare in most cases. We also consider welfare in terms of access to basic services (health and education) and living conditions. We particularly consider how settler welfare indicators may change over time on the frontier. Tropical forests, defined as tropical, moist, broadleaf forests, are the main ecological setting of interest. These forests are generally the largest unoccupied areas in many Latin American countries and are thus, also the main ‘agricultural frontier’ or areas of new settlement by small farmers.  相似文献   

浅析三峡库区移民过渡期的贫困问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
库区移民存在着历史性贫困。在搬迁后一段时间又面临着经济、文化、精神等新的贫困。贫困问题严重制约着移民的搬迁安置 ,从而影响国家的移民大业和库区经济的长远建设。经济上的补偿与扶持、区域文化的异地构建、精神心态的素质培育、文化教育手段的运用等都不失为库区移民过渡期贫困的解决良策。  相似文献   

Online surveys are becoming increasingly popular for accessing less visible and decentralized populations, including bisexual, gay, lesbian and transgender (BGLT) populations. Advances in technology and convenience for the both the researcher and the participant have facilitated this trend. In this paper, we explore issues related to conducting BGLT survey research online, such as making decisions about survey formats, target populations and recruitment, compensation, access.  相似文献   

调查显示,在一系列社会保障条件还相对缺位的现实下,广大农村地区实行计划生育行为主体的家庭.也为此承受了一定的风险及其代价,他们的生存状况不客乐观,部分家庭的生活成本加大,发展潜能减弱,进而导致相对贫困,乃至绝对贫困。这需要全面审视计划生育政策实施效果,建立配套的奖励、扶持和补偿机制.构建与之相适应的社会保障体系,维持人口和计划生育政策以及家庭的可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文从计划生育政策下我国农村子女效用角度出发,分析了农村计划生育利益导向机制的补偿、激励、导向、保障功能等功能,提出建立利益导向机制的3个角度,即针对计生家庭的父母、子女和整个家庭3部分实施的优惠性的利益机制,指出利益导向机制的优惠措施要具有易获得性、体现地区差异性,并强调利益导向机制要同生育文化一同建设、相互促进。  相似文献   

Deforestation and detribalization in the Philippines: The Palawan case   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Palawan Island contains the largest remaining expanse of unbroken forest cover in the Philippines. The forest is currently threatened by agricultural colonization, as numerous migrants from throughout the Philippines settle annually in the island's forested uplands. Further, Palawan is being heavily logged and is, in consequence, the focus of an acrimonious national environmental debate. This paper examines how land alienation and other forms of socioeconomic marginalization attending these pressures have undermined the well-being of Palawan's indigenous tribal peoples. It also explains how lack of secure tenure and failure to achieve popular participation so distort the gap between the ideal and the practice of agroforestry programs aimed at these peoples that such programs not only fail to ameliorate the ecological situation but further undermine tribal well-being.Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, New Orleans, LA, February 15–20, 1990.  相似文献   

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