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潘殊闲 《阅江学刊》2014,(4):105-111
元代陈草庵的散曲透露出浓浓的叹世伤感情怀,其中有他的社会梦想,更有他人生苦旅中的颖悟。他劝谕世人要退守雌让、淡泊功名、安分随缘、与人方便,也告诫世人及时行乐。这些劝谕看似矛盾,其实正是作者浮世中矛盾心态的真实反映。  相似文献   

婚姻家庭生活对老年人晚年幸福十分重要.通过对广东城镇1265位老年人的问卷调查,从居住、代际关系、婚姻状况及老人精神情感等5个方面分析了城镇老年人婚姻家庭生活状况,结果显示多数老人钟情于家庭养老,渴望子女精神关怀,婚姻及家庭生活整体较好但个体差异较大.建议大力发展社区居家养老服务体系和社区为老组织建设,针对不同类型老人...  相似文献   

Presence of growth after traumatic events was introduced to the academic community about a decade ago (Tedeschi & Calhoun, 1995). From the conventionally neglected perspective of Chinese widowers, this paper reports seventeen Chinese widowers' views on growth after conjugal loss. Findings seem to suggest that Chinese widowers would define growth as human learning, a definition probably influenced by Confucian teachings. Furthermore, contrary to claims made by Tedeschi and Calhoun (2004), it was found that growth may occur for some individuals without the presence of distress if the individuals have either a stable philosophy of life and death or optimism to buffer their distress or a sense of responsibility to suppress their distress.  相似文献   


With dramatic developments in the treatment of HIV/AIDS, life expectancy is increasing, resulting in more middle-aged and older adults living with this disease. Little is known about the problems, and especially the strengths, of those living and aging with HIV. Hardiness is used in the gerontological literature to describe and explain how people age successfully, despite traumatic life events and chronic diseases. Similarly, the concept of hardiness may be used to guide clinicians, researchers, and clients on how to age successfully with HIV. This article provides a review of hardiness in aging and HIV, and emphasizes its importance in facilitating successful aging with this disease. Conceptual and methodological concerns in studying hardiness and successful aging are addressed. Potential interventions and clinical implications for social work are posited for augmenting qualities of hardiness in people aging with HIV.  相似文献   

This study expands the understanding of forgiveness among a sample of older adults in Israel by exploring the contributory roles of meaning in life; stressful life events; and socio economic variables such as gender, age, and religiosity as well as time and agent of hurt. A convenience sample of 225 older adults in Israel responded to the Enright Forgiveness Inventory and the Reker Meaning in Life Scale. An additional questionnaire contained demographic and other background information, including a list of traumatic life events. The results of our study support our assumption that meaning in life correlates with forgiveness on all its dimensions. Furthermore, women tend to forgive more than men, and there is a tendency to forgive family members more readily than nonfamily members, and people who are still alive, as opposed to those who have passed away.  相似文献   

The largest, the cruelest empire in the history of mankind is rapidly disintegrating. But we must not be deluded. The ruins of great empires do not yet mean the emergence of a new, happier, and wiser society. The empire has not yet disintegrated entirely. But even when it does, this will not mean that the people inhabiting one-sixth of the earth's surface will live better, that life will become happy, and that our countrymen will be freer, richer, healthier, better educated, and more humane. Even the cessation of the activity of the CPSU does not mean that the destructive force of lawlessness, militarism, the suppression of human dignity, stagnation, conservatism, the terrible discomfort of everyday life, unprecedented exploitation, general incompetence, parasitism, and technological backwardness is a museum relic forever consigned to the past.  相似文献   

Scholars believe that family ties extending out to previous generations, called kin support, may have allowed American Indians to withstand traumatic events. Although a series of traumatic and historical events disrupted the social structures of family life, kin support was found to be a major factor in the survival of American Indians. This study utilized the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study to compare American Indians and whites (n = 1227) in factors that impact kin support. While urban American Indian mothers were similar to whites in a number of elements, American Indian mothers that were not married, fell below the poverty threshold, were younger in age and co‐resided with kin were more likely than their white counterparts to receive kin support. Implications for urban American Indian mothers suggest that maintaining their role as kin keeper may serve as an intrinsic reward and motivation for caring for kin. The role of a kin keeper may also promote the unique contribution in their families and the preservation of their culture. Given the minimal research in this area, results of this study can be used to guide future research and the development of intervention strategies for practitioners working with American Indian families.  相似文献   

社会主义市场经济向纵深发展使主体意识崛起并对政治系统提出多层次多向度的要求,因而客观上要求政治关注与满足作为主体的人的本质的获得,实现政治对人的现实关切,使主体的自由在社会文明进步的框架内获得.当前要建设属人的政治,就必须从人的主体性和客观性视野出发,构筑解决价值和实践矛盾的人学政治理论;同时要避免抽象人性论、主体中心主义以及其他错误的政治观.  相似文献   

Women who are subjected to violence are affected by the traumatic event but also by the resultant negative or positive social situations arising from the manner in which society works. The aim of this study was to investigate, against the background of a traumatic incident, the significance of social events that occur after the act of violence itself. The picture of victimization and how it is experienced is complex. Two case studies illustrate the attempts of assaulted women to gain redress, but they also show how this is made more difficult by secondary traumatization. An analytical model gives some of the factors in the process of victimization. Assaulted women react to the assault on the basis of their current and previous life situation at the same time as the extent of the assault and the relation of the victim to the attacker are of importance. The representatives of society, volunteers and family and friends act in accordance with the "status" the victim has been implicitly given, which affects the woman's autonomy and her own ability to act. Secondary traumatization caused by a negative attitude from various actors in society makes the process of redress and a return to normal life more difficult.  相似文献   

As suicide rates among young people are rising globally, a mixed-mode research was conducted to investigate the perception of young people in Malaysia of what is meant by “Meaningful Life”, and its association with “life is determined by myself”. Two hundred and seventy young people aged 15–24 were recruited in this cross sectional survey. A thematic qualitative approach was used to analyze open-ended questions and the findings reveal that happiness, relationships with family members and friends and having specific goals in life were the top three contributors to meaningfulness in young peoples’ lives. The Chi-square test for independence showed significant association between the coded variables and gender. Females perceived life to be meaningful when the people around them were happy and males perceived life to be meaningful when having good relationships with people around them, and both thought that having goals in life make it meaningful. The result also showed that there was a significant association for females between “life is determined by myself” and “meaningful life”. Present findings suggested that meaningfulness in life is not a pure individual affect or personal construct but a relational concept; it is related to the meaningful activities in which young people engaged. Future researcher may further explore the relationship between youth perceptions of meaningful life and autonomous environments, among the immediate ecological systems of family, peers, and school surroundings.  相似文献   

Culture exerts powerful influences on each generations' responses to older members in declining health. Narratives, the stories people tell about their lives, depict the different the ways that the elderly and their children experience their world. Their personal narratives chronicle their connections to culture the past. They also illustrate the ways that the cultural values are transformed to accommodate the present and future. The stories are influenced by immigration, assimilation, development, interpersonal relationships, and life events. These differences between the cultural narratives of the elderly and the following generation are particularly apparent during times of chronic stress. One such situation occurs during chronic illness when the younger generation is called upon to provide for the elderly and chronically ill.  相似文献   

Guardiola J, González‐Gómez F, García‐Rubio MA, Lendechy‐Grajales Á. Does higher income equal higher levels of happiness in every society? The case of the Mayan people This study analysed happiness and several domains of life of Mayan people in the poor rural areas of Yucatan, Mexico. Using a sample of 373 households, we examined the influence of income on happiness and its domains, obtaining results that lend support to the ‘paradox of happy peasants and miserable millionaires’. According to the results, income influences happiness among the Mayan people, as do material domains and health, but income does not influence the domains related to intangible feelings and public goods. A number of reasons, such as a lack of a means for comparison, close contact with nature, adaptation to deprivation, general material improvements compared with the past, low aspirations and a Mayan culture that is devoted to solidarity and enjoyment of social relationships, could explain why the sample population reported high levels of happiness. Although the Mayans' level of happiness is high, their situation nevertheless requires political attention.  相似文献   

The film is destined to have a happy life. It was being discussed even before it appeared on the screen. We are not speaking about professionals or about critics, who very often are ahead of developments. In this case the spectators themselves engaged in the debate right from the outset. Letters to the editors about the film "We'll Survive Till Monday" [Dozhivem do ponedel'nika] testify to this.  相似文献   

A large body of research has explored the impact of questioning participants about traumatic experiences. To determine the level of risk, these studies have relied, to various degrees, upon a risk-benefit calculus, whereby risks are weighed against the benefits that an individual can receive from participating. In the case of trauma-focused studies this approach is erroneous. The procedures involved in trauma-focused studies do not meet the criteria to be considered therapeutic, and the benefits associated with these procedures do not carry the moral weight to offset risk. Applying the risk-benefit calculus to non-therapeutic procedures inevitably leads to inaccurate risk assessments and ethically problematic claims, examples of which can be found throughout traumatic stress literature. This article outlines how the standard approach to risk assessment in trauma-focused studies is fallacious, and presents an established alternative model that researchers can use to accurately assess the risks of asking participants about their traumatic experiences.  相似文献   

李喜霞 《唐都学刊》2010,26(6):104-107
通过对西安市少数民族流动人口进行问卷调查和访谈,研究发现,西安市少数民族流动人口表现形态为:经济收入低,生活形态简单;他们已经呈现出根据自己的意愿选择工作地点,他们对城市生活的评价相对较高;同时他们的成分相对比较复杂,表现在民族类别多,来源地区域分散,他们有比较稳定的居住和交往习惯,他们以生活和工作为核心交往对象,呈现出世俗化的趋向。他们对西安市经济情况较为熟悉,也比较清楚地认识到职业技能培训和权益维护的必要性,他们希望能够在西安获得发展。  相似文献   

王楠 《社会》2018,38(6):155-179
在我们这个似乎已实现了“价值自由”的时代,马克斯·韦伯很少被人视为一位伦理教育者。本文尝试从韦伯身处的时代和社会背景出发,以其关于学术与政治之伦理意义的论述为重点,结合其书信和传记,来揭示韦伯思想中之伦理教育的面向。面对威廉二世时代的精神危机,韦伯力主社会科学虽具有抽象的观念性,但能够向人们揭示文明与历史中的超越性价值,并通过对其客观化实践的描述,令人们看到这些价值理想如何落实于现实,并产生复杂的变化与后果;由此,学术能够令人明确自身的价值立场及其实践后果,从而培养人的自我清明和求真务实的品质,在日常的工作与生活中朴实地践行自己的理想。另一方面,韦伯还告诫我们,要警惕主观理想潜藏的暴力性,认清实践的复杂性和悖谬性,将信念与清醒的现实责任感结合起来。  相似文献   

Recent developments in modeling preferences: Uncertainty and ambiguity   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
In subjective expected utility (SEU), the decision weights people attach to events are their beliefs about the likelihood of events. Much empirical evidence, inspired by Ellsberg (1961) and others, shows that people prefer to bet on events they know more about, even when their beliefs are held constant. (They are averse to ambiguity, or uncertainty about probability.) We review evidence, recent theoretical explanations, and applications of research on ambiguity and SEU.Thanks to Jonathan Baron, James Dow, Peter Fishburn, Itzhak Gilboa, Gordon Hazen, Howard Kunreuther, Tomas Phillipson, David Schmeidler, Amos Tversky, the editor, and several anonymous referees for corrections and helpful comments. Camerer's contribution to this work was supported by the National Science Foundation, grant no. SES 88-09299. Weber's contribution was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsge-meinschaft, grant no. WE 993/5-1.  相似文献   

This research note investigates how people combine their views on two radically opposing welfare reforms: a universal basic income and a fully means-tested welfare state. Using data from the 2016–2017 European Social Survey, we found that support for transformative welfare reform is rooted in perceptions of the performance of the current system. The preferred direction of reform, however, strongly depends on the specific aspects of the welfare state people are happy or unhappy with. At the country-level, we show that underperforming welfare states—in terms of higher poverty rates and lower social spending—increase popular demand for transformative welfare reform, in either direction. These findings are of crucial importance for ongoing debates about the future of the welfare state.  相似文献   

Prior to and during World War II, thousands of girls and young women were abducted from Korea and forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese government. Termed comfort women, these girls and young women suffered extreme sexual, physical, and emotional abuse and trauma. Research on this group is not well-developed and people know little of the impact of this early life trauma on the lives of these women who are now in later life. Using snowball sampling, 16 older adult survivors of the comfort women system participated in semistructured qualitative interviews. Thematic analysis was conducted to gain an understanding of the trauma that these women suffered and how it impacted their lives. Results revealed the depths of the abuse these women suffered, including repeated rapes, physical beatings, humiliation, forced surgery and sterilization, and social exclusion. These early traumatic experiences appeared to reverberate throughout their lives in their family relations, their inability to marry and to conceive children, and their emotional and physical well-being throughout the life course and into later life. The experiences of these survivors illustrate the lasting impact of early-life trauma and can guide interventions with current survivors of sexual abuse or trafficking.  相似文献   

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