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日本邮政民营化分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在日本经济进入低增长期,科学技术没有重大突破、无法实质性地推动经济进一步提升的现有条件下,通过挖掘经济潜力促进增长,就成为日本政府长期经济政策的首选施政方向。小泉首相上台后明确提出邮政改革,就是这种施政方向的体现。日本邮政改革的根本目的,在于把原有邮政系统通过实行民营化这种所有权和经营方式的变更,达到挖掘日本经济潜力的根本目的。本文探讨了邮政民营化的背景、相关法案、阻力及不良后果。  相似文献   

During the 1980s and 1990s China has been experimenting with reform of its health insurance system. Based on a study of experimental schemes in several cities in eastern China in the late 1990s, this paper shows that the schemes' main problems are due to the vested interests of enterprises, hospitals, officials, and other beneficiaries of the pre-reform system. Reform policy has been implemented slowly, and local health insurance schemes have (1) suffered from poor participation rates, and (2) had difficulties balancing contributions into local government-run pooled funds with expenditures needed for medical treatment. These problems threaten the viability of the national programme announced in late 1998. The solution lies in improving local government capacity through effective legislation and training, but this will be difficult to achieve.  相似文献   

日本是一个与中国有许多相同历史文化传统的国家,因此,参考日本医疗保险制度实施状况对完善中国的医疗保险制度具有重要的借鉴意义。日本从1961年起实行“全民皆保”的医疗保险,较好地解决了国民的医疗需求问题,其医疗保险管理体制、应对人口老龄化及资金等问题进行的改革对中国医疗保险的改革具有重要的借鉴意义。本文在分析日本医疗保险制度成功经验及特点基础上,提出当前中国医疗卫生体制改革推进之时,借鉴其经验,高度重视建立覆盖全民的基本医疗保险制度,加大政府对医疗服务领域的资金投入,合理分配医疗卫生服务资源,完善中国医疗保险制度等对策。  相似文献   

日本医疗保险体制的现状与改革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
战后日本逐步建立了比较完整和成熟的医疗保险体制,获得了世界卫生组织的认可和好评。但近年来,随着社会经济环境的变化,日本医疗保险体制陷入了刚性疲乏期,其可持续发展以及制度转型成为人们普遍关注的话题。本文通过有关数据和材料,对日本医疗保险体制的现状与改革进行分析,并进一步探讨其发展方向和前景。  相似文献   

After the war and the 1994 genocide, Rwanda drew up a national health policy with a view to realigning its health system. The reform, which was designed to remedy the deficiencies of the previous system, focused on community involvement in managing and financing health services. Achieving this objective was never going to be easy, but thanks to a growing number of initiatives 37.8 per cent of the Rwandan population now have some degree of sickness insurance cover. However, the system in general, and more particularly the mutual associations organized around the community, needs to be strengthened.  相似文献   

基于制度稳定性的日本医疗保险制度改革分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在人口老龄化进程加剧和经济增长持续低迷的背景下,日本医疗保险制度在以往改革的基础上,从2005年开始又进行了进一步改革。本次改革主要是围绕从重视预防保健开始重构值得信赖的医疗保障体系、综合推进医疗费标准化进程以及构建高龄者医疗保险制度等问题进行的。本文对日本医疗保险制度改革进行了详细研究,分析了其改革的背景、思路和基本框架,并从中获得了一些对中国医疗保险制度改革有借鉴意义的经验启示。  相似文献   

北京护理保险试点的起航,商业保险公司护理保险产品的出现,有力地说明了在我国老龄化社会迅速加剧的严峻形势下,建立适合我国国情的护理保险制度已成为养老保障制度发展的必然趋势.那么,如何设计科学合理的护理保险制度来满足多样化的老年护理保险服务需求,是摆在政府部门和学界面前的一个重大的民生课题.鉴于此,本文以比较成功的日本老年护理保险制度模式为切入点,运用文献研究、比较研究相结合的研究方法,通过对该制度模式的理论探讨和多视角的成效分析,希望能为我国解决老年护理缺失问题提供有益的制度模式借鉴.  相似文献   

当前,以科学发展观为指导,建立社会主义和谐社会已经成为中国改革和发展的主要目标,农村养老保险制度的改革也已经逐渐展开,北京市农村社会养老保险制度改革正在向纵深发展。本研究是在对农村社会养老保险制度改革进行理论分析的基础上,通过对全国有关省市农村社会养老保险的具体方法进行剖析,揭示了当前农村社会养老保险的概况、特点,并对北京市的农村社会养老保险情况进行了具体分析,在此基础上,提出了改革北京市农村社会养老保险制度的对策。  相似文献   

日本高龄者医疗保险制度:现状、困境、对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本高龄者医疗保险制度长期以在职劳动者缴费和财政的转移支付为主要资金来源,随着人口老龄化和少子化形势的日益严峻,现行的高龄者医疗保险制度将使社会负担不断加重,因此日本开始对高龄者医疗保险制度进行改革。  相似文献   

日本农村社会保障制度在保持日本经济增长中发挥了重要作用.日本农村社会保障制度的成功经验,在于符合本国国情,以完善的法制建设作为强大后盾.在我国农村建立养老保险制度是一项重要而又艰巨的任务.它的建立对于调动农民的劳动积极性,缩小城乡差别,巩固和发展农村经济等方面都有着深远意义和现实作用.而日本的农村养老保险制度,在这方面为我国建立适合中国经济发展水平的农村社会保障制度提供了有益的启示.  相似文献   

李昕 《阅江学刊》2009,(1):68-72
日本大学的学分制源于美国,但并没有采用美国的完全学分制模式,而是引入了与学分制息息相关的平均绩点制、学分互换及插班入学、学分上限制度等,而且,这些改革措施目前仍然处于探索之中。由于管理体制、文化结构及现实问题等原因,日本大学没有选择关国的完全学分制模式,但它却选择了一个最适合自身的“日本模式”。  相似文献   

日本养老保险制度变迁的经济福利效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
边恕 《日本研究》2007,(2):43-47
日本现行的养老保险制度已不适应宏观环境,特别是人口状况变化的要求,因此,日本面临着改革养老保险制度的难题。戴蒙德模型和6时期6世代交叠世代模型从理论上证明了现收现付制的缺陷以及由现收现付制转为基金制能够带来的福利的增加。从长期来看,在现行养老保险制度中减少现收现付部分的比例,提高具有积累部分的比重将是日本政府的必然选择。  相似文献   

日本记者俱乐部作为日本各大媒体获取消息的常规正式渠道,相当多的研究认为它是日本保守政治势力控制舆论的制度工具.但尽管国际国内批判不断,任何关于记者俱乐部的改革举措都未能取得实质性进展.针对这一矛盾,本文提出记者俱乐部制度并不止反映政治单方面对舆论的控制,而是反映了保守政治势力与主流媒体之间的契约同盟关系.这种关系使得主流媒体很难自发产生反对约束、要求增强新闻报道独立性的要求.而来自制度外部的改革动力或压力,都因为力量弱小或影响范围有限而难以取得实质性进展.  相似文献   

日本农村养老保险制度探析及其启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
日本农村养老保险制度是从20世纪50年代中期开始建立,到60年代得到迅速普及,广大农民被纳入到了社会养老保险体系之中,进入了“国民皆保险”的时代。经过近半个世纪的发展,农村养老保险制度随着整个社会保障体系的发展得到了进一步的充实和扩展,并形成了独具特色的多层次、多类型的保险制度。随着工业化、城市化的迅速推进,农村劳动力人口向城市流动过程中,加速了农村老龄化速度,农村养老保险负担日益沉重。这种制度受到了现实的挑战,甚至面临着比城市更加严峻的问题。在我国,建立农村社会保障体系是农村社会进步的需要,也是国民经济持续发展的需要。日本在农村养老保障方面的很多经验值得我们学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

Immigrants' access to federally-funded Medicaid became limited after welfare reform imposed restrictive noncitizen eligibility rules. This study used a representative sample from the Current Population Survey (N?=?105,873) and state-level data to examine the effects of these policy changes on elderly immigrants. Triple difference-in-differences analyses show that federal restriction of eligibility had a significantly negative association with elderly immigrants' Medicaid coverage, and generous state eligibility had significantly positive relationships with Medicaid and any health insurance coverage. Findings indicate the important role of eligibility on elderly immigrants' health insurance coverage. Results call for social workers' actions to expand elderly immigrants' Medicaid eligibility.  相似文献   

日本劳务派遣制度改革及其问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以1999年<劳务派遣法>修订为分界点,日本劳务派遣制度发生了本质性的改变.从1985年该法的制定到1999年对该法修订之前,日本政府通过对西方模式的劳务派遣制度的"扬弃",使日本型劳务派遣制度补充了日本终身雇佣制度的不足,帮助企业解决了对专业人员临时需求的问题.改革后的劳务派遣制度由于与"日本型经济体制"缺乏必要的"契合",在本次经济危机中所暴露的制度性问题为日本劳务派遣制度的改革方向敲响了警钟.  相似文献   

This study carries out in‐depth political feasibility analysis of the prospective health financing reform currently taking place in Taiwan. The National Health Insurance (NHI) Program, which was established in Taiwan in 1995, covers virtually all of the island's citizens. Between the years 2001 and 2004, the Taiwanese Government organized a taskforce to carry out the wholesale reform of the NHI program into the so‐called ‘Second Generation NHI Program’. This study is part of the comprehensive review, focusing on the preferences and positions of key policy stakeholders with regard to the financial reform proposals, as well as their network relationships. The approach of stakeholder analysis was employed to conduct this empirical study. The results reveal that the new financing scheme has a certain degree of support from the policy stakeholders participating in this study, and that in particular, the measures concerning equity and sustainability were most welcome. However, controversy remains with regard to the issue of the equitable sharing of contributions. It is clear that there is much strong support for the new scheme amongst the administrative and legislative elite, although the same level of support is not evident amongst the social elite affiliated with employees' associations and welfare groups.  相似文献   


Education and income have been considered two primary determinants to affect individuals’ health outcomes. China initiated a comprehensive health reform in 2009, with the goals to provide equal access yet sufficient healthcare to all residents. However, social disparities continue to persist following this large reform. This research hypothesized that older adults’ years of education and income are determinants of participation in each social insurance scheme following the 2009 health reform. Multilevel logistic regression models were used with a nationally representative sample (n?=?5,274) to investigate the education and income disparities in each social insurance scheme for older adults, with random effects among provinces at the national level. The analyses show that years of education was not associated with enrollment in three social insurances, with the exception of the association between 11?years of formal education or above and the rural coverage. Participants with higher levels of household income had greater odds of having urban social insurances, but had lower odds of having the rural scheme. Further research should continue to investigate the disparities of enrollment of each social insurance. Chinese policy makers should consider these social factors carefully to reach a true universal coverage.  相似文献   

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