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The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) played an important role in expanding the mandate and influence of American psychology. This article examines the nature of that role through a consideration of the early career of SPSSI's first president, Goodwin Watson. During the Depression, Watson encouraged psychologists to abandon value neutrality and political disinterestedness in favor of politically committed activist science. Government service and political persecution during World War II prompted Watson to conclude that his Depression-era views had neglected the problematic interface between psychological expertise and policy formation. Responding to these concerns, Watson adopted a professional model that emphasized psychology's neutrality and objectivity. The article also considers the implications of his experience for contemporary debates on psychology's professional orientation.  相似文献   

民国首任北平市长何其巩   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何其巩是民国时期一位具有爱国和民主思想的国民党官员。早年为冯玉祥将军秘书。 192 8年北京设立特别市 ,为首任北平市长。 1936年转入教育界 ,为中国大学校长。抗日战争时期 ,坚持在沦陷区办学 ,始终抵住了日伪势力 ,使中国大学发展成为沦陷区一块抗日教育基地及文化界的抗日阵地。 194 9年他拒绝南迁 ,迎接和平解放  相似文献   

Hitler behaved within the parameters of an artist and a narcissist as mediated by charisma and charismatic leadership. An ex post facto assessment of Hitler's personality type using the principles of Jungian typology reveals that even his most preferred psychological functions were not securely developed and this led him to overlook reality and become insensitive to the suffering of the people during World War II. As a result of his traumas, Hitler experienced “chronic narcissistic rage.” It resulted in destructive thinking and behavior. Hitler was able to relate his rage to that of the people and promise salvation through “national reawakening” and the creation of a new order. When he was no longer able to provide successes, Hitler began losing his charisma and the people ceased to believe in his heroism and providential role. His strong sense of mission and strength of will sustained him to the bitter end. Hitler transformed Germany and much of Europe and beyond.  相似文献   

Exciting findings in recent research in neurobiology do not regularly appear in the social and psychological sciences literature. Yet, there is neurobiological evidence that variously supports, qualifies, and elaborates on the understanding of dynamic treatment. Early in his career, Freud lamented that the science necessary to support and advance his theorizing in the psychological realm would only become available to future generations. A case in point is that recent findings reveal that neurobiological transformations in the brain can result from specific and focused relationship interactions. Addressed here are some biological phenomena which seem to lend support for the following analytic hypotheses: structural theory (id, ego, super‐ego), defense mechanisms, object relations, free association, transference, countertransference, the therapeutic alliance, and working through.  相似文献   

Caleb Perry Patterson was a leader in the discipline of political science during a long career. He is remembered as the founder of the national political science honor society, Pi Sigma Alpha, and as a charter founder of the Southwestern Political Science Association (now the Southwestern Social Science Association). Both were founded a century ago, in 1920. While his role in founding those organizations is one of his legacies, his career was much more than that. He was a notable educator, an activist in the politics of his time, and a prolific scholar. He used an oratorical presentation style to inspire generations of students, and through promotion of constitutional values, he encouraged independence of thought. One prominent Texas political observer summed up his impact as encouraging students of all political stripes to “love the thing that is America” and to provide critical thinking during the McCarthy Era. With Patterson as his reference, he concluded that “the only thing that can save us is the professors, really.”  相似文献   

Editors' introduction: Thomas F. Pettigrew was born and raised in tightlysegregated Richmond, Virginia in 1931. But his Scottish-immigrant family did not subscribe to the South's racist norms, and he identified with and had early positive contact with African Americans. As an undergraduate at the University of Virginia, he discovered that there was a discipline that studied and resisted racism. These formative experiences forged his career path in social psychology to study intergroup relations. As a student of Allport's, Pettigrew is widely recognized as having expanded personality-oriented perspectives on prejudice to include a more social, contextualized orientation ( Kimmel, 1986 ). In that same vein, he focuses his commentary on incorporating multiple levels of analysis as we integrate theory, research and practice on intergroup relations. He emphasizes the importance of macro-level—institutional and societal—contextualization of social psychological work. Pettigrew thoughtfully considers each article in the issue and contends that multiple level analyses, and incorporating the macro-level, are critical for theoretical and empirical progress as well as maximizing effectiveness of interventions .  相似文献   

肖建杰 《唐都学刊》2004,20(3):71-74
对共产党的认识和接触,是张学良政治生涯中十分重要的组成部分,尤其是他政治生涯的顶峰———西安事变更是与共产党密不可分。从张学良对共产党认识历程的疏理和分析中,可以看出他只为国家、非为政党和主义而献身的党派观,从中可见其政治思想的内在矛盾性以及由旧军阀成长为一个伟大爱国者的心路历程。  相似文献   

冯望岳 《唐都学刊》2012,28(3):30-35
陈忠实创作道路具有重大的文化创造意涵。其一是早期农村生活奠定了作家民间化平民文化情感立场和文化价值观念,打造了鲜明独特的民族化、乡土化、地域性本土文学底色;其二是对文学与人民、文学与生活、文学与政治关系的明确认知,使作家始终保持与人民母亲的血肉联系;其三是从为谋生而文学走向为实现生命价值和民族复兴而文学,成为夸父追日、精卫填海般勇毅执着文学事业的励志书;其四是不断进行精神的与艺术的"剥离",不断地拓新自我社会文化圈,不断择优、趋优,定义自我和超越自我,登攀文学艺术高峰。  相似文献   

职业幸福感的属性、价值与提升   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业幸福感是职场人士对其所从事的职业及其工作状态在满意程度上的主观感受.职业生活不仅包括谋生手段的物质回报,亦包括职业幸福的精神享受,它具有物质和精神的两重属性.职业幸福感有助于增强团队的凝聚力和职场人个体的身心健康,是建功立业的动力源.提升职业幸福感,就组织而言,要对员工业绩进行客观公允评价,使之获得心理平衡,加强爱岗敬业的职业现教育,倡导为社会奉献的职业精神.就职场人个体而言,应进行科学合理的自我评价和定位,不断提升自我境界,塑造并完善自身人格.  相似文献   

李鹏 《学术交流》2003,(11):160-163
郁达夫是中国现代文学上典型的情绪化作家,他的艺术创作以伤感忧郁的浪漫风格为人所瞩目。童年经验对一个人有着很大的影响,对于郁达夫来说,童年经验尤其是对于爱的缺失和贫穷两方面的童年创伤经验,影响了他人格气质的形成,并成为他艺术创作的重要动因,同时也是其艺术创作魅力的底蕴所在。  相似文献   

文章根据刘将孙的文集《养吾斋集》,对刘将孙的生平仕履进行了考辨,揭示了其中年出仕、晚年蹭蹬的仕宦经历;对刘将孙的文学思想及诗文创作成就进行了总体的研究,认为刘将孙论诗主"性情"与"辞达",有纠正江西流弊的意义;其散文风格畅达奇崛,诗歌风格多样,作品开"铁崖体"风气之先。  相似文献   

卢卡奇生前多次迫于各种压力对其哲学理论进行检讨。这些检讨完全是为了与政治环境达成妥协而采取的策略,还是也有其自身理论上的原因?文章通过对卢卡奇学术生涯的总体考察,细致地分析了其一以贯之的对文化家园的执著追求以及这种追求在不同时期的演变。  相似文献   

吴伟斌先生《关于元稹知制诰以及翰林承旨学士任内的几个问题》一文,讨论了元稹在元和、长庆之际仕途升迁的几个问题,如元稹自虢州回长安的时间、元稹解翰林学士任的时间等,但令人遗憾的是,他的考订存在较多、较严重的失误。清理这些失误,对元稹研究将具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

By reviewing the careers of three prominent social psychologists, Floyd Henry Allport, Daniel Katz, and Rensis Likert, this article describes the theoretical and practical psychological expertise that American psychologists developed before, during, and after World War II and describes how this expertise resulted in significant gains for the field of social psychology. Prior to World War II, Allport, Katz, and Likert made pioneering contributions to understanding issues relevant to society, to the science of social psychology, and to methods of attitude measurement and poll design. In response to World War II, each of the three pursued research topics more immediately connected to the war effort. Similar to other prominent social psychologists, Allport, Katz, and Likert were able to parlay their prewar reputations into significant, high-level roles in the service of the World War II effort. In turn, these successes helped to lay the foundation for a postwar boom in social psychology that had implications for training in and research on social psychology. Nonetheless, social psychology's and society's utilization of the knowledge gained during World War II appears to have been less than optimal.  相似文献   

Frederick Porter Wensley was one of Scotland Yard's ‘Big Four’ detectives, head of the Metropolitan Police Criminal Investigation Department and responsible for establishing the Flying Squad. On his retirement in 1929, he used the two bound scrapbooks of press clippings and photographs he had collated to document his personal life and career to inform his 1931 autobiography Detective Days and serialized press articles. Through examining the interaction of material between scrapbooks and autobiographical writings, this article explores how Wensley constructed his post-retirement persona as ‘celebrity detective’ from a canny understanding of what had made him a commercial subject for the press. It argues that Wensley recast his life to promote his own successes at the expense of a narrative of police unity, providing a vehicle for him to suggest further changes to the structure of the police force without official sanction. By juxtaposing this against tightening legislation on police communication with journalists during the inter-war period under the Official Secrets Acts, this article demonstrates how the ‘celebrity’ that Wensley sought to occupy was increasingly regarded as irreconcilable with police ability to effect ‘impartial’ regulation, anticipating the concerns raised by the 2012 Leveson Inquiry into the Culture, Practice and Ethics of the Press. The article thus charts a turning point in defining the relationship between police and press.  相似文献   

In honor of the 60th anniversary of SPSSI's founding, this issue examines the ascendence of psychological expertise in American society. After World War II, psychology grew as the public accepted the illuminating power and social benefits of psychologists' expert knowledge. In that period, four problems confronted psychological experts as their numbers and influence grew. First, they needed ideas and methods that were new and superior to common sense. Second, experts needed to appear both relevant and objective. Third, psychologists needed to forge alliances with those who held social power in the settings in which they wished to operate. Finally, experts needed to balance the roles of social critic and social engineer.  相似文献   

国家问题是费希特的实践哲学自始至终关注的核心课题,也是在他的哲学生涯中立场变化较大的一个问题。梳理费希特的国家观,可以三种国家形态简要地概括他在不同时期关于国家的不同看法和主张;费希特在《国家学说》(1813年)中建立理性王国的构想;费希特国家理论的最高目的是国家的自我扬弃。  相似文献   

生活于明朝中叶的朱睦木挈,家富万卷藏书,故治经之余,撰有《经序录》(五卷)一书。张隽活动于明末清初,作为遗民亦以治经传经为己任,所辑录的《古今经传序略》是当时图集文献的集大成者。《古今经传序略》其下对《经义考》的编撰具有开创之功,其上即与《经序录》有无渊源,二书有何异同,成为人们关注的焦点。  相似文献   

朱德军  吴亮 《唐都学刊》2012,28(5):63-68
吴佩孚作为北洋军阀的直系首领,在激烈动荡的年代,曾纵横捭阖,翻云覆雨;或排斥异己,挑起战端,给中华民族带来巨大的灾难。长期以来,被视作"反动军阀"与"人民公敌",然而,这并非其人生的全部。"五四"时期以"爱国将军"声名鹊起;北伐之后,落魄下野,即使处境艰难,仍以家国为念,面对日伪的威逼利诱,依然洁身自好,自全名节,浓厚的民族意识渗透其一生的方方面面,晚年演绎了一段失败英雄的悲壮传奇。  相似文献   

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